Grade 10 Classroom Rules

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1. Arrive on time.
 Attend flag ceremony
 Refer to SSG Rules for reprimand
2. Raise your hand before speaking.
3. Listen to others and participate in class discussions.
4. Prepare your materials during noninstructional time.
5. Stay on task.
6. Do your assignments.
7. Bring materials and have them ready.
8. Listen to directions.
9. Cooperate with your group.
10. Pick up after yourself.
11. Leave other people's materials alone.
 Stealing other’s property is a crime, refer to Student’s Code
of conduct for the reprimand
12. Do not interrupt other students' learning.
13. Keep hands, feet and objects to yourself.
14. Keep your hands clean and take care of personal hygiene in
the rest room during breaks.
 Ask permission before going out
15. No vandalism. Don't write or carve on your desk or school
 Replace damaged property
16. Clean during your schedule in zone, rest room, and classroom
 Fine for not cleaning: 1 floor wax per day
17. Participation in all school and class activity is a must.
18. Follow the school’s cell phone policy

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