Corazon Aquino

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“I would rather die a meaningful death than to live a meaningless life.

” Said by our strong,

independent and beloved President Corazon Cojuangco Aquino who had changed the course of Philippine
history. The death of her husband gave rise to the democracy that every single Filipinos wanted. The
assassination of her husband galvanized the opposition even more and drew widespread and sparked
outrage support for their cause, culminating in a People Power revolt.

The rebirth of democracy gives rise when Corazon Cojuangco Aquino ran as a president during
the snap election. Corazon Cojuangco Aquino is an epitome of a great leader, she managed to unify the
Filipinos in amidst of crisis and chaos. She uplift the morality over oppression. I do really believed that
everything can be done without so called oppression. During her presidency made an important gains in
the aspects of bringing back democracy, restoring investor confidence in the economy and enacting legal
and constitutional reforms and restored civil liberties. According to Ben, grandfather of Spiderman “With
great power comes great responsibility.” That was basically what Corazon Cojuangco Aquino experienced
during her presidency. It is absolutely tough responsibility but still she managed it through her principles
in life.

It is indeed that Philippines and America have a strong bond and connection form one another.
We cannot deny that because history tells all. Have you remember this line “I shall return.” This was the
phrase that I do not forget. It was said by Douglas MacArthur who is an American general during World
War II. Like what happened in the presidency of Corazon Cojuangco Aquino, it happened again and the
America help us to regain our strength.

From my perspective, Corazon Cojuangco Aquino should be awarded as icon of democracy and
America as the most supportive country ever in Philippines history. The maybe have their intentions but
their help means a lot. Why do we question always the help of other, why not accept it and be grateful
for what they have done. Without them we cannot achieved what we have today.

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