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Enderase Amen ™

Nobel Servant of God

El Zufan Ye Ma'at
The Seat of Righteousness

Maa Kheru Ha er’n Amen (In A True Voice Praise Be To Amen)

Holy is Amen the father of all things; I beseech the, that I may never err from the
knowledge of the, look mercifully upon me and enable me and enlighten with thy grace,
those that are in ignorance, the people of my kind but thy children.

It is written that Righteousness is an attribute that implies that a person's actions are just, and can have
the connotation that the person has been "judged" or "reckoned" as leading a life that is pleasing to
Amen (the creator) who is all Righteous.

Ma'at in ancient Kemetic (Egyptian) means Harmony and or Order. A person was to live a life worthy
of Ma'at symbolized as a women wearing a feather of truth in her hair. When you passed this life your
heart would be weighed on the scales and judged against the feather. Your deeds in your heart would
determine your fate of correction or advancement unto the next life. Ma'at accompanied Tehuti (Thoth)
symbolized as a man with a Ibis head symbolizing Knowledge and Wisdom they were spouses; for you
could not have one with out the other; harmony with out wisdom, order with knowledge. This allegory
illustrated to the student the formula for Peace and Justice.

Righteousness is for all men but to the descendants of Atum who are called through the ages Egyptio,
Sud, Li Min or Kem blessed of Merinu the Earth and of Ra the sun. The black ones, first of mankind
father and mother to all who live, lived or will live on Merinu who is called earth. This I deliver to you
as you where the test and example a measure of the rise and fall of a righteous people made low by the
12 tournaments of Atum and who Amen (praise be to thee) will raise from the dead to display thee
grace and power from the four corners of Merinu to the firmament of the Heavens. Oh glorious
beautiful people who where prized around Merinu like unto the finest mahogany or the finest ebony,
desired from Merita called Africa that beloved land flowing of milk and honey, treasured with coffee,
wine, beer, healing herbs sweet foul, abundant fish, fruit of the palm and the vine, gold, diamonds,
copper, iron, lapse, sandstone and oh some many good things a parent could bequeath a child that they
may have a forward start and a secure hold in their life. How you have squander your inheritance, in
paradise you sold your brother for what was in your on backyard. You whored your sister for a high
name in a foreign house. You corrupted your lands with the bodies of your children that it will not
produce for you, how could Amen who is righteous not punish you how could thee not turn away from
you would thee not deliver you up into the hands of barbarians, defilers and brute ravishers as you have
done your own kind. For it is the truth with out lie or deception you descendant of Atum people of
Merita blessed of Merinu and Ra where the first whom Amen (praise be to thee) gave the law which
your forbears called Ma'at and all people learned. For none is more guilty than an official and
magistrate of the law charged with it's application and knowing to dismiss it and defile it. You where a
shepherd who became a wolf to his sheep and so you where set upon by the like. For it was not a curse
or punishment of Ham which is a lie, deception and a falsehood cast through craft by the children of
Lilith; that placed you last when you where first but by your strong and great pride that lead you to evil;
evil no more or unlike any other man that has dwelt in our holy mother Merinu but evil from one that
was taught good and righteousness from the start, fashioned with all intent to be a shepherd guide and a
watchful sentry of all mankind and Merinu. Slowly you were given over to a children of true evil,
trickery and deceit streaming from barren lands ignorant of wisdom for they take evil for good and
good for evil like a child with out a father. As you have sacrificed captives to false gods they sacrifice
nations. As you have deceived your people for greed and lust they will infect humanity with it. As you
have forgotten the flood of long ago so you will disregard these warnings, first a brush fire, than a
forest fire and last a great desert. For I am no greater than a dog barking at the coming danger for I am
a servant of Amen and a emissary of Ma'at and I bark so all may hear and when they spit on me I will
snarl, when they kick me I will bite and should they kill me, shortly they will say I was right for soon
and very soon they will join me. For in these last days that descend on you it will appear the fortunate
will be dead and the witness will cry out for it, from this calamity you will know and turn from
grotesque practices and foreign faiths and all the abominations that cause you to sin you will seek Ma'at
but you will not find her at home she will be brought back to you from those you cast away; for the
rejected stone will be the load stone that you may build again properly the House of Amen (praise be to
thee) mend the fields of Merinu and guide the souls of Men.

All who heed; take up your Mat study these teachings, they are a good and trustworthy friend incase
them in your bosom water them with true faith and true action let them grow and bear fruit for all who
meet you and are hungry for wisdom, and piety toward Amen who is all and righteous.
Exerts From the Shat Sila Ma'at:

Book 7 -His Secret Sermon on the Mount – Vs 26-47

Discourse on the 12 torments and original 10 virtues (Tehuti to Imhotep)

(ca. Complied 1351– Recompiled 650 BCE)

26. Imhotep. Then am I, O Father, utterly unable to do it.

27. Tehuti. Amen forbid, Son, rather draw or pull him unto thee (or Study to Know Him) and he will
come, be but Willing, and it shall be done; quiet (or make idle) the Senses of the Body, purging thyself
from unreasonable brutish torments of matter.
28. Imhotep. Have I any revengers or tormentors in myself, Father ?
29. Tehuti. Yes, and those, not a few, but many and fearful ones.
30. Imhotep. I do not know them, Father.
31. Tehuti. One Torment, Son, is Ignorance, a second, Sorrow, a third, Intemperance, a fourth
Concupiscence, a fifth, Injustice, a sixth, Covetousness, a seventh, Deceit, an eighth, Envy, a ninth,
Fraud or Guile, a tenth, Wrath, an eleventh, Rashness, a twelfth, Maliciousness.
32. They are in number twelve, and under these many more; some which through the prison of the
body, do force the inwardly placed Man to suffer sensibly
33. And they do not suddenly or easily depart from him that hath obtained mercy of Amen; and herein
consists, both the manner and the reason of Regeneration.
34. For the rest, O Son, hold thy peace, and praise Amen in silence, and by that means, the mercy of
Amen will not cease, or be wanting unto us.
35. Therefore rejoice, my Son, from henceforward, being purged by the powers of Amen, to the
Knowledge of the Truth.
36. For the revelation of Amen is come to us, and when that came all Ignorance was cast out.
37. The knowledge of Joy is come unto us, and when that comes, Sorrow shall fly away to them that
are capable of it.
38. I call unto Joy, the power of Temperance, a power whose Virtue is most sweet; Let us take her unto
ourselves, O Son, most willingly, for how at her coming hath she put away Intemperance.
39. Now I call the fourth, Continence, the power which is over Concupiscence. This, O Son, is the
stable and firm foundation of Justice.
40. For see, how without Labor, she hath chased away injustice and we are justified, O Son, when
Injustice is away.
41. The sixth Virtue which comes into us, I call Communion, which is against Covetousness.
42. And when that (Covetousness) is gone, I call Truth; and when she cometh, Error and Deceit
43. See, O Son, how the Good is fulfilled by the access of Truth; for by this means, Envy is gone from
us; for Truth is accompanied with the Good, together also with Life and Light.
44. And there came no more any torment of Darkness, but being overcome, they are all fled away
suddenly, and tumultuously.
45. Thou hast understood, O Son, the manner of Regeneration; for upon the coming of these Ten, the
Intellectual Generation is perfected, and then it drives away the twelve; and we have seen it in the
Generation itself.
46. Whosoever therefore hath of Mercy obtained this Generation which is according to Amen, he
leaving all bodily sense, know himself to consist of divine things, and rejoice, being made by Amen
stable and immutable.
47. Imhotep. O Father, I conceive and understand, not by the sight of mine eyes, but by the Intellectual
Operation, which is by the Powers. I am in Heaven, in the Earth, in the Water, in the Air, I am in living
Creatures, in the Plants, in the Womb, everywhere.

Proverbs Attested from the Temple of Amen of Ipet-isut (Called Karnak)

(ca. 1391–1351 BCE)

From the Outer Temple

• The best and shortest road towards knowledge of truth is Nature.

• For every joy there is a price to be paid.

• If his heart rules him, his conscience will soon take the place of the rod.
• What you are doing does not matter so much as what you are learning from doing it. · It is
better not to know and to know that one does not know,than presumptuously to attribute some
random meaning to symbols.
• If you search for the laws of harmony, you will find knowledge.
• If you are searching for a Neter, observe Nature!
• Exuberance is a good stimulus towards action, but the inner light grows in silence and
• Not the greatest Master can go even one step for his disciple; in himself he must experience
each stage of developing consciousness. Therefore he will know nothing for which he is not
• The body is the house of Amen. That is why it is said, "Man know thyself."
• True teaching is not an accumulation of knowledge; it is an awaking of consciousness which
goes through successive stages.
• The man who knows how to lead one of his brothers towards what he has known may one day
be saved by that very brother.
• People bring about their own undoing through their tongues.
• If one tries to navigate unknown waters one runs the risk of shipwreck.
• Leave him in error who loves his error.
• Every man is rich in excuses to safeguard his prejudices, his instincts, and his opinions.
• To know means to record in one's memory; but to understand means to blend with the thing and
to assimilate it in oneself.
• There are two kinds of error: blind credulity and piecemeal criticism. Never believe a word
without putting its truth to the test; discernment does not grow in laziness; and this faculty of
discernment is indispensable to the Seeker. Sound skepticism is the necessary condition for
good discernment; but piecemeal criticism is an error.
• Love is one thing, knowledge is another.
• True sages are those who give what they have, without meanness and without secret!
• An answer brings no illumination unless the question has matured to a point where it gives rise
to this answer which thus becomes its fruit. Therefore learn how to put a question.
• What reveals itself to me ceases to be mysterious—for me alone: if I unveil it to anyone else, he
hears mere words which betray the living sense: Profanation, but never revelation.
• The first concerning the 'secrets': all cognition comes from inside; we are therefore initiated only
by ourselves, but the Master gives the keys.
• The second concerning the 'way': the seeker has need of a Master to guide him and lift him up
when he falls, to lead him back to the right way when he strays.
• Understanding develops by degrees.
• As to deserving, know that the gift of Heaven is free; this gift of Knowledge is so great that no
effort whatever could hope to 'deserve' it.
• If the Master teaches what is error, the disciple's submission is slavery; if he teaches truth, this
submission is ennoblement.
• There grows no wheat where there is no grain.
• The only thing that is humiliating is helplessness.

From the Inner Temple

• An answer if profitable in proportion to the intensity of the quest.
• Listen to your conviction, even if they seem absurd to your reason.
• Know the world in yourself. Never look for yourself in the world, for this would be to project
your illusion
• To teach one must know the nature of those whom one is teaching.
• In every vital activity it is the path that matters.
• The way of knowledge is narrow.
• Each truth you learn will be, for you, as new as if it had never been written.
• The only active force that arises out of possession is fear of losing the object of possession.
• If you defy an enemy by doubting his courage you double it.
• The nut doesn't reveal the tree it contains.
• For knowledge ... you should know that peace is an indispensable condition of getting it.
• The first thing necessary in teaching is a master; the second is a pupil capable of carrying on the
• Peace is the fruit of activity, not of sleep.
• Envious greed must govern to possess and ambition must possess to govern.
• When the governing class isn't chosen for quality it is chosen for material wealth: this always
means decadence, the lowest stage a society can reach.
• Two tendencies govern human choice and effort, the search after quantity and the search after
quality. They classify mankind. Some follow Ma'at, others seek the way of animal instinct.
• Qualities of a moral order are measured by deeds.
• One foot isn't enough to walk with.
• Our senses serve to affirm, not to know.
• We mustn't confuse mastery with mimicry, knowledge with superstitious ignorance.
• Physical consciousness is indispensable for the achievement of knowledge.
• A man can't be judge of his neighbor' intelligence. His own vital experience is never his
• No discussion can throw light if it wanders from the real point.
• Your body is the temple of knowledge.
• Experience will show you, a Master can only point the way.
• A house has the character of the man who lives in it.
• All organs work together in the functioning of the whole.
• A man's heart is his own Neter.
• A pupil may show you by his own efforts how much he deserves to learn from you.
• Routine and prejudice distort vision. Each man thinks his own horizon is the limit of the world.
• You will free yourself when you learn to be neutral and follow the instructions of your heart
without letting things perturb you. This is the way of Ma'at.
• Judge by cause, not by effect.
• Growth in consciousness doesn't depend on the will of the intellect or its possibilities but on the
intensity of the inner urge.
• Every man must act in the rhythm of his time ... such is wisdom.
• Men need images. Lacking them they invent idols. Better then to found the images on realities
that lead the true seeker to the source.
• Ma'at, who links universal to terrestrial, the divine with the human is incomprehensible to the
cerebral intelligence.
• Have the wisdom to abandon the values of a time that has passed and pick out the constituents
of the future. An environment must be suited to the age and men to their environment.
• Everyone finds himself in the world where he belongs. The essential thing is to have a fixed
point from which to check its reality now and then.
• Always watch and follow nature.
• A phenomenon always arises from the interaction of complementaries. If you want something
look for the complement that will elicit it. Set causes Horus. Horus redeems Set.
• All seed answer light, but the color is different.
• The plant reveals what is in the seed.
• Popular beliefs on essential matters must be examined in order to discover the original thought.
• It is the passive resistance from the helm that steers the boat.
• The key to all problems is the problem of consciousness.
• Man must learn to increase his sense of responsibility and of the fact that everything he does
will have its consequences.
• If you would build something solid, don't work with wind: always look for a fixed point,
something you know that is stable ... yourself.
• If you would know yourself, take yourself as starting point and go back to its source; your
beginning will disclose your end.
• Images are nearer reality than cold definitions.
• Seek peacefully, you will find.
• Organization is impossible unless those who know the laws of harmony lay the foundation.
• It is no use whatever preaching Wisdom to men: you must inject it into their blood.
• Knowledge is consciousness of reality. Reality is the sum of the laws that govern nature and of
the causes from which they flow.
• Social good is what brings peace to family and society.
• Knowledge is not necessarily wisdom.
• By knowing one reaches belief. By doing one gains conviction. When you know, dare.
• Altruism is the mark of a superior being.
• All is within yourself. Know your most inward self and look for what corresponds with it in
• The seed cannot sprout upwards without simultaneously sending roots into the ground.
• The seed includes all the possibilities of the tree. ... The seed will develop these possibilities,
however, only if it receives corresponding energies from the sky.
• Grain must return to the earth, die, and decompose for new growth to begin.
• Man, know thyself ... and thou shalt know Amen.
Readiness or preparedness for admitance
1. Control of thought
2. Control of action, or Justice (i.e., the unswerving righteousness of thought and action).
3. Steadfastness of purpose, or Fortitude.
4. Identity with spiritual life, or higher ideals (i.e., Temperance which is an attribute attained when
the individual had gained conquest over the passionate nature).
5. Evidence of having a mission in life,
6. Evidence of a call to spiritual Orders of the Priesthood in the teachings; the combination of
which was equivalent to Prudence or a deep insight and graveness that befitted the faculty of
7. Freedom from resentment, when under the experience of persecution and wrong. This was
known as courage.
8. Confidence in the power of the master as teacher,
9. Confidence in one's own ability to learn; both attributes being known as fidelity.

Original Kemetic Proverbs

• "the tail of the dog never get straight even if you set a mold for it" "one never changes
• "A monkey is a gazelle in its mother’s eyes
• An absent person has his excuse
• borrowing is bad, and returning money is a loss
• Time never gets tired of Running
• Bathe her and then look at her.
• Be patient with a bad neighbor. Maybe he’ll leave or a disaster will take him out.
• Cover your candle, it will light more
• Dress up a stick and it’ll be a beautiful wife
• He who couldn't overcome the donkey took on the saddle.
• He whose house is made out of glass, shouldn’t throw stones at people.
• If your friend is (like) honey, don't lick it all.
• If you marry a monkey for his wealth, the money goes and the monkey remains as is.
• Knowledge is in the head, not the copybook.
• News that’s for money today will be for free tomorrow
• Stretch your legs as far as your quilt goes.
• This cub is from that lion
• What comes easily is lost easily.
• When I hear you, I believe you. When I see what you do, I’m surprised
• When the Neteru arrive, the devils leave
• Give saturday, you will find sunday
• Give me a fish, i have the day's food. Teach me how to fish and i will have everyday's food.
• The man a bald woman got will be easily seduced by a woman with beautiful hair.
• He kills the victim and walks in his funeral.
• Lying has no legs.
• Learn politeness from the impolite.
• Making money selling manure is better than losing money selling musk.
• Malice drinketh its own poison.
• Pride goeth before destruction, and a haughty spirit before a fall
• Put a rope around your neck and many will be happy to drag you along.
• Put by for a rainy day
• Run as hard as a wild beast if you will, but you won't get any reward greater than that destined
for you.
• The barking of a dog does not disturb the man on a camel.
• The tyrant is only the slave turned inside out.
• A beautiful thing is never perfect
• A man's ruin lies in his tongue.
The 42 Divine Principles of Ma'at

(ca. 2780-2250 BCE)

1. I honor Amen.

2. I have not committed violence.

3. I have not stolen.

4. I have not slain men or women

5. I feed the hungry.

6. I give offerings.

7. I have not defiled the sacred.

8. I have not told lies.

9. I have not been selfish.

10. I have not cursed.

11. I have not closed my ears to truth.

12. I have not committed adultery.

13. I honor animals as sacred.

14. I can be trusted.

15. I honor my community.

16. I give charity.

17. I remain in balance with my emotions.

18. I have not been a gossiper.

19. I honor my family.

20. I have not been angry without reason.

21. I have not disrupted families.

22. I have not polluted myself.

23. I communicate with compassion.

24. I have not disobeyed the Law.

25. I create harmony.

26. I have not cursed Amen.

27. I lead with love.

28. I am forgiving.

29. I have not acted hastily or without thought.

30. I have not overstepped my boundaries of concern.

31. I have not exaggerated my words when speaking.

32. I have not worked evil.

33. I have not used evil thoughts, words or deeds.

34. I have not polluted the water/land.

35. I have not spoken angrily or arrogantly.

36. I have not cursed anyone in thought, word or deeds.

37. I have not placed myself on a Pedestal.

38. I honor virtue.

39. I honor my ancestors.

40. I give guidance to children.

41. I advance through my own abilities.

42. I embrace life.

Maa-Kheru (True of Voice/Action)

Thanks be to Amen that we should instruct Humanity on the Mat,

teaching the ignorant in knowledge,
and in the standard of good discourse,
beneficial to him who hears,
but woe to him who neglects them.

Maa Kheru Ha er'n Amen,

Ras Nahmir Amun (Head Minister)
Of The Orthodox Assembly Enderase Amen

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