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Fabio Vignoletti Surgical protocols for ridge

Paula Matesanz
Daniel Rodrigo
preservation after tooth extraction.
Elena Figuero A systematic review
Conchita Martin
Mariano Sanz

Authors’ affiliations: Key words: bone grafts, bone regeneration, bone substitutes, dental implants, ridge preserva-
Fabio Vignoletti, Paula Matesanz, Daniel Rodrigo, tion, systematic review, tooth extraction
Elena Figuero, Conchita Martin, Mariano Sanz,
ETEP Research Group, University Complutense,
Madrid, Spain Abstract

Corresponding author:
Objective: This systematic review aims to evaluate the scientific evidence on the efficacy in the
Prof. Mariano Sanz surgical protocols designed for preserving the alveolar ridge after tooth extraction and to evaluate
Facultad de Odontologı́a how these techniques affect the placement of dental implants and the final implant supported
Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Plaza Ramón y Cajal, 28040 Madrid, Spain restoration.
Tel.: +34 913 941 901 Material and methods: A thorough search in MEDLINE-PubMed, Embase and the Cochrane Central
Fax: +34 913 941 910 Register of controlled trials (CENTRAL) was conducted up to February 2011. Randomized clinical
trials and prospective cohort studies with a follow-up of at least 3 months reporting changes on
both the hard and soft tissues (height and/or width) of the alveolar process (mm or %) after tooth
extraction were considered for inclusion.
Results: The screening of titles and abstracts resulted in 14 publications meeting the eligibility
criteria. Data from nine of these 14 studies could be grouped in the meta-analyses. Results from
the meta-analyses showed a statistically significant greater ridge reduction in bone height for
control groups as compared to test groups (weighted mean differences, WMD = !1.47 mm; 95% CI
[!1.982, !0.953]; P < 0.001; heterogeneity: I2 = 13.1%; v2 P-value = 0.314) and a significant greater
reduction in bone width for control groups compared to the test groups (WMD = !1.830 mm; 95%
CI [!2.947, !0.732]; P = 0.001; heterogeneity: I2 = 0%; v2 P-value = 0.837). Subgroup analysis was
based on the surgical protocol used for the socket preservation (flapless/flapped, barrier
membrane/no membrane, primary intention healing/no primary healing) and on the measurement
method utilized to evaluate morphological changes. Meta-regression analyses demonstrated a
statistically significant difference favoring the flapped subgroup in terms of bone width (meta-
regression; slope = 2.26; 95% IC [1.01; 3.51]; P = 0.003).
Conclusions: The potential benefit of socket preservation therapies was demonstrated resulting in
significantly less vertical and horizontal contraction of the alveolar bone crest. The scientific
evidence does not provide clear guidelines in regards to the type of biomaterial, or surgical
procedure, although a significant positive effect of the flapped surgery was observed. There are no
data available to draw conclusions on the consequences of such benefits on the long-term
outcomes of implant therapy.

The alveolar processes in the jaws are tooth- the key processes of tissue modelling and
dependent structures that will undergo signif- remodelling after tooth extraction that even-
icant structural changes whenever the teeth tually lead to a reduction on the overall ridge
are lost. The dynamics and magnitude of dimensions with significant changes in both
these changes have been investigated in the the buccal and lingual bone crests.
Date: dog model (Kuboki et al. 1988; Devlin et al. The amount of vertical and horizontal
Accepted 26 August 2011
1997; Cardaropoli et al. 2003; Araujo & Lind- resorption of the socket walls has been inves-
To cite this article: he 2005; van Kesteren et al. 2010) as well as tigated with different methods, ranging from
Vignoletti F, Matesanz P, Rodrigo D, Figuero E, Martin C,
Sanz M. Surgical protocols for ridge preservation after tooth in humans (Amler et al. 1960; Evian et al. studying and measuring cast models (Pietro-
extraction. A systematic review.
1982; Devlin & Sloan 2002; Trombelli et al. kovski & Massler 1967; Johnson 1969;
Clin. Oral Impl. Res. 23(Suppl. 5), 2012, 22–38
doi: 10.1111/j.1600-0501.2011.02331.x 2008). These investigations have identified Schropp et al. 2003), to radiographic analysis

© 2011 John Wiley & Sons A/S 22

Vignoletti et al " Ridge preservation after tooth extraction

(Schropp et al. 2003), clinical assessment sue regeneration procedures, xenografts and before the start of the review, including the
with individually pre-fabricated acrylic stents most recently, growth factors, has also been following definitions (Needleman 2002):
during re-entry surgeries (Lekovic et al. 1998; evaluated with varying degrees of success to
Camargo et al. 2000) and histological studies maintain the anatomical dimensions of the
• Focused question.

in experimental animal models (Cardaropoli alveolar ridge after tooth extraction. A recent
• Study population.

et al. 2003; Araujo & Lindhe 2005). These systematic review (Ten Heggeler et al. 2010)
• Types of intervention.

studies have evidenced that most of the evaluated the efficacy of these therapies in
• Types of comparisons.

resorption occurs during the first 3 months non-molar alveolar regions suggesting that
• Search strategy.

of healing, although dimensional changes can these techniques may not prevent the physio-
• Eligibility criteria for study inclusion.

be observed up to 1 year after tooth extrac- logical resorptive bone processes after tooth
• Outcome measures.

tion, resulting in approximately 50% reduc- extraction, although they may aid in reducing
• Screening methods and data extraction.

tion of the bucco-lingual dimension of the the resulting bone dimensional changes. This
• Quality assessment and data synthesis.

alveolar ridge (Schropp et al. 2003), mainly investigation, however, could not draw firm
• Assessment of heterogeneity and drawing
of conclusions.
due to the resorption of the buccal bone plate conclusions due to the limitations in the
(Araujo & Lindhe 2005). existing clinical research.
The clinical consequences of these physio- In terms of histological outcomes in Focused question
logical hard and soft tissue changes may humans (Becker et al. 1999), used different “Which are the effects of the different socket
affect the outcome of the ensuing therapies biomaterials, such as demineralized freeze- preservation approaches used immediately
aimed to restore the lost dentition, either by dried bone, autologous bone, human morpho- after tooth extraction, compared to the spon-
limiting the bone availability for ideal genetic proteins in a carrier to graft human taneous healing of the socket, in terms of the
implant placement or by compromising the extraction sockets, reporting that the graft alveolar ridge hard and soft tissue dimen-
aesthetic result of the prosthetic restorations. materials were, 3–7 months later, mainly sional changes and in terms of providing suf-
To counteract these early tissue changes after surrounded by connective tissue. In contrast ficient bone availability for implant
tooth extraction, different socket preservation (Artzi et al. 2000), using the same xenogeneic placement and/or a restorative final success-
therapies have been proposed, ranging from a graft material found the graft particles in ful outcome?”
careful flapless tooth extraction aiming for an direct contact with bone, although in a simi-
undisturbed socket healing (Fickl et al. lar study, using the same grafting material Population of study, type of intervention and type of
2008a, 2008b), to the immediate placement (Carmagnola et al. 2003) found the graft par-
The population of interest for this review
of dental implants (Paolantonio et al. 2001), ticles remained within the socket more than
was represented by humans with at least one
to filling the resulting alveolar socket with 6 months after the extraction and only 40%
tooth to be extracted, older than 18 years and
different grafting materials, with and without of the particles were in direct contact with
in good general health. A minimum sample
barrier membranes (Fickl et al. 2008a, 2008b). bone. It is, therefore, uncertain whether these
size (10 subjects per group) was established
The possible beneficial effect of a flapless socket preservation therapies improve the
in an attempt to minimize the publication
surgery during tooth extraction for limiting outcomes of the different rehabilitation
bias. The definition used for extraction
the resorptive process of the alveolar crest approaches after tooth loss.
socket preservation therapy was: “Any thera-
has been investigated in pre-clinical models The objective of the present study was to
peutic approach carried out immediately after
by comparing the outcomes with a flapped systematically review all the scientific evi-
tooth extraction aimed to preserve the alveo-
conventional surgery. Although some studies dence regarding these therapeutic interven-
lar socket architecture and to provide the
have shown slightly less pronounced bone tions for socket preservation after tooth
maximum bone availability for implant
remodelling of the alveolar ridge after flapless extraction and to assess systematically
tooth extraction (Fickl et al. 2008a, 2008b), the potential benefit of such techniques/
The specific therapeutic interventions eval-
other studies have failed to encounter signifi- materials when compared with what occurs
uated in this study were:
cant differences between flapped and flapless when the socket is left to heal spontane-
tooth extractions (Araujo & Lindhe 2009). ously. • filling the socket with autologous bone
Similarly, the possible beneficial effect of The specific objectives were: (1) to describe grafts or bone substitutes (allogenic, xeno-
using grafting procedures or guided bone the surgical techniques and biomaterials genic and synthetic grafts);
regeneration (GBR) to preserve the ridge after most commonly used to preserve the socket • isolating the socket with the use of bar-
tooth extraction has been tested in both ani- architecture after tooth extraction; (2) to eval- rier membranes, soft tissue autografts or
mal and human studies. Using the dog experi- uate their expected outcome on the alveolar soft tissue substitutes (allogenic and oth-
mental model (Araujo & Lindhe 2009; Araujo ridge dimension and (3) to assess their impact ers) and,
et al. 2008) filled the socket immediately after on the bone availability for ideal implant • promoting the healing process of the
tooth extraction with bovine-derived hydroxy- placement or on the resulting prosthetic res- socket by the addition of growth factors
apatite or with an autogenous bone graft (Ara- toration. or bone morphogenetic proteins.
ujo & Lindhe 2011). While the placement of
These interventions were compared to the
the xenograft counteracted the ridge contrac-
spontaneous healing of the socket.
tion in the buco-lingual dimension, grafting Material and methods
with autogenous bone did not significantly
alter the ridge resorptive process. In humans, Development of a protocol Search strategy
the application of regenerative bio-materials, A protocol covering all aspects of the system- Three electronic databases were used as
such as bone autografts, allografts, guided tis- atic review methodology was developed sources in the search for studies satisfying the

© 2011 John Wiley & Sons A/S 23 | Clin. Oral Impl. Res. 23(Suppl. 5), 2012/22–38
Vignoletti et al " Ridge preservation after tooth extraction

inclusion criteria: (1) The National Library of least 3 months after tooth extraction were calculated by determining the percentage of
Medicine (MEDLINE via Pubmed); (2) Embase considered for inclusion in this review. agreement and the correlation coefficients
and (3) Cochrane Central Register of Con- with Kappa analysis. Authors of studies were
trolled Trials. These databases were searched Outcome measures contacted for clarification when data were
for studies published until February 2011. The primary outcome variable chosen was the incomplete or missing. Data were excluded
The search was limited to human subjects. bone dimensional changes occurring in the until further clarification could be available
The following search terms were used: socket wall after the tooth extraction and if agreement could not be reached. When the
Population the socket preservation therapy, measured as results of a study were published more than
(<[text words] Tooth> OR <[MeSH terms/ the changes in the height and width of the once or if the results were presented in a
all subheadings] “Tooth”>) AND alveolar process (mm or %). number of publications, the most complete
([text words] Extraction) As secondary outcome variables, we con- dataset was included only once.
OR sidered the soft tissue dimensional changes
(<[Text words] Tooth extraction OR Extrac- (in mm or %), the presence and amount of Quality assessment
tion socket* OR Alveolar socket* OR dental keratinized tissue at time of implant place- The quality assessment of the included stud-
extraction* OR tooth removal OR socket* ment (yes/no or mm), the changes in clinical ies was undertaken independently and in
OR ridge-socket* OR post-extraction socket* attachment levels (CAL) evaluated at the duplicate by one reviewer (PM) who was blind
OR fresh extraction socket* OR alveolar mesial and distal adjacent teeth, the avail- to the name of the authors, institutions and
crest> OR <[MeSH terms/all subheadings] ability of bone for implant placement (yes or journal titles. This assessment was based on
“Tooth Extraction*” OR “Tooth socket*”>) no), the need for soft and/or hard tissue aug- the study design utilized according to the fol-
mentation techniques at the time of implant lowing criteria for Randomized controlled tri-
Intervention placement (number and type), the outcome of als: Quality assessment was carried out
[text words] Socket*preservation OR Ridge the final implant supported restoration evalu- following the recommendations by Cochrane
preservation OR bone preservation OR socket* ated in terms of the prosthetic and/or aes- for assessing risk of bias (Higgins et al. 2009)
seal OR Site* preservation OR Bone filler* OR thetic result and assessed by the dentist or and also based on criteria proposed by Ten
Autologous bone graft* OR autologous bone the patient using different parameters or Heggeler et al. (2010), which are based on the
OR autogenous bone graft* OR Autogenous indexes (Jemt index, VAS scale, etc.), and the RCT-checklist of the Dutch Cochrane Center
bone OR bone substitute* OR growth factor* peri-implant health status evaluated radio- (2009), the CONSORT-statements (Schulz
OR rhBMP OR bone morphogenetic protein* graphically or clinically by means of probing et al. 2010), MOOSE-statement (Stroup et al.
OR allogenic graft* or Allograft* OR xenogen- pocket depths, CAL, bleeding on probing and 2000), STROBE statements (von Elm et al.
ic graft* OR OR xenogeneic graft* OR xeno- the plaque index. 2007) and the recommendations by Needle-
graft* OR synthetic graft* OR Barrier man (2002) and Esposito et al. (2001). Studies
membrane* OR membrane* OR resorbable Screening methods and data extraction were defined as low risk of bias if these six
membrane* or non-resorbable membrane OR First, two reviewers (PM and DR) screened criteria were clearly met in the study: random
guided bone regeneration OR GBR OR freeze independently the titles and abstracts and did allocation, definition of inclusion/exclusion
dried bone allograft* OR demineralized freeze the primary search. Subsequently, the studies criteria for selecting the population, measures
dried bone allograft* OR DFDBA OR FDBA appearing to meet the inclusion criteria, or to blind the patient and examiner, selection
OR Bio-Oss OR Bio-Oss Collagen OR Allo- those with insufficient data in the title and of a representative population group, use of
plast* OR tricalciumphosphate OR cerasorb abstract to make a clear decision, were identical treatment between groups except for
OR Bioglass OR polymeric OR collagen sponge selected for evaluation of the full manuscript, the intervention and detailed reporting of the
OR Collagen OR collagen fleece OR collagen which was carried out independently by the follow-up. When missing one of these criteria,
plug* OR Bioguide OR Ossix OR Gore tex OR same two reviewers who determined their the study was classified as moderate potential
ePTFE OR soft tissue* autograft* OR connec- eligibility. Any disagreement was resolved by risk of bias. Missing two or more of these cri-
tive tissue graft* OR punch OR free gingival discussion with a third reviewer (FV). To pre- teria resulted in a high potential risk of bias
graft* OR soft tissue* substitute* OR allogenic vent selection bias, the reviewers were blind (Ten Heggeler et al. 2010).
soft tissue* OR alloderm OR acellular dermal to the name of the authors, institutions and The statistical heterogeneity among studies
matrix OR collagen matrix. journal titles. All studies that met the inclu- was assessed using the Q test according to
There were no language restrictions. All sion criteria underwent a validity assess- Dersimonian and Laird, as well as the I2
reference lists of the selected studies were ment. The reasons for rejecting studies at index (Higgins et al. 2003) to know the per-
checked for cross-references. The following this or at subsequent stages were recorded. centage of variation in the global estimate
journals were hand-searched: Journal of Clin- Special attention was paid to duplicate publi- that was attributable to heterogeneity (I2 =
ical Periodontology, Journal of Periodontol- cations to avoid a likely bigger impact of the 25%: low; I2 = 50%: moderate; I2 = 75%:
ogy, Journal of Periodontal Research; same data on the overall result. high heterogeneity). When the heterogeneity
Clinical Oral Implants Research, Interna- values were high, a subgroup analysis was
tional Journal of Oral & Maxillofacial Data extraction carried out using the following explanatory
Implants and Clinical Implant Dentistry and Two reviewers (PM and DR) independently variables: (1) use of membrane (Yes/No); (2)
Related Research. extracted the data using specially designed surgical technique (flap Yes/No); (3) primary
data extraction forms. Any disagreement was wound closure and (4) measurement tool
Eligibility criteria for study inclusion discussed and a third reviewer (EF or FV) was used to assess the morphological changes.
Randomized clinical trials (RCT) or prospec- consulted when necessary. The inter- This subgroup analysis was performed using
tive cohort studies with a follow-up of at reviewer reliability of the data extraction was meta-regression.

24 | Clin. Oral Impl. Res. 23(Suppl. 5), 2012/22–38 © 2011 John Wiley & Sons A/S
Vignoletti et al " Ridge preservation after tooth extraction

Data analysis veling 2010) (Table 1). Two studies were con- 1997; Lekovic et al. 1998; Bolouri et al. 2001;
To summarize and to compare the selected trolled clinical studies, one with two study Froum et al. 2002; Iasella et al. 2003; Fiorel-
studies, the data on the primary outcome groups and a 6-month follow-up period (Seri- lini et al. 2005; Barone et al. 2008; Aimetti
(mean bone dimensional changes) were pooled no et al. 2003) and the other with three study et al. 2009; Crespi et al. 2009; Casado et al.
and analysed using means and 95% confi- groups and a 3-month follow-up (Serino et al. 2010; Oghli & Steveling 2010) in which
dence intervals. The data on secondary out- 2008). Six studies presented a split-mouth most, studied non-molar sites (Hoad-Reddick
comes were analysed depending on the type of design, whereas eight studies presented a par- et al. 1994; Lekovic et al. 1997; Lekovic et al.
variable. For dichotomous variables (e.g. suc- allel design. 1998; Bolouri et al. 2001; Froum et al. 2002;
cessful implant placement), the estimates of The study population ranged from 10 indi- Iasella et al. 2003; Fiorellini et al. 2005; Ba-
the effect were expressed as risk ratio and viduals to 125. Smoking habit was reported rone et al. 2008; Aimetti et al. 2009; Crespi
95% confidence intervals. For continuous in four studies (Hoad-Reddick et al. 1994; Le- et al. 2009; Casado et al. 2010; Oghli & Ste-
variables (bone level changes, soft tissue kovic et al. 1997; Lekovic et al. 1998; Bolouri veling 2010), although some were very spe-
changes), weighted mean differences (WMD) et al. 2001; Froum et al. 2002; Iasella et al. cific to mandibular (Hoad-Reddick et al.
and 95% confidence intervals were used. 2003; Fiorellini et al. 2005; Barone et al. 1994) or maxillary anterior teeth (Aimetti
The study-specific estimates were pooled 2008; Aimetti et al. 2009; Crespi et al. 2009; et al. 2009), whereas others included any
using both the fixed effect model (Mantel- Casado et al. 2010; Oghli & Steveling 2010) teeth (Bolouri et al. 2001; Crespi et al. 2009).
Haenzel-Peto test) and the random effect ranging from 0% to 12%. The periodontal
model (Dersimonian-Laird test). If a signifi- status of the extracted teeth was defined in Type of intervention and type of biomaterials
cant heterogeneity was found, the random three studies (Serino et al. 2003; Serino et al. Most of the studies (Hoad-Reddick et al.
effect model results were presented. 2008). The localization of extracted teeth in 1994; Lekovic et al. 1997; Lekovic et al.
A Forest Plot was created to illustrate the the mouth was reported in nine studies 1998; Bolouri et al. 2001; Froum et al. 2002;
effects on the meta-analysis of the different (Hoad-Reddick et al. 1994; Lekovic et al. Iasella et al. 2003; Fiorellini et al. 2005; Ba-
studies and the global estimation. The publi-
cation bias was evaluated using a Funnel
plot and the Egger’s linear regression
method. A sensitivity analysis of the meta- Identification
analysis results was also performed (Tobias
1999). STATA® (StataCorp LP, Lakeway
Drive, College Station, TX, USA) inter- Records identified through Additional records identified
cooled software was used to perform all database searching through other sources
analyses. Statistical significance was defined (n = 296) (n = 0)
as a P-value <0.05.

Results Records after duplicates removed

Screening (n = 296)
The search strategy resulted in 296 articles.
After an initial phase of screening (agreement
between reviewers of 89.53%; kappa = 0.46), Records screened Records excluded
17 potentially relevant articles were identi-
(n = 296) (n = 279)
fied. After reading the complete manuscripts,
three studies were excluded due to inade-
quate study design (Block & Jackson 2006); Full-text articles Full-text articles
inadequate control group (Yilmaz et al. 1998) assessed for eligibility excluded, with reasons
and due to only reporting secondary out-
(n = 17) (n = 3)
comes (Norton et al. 2003). Hand-search or
cross-reference did not result in any addi- Did not fulfill the
tional article. Therefore, 14 studies were Studies included in inclusion criteria
finally included (Fig. 1).
Inclusion qualitative synthesis

(n = 14)
Study design and study population
Twelve studies were RCTs with two to five
study groups and with a follow-up period Studies included in
between 3 and 7 months (Hoad-Reddick et al. quantitative synthesis
1994; Lekovic et al. 1997; Lekovic et al. (meta-analysis)
1998; Bolouri et al. 2001; Froum et al. 2002;
(n = 9)
Iasella et al. 2003; Fiorellini et al. 2005; Ba-
rone et al. 2008; Aimetti et al. 2009; Crespi
et al. 2009; Casado et al. 2010; Oghli & Ste-
Fig. 1. Flow diagram (PRISMA format) of the screening and selection process.

© 2011 John Wiley & Sons A/S 25 | Clin. Oral Impl. Res. 23(Suppl. 5), 2012/22–38
Table 1. Methods, participants, interventions, outcomes, site and funding of the selected studies

26 |
Study (#) Method Participants Surgical considerations Intervention Measurement method Outcome Site and funding
Hoad-Reddick RCT Two 18 individuals Flapless Primary Test: Hydroxyapatite granules Lateral Hard tissue Not
et al. study (-na) Aged closure: na Control: No socket filling cephalographs dimensions: defect explained Not
(1994) groups Parallel 54.4 years Type of socket: and dental height (mm) available
(1) groups 6 months Smoking habit: na pantomograms
follow-up na Periodontal

status: na
Lekovic RCT Two 10 individuals Flap Primary Test: ePTFE® membrane Reentry surgery Hard tissue Yugoslavia Not
et al. study (-3) Aged closure: YES Control: dimensions: defect available
(1997) groups Split 49.8 years Type of socket: No socket filling height (mm), defect

(2) mouth 6 months Smoking habit: na width (mm)
follow-up na Periodontal
status: na
Lekovic RCT Two 16 individuals Flap Primary Test: membrane of glycolide Reentry surgery Hard tissue Yugoslavia Not
et al. study (-0) Aged closure: YES and lactide polimers Control: dimensions: defect available

(1998) groups Split 52.6 years Type of socket: No socket filling height (mm), defect
(3) mouth 6 months Smoking habit: na width (mm)

Clin. Oral Impl. Res. 23(Suppl. 5), 2012/22–38

follow-up na Periodontal

status: na
Vignoletti et al " Ridge preservation after tooth extraction

Bolouri RCT Two 18 individuals Flap Primary Test: Bioplant HTR® Control: Hard tissue USA Bioplant Inc.
et al. study (-14) Aged closure: YES No socket filling dimensions: optical South Norwalk,
(2001) groups Split 54.4 years Type of socket: density CT

(4) mouth 24 months Smoking habit: na
follow-up na Periodontal
status: na
Froum RCT Three 19 individuals Flap Primary Test 1: Bioactive glass Test 2: Histological Histological analysis USA Orthovita
et al. study (-na) Aged closure: YES DFDBA Control: No socket analysis
(2002) groups Split na Smoking Type of socket: filling

(5) mouth 6–8 months habit: 0% 4-wall
follow-up Periodontal
status: na

Serino CT Two 45 individuals Flap Primary Test: Sponge of polylactide- Reentry Hard tissue Italy Not
et al. study (-na) Aged closure: YES polyglycolide acid Control: No surgery + stent dimensions: defect available
(2003) groups Parallel na Smoking Type of socket: socket filling height (mm)
(6) groups 6 month habit: na na Histological analysis

follow-up Periodontal

Iasella RCT Two 24 individuals Flap Primary Test: FDBA + tetracycline + Clinical + stent Hard tissue USA Not
et al. study (-na) Aged closure: NO collagen dimensions: defect available
(2003) groups Parallel 51.5 Smoking Type of socket: \ mombrane Control: height (mm), defect
(7) groups 4–6 months habit: na na No socket filling width (mm) Soft

follow-up Periodontal tissue dimensions
status: Histological analysis
Fiorellini RCT Five 80 individuals Flap Primary Test 1: 0.75 mg/ml rhBMP/ACS CT scan Defect height and USA Wyeth/Genetics

et al. study (-0) Aged closure: YES Test 2: 1.50 mg/ml rhBMP/ACS width (mm CTscan) Institute,
(2005) groups Parallel 47.4 Smoking Type of socket: Control 1: No socket filling Need for Cambridge, MA
(8) groups 6 months habit: na 3-wall(no buccal Control 2: placebo augmentation
follow-up Periodontal wall) technique

status: na Histological analysis
Barone RCT Two 40 individuals Flap Primary Test: Corticocancellous porcine Reentry + stent Hard tissue Italy Not
et al. study (-0) Aged: na closure: YES bone + collagen membrane dimensions: defect available
(2008) groups Parallel Smoking habit: Type of socket: Control: No socket filling height (mm), defect

(9) groups 7 months 12.5% 4-wall width (mm)
follow-up Periodontal Histological analysis
status: na

© 2011 John Wiley & Sons A/S

Table 1. (continued)
Study (#) Method Participants Surgical considerations Intervention Measurement method Outcome Site and funding
Serino CT Two 20 individuals Flap Primary Test: Sponge of Histological Histological Italy Not
et al. study (-0) Aged: closure: NO polylactide-polyglycolide analysis analysis available
(2008) groups Parallel na Smoking Type of socket: acid Control: No

© 2011 John Wiley & Sons A/S

(10) groups 3 months habit: na na socket filling
follow-up Periodontal
Aimetti RCT Two 40 individuals Flapless Primary Test: Medical-grade calcium Reentry + stent Dimensions Italy Not
et al. study (na) Aged: closure: NO sulphate hemihydrate Control: changes: defect available
(2009) groups Parallel 51.27 Smoking Type of socket: No socket filling height (mm),
(11) groups 3 months habit: 0% na defect width
follow-up Periodontal (mm) Histological
status: na analysis
Crespi RCT Three 15 individuals Flapless Primary Test 1: Magnesium-enriched Periapical X rays Dimensions Italy Not
et al. study (na) Aged: closure: YES hydroxyapatite Test 2: Calcium changes: defect available
(2009) groups 51.3 Smoking (tissue graft) sulphate Control: No socket height (mm).
(12) Split mouth habit: 0% Type of socket: filling Radiological
3 months Periodontal 3-wall outcomes
follow-up status: na (no buccal wall) Histological
Casado RCT Four 19 individuals Flap Primary Test 1: bovine BMP + bOM Clinical + stent Dimensions: defect Brazil Not
et al. study (na) Aged: closure: YES Test width (mm) available
(2010) groups Split na Smoking Type of socket: 2: bovine BMP + bOM + absorbable Histological
(13) mouth 4 months habit: na na membrane Test 3: analysis
follow-up Periodontal absorbable membrane Control:
status: na No socket filling
Oghli & RCT Three 125 individuals Flapless Primary Test 1: Autogenous soft tissue Cast Dimensions Saudi
Steveling study (-14) Aged: na closure: YES (soft graft + collagen plug2 Test 2: changes: defect Arabia + Germany
(2010) groups Parallel Smoking habit: tissue graft) Autogenous soft tissue graft + height (mm) Not
(14) groups 3 months na Periodontal Type of socket: collagen matrix with available
follow-up status: na na gentamicin Control: No socket

Abbreviations of the interventions: NA, data not available; RCT, randomized clinical trial; ACS, absorbable collagen sponge; e-PTFE, expanded polytetrafluoroethylene; BMP, bone morphogenetic pro-
tein; bOM, bovine organic matrix; CT scan, computerized tomography scanner; RhBMP, recombinant human BMP-2; FDBA, freeze-dried bone allograft; DFDBA, demineralized freeze-dried bone allo-

27 |

Clin. Oral Impl. Res. 23(Suppl. 5), 2012/22–38

Vignoletti et al " Ridge preservation after tooth extraction
Vignoletti et al " Ridge preservation after tooth extraction

Table 2. Quality assessment of the articles included

Quality criteria

Adequate Incomplete Free of Free of

sequence Allocation outcome data selective other Risk of
# Author (year) generation? concealment? Blinding? addressed? reporting? bias? bias
1 Hoad-Reddick et al. (1994) c c 0 c a a High
2 Lekovic et al. (1997) c c 0 a a a High
3 Lekovic et al. (1998) a c 1 a a a High
4 Bolouri et al. (2001) b c 1 c a a High
5 Froum et al. (2002) c a 1 c a a High
6 Serino et al. (2003) b b b a a a Moderate
7 Iasella et al. (2003) b c 0 c a a High
8 Fiorellini et al. (2005) b b 2 a a a High
9 Barone et al. (2008) a c 1 a a a Moderate
10 Serino et al. (2008) b b b a a a Moderate
11 Aimetti et al. (2009) b c 1 c a a High
12 Crespi et al. (2009) b c 1 c a a High
13 Casado et al. (2010) c c 0 c a a High
14 Oghli & Steveling (2010) b c 0 a a a High

Abbreviations of the interventions: a: adequate explanation in the text; b: inadequate explanation in the text; c: not listed; 0: not blinded; 1: single-blinded;
2: double-blinded.

rone et al. 2008; Aimetti et al. 2009; Crespi Methods of measurement Study outcomes. Descriptive analyses of the
The changes in the primary outcomes were changes in the hard tissue dimensions
et al. 2009; Casado et al. 2010; Oghli & Ste-
assessed by clinical and radiographical Table 3a depicts the differences in the bone
veling 2010) elevated buccal and lingual mu-
examinations, as well as, by evaluation of crest height between baseline and the end of
coperiosteal flaps to perform the tooth
cast models. Hoad-Reddick et al. (1994), Fio- the investigations reported for test and con-
extraction and achieved primary closure,
rellini et al. (2005) and Crespi et al. (2009) trol groups. Eleven of 14 studies evaluated
except two studies that did not aim for pri-
used radiographs (orto-pantomography, CT the changes in the height of the bone crest
mary closure (Iasella et al. 2003; Serino et al.
scans, and periapical X-rays respectively). comparing the socket preservation therapy
2003; Serino et al. 2008) (Table 1). Flapless
Lekovic et al. (1998), Lekovic et al. (1997), with sockets left to heal spontaneously
extraction of the teeth was performed in four
Serino et al. (2003), Barone et al. (2008), Se- (Hoad-Reddick et al. 1994; Lekovic et al.
studies (Hoad-Reddick et al. 1994; Aimetti
rino et al. (2008) and Aimetti et al. (2009) 1997; Lekovic et al. 1998; Iasella et al. 2003;
et al. 2009; Crespi et al. 2009; Oghli & Ste-
assessed directly the bone changes at a re- Barone et al. 2008; Aimetti et al. 2009; Cres-
veling 2010) with two studies aiming to pri-
entry surgery. Within this group, four stud- pi et al. 2009). Overall, the control groups
mary closure through a soft tissue autograft
ies (Serino et al. 2003; Serino et al. 2008; demonstrated a mean vertical bone loss that
(Crespi et al. 2009; Oghli & Steveling 2010).
Barone et al. 2008; Aimetti et al. 2009) used ranged from !0.3 to !3.75 mm, whereas in
Four studies reported on the socket status
an acrylic stent to allow for reproducible the test groups, results were more heteroge-
after the extraction, with two studies report-
measurements, whereas two studies (Leko- neous demonstrating mean vertical bone
ing full integrity of the socket walls (Barone
vic et al. 1997; Lekovic et al. 1998) utilized changes ranging from !2.48 to 1.3 mm.
et al. 2008) or minimum buccal bone loss
titanium pins (Table 1). Two studies used Differences between test and control
(Froum et al. 2002) (<2 mm), whereas two
clinical measurements combined with groups, as reported by the authors, were
studies (Fiorellini et al. 2005; Crespi et al.
acrylic stents (Iasella et al. 2003; Casado statistically significant in four studies
2009) reported the absence of the buccal bone
et al. 2010), whereas other two (Lekovic included in the systematic review (Lekovic
et al. 1997; Oghli & Steveling 2010) et al. 1997; Lekovic et al. 1998; Iasella et al.
Different biomaterials were used in the
used cast models to evaluate the 2003; Fiorellini et al. 2005). Lekovic et al.
test groups of the studies included in the
dimensional changes between baseline and (1997) evaluated the ridge bone dimensional
review. Test treatment could be either graft
the end of the investigation. The most fre- changes at re-entry using titanium pins
alone (Hoad-Reddick et al. 1994; Lekovic
quent method was the mid-buccal measure- after GBR with e-PTFE membranes covering
et al. 1997; Lekovic et al. 1998; Bolouri et al.
ment. the socket walls in submerged healing or
2001; Froum et al. 2002; Iasella et al. 2003;
an untreated socket control. The same
Fiorellini et al. 2005; Barone et al. 2008; Ai-
research group used a similar experimental
metti et al. 2009; Crespi et al. 2009; Casado
Quality assessment
design to assess GBR with a biabsorbable
et al. 2010; Oghli & Steveling 2010) or mem-
Data from the quality assessment are membrane (Lekovic et al. 1998). Results
brane alone (Lekovic et al. 1997; Lekovic
reported in Table 2. All studies except one from both studies demonstrated statistically
et al. 1998; Casado et al. 2010), a combina-
randomized controlled trial (Barone et al. significant differences (P < 0.0005) in favour
tion of both (Iasella et al. 2003; Barone et al.
2008) and two controlled trials (Serino et al. of the GBR approach demonstrating a
2008; Casado et al. 2010) or a combination of
2003; Serino et al. 2008) were considered to greater vertical resorption in the control
graft and autogenous soft tissue graft (Crespi
have a high risk of bias. group.
et al. 2009 and Oghli & Steveling 2010).

28 | Clin. Oral Impl. Res. 23(Suppl. 5), 2012/22–38 © 2011 John Wiley & Sons A/S
Vignoletti et al " Ridge preservation after tooth extraction

Iasella et al. (2003) with a similar design, Implant-related outcomes sional changes (height and width of alveolar
although evaluating the bone dimensional Table 5 shows the studies with reported out- process) were analysed and compared
changes at re-entry using an acrylic stent, comes on implant placement after tooth between the test (socket preservation ther-
assessed the efficacy of filling the sockets extraction (Hoad-Reddick et al. 1994; Bolouri apy) and control group (spontaneous socket
with freeze-dried bone allografts + tetracy- et al. 2001; Froum et al. 2002; Iasella et al. healing). None of the other secondary out-
cline and a collagen membrane in semi-sub- 2003; Serino et al. 2003; Fiorellini et al. 2005; come variables could be grouped in meta-
merged healing. Differences with the Serino et al. 2008; Crespi et al. 2009; Aimetti analysis.
untreated control group were statistically et al. 2009; Casado et al. 2010). Two studies Seven studies were grouped in the meta-
significant for the mid-buccal as well as (Barone et al. 2008; Aimetti et al. 2009) analysis for bone height as the outcome vari-
mesial and distal locations (P < 0.05), but not reported the placement of implants after 3 able (Fig. 2). Two studies Fiorellini et al.
for the mid-lingual locations. and >7 months without providing any details (2005), Crespi et al. (2009) evaluated two dif-
Fiorellini et al. (2005) evaluated the ridge on further soft or hard tissues augmentation ferent preservation procedures, consequently,
height changes after therapy by computed procedures. Two studies (Serino et al. 2003; each test socket preservation procedure vs.
tomography reporting statistically significant Serino et al. 2008) reported the placement of the control group was considered as an inde-
differences (P = 0.007) when comparing the dental implants after 6 and 3 months of heal- pendent study in the meta-analysis. As there
use of an absorbable collagen sponge (ACS) ing respectively, specifying that all implants was a high heterogeneity among the studies
soaked with 1.50 mg/ml rhBMP-2 with the achieved good primary stability in both test (I2 = 95.2%; Tau2 = 0.639; v2 P-value <0.001),
untreated control group. and control groups. In one study (Fiorellini we selected the random effect model for the
Table 3b depicts the differences in the et al. 2005), implants were inserted after statistical evaluation. A statistically signifi-
width of the bone crest between baseline 4 months of healing and statistically signifi- cant greater reduction in bone height for con-
and the end of the evaluation period cant differences were reported in favour of trol groups was demonstrated when
reported for test and control groups in eight the test group 1 (ACS+ 1.50 mg/ml rhBMP-2) compared to the test groups (WMD =
of the 14 studies (Lekovic et al. 1997; Leko- when compared to test group 2 (ACS+ !1.47 mm; 95% CI [!1.982, !0.953]; P
vic et al. 1998; Iasella et al. 2003; Fiorellini 0.75 mg/ml rhBMP-2) and the control treat- < 0.001; heterogeneity: I2 = 13.1%; v2 P-
et al. 2005; Barone et al. 2008; Aimetti et al. ment, in regards to the number of secondary value = 0.314). Due to this high heterogene-
2009; Casado et al. 2010; Oghli & Steveling augmentation surgeries needed, although no ity, several subgroup analyses were performed
2010). Overall, the control groups demon- further details were provided in regards to based on the surgical protocol used for the
strated a mean horizontal bone loss that the number and type of these procedures. In socket preservation (flapless/flapped, barrier
ranged from !0.16 to !4.50 mm, whereas in the test 1 sites, 56.25% demonstrated ade- membrane/no membrane, primary intention
the test groups, results were more homoge- quate bone volume for implant placement, healing/no primary healing) and on the mea-
neous demonstrating mean horizontal bone whereas the corresponding figures in test 2 surement method utilized to evaluate the
changes ranging from 3.25 to !2.50 mm. and control groups were 25% and 12.5% morphological changes.
The differences between test and control respectively. None of the subgroup analyses achieved a
groups were statistically significant in five non-significant heterogeneity value. A ten-
studies. Histological outcomes dency towards greater weighted mean differ-
Nine studies evaluated histologically, the ences in favour of the test groups was
Changes in soft tissue dimensions type of bone healing after 3 to >7 months observed with flapless surgical protocol, no
Mean dimensional changes of soft tissues are from the tooth extraction. Biopsies were membrane, primary intention healing and
presented in Table 4. Two studies evaluated taken using a trephine before the osteotomy with use of X-rays as measurement method
the dimensional changes of the overall alveo- preparation for implants insertion. Serial (Table 6). The meta-regression analysis failed
lar ridge contour combining the changes of decalcified sections were analysed under light to encounter statistically significant differ-
hard and soft tissues (Lekovic et al. 1997; Og- microscopy for qualitative and quantitative ences among subgroups (data not shown).
hli & Steveling 2010). Whereas Iasella et al. histo-morphometrical analysis. Fiorellini Seven studies were grouped in the meta-
(2003) evaluated the changes in gingival et al. (2005) and Casado et al. (2010) provided analysis on bone width as outcome variable
thickness at different locations of the crest, descriptive histological observations, whereas (Fig. 3). In two studies, more than one test
Lekovic et al. (1997) measured these changes Froum et al. (2002), Barone et al. (2008), Seri- group were evaluated in comparison with the
on cast models, both reporting significantly no et al. (2008), Aimetti et al. (2009) and control, and therefore they were considered
less vertical and horizontal resorption in the Crespi et al. (2009) calculated fractions of as independent (Serino et al. 2008; Oghli &
test group (P = 0.001). Oghli & Steveling bone mineral, connective tissue and residual Steveling 2010). Also one study presented
(2010), however, could not demonstrate dif- graft material at different apico-coronal levels data measured with two different outcome
ferences between using a collagen sponge of the socket. Serino et al. (2003) described measurements (cast models and re-entry sur-
with/without gentamicine plus a circular soft the fraction of bone mineral, whereas Iasella gery) and they were also included indepen-
tissue graft to protect the wound, with the et al. (2003) evaluated fractions of cellular/ dently in the analyses (Lekovic et al. 1997).
untreated control socket (P = 0.07). Iasella acellular and trabecular bone. As there was a high heterogeneity detected
et al. (2003) also evaluated the gingival thick- among studies (I2 = 99.0%; Tau2 = 2.997; v2
ness with an ultrasonic device at buccal and Meta-analysis P-value <0.001), the random effect model was
lingual/palatal locations. Differences between Nine of the 14 included studies reported sim- selected for the analysis. The results showed
the ridge preservation therapy and the ilar comparisons and could be grouped in the a statistically significant greater reduction in
untreated control were only statistically sig- meta-analyses (Figs 2 and 3). The primary bone width for control groups when
nificant for buccal sites. outcome variables, defined as bone dimen- compared to the socket preservation thera-

© 2011 John Wiley & Sons A/S 29 | Clin. Oral Impl. Res. 23(Suppl. 5), 2012/22–38
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Table 3a. Outcome variables: changes in bone height, expressed as mean (mm)
Vertical changes of the alveolar crest

Publication (#) Interventions/groups method Surgical considerations Control Test Diff. P-value
Hoad-Reddick Test: Hydroxyapatite granules Control: No Lateral Flapless Primary closure: NO Type 2.42 0.65 ND:1.77 NA
et al. (1994) (1) socket filling cephalographs and of socket: NA
Lekovic et al. Test: ePTFE® membrane Control: No Reentry surgery Flap Primary closure: YES Type of !1.2 !0.5 Mb: !0.7 0.001
(1997); _1 (2) socket filling socket: NA
Lekovic et al. Test: membrane of glycolide and lactide Reentry surgery Flap Primary closure: YES Type of !1.5 !0.38 Mb: !1.12 <0.0005
(1998) (3) polimers Control: No socket filling socket: NA
Serino et al. (2003) (6) Test: Sponge of polylactide–polyglycolide Reentry surgery + Flap Primary closure: YES Type of !0.8 1.3 Mb: !2.1 NA
acid Control: No socket filling stent socket: NA

Clin. Oral Impl. Res. 23(Suppl. 5), 2012/22–38

Iasella et al. (2003) (7) Test: FDBA + tetracycline + collagen Clinical + stent Flap Primary closure: NO Type of !0.9 1.3 Mb: !2.2 <0.05
mombrane Control: No socket filling socket: NA
Vignoletti et al " Ridge preservation after tooth extraction

Fiorellini et al. Test 1: 0.75 mg/ml rhBMP/ACS Control: CT scan Flap Primary closure: YES Type of !1.17 !0.62 ND: !0.55 NS
(2005)_1 (8) No socket filling socket: 3-wall (no buccal wall)
Fiorellini et al. Test 2: 1.50 mg/ml rhBMP/ACS Control: CT scan Flap Primary closure: YES Type of !1.17 !0.02 ND: !1.15 0.007
(2005)_2 (8) No socket filling socket: 3-wall (no buccal wall)
Barone et al. (2008) Test: Corticocancellous porcine bone + Reentry + stent Flap Primary closure: YES Type of !3.6 !0.7 Mb: !2.9 NA
(9) collagen membrane Control: No socket socket: 4-wall
Barone et al. (2008) Test: Corticocancellous porcine bone + Reentry + stent Flap Primary closure: YES Type of !3.6 !0.7 Mb: !2.9 NA
(9) collagen membrane Control: No socket socket: 4-wall
Aimetti et al. (2009) Test: Medical-grade calcium sulphate Reentry + stent Flapless Primary closure: NO Type !1.2 !0.5 Mb: !0.7 NA
(11) hemihydrate Control: No socket filling of socket: NA
Crespi et al. (2009)_1 Test 1: Magnesium-enriched Periapical X-rays Flapless Primary closure: YES !3.75 !0.48 ND: !3.27 NA
(12) hydroxyapatite Control: No socket filling (tissue graft) Type of socket:
3-wall(no buccal wall)
Crespi et al. (2009)_2 Test 2: Calcium sulphate Control: No Periapical X-rays Flapless Primary closure: YES !3.75 !2.48 ND: !1.27 NA
(12) socket filling (tissue graft) Type of socket:
3-wall(no buccal wall)

Abbreviations of the interventions: P-values of the statistical analysis of the intergroup differences in the changes between baseline and end of the study. SD of the means of the intergroup differences
in the changes between baseline and end of the study. NS, not statistically significant; NA, data not available; Mb, midbuccal; ND, not defined site; ACS, absorbable collagen sponge; RhBMP, recombi-
nant human BMP-2; e-PTFE, expanded polytetrafluoroethylene; FDBA, freeze-dried bone allograft.

© 2011 John Wiley & Sons A/S

Table 3b. Outcome variables: changes in bone width, expressed as mean (mm)
Horizontal changes of the alveolar crest

Publication (#) Interventions/groups method Surgical considerations Control Test Diff. P-value
Lekovic et al. (1997)_2 Test: ePTFE membrane Control: No Reentry surgery Flap Primary closure: YES Type of 0.002

© 2011 John Wiley & Sons A/S

!4.4 !1.8 !2.6
(2) socket filling socket: NA
Lekovic et al. (1998) Test: membrane of glycolide and lactide Reentry surgery Flap Primary closure: YES Type of !4.56 !1.31 !3.25 <0.00001
(3) polimers Control: No socket filling socket: NA
Iasella et al. (2003) (7) Test: FDBA + tetracycline + collagen Clinical + stent Flap Primary closure: NO Type of !2.6 !1.2 !1.4 <0.05
mombrane Control: No socket filling socket: NA
Fiorellini et al. Test 1: 0.75 mg/ml rhBMP/ACS Control: CT scan Flap Primary closure: YES Type of 0.57 1.76 !1.19 NS
(2005)_1 (8) No socket filling socket: 3-wall(no buccal wall)
Fiorellini et al. Test 2: 1.50 mg/ml rhBMP/ACS Control: CT scan Flap Primary closure: YES Type of 0.57 3.27 !2.7 0.000
(2005)_2 (8) No socket filling socket: 3-wall (no buccal wall)
Barone et al. (2008) Test: Corticocancellous porcine bone + Reentry + stent Flap Primary closure: YES Type of !4.5 !2.5 !2 NA
(9) collagen membrane Control: No socket socket: 4-wall
Aimetti et al. (2009) Test: Medical-grade calcium sulphate Reentry + stent Flapless Primary closure: NO Type !3.2 !2 !1.2 NA
(11) hemihydrate Control: No socket filling of socket: NA
Casado et al. (2010)_1 Test 1: bovineBMP + bOM Control: No Clinical + stent Flap Primary closure: YES Type of !0.16 3.05 !3.21 NA
(13) socket filling socket: NA
Casado et al. (2010)_2 Test 2: bovineBMP+bOM+resorbable Clinical + stent Flap Primary closure: YES Type of !0.16 2.42 !2.58 NA
(13) membrane Control: No socket filling socket: NA
Casado et al. (2010)_3 Test 3: resorbable membrane Control: No Clinical + stent Flap Primary closure: YES Type of !0.16 2.9 !3.06 NA
(13) socket filling socket: NA
Oghli & Steveling Test 1: Autogenous soft tissue graft + Cast Flapless Primary closure: YES !0.3 !0.8 0.5 0.001
(2010)_1 (14) collagen plug2 Control: No socket filling (soft tissue graft) Type of socket:
Oghli & Steveling Test 2: Autogenous soft tissue graft + Cast Flapless Primary closure: YES !0.3 !0.1 !0.2 0.07
(2010)_2 (14) collagen matrix with gentamicin Control: (soft tissue graft) Type of socket:
No socket filling NA

Abbreviations of the interventions: P-values of the statistical analysis of the intergroup differences in the changes between baseline and end of the study. NS, not statistically significant; NA, data not
available; bOM, bovine organic matrix.

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Vignoletti et al " Ridge preservation after tooth extraction

Table 4. Outcome variables. Soft tissue changes

Soft tissue changes

Publication (#) Interventions/groups method Surgical considerations Control Test Diff. P-value
Lekovic et al. Test: ePTFE® Cast Flap; primary closure: YES Type of !1 !0.2 Mb: !0.8 0.001
(1997)_1 (2) membrane Control: socket: NA Vertical
No socket filling measurements
Flap; Primary closure: YES Type of !4.2 !1.8 !2.4 0.001
socket: NA Horizontal
Iasella et al. Test: FDBA Ultrasonic metre Flap Primary closure: NO Type of 0.4 !0.1 0.5 <0.05
(2003) (7) + tetracycline socket: NA
+ collagen
mombrane Control:
No socket filling
Oghli & Steveling Test 1: Autogenous Cast Flapless Primary closure: YES !0.3 !0.8 0.5 0.001
(2010)_1 (14) soft tissue graft + (soft tissue graft) Type of socket:
collagen plug2 NA Horizontal measurements
Control: No socket
Oghli & Steveling Test 2: Autogenous Cast Flapless Primary closure: YES !0.3 !0.1 !0.2 0.07
(2010)_2 (14) soft tissue graft + (soft tissue graft) Type of socket:
collagen matrix with NA Horizontal measurements
Control: No socket

P-values of the statistical analysis of the intergroup differences in the changes between baseline and end of the study.

pies (WMD = !1.830 mm; 95% CI [!2.947, [!11.46%] and Oghli & Steveling [2010] height and width in the test groups (interven-
!0.732]; P = 0.001; heterogeneity: I2 = 0%; v2 [15.15% and 10.79%]) (Table 9). tions for ridge preservation) when compared
P-value = 0.837). Due to the high heterogene- with the healing of the untreated control
ity initially detected among the studies, sev- Discussion socket. In regards to the changes in bone
eral subgroup analyses were performed. None height, the overall WMD difference between
of the subgroup analyses achieved a non-sig- Socket preservation therapies have been pro- test and control groups amounted to
nificant heterogeneity value for all groups. A posed with the aim of maintaining the hard 1.47 mm. Hence, the results from the meta-
tendency towards greater weighted mean dif- and soft tissue dimensions of the alveolar analysis suggest that the use of socket preser-
ferences in favour of test groups was observed ridge that are partially lost after tooth extrac- vation therapies limits the dimensional
with the use of membranes, a flapped surgi- tion as part of the natural physiological heal- changes (vertical and horizontal) of the alveo-
cal protocol, primary intention healing and ing process. This objective is particularly lar ridge after tooth extraction. These data
with CT as outcome measurement (Table 7). pursued in preparation for dental implant are in agreement with a recent similar sys-
The meta-regression analyses demonstrated a installation to have the best bone avail- tematic review also assessing the influence
statistically significant difference only in the ability for successful implant prosthesis and potential benefit of socket preservation
flapless/flapped subgroup (meta-regression; (Tarnow & Eskow 1996). Unfortunately, procedures after tooth extraction in non-
slope = 2.26; 95% CI [1.01; 3.51]; P = 0.003). there are very few well-designed clinical molar regions of the mouth (Ten Heggeler
studies evaluating the efficacy of these thera- et al. 2010). These authors concluded, how-
Publication bias and sensitivity analyses ever, that although a benefit of such tech-
peutic procedures and the potential benefit of
No publication bias was detected for changes niques could be observed, vertical and
the different techniques/materials used is
in bone height (P = 0.352; Egger’s test), nor in horizontal bone loss can be expected.
still debatable.
bone width (P = 0.357; Egger’s test). The sen- These results must be evaluated with cau-
The present systematic review seeks to
sitivity analysis to assess the effect of indi- tion as the quality assessment of the selected
provide scientific evidence on the existing
vidual studies on the summary estimates of studies demonstrated that all but two studies
RCTs and CTs evaluating different surgical
the meta-analysis showed that the exclusion (Barone et al. 2008; Serino et al. 2008) had a
protocols aimed for preserving the bone of
of single studies did not substantially alter high potential risk of bias. Furthermore, the
the alveolar ridge after tooth extraction. The
any estimates. In terms of bone height use of different biomaterials and surgical
primary outcome variables selected were the
changes, the greater change in WMD could techniques has been combined in this meta-
vertical and horizontal hard and soft tissue
be attributed to Crespi et al. (2009) analysis, as well as the use of different types
dimensional changes of the bone crest at
(!23.25%) (Table 8). In regards to bone of sockets (single/multiple, position in the
least 3 months after the tooth extraction.
width, the sensitivity analyses identified mouth and number of residual bony walls),
Overall, the results from the meta-analysis
three potential studies as responsible for different reason of tooth extraction and differ-
demonstrated statistically significant higher
most of the heterogeneity (Fiorellini et al. ent methods of evaluation. This lack of con-
alveolar bone crest preservation in both
[2005] [!10.49%], Lekovic et al. [1998]

32 | Clin. Oral Impl. Res. 23(Suppl. 5), 2012/22–38 © 2011 John Wiley & Sons A/S
Table 5. Implant-related outcomes
Implant-related outcomes

Implant Time after augmentation
Publication Interventions/groups placement extraction Control Test surgery Histology Restoration

© 2011 John Wiley & Sons A/S

Hoad-Reddick et al. Test: Hydroxyapatite granules Control: No No – – – – No NA
(1994) (1) socket filling
Bolouri et al. (2001) Test: Bioplant HTR Control: No socket No – – – – No NA
(4) filling
Froum et al. (2002) (5) Test 1: Bioactive glass Test 2: DFDBA No – – – – Yes NA
Control: No socket filling
Serino et al. (2003) (6) Test: Sponge of polylactide–polyglycolide Yes 6 months All sites All sites NA Yes NA
acid Control: No socket filling
Iasella et al. (2003) (7) Test: FDBA + tetracycline + collagen Yes 4–6 months – – – Yes NA
mombrane Control: No socket filling
Fiorellini et al. (2005) Test 1: 0.75 mg/ml rhBMP/ACS Control: Yes 4 months Yes Yes 10 Yes NA
_1 (8) No socket filling 12.5% adequate 25% adequate
bone volume bone volume
Fiorellini et al. (2005) Test 2: 1.50 mg/ml rhBMP/ACS Control: Yes 4 months Yes Yes 56.25% 3 P < 0.05 NA
_2 (8) No socket filling 12.5% adequate bone test 1 vs. test
adequate volume 2 and control (11)
bone volume
Barone et al. (2008) Test: Corticocancellous porcine bone + Yes >7 months NA NA NA Yes NA
(9) collagen membrane Control: No socket
Serino et al. (2008) Test: Sponge of polylactide–polyglycolide Yes 3 months All sites All sites NA Yes NA
(10) acid Control: No socket filling
Aimetti et al. (2009) Test: Medical-grade calcium sulphate Yes 3 months NA NA NA Yes NA
(11) hemihydrate Control: No socket filling
Crespi et al. (2009) Test 1: Magnesium-enriched Yes 3 months – – Yes NA
(12) hydroxyapatite Test 2: Calcium
sulphate Control: No socket filling
Casado et al. (2010) Test 1: bovineBMP + bOM Test 2: No – – – – Yes NA
(13) bovineBMP + bOM + resorbable
membrane Test 3: resorbable

33 |
membrane Control: No socket filling

Abbreviations of the interventions: NA, data not available; RCT, randomized clinical trial; ACS, absorbable collagen sponge; e-PTFE, expanded polytetrafluoroethylene; BMP, bone morphogenetic pro-
tein; bOM, bovine organic matrix; CT scan, computerized tomography scanner; RhBMP, recombinant human BMP-2; FDBA, freeze-dried bone allograft; DFDBA, demineralized freeze-dried bone allo-

Clin. Oral Impl. Res. 23(Suppl. 5), 2012/22–38

Vignoletti et al " Ridge preservation after tooth extraction
Vignoletti et al " Ridge preservation after tooth extraction

Fig. 2. Meta-analysis: changes in bone height.

Fig. 3. Meta-analysis: changes in bone width.

sistency and standardization, in spite of the In fact, in terms of vertical bone height magnesium-enriched hydroxyapatite com-
lack of publication bias, may have contrib- changes, 23.25% of this effect was attributed bined with the closing of the socket with a
uted to the high heterogeneity of the results. to the study by Crespi et al. (2009) utilizing soft tissue autograft. This individual study,

34 | Clin. Oral Impl. Res. 23(Suppl. 5), 2012/22–38 © 2011 John Wiley & Sons A/S
Vignoletti et al " Ridge preservation after tooth extraction

Table 6. Meta-analyses by subgroups for changes in bone height reporting mean differences between test and
WMD 95% CI P-value I-squared control groups of 3.27 mm, however, only
Membrane selected sockets without full integrity of
(a) No !1.511 !2.583; !0.440 0.006 95.2% their bone walls, usually lacking the buccal
(b) Yes !1.192 !1.589; !0.834 0.000 87.9% cortical bone. This negative prognostic factor
for bone regeneration during undisturbed
(a) No !1.756 !3.400; !0.112 0.036 97.6%
(b)Yes !1.179 !1.516; !0.842 0.000 81.7% socket healing may in part, have contributed
Primary closure to the bigger effect of the socket preservation
(a) No !1.293 !2.730; 0.145 0.078 72.4%* therapy, compared with the other studies
(b) Yes !1.506 !2.077; !0.935 0.000 96.1%
Outcome variable
included in the meta-analysis. Likewise, in
(a) Reentry + stent !1.861 !3.606; !0.386 0.013 89.3% regards to the changes in bone width, three
(b) X-rays !2.276 !4.236; !0.316 0.023 97.9% studies provided the bigger heterogeneity in
(c) CT !0.866 !1.453; !0.279 0.004 14.5%
the meta-analysis, contributing to 15.15%,
(d) Clinical (stent) !2.200 !3.649; !0.751 0.003 NA
(e) Cast !0.800 !1.039; !0.561 0.000 NA 11.46% and 10.49% of the overall change
(f) Reentry surgery !0.912 !1.324; !0.501 0.000 90.6 respectively (Lekovic et al. 1998; Fiorellini
NA, not applicable, as only one study was included in the subgroup.
et al. 2005; Oghli & Steveling 2010). In par-
Non-statistically significant differences. ticular, on the negative effect side, Oghli &
Steveling (2010) that utilized a collagen
sponge as socket filler reported a higher bone
horizontal resorption in the test group. Apart
from the null efficacy of the filler used, the
Table 7. Meta-analyses by subgroups for changes in bone width
fact that cast models were used to measure
WMD 95% CI P-value I-squared these horizontal changes may have prevented
Membrane an accurate evaluation of the true dimen-
(a) No !0.982 !1.738; !0.227 0.011 93.3% sions of the alveolar crest. In contrast, Fiorel-
(b) Yes !2.465 !3.074; !1.856 0.000 86.6%
Flap lini et al. (2005) observed a difference of
(a) No !0.148 !0.788; 0.492 0.650 92.6% 3.85 mm in bone width when comparing the
(b)Yes !2.563 !3.101; !2.795 0.000 81.2% use of 1.50 mg/ml rhBMP/ACS vs. the con-
Primary closure
trol socket.
(a) No !1.263 !2.049; !0.478 0.002 0%
(b) Yes !1.968 !3.217; !0.732 0.002 99.2% The factors that may have contributed to
Outcome variable the obtained outcomes may be categorized
(a) Reentry + stent !1.682 !2.449; !0.914 0.000 47.0%* as: (1) the clinical conditions of the socket
(b) CT !3.026 !4.501; !1.551 0.000 52.3%*
(c) Clinical (stent) !1.400 !2.797; !0.003 0.050 NA
site, i.e. integrity/non-integrity of the socket
(d) Cast !0.682 !1.841; 0.476 0.248 98.4% bone walls, dimension and presence/absence
(e) Reentry surgery !2.986 !3.612; !2.361 0.000 76.2% of adjacent teeth; (2) the surgical protocol uti-
CT, computerized tomography; NA, not applicable, as only one study was included in the subgroup. lized, i.e. flapped/flapless surgery or primary
Non-statistically significant differences. flap closure/secondary intention healing; (3)
the biomaterial used, i.e. membrane/no
membrane, type of graft material and (4) the
type of evaluation method utilized. In an
attempt to assess the influence of each of
Table 8. Sensitivity analyses of the outcome variable bone heigth changes made with random
effect model these factors, a subgroup analysis was per-
Random estimation Heterogeneity formed, as well as meta-regression. The sub-
group analysis of flapped/flapless surgery
Study omitted WMD 95% CI WMD change (%) I-squared (%) P-value
demonstrated a minor influence in the verti-
Aimetti (2009) !1.55 !2.10; !1.00 5.70 12.44 0.328 cal resorption process, although it showed a
Barone (2008) !1.34 !1.86; !0.82 !8.70 4.85 0.396
significant difference in favour of the flapped
Crespi_1 (2009) !1.13 !1.41; !0.84 !23.25 49.25 0.038
Crespi_2 (2009) !1.49 !2.05; !0.93 1.69 16.14 0.295 group in regards to the ridge horizontal
Fiorellini_1 (2005) !1.55 !2.10; !1.01 5.93 12.6 0.327 dimensional changes. When comparing the
Fiorellini_2 (2005) !1.50 !2.05; !0.95 2.18 19.07 0.268 relative efficacy of using barrier membranes
Iasella (2003) !1.42 !1.95; !0.89 !3.07 18.87 0.269
Lekovic_1 (1997) !1.55 !2.15; !0.96 5.83 0 0.447 and/or grafts, while the use of membranes
Lekovic_2 (1997) !1.57 !2.17; !0.96 6.69 0 0.465 alone reported more vertical bone change
Lekovic (1998) !1.52 !2.19; !0.86 3.89 0 0.561 than the use of grafts alone, membranes
Serino (2003) !1.42 !1.95; !0.89 !3.27 19.07 0.268
obtained better results than grafts (either
None !1.47 !1.98; !0.95 0 13.71 0.314
alone or the combination of membrane and
Crespi_1: Magnesium-enriched hydroxyapatite vs. no socket filling. graft) in terms of horizontal bone changes.
Crespi_2: Calcium sulphate vs. no socket filling.
Fiorellini_1: 0.75 mg/ml rhBMP/ACS vs. no socket filling.
The subgroup analysis to assess the influence
Fiorellini_2: 1.5 mg/ml rhBMP/ACS vs. no socket filling. of flap closure demonstrated a slight ten-
Lekovic_1: outcome measured in cast model. dency towards less bone loss in the horizon-
Lekovic_2: outcome measured in reentry surgery.
tal direction when the sockets healed by

© 2011 John Wiley & Sons A/S 35 | Clin. Oral Impl. Res. 23(Suppl. 5), 2012/22–38
Vignoletti et al " Ridge preservation after tooth extraction

Table 9. Sensitivity analyses of the outcome variable bone width made with random effect model of the location and the thickness of the
Random estimation Heterogeneity socket walls in the ensuing modelling and
WMD remodelling processes after tooth extraction
Study omitted WMD 95% CI change (%) I-squared (%) P-value
(Ferrus et al. 2010; Januario et al. 2011).
Aimetti (2009) !1.91 !3.09; !0.73 3.84 0 0.785 One major limitation of this systematic
Barone (2008) !1.82 !3.01; !0.63 !0.94 0 0.780
Fiorellini_1 (2005) !1.79 !2.96; !0.62 !2.71 0 0.773
review is that no meta-analyses could be per-
Fiorellini_2 (2005) !1.65 !2.80; !0.49 !10.49 0 0.875 formed on implant-related outcomes, due to
Iasella (2003) !1.88 !3.05; !0.72 !2.41 0 0.772 the lack of sufficient data. This fact is impor-
Lekovic_1 (1997) !1.77 !2.97; !0.58 !3.47 0 0.797
tant as there is no clear evidence that the
Lekovic_2 (1997) !1.75 !2.93; !0.57 !4.73 0 0.792
Lekovic (1998) !1.63 !2.46; !0.80 !11.46 0 0.381 occurrence of bone resorption after tooth
Oghli_1 (2010) !2.12 !3.35; !0.88 15.15 0 0.953 extraction may significantly limit the place-
Oghli_2 (2010) !2.04 !3.31; 0.77 10.79 0 0.903 ment of dental implants. In fact, one study
None !1.84 !2.95; !0.73 0 0 0.837
(Serino et al. 2008) reported that implants
WMD, weighted mean differences; CI, confidence interval. could be placed in all patients independently
Fiorellini_1: 0.75 mg/ml rhBMP/ACS vs. no socket filling.
of the group of treatment. The positive influ-
Fiorellini_2: 1.5 mg/ml rhBMP/ACS vs. no socket filling.
Lekovic_1: outcome measured in cast model. ence of the socket preservation therapy may
Lekovic_2: outcome measured in reentry surgery. be attributed more to achieving enhanced
Oghli_1: autogenous soft tissue graft + collagen plug vs. no socket filling. restorative and aesthetic outcomes, as well
Oghli_2: autogenous soft tissue graft + collagen matriz with gentamicin vs. no socket filling.
as better maintenance of healthy peri-
implant soft tissues. These possible influ-
ences were not evaluated in the reviewed
studies. Only one study assessed the possible
primary intention. In terms of the evaluation alveolar ridge after tooth extraction with a
influence of the socket preservation therapy
methods used, only the radiographic evalua- flapless approach (Fickl et al. 2008a, 2008b)
on the need of further augmentation thera-
tion demonstrated significant vertical (X- or when using socket preservation procedures
pies and in fact, the test group reported
ray) and horizontal (CT) changes when com- (Fickl et al. 2008a, 2008b; Blanco et al. 2010)
reduced needs of bone augmentation (Fiorel-
paring test and control groups. The use of and when placing implants immediately after
lini et al. 2005).
cast models and re-entry procedures was not the tooth extraction (Blanco et al. 2010).
In conclusion, the results from this sys-
able to demonstrate such significant differ- Other studies with a similar experimental
tematic review and meta-analysis have
ences. design, however, have failed to encounter sig-
shown that although some degree of bone
The results of the meta-regression analysis nificant bone dimensional differences
modelling and remodelling will occur after
showed that the surgical procedure (flapped/ between flapped and flapless tooth extrac-
tooth extraction, different ridge preservation
flapless) was the most important factor influ- tions (Araujo & Lindhe 2009).
procedures resulted in significantly less verti-
encing the results. Flapped surgical proce- The changes in the horizontal dimension
cal and horizontal contraction of the alveolar
dures demonstrated a significantly lesser have been the ones benefited most by the
bone crest. The obtained results, however,
horizontal resorption of the socket, when socket preservation techniques evaluated in
could not indicate which is the type of surgi-
compared to flapless surgeries (meta-regres- this systematic review. Precisely bone loss in
cal procedure or biomaterial most suitable
sion; slope = 2.26; 95% CI [1.01; 3.51]; a horizontal dimension is the most important
for this clinical indication, although the use
P = 0.003). These results may be due to the consequence of tooth extraction during the
of barrier membranes, a flap surgical proce-
importance of achieving full closure and first first 3–6 months of healing (Schropp et al.
dure and full flap closure demonstrated bet-
intention healing, mainly when the socket is 2003). In this meta-analysis, the bone hori-
ter results. There are limited data, however,
filled with a biomaterial or covered with a zontal changes in the control group were het-
on the possible influence of these therapies
barrier membrane. The effect of raising a flap erogeneous, ranging from !0.16 to
on the long-term outcomes of implant ther-
on the healing process of the socket after !4.50 mm. These differences may be due to
tooth extraction is still controversial with different factors, such as the socket location
results from experimental models reporting and the thickness of the socket walls. Recent
less pronounced bone remodelling of the studies in humans have shown the influence

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