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USN : 1IE17AT006
Interview a family member about-

1. Can they describe their favourite public place? Make a

summary of their answers along with the following data-
1. Do they like public places?
2. Why? or Why not?
3. What do they need to make their experience of public places more
2. Who did you interview? What is their age and gender?

1. Yes he does like open spaces but ,In the current situation
due to outbreak of virus, he prefer’s to be indoorand in
usual times he likes to be in public spaces as he can
hangout with his friends. He prefers spaces to be open
with trees which shade them, and a good seating
arrangement. He is also a guitarist and likes to play it in
outdoors. he likes to go to lakes and and spend times
2. I interviewed my brother PRADEEP, he is 16 years old.
Select one of your own favorite public places from your camera
photos. Study them and describe them in your own words. Reflect
on whether it is a familiar place?, what is your emotional response
to this place? what are the spatial boundaries of this place? How did
you reach there? what would you change about this place if you

Yelahanka lake is my favorite public spaces .. Yelahanka lake is

a well planned lake with walking track around it , it has
various seating spaces , outdoor gym and boating aswell. It
overs a 5 meter track loop around the water body. There are
2 small island between the water body , which is home for
birds. About maintenance of the lake , it's not maintained
properly and the fencing around the lake is alo damaged,
where people can enter into the lake area other than the
main entrance, which makes it unsafe. There is small slum on
one boundary side of the lake where there haven't left the
minimum setback and encroached the lake area .The reach to
the place is through kogilu cross, it's about 300meters away
from kogilu cross(main road), the lake has parking facility and
it's physical handicapped friendly

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