Blue Ocean Strategy: Costin Ciora - Business Strategy & Analysis

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Lecture 12

Blue Ocean Strategy

Costin Ciora - Business Strategy & Analysis 1

Costin Ciora - Business Strategy & Analysis 2
Costin Ciora - Business Strategy & Analysis 3
Costin Ciora - Business Strategy & Analysis
Costin Ciora - Business Strategy & Analysis
Costin Ciora - Business Strategy & Analysis
Questions ?

• Blue Ocean Strategy – W. Chan Kim, Renee Mauborgne

• Vaughan Evans – Key strategy tools, Pearson Publishing, 2013

• Martin Reeves, Knut Haanaes, Janmejaya Sinha - Your strategy

needs a strategy. How to Choose and Execute the Right
Approach. Harvard Business Review Press, 2015

Costin Ciora - Business Strategy & Analysis 8

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