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Text Chapter:
Major Topic: Biomass: A Biotechnology Substrate
Graduate Student: JOHN PAUL G. TALIP
Email address:
Contact Number: 09327513913
Submitted to: MATTHEW T. SABASALES, MA (Instructor)
Instruction: Provide 3 takeaways (significant learnings) from the topic presentation provided by the presenter
through and uploaded video online on this major topic.

1. The first significant learning that I have on Biomass: A Biotechnology Substrate is on the
concept of biomass strategy because it has been estimated that the annual net yield of plant
biomass arising from photosynthesis is at least 120 billion tonnes of dry matter on land,
around 50 billion tonnes from the world's oceans and 50% of land biomass is in the
complex form of lignocellulose. The highest proportion of land-based biomass (44%) is
produced as forest. It is surprising to note that while agricultural crops account for only 6%
of the primary photosynthetic productivity, from this amount is derived a major portion of
food for humans and animals as well as many essential structural materials, textiles and
paper products. Many traditional agricultural products may well be further exploited with
the increasing awareness of biotechnology. In particular, new technological approaches will
undoubtedly be able to utilize the large volume of waste material from conventional food
processing that presently finds little use.
2. On the context of the distribution of world forestry resources with shortage and high prices
of fossil energy sources and environmental pollution. I have learned that the use of
photosynthetically derived biomass could be used for energy and industrial feedstocks.
currently more than 10 times more energy is generated annually by photosynthesis than is
consumed by mankind.
3. The last take away that I have on biomass is the product derived on biomass. I have learned
that at present biomass is used to derive many products of industrial and food uses. You
likely use products made from biomass every day. It’s found in personal care items, drink
containers, nutritional supplements, and even fuel. All of these things are helping to grow
our bioeconomy a term used to describe the integration of abundant, sustainable, domestic
biomass in the U.S. economy and support American jobs

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