Quiz 04 Unit .3 Introduction of Nursing Theory & Model: BSCN 2 Semseter 2016

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Quiz 04 unit .3
Introduction of Nursing Theory & Model
Name: ________________ Dated: 22.04.2016
Time: 60 minute Marks: 20
Encircle the Best Answer

Q.1. In what year and which nurse believed which model to be: disease free?
a. 1959 Dorothea Orem person c. 1954 Virginia Henderson health
b. 1963 Sister Callista Roy person d. 1859 Florence Nightingale health
Q.2. 1859 the theme was?
a. Florence Nightingale fourteen c. Florence Nightingale,
principles Environment affects health
b. Florence Nightingale helping people d. Florence Nightingale the war and the
become stronger effects on a person
Q.3. What was Florence Nightingale's view on the person?
a. Has attributes of spiritual, c. Has physical, intellectual and
intellectual and psychological spiritual attributes
b. Is a person with emotions, physical d. Attributes their kindness towards the
and spiritual attributes nurse
Q 4. Florence Nightingale believed the environment to be ?
a. Either a negative or positive c. An external force which affects the
influence on the person person's health
b. Those aspects outside the person d. All of the above
that affect health
Q.5. Who acted to decrease mortality by improving sanitation in the battlefields, which resulted
in a decline in illness and infection? ?
a. Dorothea Dix c. Clara Barton
b. Lillian Wald d. Florence Nightingale
Q.6. Nightingale considered disease to be a?
a. Reparative process c. Problem to be solved
b. Symptom of moral decline d. Unnatural state of the body
Q.8. Nightingale's philosophy may be credited for formulating early ideas about which of the
following concepts?
a. Selflessness c. Dualism
b. Wholism d. Cultural competence

Q.7. Which of the following is the best summary of Nightingale's opinion of nurses in relation to
a. Nurses should be mindful of their c. In some instances, nurses know more
subservient relationship to about client care and treatment than
physicians. physicians.
b. Nurses should work independently d. Nurses have the responsibility to
without the involvement of provide physicians with accurate
physicians. information about clients.
Q.9. According to Nightingale's philosophy, what role does nature play in illness? ?
a. Nature causes a person to become ill c. Nature plays a role in healing.
as a reaction to other factors. d. Both A and C
b. Nature causes a person to become ill
as a punishment for immoral
Q.10. According to Nightingale's philosophy, a nurse should consider which of the following
factors when caring for a person who is ill ?
a. The person's emotional state c. The person's social network
b. The environment in which the person d. All of the above
Q.11. which theory or model did Florence nightingale develop??
a. Adapaiton theory c. Interpersonal relationship theory
b. Self care deficit theory d. Environment theory
Q.12. What central theory was the basis for Florence Nightingale’s definition of nursing, and is
Integrated in all aspects of nursing as we know it today ?
a. Unitary Human Beings c. Cultural Care Diversity
b. Interpersonal Relations Model d. Environmental Theory

Subjective (each 3 marks)

Attempt All Questions. All Question Equal Marks.
Q.1. Enlist the Florence Nightingale environment theory.
Q.2. Enlist the major concept of Florence Nightingale briefly explains?
Q.3. write down 2 weaknesses and 2 strengthens of environment theory.
Q.4. Enlist the 05 application of environment theory in clinical area.


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