Breastfeeding Observation Form

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Breastfeeding Observation Form

This form can be copied and used during observation of breastfeeds and used as a tool to assess breastfeeding
when highlighting feeding concerns eg; weight loss.
Signs that breastfeeding is going well Signs of possible difficulty

Body Position
_ Mother fully relaxed and comfortable _ Mother not relaxed, e.g. shoulders tense
_ Close body contact between baby and mother _ Baby’s body not held close to the mother
_ Baby’s head and body in line _ Baby has to twist head and neck to feed
_ Baby’s whole body supported _ Only shoulder or head supported
_ Baby’s upper lip opposite nipple before attachment _ Baby’s lower lip opposite nipple before attachment
_ Baby’s chin touches the breast during the feed _ Baby’s chin does not touch the breast

_ Baby reaches or roots for the breast _ No response to the breast
_ Baby explores the breast with tongue _ Baby not interested in the breast
_ Baby calm and alert at the breast _ Baby restless or fussy
_ Baby stays attached to the breast _ Baby slips off the breast
_ Signs of milk release (e.g. leaking) _ No sign of milk release

_ Secure, confident hold _ Nervous, shaking or limp hold


_ Face to face attention from the mother _ No mother / baby eye contact
_ Baby touched a lot by mother _ Little touching of baby by mother

_ Breasts soft and full _ Breast hard and engorged

_ Nipple prominent and protractile _ Nipples flat or inverted, or very long or very big
_ Skin appears healthy _ Skin damaged
_ Breasts look round and full during a feed _ Breasts look stretched or pulled
_ If visible, more areola above baby’s top lip _ If visible, more areola below baby’s bottom lip

_ Baby’s mouth wide open _ Baby’s mouth pursed, lips point forward
_ Lower lip turned outwards _ Lower lip turned in
_ Checks rounded _ Cheeks tense or pulled in
_ Slow, deep sucking bursts with pauses _ Rapid shallow sucks
_ Can see or hear swallowing _ Can hear smacking or clicking sounds
_ Rhythmic swallowing seen _ Occasional swallowing seen throughout the feed
Termination of a

_ Baby releases the breast spontaneously _ Mother takes baby off the breast

Time spent feeding ………. Minutes


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