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GE-3 ENGLISH Assignment

Name: Titiksha kumar

Course: BMS
Roll no: 6556
Submitted to: Dr Nidhi Kiran

In simpler terms, Semiotics is the study of signs and
symbols and their use or interpretation.
Signifier is the symbol that represents the object
Signified is the actual object which is being
Sign combines both signifier and signified into a
meaningful unit.
Semiotics in Tango
Tango dance is one the most famous partner dances that
emphasizes the vibrant and playful style of movement, rich
expressions, and improvisation and requires close connection
and passion between dancers. It is currently practiced by
millions of people from all around the world.

Signified: when we hear about the dance form “tango”

we imagine 2 people, a man and a woman performing a
fast paced and playful dance wearing vibrant outfits. The
woman is usually in a red dress while the man is in a
black outfit.
Signifier: the signifier can be seen, heard, touched or
smelled. The woman in the red dress and the man in the
black outfit, the intense and fast paced music with a
piano, guitar, violin sound and a human voice in the
background is the signifier here.
Sign: the combination of both the mental and physical
concepts here is the sign. We can understand that tango
is a dance form and when it is performed in front of us
we can identify it from all the above substances.

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