Check Out These Official National Symbols of The Philippines: National Flag

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Symbols represent a wide variety of things.

When people see a particular symbol, they associate it with

something meaningful or standard. With this, each country has their own national symbols to identify
themselves from others and to unite its citizens through nationalism.

According to National Commission for Culture and the Arts (NCCA), official national symbols of the
Philippines represent the country’s traditions and ideals and convey the principles of Philippine
sovereignty and national solidarity.

Check out these official national symbols of the Philippines:

National Flag

The Philippines national flag, as defined by the National Historical Commission of the Philippines, is
made of silk, had a white equilateral triangle at the left containing a sunburst of eight rays at the center,
a five-pointed star at each angle of the triangle, an upper stripe of blue and a lower stripe of red. The
sun stands for liberty; the sunburst of eight rays for the first eight provinces to take up arms against
Spain; and the three stars for the three island groups of the Philippines – Luzon, Visayas and Mindanao.
The white triangle signifies Filipino hope for equality; the upper blue stripe stands for peace, truth and
justice; while the lower red stripe stands for patriotism and valor.
The flag is one of the most powerful symbols of the country. It has four colors: blue, red, white and yellow. Each
color symbolizes a human virtue: blue for peace, red for heroism, white for purity of heart and yellow for clarity of
mind. It has three stars and a sun inside the white triangle of the flag. The stars represent the 3 largest groups of
islands of the country: Luzon, Mindanao and Visayas. The sun’s 8 rays represent the 8 provinces that started the
armed struggle against Spanish rule in 1896

National Anthem: “Lupang Hinirang”

The Philippine national anthem is entitled “Lupang Hinirang” and composed by Julian Felipe. “Lupang
Hinirang” was first played publicly on June 12, 1898 during the proclamation of Philippine
Independence. Its lyrics were adopted from the Spanish poem, Filipinas, which was written by José
This is the title of the national anthem of the Philippines and it is an anthem that is played with a "marching tune."
The music was composed by Julian Felipe in 1898 and the lyrics of the song were taken from the poem “Filipinas”
by Jose Palma.

National Flower: Sampaguita

The Philippine national flower is called “sampaguita” which is generally known as the Arabian Jasmine.
Its white color symbolizes purity, simplicity, humility and strength.
The flower comes from a shrub called sampaguita, and the plant produces small, white flowers that resemble the
stars. The sampaguita flower has a very fragrant scent which is the main reason why it is quite well known. It
symbolizes purity and simplicity as well as strength.
The sampaguita became the national flower of the Philippines when Governor General Frank Murphy issued
Proclamation 652 in 1934.

National Tree: Narra

The Philippine national tree is called “narra” generally known as rosewood. It was made official by Gov.
Gen. Frank Murphy through Proclamation No. 652 s. 1934. In fact, under the DENR Memorandum Order
dated February 5, 2013, cutting of Narra needs to be approved by the DENR Central Office, particularly
by the Office of the Undersecretary for field Operations.
The wood of the narra tree is a very sturdy one and termites are unable to destroy it. This is the reason why it has
been used in building homes and making furniture, even though the wood is expensive. The tree symbolizes the
strength of character of the Filipino in times of crises.
The narra became the national tree of the Philippines during the time of Frank Murphy as Governor General in 1934.

National Bird: Philippine Eagle

The Philippine national bird is called “Philippine eagle” scientifically known as Pithecophaga jefferyi. It
was made official in 1978 by former President Ferdinand Marcos through Proclamation No. 1732.
This is a rare and endangered species, and it is an animal found only in the Philippines. The eagle became the
national bird of the Philippines by virtue of an executive order issued in 1995.

National Gem: Philippine Pearl

The Philippine national gem is called “Philippine Pearl” as declared by Former President Fidel V. Ramos
through Proclamation No. 905 s. 1996. It is scientifically known as Pinctada Maxima. In fact, world’s
largest pearl was discovered by a Filipino diver in a giant Tridacna (mollusk) under the Palawan Sea in

National Sport: Arnis

Arnis is to the Philippines like Japan’s Karate and Korea’s Taekwondo. It’s both a martial art and a sport
whose origins are still largely unconfirmed because of lack of documentation. It’s known by two other
names: Kali and Eskrima, and makes use of both bladed weapons, batons/sticks, and bare hands. It
became a national symbol in 2009 when then-Pres. Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo signed Republic Act  9850
into law.

Now, you may be wondering: where (or when) in this list will the name Dr. Jose Rizal appear? What
about things like anahaw and mangoes? Sadly, these cannot be included in the list above as they are
listed by the NCCA as national symbols because there is no law that has been signed declaring them as

What follows here is the list of our country’s unofficial national symbols:

National Hero: Dr. Jose Rizal

Long recognized in the country’s history books as our National Hero, Dr. Jose Protacio Rizal Mercado y
Alonzo Realonda’s status as our national hero has not been the subject of debate for the common Juan.
Scholars, however, still argue about who should be given the title: Jose Rizal, Andres Bonifacio, Emilio
Aguinaldo, Apolinario Mabini, Marcelo H. del Pilar, Sultan Dipatuan Kudarat, Juan Luna, Melchora
Aquino, and Gabriela Silang were listed down by former President Fidel V. Ramos as those worthy of
being given the title of National Hero. This list has not been acted on since being submitted by the
National Heroes Committee on November 22, 1995.
He is considered by many Filipinos as the national hero of the Philippines. His works had a profound influence on
Philippine nationalism during the last two decades of the 20th century. Many believe that his works, particularly the
“Noli Me Tangere” and “El Filibusterismo,” helped change the course of history in the Philippines during that time.

National leaf: Anahaw

Often referred to as the National Leaf, the anahaw or round-leaf fountain palm is not part of the
country’s national symbols. Normally seen in the countryside as a roofing material, anahaw leaves are
seen as decorative pieces/plants in the metro.
Anahaw leaves come from a large tropical palm and the leaves are shaped like a fan. They are large and attractive
and they can be used as a fan during hot days, although nowadays people use electric fans and air-cons to cool
themselves during summer. Anahaw leaves are sometimes used as an award symbol.

National fruit: Mango:

A common sight in Philippine wet and dry markets, the mango has long been seen as the National fruit.
As popular as it is for making desserts, there is no law that proclaims it as a national symbol.

National animal: Carabao

If common men have dogs as their best friend, then the carabao or Philippine water buffalo is the
Filipino farmer’s best friend. They’re beasts of burden, able to do almost everything that needs to be
done on the rice fields, including carry the farmer and his goods. But, without any laws to recognized
them, they’ll remain an unofficial symbol of the country.

National house: Bahay Kubo: 

The humble bahay kubo or nipa hut is still seen in some parts of the country, particularly in the
provinces. While it has long been a symbol of Filipino homes, it has not been recognized as a national

National fish: Bangus:

Bony, yet prized for its belly fat, which almost everyone fights for on the dinner table. The  bangus or
milkfish has long been seen as the country’s national fish, yet without a law, it’s status will never be

Other things have been cited over time as a national symbol, yet have never been recognized.

The battle has raged on between which should be recognized as the National Dance: Tinikling or

A still-to-be-settled debate has also raged online between those who love sinigang (sour soup) and those
who love adobo as to which should be recognized as the national dish.

National Symbols and Official Languages

SECTION 12. National Flag.—(1) The flag of the Philippines shall be red, white and blue, with
a sun and three stars, as consecrated and honored by the people and recognized by law.

(2) The custody, ceremonial use, occasion and manner of display, and the proper care and
disposition of the flag shall be governed by appropriate rules and regulations.

SECTION 13. National Anthem.—Until otherwise provided by law, the musical arrangement
and composition of Julian Felipe is adopted as the national anthem. It shall be sung or played
upon the opening or start of all state celebrations or gatherings and on such other occasions as
may be prescribed by appropriate rules and regulations.

SECTION 14. Arms and Great Seal of the Republic of the Philippines.—(1) The Arms shall
have paleways of two (2) pieces, azure and gules; a chief argent studded with three mullets
equidistant from each other; and, in point of honor, ovoid argent over all the sun rayonnant with
eight minor and lesser rays. Beneath shall be a scroll with the words “Republic of the
Philippines,” or its equivalent in the national language, inscribed thereon.

(2) The Great Seal shall be circular in form, with the arms as described in the preceding
paragraph, but without the scroll and the inscription thereon, and surrounding the whole, a
double marginal circle within which shall appear the words “Republic of the Philippines,” or its
equivalent in the national language. For the purpose of placing the Great Seal, the color of the
arms shall not be deemed essential.

SECTION 15. Use and Custody of Great Seal.—The Great Seal shall be affixed to or placed
upon all commissions signed by the President and upon such other official documents and papers
of the Republic of the Philippines as may be provided by law, or as may be required by custom
and usage. The President shall have custody of the Great Seal.

SECTION 16. Arms, Seals and Banners of Government Offices.—The various offices of
government may adopt appropriate coat-of-arms, seals and banners.

SECTION 17. Official Languages.—Until otherwise provided by law, Pilipino and English shall
be the official languages.

Executive Order No. 292

Coat of arms of the Philippines surrounded by a double marginal circle where the name of the
Philippines in Filipino as well as the country's national motto are inscribed. The Great Seal of the
Philippines (Filipino: Dakilang Sagisag ng Pilipinas) is used to authenticate official documents of
the Philippine government.

The flag is the country’s most cherished symbol. It is the nation’s emblem for freedom.   It
symbolizes patriotism, love of country and sense of nationhood and embodies the aspirations and
sentiments of the Filipino people in their unceasing quest for independence.  It stands as instrument of
unity that binds the Filipino people.

     It was during the preparation of the second phase of the Philippine Revolution (1898-1902) that the
idea of coming up with a new flag was conceived by General Emilio Aguinaldo, President of the
Revolutionary Government. Aguinaldo and other revolutionary leaders, then exiled in Hong Kong,
painstakingly designed the flag. It was handsewn by Marcela Mariño Agoncillo wife of Don Felipe
Agoncillo at 535 Morrison Hill Road with the help of her daughter Lorenza and Delfina Herbosa
Natividad, niece of Dr. Jose Rizal and wife of Gen. Salvador Natividad.

        Made of silk, the flag had a white equilateral triangle at the left containing a sunburst of eight rays
at the center, a five-pointed star at each angle of the triangle, an upper stripe of blue and a lower stripe
of red. The sun stands for liberty; the sunburst of eight rays for the first eight provinces to take up arms
against Spain; and the three stars for the three island groups fo the Philippines – Luzon, Visayas and
Mindanao. The white triangle signifies Filipino hope for equality; the upper blue stripe stands for peace,
truth and justice; while the lower red stripe stands for patriotism and valor.

        General Aguinaldo brought the flag with him when he returned to the Philippines from Hong Kong
on May 19, 1898.  He unfurled it in public for the first time to celebrate the victory of the Filipino forces
against the Spaniards during the Battle of Alapan on May 28, 1898.

      It was, however, in Kawit, Cavite, on June 12, 1898, that the official hoisting of the flag took place
during the proclamation of Philippine Independence by General Aguinaldo.  During the unfurling, the
music band of the San Francisco de Malabon played for the first time the Marcha Nacional Filipina,
composed by Julian Felipe, a Filipino music teacher and composer from Cavite.  Later, the poem
“Filipinas” by a young poet soldier Jose Palma became the lyrics of the anthem.

         The same flag was flown with dignity during the inauguration of Malolos Congress on September
15, 1898.

        The Philippine flag stood as witness to the glorious events of our history.  It encountered the most
significant events in the Filipinos’ struggle for freedom.  And since it symbolizes our ideals and
sentiments as a nation, it deserves to be treated with solemnity and dignity.
         The display of the Philippine Flag from May 28 to June 12 of each year honors the sacrifices of our
heroes for our hard-earned freedom.  This also a fitting respect and affection for our national flag – the
symbol of our sovereignty and solidarity.

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