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Spinal Cord Injury

Nursing Nursing Intervention Nursing Outcome Drugs

Risk for Educate the patient on Demonstrates Glucocorticoids
constipation need for fluid intake and satisfactory dietary
related to foods high in roughage. intake by ordering High-dose steroids are thought to reduce the secondary effects
bowel and consuming of acute spinal cord injury (SCI). Studies have shown limited
dysfunction Institute bladder training foods high in but significant improvement in the neurologic outcome of
Risk for program, with roughage. patients treated within 8 h of injury.
urinary appropriate addition of
retention mechanical assistance Verbalizes that Methylprednisolone (Solu-Medrol)
related to such as Crede's or he/she is
urinary Valsalva's maneuvers, maintaining Used to reduce the secondary effects of acute SCI.
dysfunction urethral stimulation, bladder function
Risk for suprapubic topping, or that does not Muscle Relaxants: Spinal fractures can cause your spinal
impaired skin intermittent impede social, muscles to work harder as they try to support the spine.
integrity cathetenzation. occupational, or Overworked muscles can have spasms, and those can add to
related to ADL functions your pain. A muscle relaxant will help stop the pain. Valium is a
skin Has no breakdown of muscle relaxant.
breakdown skin surface especially Relieve pressure: Neuropathic Agents: If the fracture is causing nerve
over bony prominences. Digital circular problems, you may need to take medication that specifically
Massage for five targets the nerves. Neurontin and Cymblata are two examples.
minutes over
identified problem Opioids (Narcotics): These are very serious medications, and
areas every two to they should be used only in the most extreme cases and under
four hours while the careful supervision of your doctor. Opioids, also called
awake. Shift body narcotics, work to raise your threshold for pain. So even if your
weight while in body is in a lot of pain, the opioid's effect on your brain
chair. convinces you that it's not that bad. Fentanyl and Vicodin are
two examples of opioids/narcotics.
Parkinson’s Disease

Nursing Nursing Nursing Drug

Diagnosis Intervention Outcome
Risk for trauma Discuss Demonstrate Sinemet (Levodopa/Carbidopa)
related to loss seizure behaviours,
of large muscle warning lifestyle Levodopa (also called L-dopa) is the most commonly prescribed and most
coordination signs and changes to effective drug for controlling the symptoms of Parkinson's disease,
usual seizure reduce risk particularly bradykinesia and rigidity.Levodopa is transported to the nerve
patterns factors and cells in the brain that pr oduce dopamine. It is then converted into dopamine
protect self for the nerve cells to use as a neurotransmitter.
from injury.
Impaired Instruct and Maintain or Dopamine Agonists
Physical assist client increase
mobility related with exercise strength and Dopamine agonists are drugs that activate the dopamine receptor. They
to program and function of mimic or copy the function of dopamine in the brain.
neuromuscular use of affected or
dysfunction mobility aids. compensatory Symmetrel
Increase body part(s).
activity and
Symmetrel increases the amount of dopamine available for use in the brain,
therefore reducing symptoms of Parkinson's.
in self-care
as tolerated.
Anticholinergics (Artane, Cogentin)
Risk for injury Explore with Informed and
related to the patient aware of
alteration of the various possible Anticholinergics are used to restore the balance between the two brain
neuromuscular stimuli that stimuli that chemicals, dopamine and acetylcholine, by reducing the amount of
coordination may may acetylcholine. This acts to reduce tremor and muscle stiffness in people with
precipitate precipitate Parkinson's.
seizure seizure
activity. activity. Eldepryl and Deprenyl

Eldepryl and Deprenyl are two names for the same drug. They work by
helping to conserve the amount of dopamine available by preventing the
dopamine from being destroyed.

Tasmar, Comtan (COMT Inhibitors)

When COMT is blocked, dopamine can be retained and used more

effectively, reducing Parkinson's symptoms. COMT inhibitors can also
increase the effectiveness of levodopa.
Traumatic Brain Injury

Nursing Nursing Intervention Nursing Drugs

Diagnosis Outcome
Risk for Assess neurologic and respiratory status to The patient Analgesic; codein phosphateAnesthetic;
Injury monitor for sign of increased ICP and has Lidocin (Xylocaine)
Ineffective respiratory distress improved
tissue LOC Anticonvulsant; Phenytoin (Dilantin)
perfusion Monitor and record vital sign and intake and
(cerebral) output, hemodynamic variables, ICP, cerebral The patient Barbiturate; pentobarbital (Nembutal), if unable
Decreased perfusion pressure, specific gravity, laboratory hasdoest not to control ICP with diuresis
intracranial studies, and pulse oximetry to detect early exhibit signs
adaptive sign of compromise. of increased Diuretic; mannitol (Osmitrol), furosemide
capacity ICP (Lasic) to combat cerebral edema
Maintain seizure precautions to maintain
patient safety The patient Dopamine (Intropin) to maintain cerebral
hasremains perfusion pressure above 50 mmHg (if blood
Encourage the patient to express feeling about free from pressure is low and ICP is elevated)
changes in body image to allay anxiety injury
Glucocorticoid; dexamethasone (Decadron) to
Provide appropriate sensory input and stimuli reduce cerebral edema
with frequent reorientation to foster awarness
of the environtment Histamin-2 (H2) receptor antagonist such as
cimetidine (tagamet), ranitidine (Zantag),
Provide means of communication, such as a famotidine (Pepcid), nizatidine (Axid)
communcation board to prevent anxiety
Mucosal barriel fortifier; sucralfate (Carafate)
Provide eye, skin, and mouth care to prevent
tissue damage Posterior pituitary : vasopressin (Pitressin) if
client develops diabetes insipidus.
Turn the patient every 2 hours or maintain in a
rotating bed if condition allows to prevent skin

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