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LiftFund Monthly Financial Worksheet

Fill out all the areas that pertain to your monthly financials to create your financial picture.
Monthly Personal Income
Take home from business
(if in business more than 6 months) $ -
Additional income from household
(enter if they are co-borrower only) $ -
Applicant's Employment Income
(verify through your paystub) $ -
Apply other income received
(disability, child support, stipend)
Monthly Expenses
Monthly Debt Payments
(all payments) $ -
Other loan payments (including vehicle)
(minimum payment amounts) $ -
Credit card payments
(minimum payment amounts) $ -
Sub-Total Personal Debt $ -
Personal Expenses
Education and Childcare $ -
Food and Clothing $ -
Child Support/Alimony $ -
Utilities $ -
Insurance, Gas, Other $ -
Other expenses $ -
Sub-Total Personal Expenses $ -
TOTAL MONTHLY EXPENSES (Personal+ Debt): $ -

Total Personal Cash Flow (Income-Expenses) $ -

Debt to Income Ratio Calculation

Monthly Universal Cash Flow $ -
Total Monthly Debt Payments (Non-LiftFund) $ -
Debt to Income Ratio #DIV/0!

LiftFund Loan Amount (use negative to calculate DCR) $ (1,000.00)

Interest Rate 15.0%
Term (months) 48
Monthly Loan Payment $27.83
Personal and Business Monthly Debt $ 27.83
Monthly Net Income (UCF) (Personal + Business) $ -
Debt Coverage Ratio (Cash to Business Debt) #DIV/0!
onthly Financial Worksheet
onthly financials to create your financial picture.
Monthly Business Revenue
Gross Sales $ -
Any Other Revenues $ -

Business Monthly Expenses

Cost of Goods Sold $ -
(Raw Materials & Merchandise) $ -
Business Rent/Mortgage $ -
Utilities and Insurance $ -
Vehicle and Other loan payments $ -
Credit card payments $ -
Salaries/labor, taxes $ -
Gas and miscellaneous $ -

Total Business Cash Flow $ -

Universal Cash Flow

Personal Total Cash Flow $ -
Total Business Cash Flow $ -
Universal Cash Flow $ -

Monthly Personal Income is all income including co-borrower. If in business for less
than six months the owner's draw is not included. Monthly Expenses are made up
of two types of expenses: Monthly Debt Payments include all short and long term
debt and Personal Expenses include all expenses other than debt payments.
Monthly Business Revenue includes gross sales (all sales generated without any
expenses attached to it). Personal Debt to Income Ratio is calcluated by taking the
subtotal of monthly debt payments and monthly personal income. Cash flow
calculation is total income to total monthly expenses (debt and expenses). Business
Monthly Expenses include all expenses both debt and fixed and variable expenses.
When determining "is a business owner ready for an LiftFund loan?" we must gather
all income and revenue sources and all monthly debt payments (minimum payments)
and monthly expenses to determine their universal cash flow, their debt to income
ratio, and the debt coverage ratio. The orange colored boxes are cash flow
calculations, the green boxes are ratio calculations, the yellow are sub-totals and
calculations, the green boxes are ratio calculations, the yellow are sub-totals and

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