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MOMENTUM is essential! Once you lose it, the interest won't be the same again.

Concrete example below

"With My Innocence"

I perceived life as a massive ocean, and I, as a newly hatched sea green turle- a newbie in this world
whose predators were ready to devour you. 

Unarmed, harmless, meek creature, whose innocence mirrors a lamb, and whose vision was vague
like a mist. NO CLEAR DESTINATION! What was on my mind was the word, SURVIVE!.

I was on my spot where our good mother left us. I was looking at my other siblings. Perplexed! As i
remembered, i wondered why all of them crawled going to that pristine crystals. I asked them but i
got no answer. They push their body with their tiny wings. These wings don't have feathers to aid
them fly. There were big shadows above us that squicked audibly. That sound made all my silblings
stopped for a second...


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