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Uses of the Present continuous

An action A temporary A changing Behaviour that

happening at situation situation happens more
the time of often than
speaking expected

He's always I'm cooking dinner

You’re always
parking his car in Why don't you co You’re getting fat!
taking my books!
my parking space! me over?

He’s having lunch. I’m doing an People are living

House prices are
Can he call you English course on longer than ever
going up again.
back? Tuesday evenings before.

We’re currently
More people are working on a She’s forever
We’re stocktaking
getting divorced project to update gossiping about
this week.
these days. the accounting soft other people.

He's always
They’re packing I’m working on
telling everyone You’re always
your order right the page design
how successful teasing me!
now. today. I'll call you
he is.
when it's ready.

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