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Area Type 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Area Type -1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14+
Haven - - - - - - - - - X Haven* - - - - - - - - - S S3 S5 S7 A A A
Civilized - X - - X - - X - X Civilized - - - - - S2 S4 S5 S7 S9 E/S4/S2 E/S4/S2 E/S4/S2 FH FH F
Border 1 - - X X - - - - X - Border - - S S2 S4 S5 S6 S7 S9 E/S4/S2 E/S4/S2 E/S4/S2 FH FH F F
Border 2 X - - - - X X - - - Wild - S S S S S S E/S4/S2 E/S4/S2 E/S4/S2 FH FH F F F FA
Wild 1 X X (S) - - - - - - - S. Activity - S S4 S6 S8 E/S4/S2 E/S4/S2 E/S4/S2 FH FH FH F F F FA FA
Wild 2 - - - - - - X X (S) - Garrisoned - S S6 S8 E/S4/S2 E/S4/S2 E/S4/S2 FH FH F F F F FA FA FA
Wild 3 - - - X X (S) - - - - Coastal(ship) - - - - S S S R R R W W W W W SU
S.Activity - - X - - X - - X X Open Sea(ship) - - - - - - - S R R R W SU SU SU SU
Garrisoned - X - - X - - X - X *No modifications except from EP searches (+0, +1, +2). Multiple results in box: Normal/Horse/Flying Characters. Flying minions cause
- Area type not active. X Area type active. (S) Area type active at sea only “Normal” to be used for characters flying or on Horses. Minions on horses cause “Normal” to be used for characters on Horses.

T.5: Modifications to the Search Roll T.5: Search Result Key (see 8.3.2)
Weather S Sighting Marker removed if rumor

Travel Mode Normal Bad Storm Notes S# Spotting Mix group/blanks (9), pick # cards, and reveal race. Reveal Ringbearer present if Nazgûl present

+1 if using road, bridge, ford, ferry, pass, E Encounter EP ambushes with non-Guardian minion OR FP retreats OR treat as FH
Sneak -1 -2 -3
or tunnel FH Fight-Half EP ambushes with non-Guar. minion OR FP retreats (small group only) OR EP attacks with minions or ½ random group
Foot/Boat 0 -1 -2 F Fight EP ambushes with non-Guar. minion OR FP retreats (small group only) OR EP attacks with minions or full random group
Flying +1 0 -1 FA Fight-All EP ambushes (may use assassin) OR FP retreats (small group only) OR EP attacks with minions plus ½ random group
Horse +2 +1 0 A Assassin EP ambushes with an assassin
Ship 0 +1 +2 No sightings in bad weather/storm. R Retreat Group in ship mode must retreat
Watcher-in-the-Water/ Sea Dragon +1,
W Wreck Group placed on closest shore of FP’s choice. See
Corsair Fleet +2, Grey Havens Ship -2
SU Sunk Group placed on closes shore of FP’s choice; characters may die. See
EP Search: +0, +1 (NA at sea), +2 (NA at sea)
T.6 RANDOM GROUP TABLE T.6: Random Group Key

ROLL A Animals: Each disengages at half damage

Region 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 AS Assassin: Ambushes group
I A8 M8 M10 M10 M12 C8 C10 C12 AS1 AS1
B Bats, Crebain, Crows: +1 to FP disengagements
II A8 B10 B8 M8 M10 M10 M10 M12 M12 C8
III A8 A10 W8 M6 M6 M10 M10 M10 M12 O8 Cavalry: Use men cards. -1 to EP attacks,
+2 to FP disengagements
IV A8 B10 S4 S6 S8 M10 M10 O8 O10 TO10
V A4 A6 A8 B8 B10 W6 W6 W8 W10 O8 M Men

VI A8 B10 W10 W12 M10 OW10 OW10 OW12 OW14 TO10 O Orcs, Half-Orcs, & Uruk-hai
VII A8 A10 B10 W10 W12 M10 M12 M12 O8 O10 Orcs & Wolves/Wargs:- 1 to Orcs’ attacks +1 to
VIII A10 B12 M8 M8 O8 WO8 TO10 TO10 WO12 TO14 FP disengagements

IX A8 B10 W8 W10 M8 O10 OW10 OW10 OW12 OW14 S Giant Spiders

X A8 A10 B10 BB12 M8 C8 C10 C10 C12 C12 TO Trolls, Orcs, Half-Orcs, Uruk-hai, and Olog-hai
XI A8 B10 M8 M10 C8* C10* C10* C10* C12* C14* W Wolves & Wargs: +1 to FP disengagements
XII A8 A10 B10 B12 W10 O8 O10 O10 OW12 TO12
XIII A8 A10 A12 B10 W8 M8 M10 M10 O8 O12

Search and Encounter Tables BGG: dbcopeland

T.3 Acquisition Table T.1: Movement Table Worst Weather of Adjacent
T.2: Terrain Effects Table Areas: Roll <= #
Roll <= to Find (FP/EP) Max Ifonly 1st Other Uncon. to
Mode LAND MOVEMENT Type Normal Bad Storm
Objective Location Haven Civilized Border Wild S. Activity Garrisoned Hexes Restricted Restricted Conscious
Ship Coast area Auto/2 5/2 2/2 0/0 2/5 2/Auto Sneak 1 1 1 3 to 2 Clear Open A A A
Boat Next to river Auto/2 5/2 2/2 0/0 2/5 2/Auto Foot 2 2 1 2 to 1 Road Open A A A
Horse Any land Auto/2 5/2 2/2 0/0 2/5 2/Auto Horse 4 3 2 1 to 1 River Restricted 5/NA 3/NA NA
Eagles** Eagles Eyrie (15,cd) NA NA NA 2/NA NA NA Boat 6* 5 4 No limit Bridge Open A A A
1/NA 1/NA 1/NA 1/NA 1/NA 1/NA
Radagast* Any Mirkwood area Ship 4 3 2 No limit Ferry Restricted A/5 9/NA 8/NA

*Radagast is mobilized by this roll and joins the group making the roll. He may not move more than Flying 5 5 5 1 to 1 Ford Restricted A/5 8/3 5/NA
2 areas from Mirkwood. **Eagles give flying mode for one turn only. *Boats move along hexsides instead of across them but Swamp Restricted 3/NA 1/NA NA
Roll Modifications No boat/ship for Nazgûl start and end movement in a hex.
Woods Restricted 7 7 7
>1/2 Hobbits & Dwarves:
Gandalf in Group: -2 Port/Town (Ships/Boats/Horses only): -5 Woods (w/Elf) Restricted 9 9 9
no horse allowed
T.X: Small Group Retreats
Aragorn in Group: -1 All Hobbits: only sneak allowed Rough Restricted A 8 5
Group Size Roll Required
Fellowship Player Turn 0.5-1 7
Mountain Impass. NA NA NA
Pass Restricted 8 5 1
Status phase Movement phase
1.5-2 5
Draw an event card (3 on turn 1) Split groups and generate rumors Tunnel Restricted 5 5 5
Mobilize fellowship characters • The number of characters in a group may not 2.5-3 4
• Dormant characters are mobilized if: exceed 7 (Hobbits count ½). RIVER MOVEMENT Move Pts Normal Bad Storm
An already mobilized group or rumor is in the appropriate area OR If an area has more than 7, split into enough >3 NA
River hexside Open A 8 5
the special mobilization conditions are satisfied (See T.7) markers so that none contains more than 7, leave Hobbits count as ½
Roll results for markers in off-board sea regions one marker in area and EP may choose adjacent Ford Restricted A 8 5
Harlindon Coast, Forlindon Coast, Northern Sea areas to place others in. Horse/Fly mode: -1 to roll
Falls Impass. NA NA NA
Change transport modes • Each marker may split into: Mountains/Woods: -1 to roll
• Either : Dispose of transport and revert to base transport mode - 4 if a group is revealed Swamp hexside Restricted 5 5 5
(sneak for Hobbits, foot for most others), OR - 2 if a group is not revealed Flying Minion: +1 to roll
SEA MOVEMENT Type Normal Bad Storm
• Acquire transport by making an acquisition roll on T.3 Move mobilized markers (See T.1)
If acquiring transport the group must be revealed as non-rumor Join groups where required Coast hexside Restricted A 5 1
(rumors cannot acquire transport) • The number of characters in a group may not exceed 7 (Hobbits count ½)
Update health status • An area may contain only 1 marker unless: one marker is at sea and the other on Sea hexside Open A 8 5
• / indicates normal damage, X indicates diseased damage land (on a coastal area) or the markers are of a different type (color) AIR MOVEMENT Type Normal Bad Storm
• If in a haven: Heal 4 (/) or 2 (X) per turn. Hobbits heal 3 (X) per turn Search phase
• If not in a haven: 1 endurance box of normal damage (/) is recovered Make roll to activate areas (See T.4.) All terrain Open A A 5
per turn. If any disease damage exists (X), 2 more endurance boxes are • Areas only active during FP turn. A: Automatic. NA: Not allowed. Nazgûl: Value after /.
marked as diseased (X) per turn (1 for Hobbits) • An area is not active simply because an EP marker is there (and it cannot be
Update combat status (see character cards) searched unless active) FP entering Haven / EP entering Garrison: -3 to roll
Discard excess event cards Make a search roll for each active area with a FP marker (See T.5.) FP leaving Haven / EP leaving Garrison: always A
• Can hold a maximum of 3 event cards • Small groups (<= 3 characters, Hobbits=½) may retreat from F results if EP does not
Dissolve the Fellowship and end the game, if desired ambush A normal terrain roll is needed to move through a blocked
Roll results for markers in off-board land regions feature. Dormant markers may be bypassed on a (1-5) after a
West Forodwaith, East Forodwaith, Every Icy Plain successful terrain roll; however, if the bypass falls a fight occurs.
Combat phase River movement is along hexsides, but movement begins and
Resolve any fights indicated ends in adjacent area to the first and last area-sides moved along
Combine any markers of the same color in the same area after retreats Blocking uses 1 MP and requires a successful terrain roll of the
Enemy Player Turn: It is now the Enemy Player's turn. feature blocked.
Unblocking uses 1 MP but does NOT require a terrain roll. The
unblocking marker may be moved to either adjacent hex.

Fellowship Turn Summary

A maximum of 7 FP characters (Hobbits count as ½) in an area
(unless it is a Haven).

and Movement Tables

An unrevealed group may generate up to 1 rumor.
A revealed Fellowship group may generate up to 3 rumors.
Area Type 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Area Type -1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14+
Haven - - - - - - - - - X Haven* - - - - - - - - - S S3 S5 S7 A A A
Civilized - X - - X - - X - X Civilized - - - - - S2 S4 S5 S7 S9 E/S4/S2 E/S4/S2 E/S4/S2 FH FH F
Border 1 - - X X - - - - X - Border - - S S2 S4 S5 S6 S7 S9 E/S4/S2 E/S4/S2 E/S4/S2 FH FH F F
Border 2 X - - - - X X - - - Wild - S S S S S S E/S4/S2 E/S4/S2 E/S4/S2 FH FH F F F FA
Wild 1 X X (S) - - - - - - - S. Activity - S S4 S6 S8 E/S4/S2 E/S4/S2 E/S4/S2 FH FH FH F F F FA FA
Wild 2 - - - - - - X X (S) - Garrisoned - S S6 S8 E/S4/S2 E/S4/S2 E/S4/S2 FH FH F F F F FA FA FA
Wild 3 - - - X X (S) - - - - Coastal(ship) - - - - S S S R R R W W W W W SU
S.Activity - - X - - X - - X X Open Sea(ship) - - - - - - - S R R R W SU SU SU SU
Garrisoned - X - - X - - X - X *No modifications except from EP searches (+0, +1, +2). Multiple results in box: Normal/Horse/Flying Characters. Flying minions cause
- Area type not active. X Area type active. (S) Area type active at sea only “Normal” to be used for characters flying or on Horses. Minions on horses cause “Normal” to be used for characters on Horses.

T.5: Modifications to the Search Roll T.5: Search Result Key (see 8.3.2)
Weather S Sighting Marker removed if rumor

Travel Mode Normal Bad Storm Notes S# Spotting Mix group/blanks (9), pick # cards, and reveal race. Reveal Ringbearer present if Nazgûl present

+1 if using road, bridge, ford, ferry, pass, E Encounter EP ambushes with non-Guardian minion OR FP retreats OR treat as FH
Sneak -1 -2 -3
or tunnel FH Fight-Half EP ambushes with non-Guar. minion OR FP retreats (small group only) OR EP attacks with minions or ½ random group
Foot/Boat 0 -1 -2 F Fight EP ambushes with non-Guar. minion OR FP retreats (small group only) OR EP attacks with minions or full random group
Flying +1 0 -1 FA Fight-All EP ambushes (may use assassin) OR FP retreats (small group only) OR EP attacks with minions plus ½ random group
Horse +2 +1 0 A Assassin EP ambushes with an assassin
Ship 0 +1 +2 No sightings in bad weather/storm. R Retreat Group in ship mode must retreat
Watcher-in-the-Water/ Sea Dragon +1,
W Wreck Group placed on closest shore of FP’s choice. See
Corsair Fleet +2, Grey Havens Ship -2
SU Sunk Group placed on closes shore of FP’s choice; characters may die. See
EP Search: +0, +1 (NA at sea), +2 (NA at sea)
T.6 RANDOM GROUP TABLE T.6: Random Group Key

ROLL A Animals: Each disengages at half damage

Region 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 AS Assassin: Ambushes group
I A8 M8 M10 M10 M12 C8 C10 C12 AS1 AS1
B Bats, Crebain, Crows: +1 to FP disengagements
II A8 B10 B8 M8 M10 M10 M10 M12 M12 C8
III A8 A10 W8 M6 M6 M10 M10 M10 M12 O8 Cavalry: Use men cards. -1 to EP attacks,
+2 to FP disengagements
IV A8 B10 S4 S6 S8 M10 M10 O8 O10 TO10
V A4 A6 A8 B8 B10 W6 W6 W8 W10 O8 M Men

VI A8 B10 W10 W12 M10 OW10 OW10 OW12 OW14 TO10 O Orcs, Half-Orcs, & Uruk-hai
VII A8 A10 B10 W10 W12 M10 M12 M12 O8 O10 Orcs & Wolves/Wargs:- 1 to Orcs’ attacks +1 to
VIII A10 B12 M8 M8 O8 WO8 TO10 TO10 WO12 TO14 FP disengagements

IX A8 B10 W8 W10 M8 O10 OW10 OW10 OW12 OW14 S Giant Spiders

X A8 A10 B10 BB12 M8 C8 C10 C10 C12 C12 TO Trolls, Orcs, Half-Orcs, Uruk-hai, and Olog-hai
XI A8 B10 M8 M10 C8* C10* C10* C10* C12* C14* W Wolves & Wargs: +1 to FP disengagements
XII A8 A10 B10 B12 W10 O8 O10 O10 OW12 TO12
XIII A8 A10 A12 B10 W8 M8 M10 M10 O8 O12

Search and Encounter Tables BGG: dbcopeland

T.3 Acquisition Table T.1: Movement Table Worst Weather of Adjacent
T.2: Terrain Effects Table Areas: Roll <= #
Roll <= to Find (FP/EP) Max If only 1st Other Uncon. to
Mode LAND MOVEMENT Type Normal Bad Storm
Objective Location Haven Civilized Border Wild S. Activity Garrisoned Hexes Restricted Restricted Conscious
Ship Coast area Auto/2 5/2 2/2 0/0 2/5 2/Auto Sneak 1 1 1 3 to 2 Clear Open A A A
Boat Next to river Auto/2 5/2 2/2 0/0 2/5 2/Auto Foot 2 2 1 2 to 1 Road Open A A A
Horse Any land Auto/2 5/2 2/2 0/0 2/5 2/Auto Horse 4 3 2 1 to 1 River Restricted 5/NA 3/NA NA
Eagles** Eagles Eyrie (15,cd) NA NA NA 2/NA NA NA Boat 6* 5 4 No limit Bridge Open A A A
1/NA 1/NA 1/NA 1/NA 1/NA 1/NA
Radagast* Any Mirkwood area Ship 4 3 2 No limit Ferry Restricted A/5 9/NA 8/NA

*Radagast is mobilized by this roll and joins the group making the roll. He may not move more than Flying 5 5 5 1 to 1 Ford Restricted A/5 8/3 5/NA
2 areas from Mirkwood. **Eagles give flying mode for one turn only. *Boats move along hexsides instead of across them but Swamp Restricted 3/NA 1/NA NA
Roll Modifications No boat/ship for Nazgûl start and end movement in a hex.
Woods Restricted 7 7 7
>1/2 Hobbits & Dwarves:
Gandalf in Group: -2 Port/Town (Ships/Boats/Horses only): -5 Woods (w/Elf) Restricted 9 9 9
no horse allowed
T.X: Small Group Retreats
Aragorn in Group: -1 All Hobbits: only sneak allowed Rough Restricted A 8 5
Group Size Roll Required
Enemy Player Turn 0.5-1 7
Mountain Impass. NA NA NA
Pass Restricted 8 5 1
Status phase Movement phase
1.5-2 5
Draw an event card (3 on turn 1) Split groups and generate rumors Tunnel Restricted 5 5 5
Challenge FP markers • Each marker may split into: 2.5-3 4
• Optionally, challenge any FP marker. If rumor it is removed. If not, EP 4 if a group is revealed RIVER MOVEMENT Move Pts Normal Bad Storm
player turn is over (update health). Repeat as many times as desired. 2 if a group is not revealed >3 NA
River hexside Open A 8 5
Mobilize minions Move mobilized and enabled markers (See T.1) Hobbits count as ½
• All Saruman’s agents are mobilized if Saruman is mobilized • Only these markers may move: Ford Restricted A 8 5
• One guardian rumor whenever a guardian marker is mobilized - Mobilized Nazgûl and Sauronic Agents Horse/Fly mode: -1 to roll
Falls Impass. NA NA NA
Enable minions for movement - Markers enabled this turn Mountains/Woods: -1 to roll
All Sauron Minion markers (except for Fell Creatures) may move each • Only one Guardian may be in an area at one time. Swamp hexside Restricted 5 5 5
turn, and EP may also enable for movement either: Join groups where required Flying Minion: +1 to roll
SEA MOVEMENT Type Normal Bad Storm
• 1 Guardian and 1 Guardian Rumor, or • Fell creatures only join with Nazgûl.
• 1 Fell Creature and 1 Sauron Minion Rumor, or • Guardians will never join in a group and only one guardian may be in an area at one Coast hexside Restricted A 5 1
• Saruman, Saruman’s Agents and Saruman Minion Rumors time.
Fell creatures are automatically enabled when grouped with a Nazgûl. • An area may contain only 1 marker unless: Sea hexside Open A 8 5
Activate areas for searches - One marker is at sea and the other on land (on a coastal area) OR AIR MOVEMENT Type Normal Bad Storm
Each turn EP may activate either: - The markers are of a different type (color) OR
• One type of area until end of current EP turn - The area contains some mobilized minions and some dormant minions [6.221] OR All terrain Open A A 5
• Any 3 specific areas until end of next FP turn - One marker represents fell creature(s) and the other contains no Nazgûl [7.8] OR A: Automatic. NA: Not allowed. Nazgûl: Value after /.
• Any 2 specific areas with +1/+0 to search roll until end of next FP turn Search phase
• Any 1 specific area with +2 to search roll until end of next FP turn Make a search roll for each active area with a FP marker (see T.5) FP entering Haven / EP entering Garrison: -3 to roll
Modify weather (on turn 5 and afterwards only) • The area must be active, the mere presence of an EP marker in an area does not FP leaving Haven / EP leaving Garrison: always A
Remove all old weather markers then, either: activate it.
• Place a storm in one area (bad weather is in all adjacent areas), or Combat phase A normal terrain roll is needed to move through a blocked
• Place bad weather in 3 separate areas Resolve any fights indicated feature. Dormant markers may be bypassed on a (1-5) after a
Change transport modes Combine any markers of the same color in the same area after retreats successful terrain roll; however, if the bypass falls a fight occurs.
• Either: Dispose of transport and revert to base transport mode OR Next Turn River movement is along hexsides, but movement begins and
• Acquire transport by making an acquisition roll on T.3 If it is turn 20, the game is over, otherwise it is the Fellowship Player's turn. ends in adjacent area to the first and last area-sides moved along
If acquiring transport the group must be revealed as non-rumor
(rumors cannot acquire transport) Blocking uses 1 MP and requires a successful terrain roll of the
Update health status feature blocked.
• / indicates normal damage, X indicates diseased damage Unblocking uses 1 MP but does NOT require a terrain roll. The
• Heal 3 (/) damage if in Garrison, otherwise heal 1 (/) unblocking marker may be moved to either adjacent hex.

Enemy Turn Summary

• Sauron and Saruman agents in Northern Waste do not heal but take A maximum of 7 FP characters (Hobbits count as ½) in an area
2 damage per turn. Other minions heal normally in Northern Waste. (unless it is a Haven).

and Movement Tables

Discard excess event cards An unrevealed group may generate up to 1 rumor.
• Can hold a maximum of 3 event cards A revealed Fellowship group may generate up to 3 rumors.
End the game if Ring is in EP control in a Garrisoned area
Does EP want to
ambush with one
FP may FP places up to half of
characters (round
EP places all minions
FP may move unpinned characters
to reserve. No more than half of
attempt in front line
minion? No small down) in reserve Board Game
characters (round down) in reserve
retreat, FP places characters in front the minions until each Combat Sequence
see 8.3.4 minion is facing one character or all characters not
FP reveals all in reserve are placed. Pinned characters from
characters (race previous combat rounds cannot move.
side only)
More Compare # minions More
Characters to # conscious Minions EP chooses one
characters in FP opponent
combat facing each EP
EP chooses one combatant to
character to attack pin
with one minion, The FP may rearrange The EP may rearrange
using Ambush One reserve
characters not pinned minions not facing a
OR/DN if available. character must Do conscious
and place combatants character and place
Any other minions be moved to combatants
in the second line or combatants in the
in hex will not the front line remain on both
reserves second line
participate in any sides?
combat this turn.
Subsequent If all minions have two Do: All character have
combat rounds FP attempts
characters facing them, two minions facing disengagement,
will be conducted the FP may place them AND if desired. See
with the minion’s Yes
characters in the third there are minions not 9.2.5.
normal (non- line facing any character
Ambush) stats. AND
there are character in
If all minions have reserve?
three characters facing EP disengages
them, the FP may place all minions
If all character have
a fourth character automatically, if
If there are minions not three minions facing
facing each minion on desired
facing a character, the them, the EP may place
the flank.
EP may place minions in a fourth minion facing
the third line each character on the

Conduct FP Combat
Conduct EP Combat Combat
Resolution Ends
BGG: dbcopeland

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