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BSBWHS401 Implement & Monitor WHS policies, procedures

and programs to meet legislative requirements

ASSESSESSMENT A – Case Study Presentation

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Candidate’s Name: Date:

Candidate’s Name: Date:

Candidate’s Name: Date:

Candidate’s Name: Date:

Candidates Name ____________________________________ Date:____________


We declare this evidence has been produced by the undersigned.

Candidates’ Signatures: _______________________________ Date Submitted: _____________

ASSESSOR’S NAME: Maryline Lamy, Faculty of Management
Evidence to be presented:
Activities 1st Attempt 2nd Attempt Comments


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Follows guidelines
of presentation
Assessor to Complete

Result  Satisfactory  Not Satisfactory

Assessor’s Signature: ___________________ Date: ___________

Candidates’ Signatures: ________________________________ Date: __________________
Please Note: If a candidate is not satisfied with the assessment outcome he/she may lodge an

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BSBWHS401 Implement & Monitor WHS policies, procedures
and programs to meet legislative requirements
ASSESSESSMENT A – Case Study Presentation

Brief Description: This assessment is to be completed in groups of 4-5 people. These exercises /
activities require you to reflect and apply the concepts as applicable to monitoring a
safe workplace.
Feedback: Feedback will be provided within one week of submission
Where: Charles Telfair Institute
When: First Attempt: Week 5
Second Attempt: Week 6
Conditions: Answers must be students own individual work or referenced to the original source
using Chicago Referencing
Assessment Rules: You will be allowed two attempts to complete assessment tasks if your first
submission is deemed not satisfactory.  This is to be negotiated with your
Reasonable Reasonable adjustment: Relates directly to The Commonwealth disability
Adjustment: discrimination Act (1992) and The Disability Standards for Education to ensure
candidates with a disability have the best opportunity to have their competencies
accurately and fairly recognised. 
Reasonable adjustment to assessment is available for individual purposes. If you
feel you have a specific need that will impair your ability to undertake assessment
in any unit of competency please advise your lecturer so that reasonable
adjustments may be applied. Learners are encouraged to discuss individual needs
with their assessor who will apply applicable reasonable adjustment strategies.
Assessment Appeals You are entitled to appeal if you are not satisfied with the assessment process or
Process: outcome.  The appeal must be lodged within two weeks of receiving the
assessment information or outcome.  Your lecturer can advise you of the formal

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BSBWHS401 Implement & Monitor WHS policies, procedures
and programs to meet legislative requirements
ASSESSESSMENT A – Case Study Presentation

Description of Task

Each group (consisting of 4-5 team members) will be given a video to view, analyze and
thereby prepare a presentation on their findings on its Workplace Health and Safety
(WHS) policies, procedures and programs to meet legislative requirements.

The video analysis will require an investigation and subsequent evaluation of what and
how the accident occurred in the video. Students will be required to investigate the
organisation in the video and discuss their recommendations for its WHS policies and
procedures in the future. The study may reveal a need for: more documentation,
infrastructural changes and/or worker’s requirements. Your lecturer will allocate a video
from the following list to each group:

London's Subway Inferno


Plane Crash in Queens:

Texas Oil Explosion

Disaster Inferno in Guadalajara

Singapore Hotel Collapse

Deep-water Horizon

new links :

Seconds From Disaster Superstore Collapse

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London's Subway Inferno

Seconds From Disaster - Paddington Rail Disaster

Assessment A (Presentations) will be used by the lecturer to prepare Assessment B
(Individual Exam). As such, each student must attend each presentation and take notes
on each topic. These notes will be allowed in the Open Book Individual Exam in week 8

Your Presentation MUST follow the following format

1. Introduction to Presentation
a. Introduce team members
b. Introduce agenda
c. Introduce the organisation in the video
2. Provide information to the work team about WHS policies and procedures
a. Discuss the relevant WHS Act that applies in your video case study
b. Outline the policies and procedures that the organisation has in place to
identify and control hazards
3. Implement and Monitor Participation Arrangements for Managing WHS
a. Discuss how the organisation identified and controlled the hazard in the
b. In particular, discuss how the organisation communicated with
employees about the hazard in the video.
c. Discuss why consultation with employees in regards to WHS is important
– how could consultation have helped to avoid the incident in your
4. Implement and monitor organizational procedures for providing WHS training
a. Identify the WHS training needs in your video
b. Develop a training plan for the organisation based on your answer above
c. Discuss the different types of training that staff in your organisation
currently receive. For example, If you are studying an airline, discuss the
First Aid training that staff are required to undertake
d. Discuss why training is important when it comes to WHS – how could
training have helped to avoid the incident in your video?
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5. Implement and Monitor Organizational procedures and legal requirements for
identifying hazards and assessing and controlling risks
a. Discuss the hazard that occurred in the video in detail – what was it, what
caused it and how was it controlled? Make sure you explain the hierarchy
of control in this answer
b. Discuss the documentation process following the hazard that occurred.
What documentation was used? Who was involved in this process?
c. Explain what happened following this accident. What changed for the
organisation? Did they implement new processes or procedures? What
did the organisation learn through this disaster?
d. How will the organisation continually monitor the hazard to avoid it
happening again in the future?
6. Implement and monitor organisation procedures for maintaining WHS records
for the team
a. Discuss why the organisation should ensure that they accurately maintain
WHS records in the future
7. Question Time
a. Ask if the class or your lecturer has any questions
8. Conclusion
a. Summarize what you have discussed in your presentation – including the
main points and the key ‘take aways’
b. Thank the audience for their attention

You must include in your presentation:

1. Visuals
a. You must use a PowerPoint presentation at the very minimum for this
presentation. It is also encouraged that you incorporate lots of images,
use the whiteboard and give students handouts
b. Ensure that you do not have more than 50 words per slide. Remember to
use concise language and avoid overloading your slides.

2. Email your presentation to your lecturer

a. Your slides, handouts and any other materials must be emailed to your
lecturer on the due date. It is important that all team members are CC’d
into this email as feedback will be provided electronically.
b. Your presentation will be shared with your class mates prior to the
individual exam in week 7.

3. Team Synergy

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a. As this is a team assignment, team members should work together on
each section of the presentation. Students who simply ‘slice and dice’ this
assessment into pieces will be penalized.

4. Effective Communication
a. This assessment will not only assess your knowledge of this unit but also
your ability to convey it to the class. As such each speaker should be well-
rehearsed and informed prior to their presentation

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