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Department of Aeronautical Engineering

Internal Test

Subject: Aero Engineering Thermodynamics Total Marks: 100

Date: 27.09.2013 Duration: 3 hours

Year/Sem: II/III Part A 10*2 = 20

Answer all the questions

1. Define expansion ratio and compression ratio

2. What are the assumptions made for Air standard cycle analysis?
3. What is meant by free air delivered?
4. What is radiosity?
5. Define intensity radiation
6. What is air breathe engines
7. What is the purpose of radiation shield?
8. What is meant by gray body?
9. State Wiens displacement law
10. What is black body?
Part B 16*5=80

Answer all the questions

1. 11. a) One Kg of air is taken through (a) an Otto cycle, (b) diesel cycle. Initially the air
is at 1 bar and 290K. The compression ratio for both cycles is 12 and heat addition is 1.9
MJ in each cycle. Calculate the air standard efficiency and mean effective pressure for
both the cycles. (16)

b) i) Water heated to 80 ° C. flows through 2.54 cm I.D and 2.88 cm O.D Steel tube with K is
50W/m.K. The tube is exposed to an environment which is known to provide an average
convectioncoefficient of h0 = 30800 W/ m2 K on the outside of the tube. The water velocity is 50
cm/s.Calculatethe overall heat transfer coefficient based on the outer area of the pipe. (10)
ii)Compare otto cycle diesel cycle and dual cycle(6)

12.a) i)Explain the working principle of turbojet engine with neat diagram. Mention its
advantages and disadvantages. (10)
ii) Draw the diagram of pulse jet engine(6)
b) Draw the actual and theoretical P-V diagram of two stroke petrol , diesel and four
stroke petrol and diesel engines (16)
13.a)i) Explain the working principle turbo shaft engine with suitable sketch.(10)
ii)Draw neat diagram of ram jet engine (6)

b) A pipe carrying steam having an outside diameter of 20 cm runs in a large room and is exposed
to air at a temperature of 30 deg C. The pipe surface temperature is 400 deg C. Calculate the loss of
heat to surroundings per meter length of pipe due to thermal radiation. The emissivity of the pipe
surface is 0.8. What would be the loss of heat due to radiation if the pipe is enclosed in a 40 cm
diameter brick conduit of emissivity 0.91?

14 a) Air at 25.c floes over 1mX3m (3m long) horizontal plate maintained at 200 .c ai
10m/s .Calculate the average heat transfer coefficients for both laminar and turbulent
regions. Re=3.5 x105 (16)

b) A thin 80cm long and 8cm wide horizontal plate is maintained at a temperature of
130˚C in large tank full of water at 70˚C. Estimate the rate of heat input into the
plate necessary to maintain the temperature of 130˚C(16

15. Two large parallel pates at 800K and 600K has emissivities of 0.5 and 0.8 .A
radiation shield having emissivity of 0.1 on one side and emissivity of 0.05 on the other
side is placed between the plates .Calculate heat transfer rate by radiation per square
meter with and with out shield (16)
(b) A furnace wall emits radiation at 2000k.T treating it as black body radiation
.Calculate i) Monochromatic radiant flux density at 1 µm wave length. ii) Wave length at
which emission is maximum and the corresponding emissive power iii) Total emissive
power (16)

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