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Francis Petros 12- STEM Our Lady of the Holy Rosary

English 3- Media and Information Literacy

Module No.3: Information Literacy

Learning Activities:

1. Disaster Scenario
“According to the weather forecast, there is no typhoon. However, your
locality is experiencing heavy rainfall, while some parts in your
province/region are already flooded. There are reported incidents of
landslide, evacuation, stranded vehicles and drowning. As a student, what are
you going to do?” Write your answer in a short bond paper.

Information Needs The following information that will be

What information do you need? very relevant and vital in that kind of
situation will be:
 Accurate and reliable weather
news forecast source; primarily
because in the scenario
mentioned above no weather
forecasting station would ever
generate a misleading information
to the public about this kind of
 Timely and Relevant
information; which may include
latest updates about the typhoon,
the landfall date and time and
rainfall alert level.
 Evacuation Updates; this is very
vital for it will determine whether
the phenomenon already requires
you to leave your place and go to a
safer one or if it’s just safe for you
to stay in your location.
Sources of Information I can probably get those information in
Where will you get them the following:
 Trusted and Reliable Television
News and Radio Channel Network
 Accurate Weather Updates Site on
the Internet and all Social Media
Access to the Information I can for sure access those information
How will you access them using:
 A Television
 A Radio
 Any gadget with fast Internet
Evaluate Information I can check the quality of the information
How will you check the quality of by:
information?  Ensuring that it came from a
reliable and trusted source
 Making sure that the info is up to
date and not misleading
Organize Information I can be able to organize and store them
How will you organize and store them? by:
 Putting it on my notes
 Writing the time and date of when
the info was released
 Keeping it in the right order, the
latest news on the top and the old
ones at the end
 Storing it manually (in paper) or
electronically (using electronic
Communicate Information I can communicate them by:
How will you create and communicate  Posting on my Social Media
them?  Texting and messaging people
 Publishing an article (only if I am
allowed and qualified)

2. Essay. Write an essay about “MOST INFLUENTIAL PERSON IN YOUR LIFE”

provide the following details: Who, What, Where, When, Why, How. Write it in
a long bond paper.

I spent my whole childhood in the streets, probably living my best life at that
time. How I miss those moments. Swimming in the dirty river near our neighborhood,
enjoying every raindrop during rainy seasons, venturing even to far places just to steal
fruits and scraps which will help us make money and playing all the team building
games we could in that one remarkable silent part in the street during night. Those are
just few of the many memories I could recall where I can consider myself as a problem
and stress free human being. All because this person had put me on that situation, and I
would forever thank her for letting me experience those indelible instances that I would
cherish forever.

I wasn’t born and raised rich and neither was my whole family. With that, I have
acquired such different and unique perspective towards life, specifically how I want to
spend it and whom shall I spend it with. She again brought me to this. And honestly, I
am not even upset of how she would just let me lowkey suffer all the problems that
poor people like me/us would endure primarily because she thought I would surmount
it and it will mold and turn me into a tough person to which I can consider myself today
and perhaps also because she couldn’t do anything about it and she just let her fate take
her to where she was destined to. I really can’t blame her for that. With this part in the
story of my life, it affected me in so many ways that I would not even bother to recall
and share to people.

Growing up with the thought that I really do have to work my ass off to gain
respect and to especially attain my goals was a huge burden for me. All because we
were poor. However, this woman taught me to alter and instead turn that into a
motivation to strive harder and to learn wholesomely mainly because she believed that
that’s what life is all about. From then on, I have carried that mentality or lesson should
I say, and I will do my best to not let go of it even until I already reached what I want
myself to have and where I want myself to be. I kind of owe her this character
development that I am currently in.

In making and choosing friends, she always reminded me to always be kind to be

able to have one, and always treasure and value moments with them. I have been into
many circle of friends, 3 I think, and with the previous 2 groups, she had warned me
that I sort of did fit but I really did not belong to them, for certain reasons. Fortunately,
with the homies that I have now, I can say that she’s happy of what and who I am
surrounding myself with and who I am letting impact me in many aspects. However,
just a disclaimer, I don’t fully let her decide and tell me who should I be with, instead I
ask for advice and we often serve that topic on the table so we talk about that a lot.

When it comes to my studies or in school, although I believed that she had high
expectations for me the moment I started excelling in class, she still didn’t totally
pressure me to even go far and maintain my position in the honor roll. Her concern was
only for me to just pass every school year with satisfactory general weighted average or
GWA. Nonetheless, I maintained being on top, from elementary even up to now in which
I am the top 1 in our STEM Class, mainly because I want her to be proud of me and to
somehow savor that thought of me being able to give back to all the sacrifices that she
had endured for me to just thrive physically, mentally and socially.
Furthermore, in dealing with my problems, she always taught me to be brave
enough to face and deal with it, for it will help me mature and grow and eventually be
familiar with the paradigm of how I should handle it in certain ways. She was also able
to help me heighten my knowledge in dealing with people. She reminded to always
choose kindness over everything. All in all, she never really failed to suffice my needs
and to support me in every step of the way. She was and promised to always be there.

Most importantly, she introduced me to God. I woke up with I think the right
religion that I should be in. She taught me to always put God in the center of my life and
in everything that I do. She would pray with me before I sleep and we would always go
church together sometimes.

I really could not think of anyone that has influenced my whole life like how my
Mom did. She will probably forever hold the title of the most influential person in my
life. I love her so much, even though I often don’t say that to her. I wouldn’t definitely be
here if it weren’t for her and all the things she have done for me. She is the best and she
means the world to me.


Answer the following question in a short bond paper:

1. Why do you need information?

We need information because it basically heightens our awareness of what is

happening around us. Information empowers us. Information allows intellectual
development which leads to academic credibility, the development of subject
knowledge leading to an ability to discuss your subject with authority.

We need information to reduce uncertainty, so that the more information that is

provided, the greater the reduction of uncertainty. We use information to confirm or
verify something that we know, to predict what may happen, and to develop or
maintain personal relationships. Regardless of the labels that are used to describe the
variety of uses to which information can be put, it is clear that the possible uses are as
diverse as the number of individual people who are living in individual contexts and
facing individual questions, issues, or problems

Information is anything that changes the probability of states within a system. With
human systems, these states can refer to consciousness and the model of the world we
carry around with us in our heads - constantly changing with new information such as
sensation, thinking, learning and discussion. Information generates new information.
This is the existing knowledge/ information helps in generating new information; new
knowledge; new theories, etc.
Without information, we won’t learn and grow; we will remain dumb and knuckle-

2. Where do you search for information?

Back then, newspapers and radios are the top media where we, people, can acquire
information. However, today, most information is found on the Internet by utilizing
search engines. A search engine is a web service that uses web robots to query millions
of pages on the Internet and creates an index of those web pages. Internet users can
then use these services to find information on the Internet.

3. How do you acquire and store information?

Human Memory is the process that is used to acquire, store, retain and later retrieve
information. It involves three domains: encoding, storage, and retrieval.

Encoding is the process of getting information into memory. If information or

stimuli never gets encoded, it will never be remembered.

On the other hand, Endel Tulving argued that “the key process in memory is
retrieval. Why should retrieval be given more prominence than encoding or storage?
For one thing, if information were encoded and stored but could not be retrieved, it
would be useless.

4. How will you determine the quality and accuracy of the information that you
1) Accuracy. Verify the information you already know against the information
found in the source. Look also for disclaimers as to the accuracy of the content.
You may also want to double-check the information against a source that you
already know is trustworthy. Even though a source may use technical language,
the content may be misleading.
2) Authority. Make sure the source is written by a trustworthy author and/or
institution. If you are using a webpage, you can usually identify the
owner/publisher by the URL, or check for a copyright statement near the bottom
of the page. Make sure the author has the proper credentials on the subject
matter. Also, determine if the source is biased. For example, if it is medical
information from a drug company, that company will provide information in
support of its product. Be aware of the objectivity of the author and his/her
3) Currency. Depending on your subject, your currency needs will vary. For topics
related to recent breakthroughs in medicine and technology, you will need to
find up-to-date sources. If, however, you are researching a historical topic, older
resources may still be useful. For webpages, you can often find a copyright date
near the bottom. Also, look for the words "revised" or "updated" to find the date
of the website.

4) Coverage. You will also want to examine the content of the source and how it
fits your information needs. Identify its relevancy to your topic and whether or
not it addresses the subject matter. Also, make sure it provides enough
information if you are looking for a source that discusses the matter in-depth.
Additionally, determine if the site provides all the data you may need. For
example, if you need to include graphs or charts in your paper, try to find a
source that provides these.
5. How do you use the information that you have?

We basically use the information that we have to educate people, to advocate

something, to spread and heighten each other’s awareness to certain things, and to
answer questions and problems.
We also use information to confirm or verify something that we know, to predict
what may happen, and to develop or maintain personal relationships.
We use information to seek meaning in a variety of situations. Sometimes we use
it instrumentally, to do something tangible (e.g., to acquire a skill or reach a goal).
Other times, information is used cognitively (e.g., to generate ideas). Yet in other
cases, information is used in an affective manner (e.g., when an individual uses
information to feel supported or to derive pleasure).

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