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Assessment Rubric for Presentations

Team: Assessor: Date:

Category/ Score
Exemplary (5) Competent (3) Needs Work (1)
• The presentation has a concise and clearly
• The presentation has a focus; but it is not
stated focus that is relevant to the audience.
concise or not clearly stated. • The presentation lacks a focus.
• The presentation is well-structured with a
• The presentation is somewhat structured. • The presentation is ill-structured.
clear storyline.
Structure • Ideas are arranged logically; they strongly
• Ideas are arranged logically; but the • Ideas are presented without obvious order
connection with the presentation focus is or logical connection.
support the presentation focus.
not very strong. • Transitions between sections are jumpy.
• Sections are well- connected with smooth
• Sections are connected.
• Materials are coherently organized,
demonstrating the presenter’s mastery of • Content shows subject knowledge and • The content is fragmented; it fails to
the subject knowledge. depth; but sections may not show a strong demonstrate the presenter’s subject
• All materials presented are relevant and lead coherence with the whole. knowledge.
Content naturally to the • The materials adequately support the • The materials presented are not clearly
conclusion/recommendation. conclusion/recommendation. linked to the conclusion/recommendation.
• Ideas are supported by evidence, with • Ideas are sometimes supported by • Ideas are stated without support or
appropriate use of facts, examples, statistics information research. references.
and references.
• The presenter’s pronunciation is average.
• The presenter is fluent and articulate; the • The presenter does not speak clearly, speaks
Some tone and pace variations are used to
use and variation of tone and pace is too fast or too slowly, rarely uses tone or
facilitate the delivery.
effective. pace variation to help the delivery.
• The presenter’s vocabulary and grammar
• The presenter demonstrates good grammar • The presenter uses very limited vocabulary
Communication and choice of words.
accuracy are average.
and poor grammar.
• The presenter maintains eye contact some
• The presenter maintains proper eye contact • The presenter does not look at the audience.
of the time. Posture and gestures display a
with audience; posture and gestures show a The body language shows a lack of
moderate level of confidence and
good level of confidence and enthusiasm. confidence and enthusiasm.
• Visual aid is clear, relevant and well-
Use of media • Most visuals are clear and/or relevant. • Visuals are irrelevant, difficult to
• Traditional use of media, but effective and understand, or poorly designed.
(if any) • Creative effort is evident in making the
professional. • Ineffective use of media.
presentation more captivating.
• The presentation lasts 20 +/- 1 minutes. • The presentation lasts 20 +/- 2 minutes. • The presentation lasts 20 +/- 4 minutes.
Strengths of the presentation: Areas for improvement:

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