Operation: 1.1 Preparative

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JTY-3A CPT Instrument User’s Manual

Chapter 1


1.1 Preparative

Please having a series of checking and preparing work before use this instrument.

1 Opening the lid, checking panel and all operation switches any impact injuries, whether
any of the socket and iron debris, clean handling.

2 Opening the power switch, observation of light, If the Power and Less Voltage Lighting the
same time should first charge.

3 If the screen shows more black characters or words, using it after font clarity.

1.2 Panel’s Recognition and Operation

The instrument panel includes switches sockets and keyboard three parts. The keyboard is
sealed with touching. It has an attractive appearance with dust-proof, waterproof,
anti-invasion of the characteristics of harmful gases and easy to operate.
1.2.1 Panel’s Recognition
Keyboard Layout

Sensor Data Data Data LCD
Shift Pressure Reset
Calibrate Acquire Storage Transmit Backlight
! “ Memory
ABC DEF 1 2 3# ESC PgUp
GHI JKL 4$ 5% 6- Lock ↑ PgDn
8 )
9 Home ← →

STUV WXYZ 。 / 0* ▲ End ↓ Enter

Figure 1-1
JTY-3A data acquisition instrument’s panel has three kinds keys. 1.function keys, 2.
operation keys, 3. character keys.
There are four function parts on the keyboard.
1. Five lights
2. Key figures,
3. Alphabetical keys,
4. Function keys

1.2.2 Shine lights

1 Power lights Open the power switch, the machinery is normal, power lights.

2 Less voltage light Low battery voltage, electricity shortage, lights

JTY-3A CPT Instrument User’s Manual

3 Recharging light When charging power supply connected, rechargeable lights

4 Rechargefull light When charging is completed, lights

5 Shift light lighting then input lowercase / input character on digital key.
1.2.3 Function Keys
Connected to the main power supply, press function keys to enter the operation procedures.
1. Sensor calibrate: Calibrate sensors of cone tip, friction jacket, vane and pore-pressure.
2. Data acquire: press this key to get automatic data acquisition.
3. Data transmit: The data will be transmitted to computer.
4. Data storage: The collected data will be saved in the memory chip of the instrument
for preservation.
5. Pore pressure tests: Start pore pressure testing procedures when measuring qc ,fs.
6. LCD backlight: open/close LCD backlight. When the instrument is on the zero setting or
collection states, do not press “LCD backlight”
7. Memory show: Display each storage area (A~E) how to be occupied in the instrument.
8. Shift: Capital and Lowercase letters conversion

1.2.4 Operation keys:

1. Numeral keys: input the corresponding figures by pressing 0-9.
2. Alphabetical keys: press alphabetical key continuously, displaying letters on the key.
3. Cursor keys: cursor movement.
4. ESC: Return to the previous menu list.
5. Lock: Lock / open storage area. When lock a storage area, any operation on the area will
not be prohibited.
6. Home: back to the home page when editing data.
7. End : Jumping to the last page of data when editing data.
8. PgUp: page upward.
9. PgDn: page downward.
10. The special function keys
① Reset: Terminate any process, means restarting.
② Enter: Confirmed key
③ ◀ (Backspace): To delete the wrong characters before cursor.
1.2.5 Switch socket and zero knob:
Power switch located on the left of the instrument. Open the back door ,you can see PRINT
(not to use currently), USB, SERIAL(DB-9,nine-pin,male) Transmission, CABLE
(DB-9,nine-hole,female) connected with cone, charging jack; Open the right door ,there are
zero knobs include qc, fs, u(pore-water pressure) zero Potentiometers. Signs of “qc”, ”fs”
and ”u” are charactered on the respective doors.

1.3 Cone Calibrating

Open the power then display:

JTY-3A CPT Instrument User’s Manual

JTY-3A Data
Acquisition System
For Geotechnical
CPT Test

Technology Co., ltd.
PUYANG City, China
Figure 1-2

Press key “Sensor calibrate” display:

Select Data Record:

1 2 3 4

Press Cursor Key

And Press Enter

Figure 1-3
Press cursor key to move cursor and press “Enter” to select a record for storage data
acquired of calibrating sensor. Four records are provided.

1 Cone Tip
2 Friction Jacket
3 Vane
4 Pore Water
5 Exit
Figure 1-4

Press numeral keys and input the corresponding calibration procedures.

Press “1” then display:
2006 Y 06 M 28 D
Cone-No 005
Tip Area 15 cm*cm
qc Load Step 05 kN

Press Key Enter

Figure 1-5
1. “2006 Y”: four digit year number, ”Y”-Year. Year number must exceed 2000.
2. “06 M”: Two digit month number. ”M”-Month. Month number not exceed 12.

JTY-3A CPT Instrument User’s Manual

3. “28 D”: Two digit date number. ”D”-Date. The date number is not more than number of
Days in the month.
If no response when press numeral keys , delete the characters prior to “M” or “D” first.
4. Cone-No : Need input 000-999 three digital.
5. Input “Tip Area” two digital. Unit cm2 . For example, 10,15.
6. qc load by several steps , the steps number seven. “05 kN” step is recommend when
“Tip Area” is equal to “15 cm*cm” , “03 kN” step is recommended when “Tip Area” is
equal to “ 10 cm*cm”.
7. “Press Key Enter” means Press “Enter” to continue. If qc load step is equal to “0”,
JTY-3A will do nothing.
Fix cone on manually supercharger and prepare measuring force equipment , connect cone
with JTY-3A by cable.

Round: 1/3 qc
Zero: 235

Load kN) (
Unload )
00 0 0
05 1120 1121
10 2240 2239
15 3362 3362

1 Next 2 End 3 EXIT

Figure 1-6

“Round: 1/3”: When Calibrating a cone, it is recommended that loading and unloading
three times. “1/3” means the first loading and unloading.
“qc , v-vane, u-pore water.
“: Now calibrating cone tip . fs-friction jacket
“Zero: 235 “ Zero point.
“00 05 10 15” : Load step, unit kN.
“0 1120 2240 3362”: Acquisition data under a certain load.
“0 1121 2239 3362”: Acquisition data when unload.
“1 Next”: Next round.
“2 End”: End calibrating procedure, calculate quotiety.
“3 Exit”: Abort calibrating and return to figure 1-4
Press↑“ ” or↓“ ” can delete a wrong data and acquire again.
Press→“ ” , turn loading to unloading.
Press “Enter” to confirm acquisition.
Errors include linear, lag, repeat, zero, can be calculated.
The result of calibrating cone can be sent to PC and the data can be all printed out.

1.4 Data Acquisition

JTY-3A CPT Instrument User’s Manual

Display figure 1-2,press “Data Acquire” key:

1. Measuring qc,fs

2. Measuring qc

3. Vane Test

4. Measuring qc,fs,u

5. Measuring qc,u
Figure 1-7

Choice “4” then display:

2006 Y 06 M 28 D
Project 568 DRILL 345
qc 0.002829
fs/v 0.002557
u 0.002678
qc-Alarming 36 MPa
fs- Alarming 36 10*kPa
Elevation 50.45 m
Waterlevel 12 m
Figure 1-8

In figure 1-8
” Project 568”: Means the project number is 568, its scope is 000-999,it would be
allowed to input a character.
” Drill 345”: Means the drill number is 568, its scope is 000-999,it would be allowed to
input a character.
“qc 0.002829”: The result of Calibrating cone tip sensor, it can be changed
by hand, just input digits after “0.”.
“fs/v 0.002557”: The result of Calibrating friction-jacket/vane sensor, it can
be changed by hand, just input digits after “0.”.
“u 0.002678“: The result of Calibrating pore-water pressure sensor, it can
be changed by hand, just input digits after “0.”.
“qc-Alarming 36 MPa”: If the resistance of stratum on cone tip is more than 36MPa
when collection data, the instrument hums with alarming, and display letters “qc” on LCD
below. Number ”36”: can be changed by hand.
“fs-Alarming 36 10*kPa”: If the resistance of stratum on friction jacket is more than
360kPa when collection data, the instrument hums with alarming, and display letters “fs”
on LCD below. Number ”36”: Can be changed by hand.
“Elevation 50.45 m” “345”: Drill point orifice elevation is 50.45m.

JTY-3A CPT Instrument User’s Manual

“Waterlevel 12 m” Means “345”: Hole’s anticipated estimates ground water level

is 12m.
Above all number can be changed by numeral key, cursor and ▲
“ (backspace)”.
press “Enter” into zero state:

V-Scale: 1:1m/cm
H-scale: 1:2 (1-6)
qc zero 236 250
fs zero 267 250
u zero 285 250
Press key “Enter”
Figure 1-9

In acquisition process, use the real line draw the qc curve, use the broken line draw the fs
“V-Scale: 1:1m/cm”: This parameters can not be changed.
“H-scale: 1:2 (1-6)” “1:2”: means qc curve 2.0MPa/cm,fs curve
0.02MPa/cm.”(1-6)” means its scope is 1-6.
“qc zero 236 250” : The initial reading is “236”(virtual value is 200-300),
before penetrating it would be adjusted to about 250 by “qc” zero potentiometer.
“fs zero 267 250” : The initial reading is “267”(virtual value is
200-300), before penetrating it would be adjusted to about 250 by “fs” zero
“u zero 285 250”: The initial reading is “285”(virtual value is
200-300), before penetrating it would be adjusted to about 250 by “fs” zero
After zeroing, press “Enter” to begin collection. Revealed the following:

2 4 6 8 10 12 14 (MPa)


06 qc curve

8.50m (Cone Depth)
2.50MPa (Cone tip resistance)
10.5kPa (Friction jacket resistance)
20.0kPa (Pore-water pressure)

Figure 1-10

JTY-3A CPT Instrument User’s Manual

In figure1-10 horizontal coordinates means the resistance of cone tip and friction jacket. qc
unit is “MPa”, fs unit is “10*kPa” . Longitudinal coordinates means the cone’s depth and its
unit is “m”. When the acquisition depth is more than the multiples of 11 meters, Automatic
clear screen to 100m finally. When measuring “qc” and “fs” display acquisition of qc curve
and fs curve at the same time. It’s very intuitive. If needs zero again in acquisition, pull the
cone up to 10-20cm and do not move depth reader ,then press “Enter”. Display figure 1-7.
Now we can reset proportion of the horizontal curve. Not to adjust zero Potentiometers,
though cone temperature is different in vary depth, the software modify acquired
data(qc,fs) automatically to eliminate the influence of temperature. Press “Enter” again,
push down CPT rods, to continue acquisition.
When the cone penetrate below groundwater, if press “Pore Pressure Test” key, then start
to measuring dissipation of pore water pressure, maximum testing time is 9000 seconds,
press “ESC” to end the acquisition of dissipation. Number of testing of dissipation isn’t to be
restricted in a drill hole.
When the cone reach designed depth, press “Data Storage” to save acquisition to memory
chip. Prepare to acquire data in next drill. If no response when pressing “Data storage” key,
then pull depth reader is ok.

1.5 Vane Test

Display figure 1-2:

Press “Data Acquire” then display figure 1-7, press “3” to select “Vane Test” and display
figure 1-8. Vane sensor must be connected to “fs” channels. Check or input the quotiety
behind “fs/v”.

V Zero 267 250

Press key Enter

Figure 1-11

“V Zero 267 250”: The initial reading is “267”(virtual value is 200-300),

before rotating the CPT rods string which is coupled to the vane, it would be adjusted to
about 250 by “fs” zero potentiometer.

Maximum of longitudinal axis is 35kPa, if fs-Alarm is greater than 490 kPa, maximum of
longitudinal axis is 70kPa. The Vane Data is acquired per 10 seconds and viewed graphically
on screen. Maximum measuring time is 720 seconds. Press “Data Storage” to cut-off
acquisition and save vane data in memory chip.

JTY-3A CPT Instrument User’s Manual

35 (kPa)

30 Undrained shear strength curve of clays



10 03:05

05 14.5kPa

300 600s

Figure 1-12

“03:05”: Testing elapsed time, 3 minutes and 5 seconds.

“14.5kPa”: Shear strength currently.

1.6 Memory Management

The storage space of the instrument is divided into five regions(A-E), 100 holes/756m, qc
and fs data can be storage in each area.

Region of Memory:

Drill Metre STA

A: 0/100 756 OK
B: 1/099 750 OK
C: 0/100 756 OK
D: 2/098 740 Lock
E: 3/097 721 ok

Figure 1-13
“A:”: storage area symbol.
“2/098”: have been storaged 2 holes data and can deposit 98 holes data again.
“756” the max meters number of the deposits.
“OK/Lock” storage state “unlock/lock”.
Press keys↑“ ”,”
↓ ,” the black line will be moved, press “Enter” to confirm.
When selected a storage area, press “DEF” alphabetical key, all the information in this area
will be removed (not restored).

JTY-3A CPT Instrument User’s Manual

Format A:

All Data On Region A:

Will be Lost?

Figure 1-14

Press “Enter” to format A:, press other key to cancel and return to figure 1-13.

1.7 Curve Displaying

When doing fieldwork or laboratory analysis, we can get the acquisition of the curve on the
screen. When displaying figure 1-2, press “Enter”:

1. Curve Display

2. Data Edit

3. Measuring Again

4. Change Password

5. Data Recovery

6. Save Data To

Memory Again

7. Store Data On USB Mass Disk

Figure 1-15

123-456-(98-10-16) 001
123-678-(98-10-17) 002
124-001-(98-10-19) 003
124-002-(98-10-20) 004

Figure 1-16.
“123” of the first line is project No. “-” is split symbol. “465” is hole number, “98-10-16”
is working date October 16 1998, the end “001” is the order No. of the hole in the memory.
The largest numbers is 100.
Press “1”, display figure 1-13. press←“ ”,”→ ”↑ ↓ ”,”PgUp”, ”PgDn” to move black line,
,“ ”,”
press “Enter” to display selected hole’s curve. Press ”PgUp”, ”PgDn” to browse the whole

JTY-3A CPT Instrument User’s Manual

1.8 Data Edit

There will be some unforeseen circumstances at the survey site.

Sometimes the instrument gets the un-normal data collection, Altering the acquired data
(qc,fs,u) directly is provided by the software in JTY-3A instrument.

00.00 00.02 00.33

00.10 00.50 00.42
00.20 00.98 00.67
…… …… ……
…… …… ……
11.50 23.56 56.88
Figure 1-17

Display figure1-2, press “Enter”, then display figure 1-15, press “2”, display figure 1-8,
select a drill’s data (project, drill and quotiety etc.) to modify. In Figure 1-17, in a row line,
depth is on the left of LCD, qc (MPa) on the middle and fs (10 × kPa) on the right.”← ” or ”
→ ” can move a column,↓“ ”or↑” ” can move a row. “PgUp” , ”PgDn”, ”Home”, ”End” keys
can be used. press “Enter” to insert a point data(depth, qc, fs), the drill depth is increased
by 10cm at the same time. Press▲“ (Backspace)”, you can delete the point data(depth,
qc, fs) whose location is the same as the location of current cursor, the drill depth is
decreased by 10cm automatically. Press “Data Storage” key, storage edited data to
memory chip again.

1.9 Continue Collection

Acquisition of a certain depth, if static cone penetrometer failure and not to continue
collection, first save the data collection and closed power, then continue collection after
removing faults. Power on, Displaying figure 1-2, press “Enter”, display figure 1-15. Press
“3” key to select a drill’s data to acquire again.

1.10 Change Password

When JTY-3A acquisition Instrument leaves the factory, switched password is “000” and
need not be asked the switched password when running it.
Display figure 1-2, Press “Enter” into the figure 1-15, select “Change Password”, input
primitive (old) password “***”. If right then hints “NewPassword”, this new password will
be the switched password at the next time. This function can help operator reduce wrong
Input password must be 3 characters, using key▲“ ” ,←“ ” and→” ” can amend having input
password. Press “Enter” to confirm and return to figure 1-2.

1.11 Data Transmission

JTY-3A CPT Instrument User’s Manual

When displaying figure1-2, press key “Data Transmit” and display figure 1-18,

Check Baud Rate:



Press Key Enter

Figure 1-18
Press keys↑“ ” and↓” ”can move black line, the location of the black line is the selected
baud rate, press “Enter”, display “Transmission...”. Only pressing “Reset” could break
data transmission.
Running “DataComm” transmission software(DownLoad jty-3A.rar from www.pyjty.com)
in PC and using the same Baud Rate for data transmission.

JTY-3A CPT Instrument User’s Manual

Chapter 2

Instrument Maintenance
This is a kind of Precision Instruments with PC functions and working in bad environment, so
proper maintenance and use of equipment to extend the life for lower failure rate is very
important. It include the following aspects:
1. Not free to adjust the equipment for the demolition and replacement parts. Not to set
2. Prevent strong impact and sudden temperature changes.
3. In a very low temperature, the display will reduce the sensitivity. This is temporary, and
when to resume normal temperature, shows the situation will return to normal.
4. When Less voltage light lighted, said insufficient voltage, should be sufficient then use.
Can not use the diluted gasoline or other volatile cleaning machine outside, we can use
water to clean.
5. This is a kind of Precision Instruments, the heat is not to be placed near it, as well as high
temperature, high humidity and corrosive environment of use of gas.
6. Do not squeeze the screen hard to avoid damage.
7. Remember not to release weights at the keyboard, in order to avoid damage of the
keyboard and the components.
8. Depth reader is a depth signal sensor, its wheel turns round only one direction rotation,
not be reversed. Its acquisition sensitivity is related with the depth of its accuracy, we
should cherish and maintain cleanliness.
It is part of the mainframe's power supply batteries to the correct use and maintenance of
mainframe direct impact on the duration of use and stability, so it should pay special
attention to the following aspects:
1. If the instruments do not use at long-term, should also be charging interval of
approximately one months.
2. Charging time is about 5 hours. When Rechargefull light lighted, charging is the end.
3. AC adapter, Input: AC220V50Hz18VA, Output: DC12V1000mA.

JTY-3A CPT Instrument User’s Manual

Transmission Software Section

Chapter 1 Function and Character of the Software

1.1 Main Function

DataComm v3.2.1 is the special Transmission software of model JTY-3A CPT data
acquisition instrument, it offers data communication、 curve display and print functions;
Produces text data file which can be read by plot software. It main function include :
1.1.1 Instrument data communication
、 curves of calibrating cone of acquisition instrument and the parameters
The CPT curves
which be set in the process of acquisition and calibration. All of the data will be transmitted
to computer.
1.1.2 Multi holes data transmission
Can select single hole or multi holes data transmission, multi holes transmission can
transmit many holes to PC, velocity is rapidly.
1.1.3 Curve display
The data which have been transferred to computer, can be resumed to the curves and
displayed on the screen, the horizontal and vertical scale can be modified in the scale of 1-6.
vertical direction can display the curve in every section and display the parameters which be
set in the process of acquisition.
1.1.4 Curve print
Can print the curves, project name, drill hole number, test date, depth of the bottom in drill
hole etc, which displayed on the screen.

1.2 Main Character

This software’s main character include following aspects:

1.2.1 Rapidly and Conveniently Instrument Data Transmission
Support search serial communication port (com1,com2).
System can automatically search errors of serial communication port, communication cable
and communication status of instrument;
High credibility of data communication, can not appear data error and dead of computer
1.2.3 Perfect Function
Can display and print curve in different scale;
In communication process can direct produce text type data file or curve data file that
consumer need to plot profile chart and geologic histogram. Registration of the data on
depth or time basis and the data can be processed more (Consumer may provide curve date
file format that be used to plot, so that DataComm software directly output the data file
whose format is wanted).
1.2.4 Friendly Consumer Interface
Adopt advance windows working platform;

JTY-3A CPT Instrument User’s Manual

The design of consumer interface conform windows technical develop regulation;

The system can be unloaded safely;

Chapter 2 The DataComm installation and running

2.1 Installation
1. First install English or Chinese window98/me/2000/xp environment;
2. DownLoad jty-3A.rar from www.pyjty.com and decompress it, run the file setup.exe;
3. Select the disk will be set up, the system run install process;
4. After the installation, in start | program menu, appear icon and name of DataComm;
5. You can also set up the DataComm’s rapid model;
6. Select Start | Set up | Console | Add/Delete Procedure, can unload the
2.2 Run
Before running DataComm, you need:
1. To connect JTY -3A CPT acquisition instrument and anyone serial communication port
use data communication cable;
2. The resolution of display should set to 1024*768 mode.
Running the DataComm, you can select anyone means as following:
3. Select Start | Program | DataComm;
4. Double click the DataComm shortcut icon;
Select the Exit menu in the main menu, can return to Windows98/ME2000/XP.
2.3 Configuration request
The system base configuration is:
Hardware environment: 486/50,8M memory, 20M free hard disk space, mouse, 1-2 serial
port, 1 Parallel;
Software environment: English or Chinese windows 98 or high level windows operate

Chapter 3 Data Transmission

Data transmission is the main function of DataComm, used to transfer data between
JIASHI company’s JTY-3A acquisition instrument and PC, communication procedure
automatically produce data files: The first type is text file which can be used by the
engineering geology plotting software, different plotting software request different data
file format; The second is the binary file can be used by DataComm, which stored in a fix
menu(c:\jty-3\), so that can be searched and print curves in the future.
So we need do it as following:

3.1 Preparation before Transmission

1. Before power on the computer, connect JIY-3A acquisition instrument to a serial port of
the computer use data communication cable which provided by JIASHI corporation.

JTY-3A CPT Instrument User’s Manual

2. Power on the computer and windows98/ME/2000/XP, running this software.

3.2 Data Transmission

1. Click Transmission button on the computer screen.( see Figure 3-1);

Figure 3-1 JIASHI CPT instrument data transmission

2. Power on JIASHI JTY-3A acquisition instrument, press “Data transmit”, select suitable
communication baud rate then press “Enter” key, JTY-3A get in the status of data
transmission and “Transmitting…“ is displayed on JTY-3A LCD.
3. Click “File format”, select a engineering geology plotting software development
compiler whose plot software is being used by consumer; Click Baud rate(Same baud rate
set up with JTY-3A). Click “Current Text File Format And Drive Path” Window, user set
up path of the file, this file will be used by project geology plotting software. If this window’s
content is blank, then select File format again, the default path will be filled automatically.
5. Select data Transmission | Display Hole number menu on the computer’s screen,
the computer send corresponding data communication instruction, loading all the holes
number from JTY-3A acquisition instrument and display in the dialogue box “Drill Name
And The Number In The CPT Instrument”;

JTY-3A CPT Instrument User’s Manual

Figure 3-2 the setting before transmission

Figure 3-3 select transmission hole number

6. In the dialogue box, select the single、 multi or all the holes number will transmit;
7. After set up communication content, then click Transmission | Transmitting button,
the Data in the JTY-3A, that you selected are transferred to the computer;
8. In the process of data transmission, the hole number and date which has been
transferred to the computer displayed on the Transferred Drill Name” window.

3.3 The Method of Select Hole Number

1. Select hole number use mouse:

Single click Select single hole number;

JTY-3A CPT Instrument User’s Manual

Select multi continuity holes number;

Select multi discontinuity holes number.
9. Select hole number use keyboard:
Arrow key +space Select single hole number;
Select multi continuity holes number;
Select multi discontinuity holes number.

3.4 Hole Number’s Modification in the Transmission Process

1.If the transmitting hole number data you have selected have stored in the hard disk (e.g.
c:\JTY-3A\), the system will inform you, first delete the hole number data inside the hard
disk or amend the project or hole number , then start the data transmission again:
2. In fact, modify the hole number or project number are preset a name for the data file that
will be transferred to the computer. We must input the file name manually in the “The
Location Of Binary File” window. In this window do not try to amend c:\JTY-3A\(store
file path), fear lest can not find this data file conveniently. Behind c:\JTY-3A\, If you have
not input any word inside the window, or only input “\” or “.”, then the system still receive
the hole number and project number from JTY-3A instrument and form text data file name !
So make sure the same format with the JTY-3A instrument, when we amend the file name,
as the format “Project number” “-“ “Hole number” amend the data. (as chart 3-4)!
3. Attention: Amend only one hole number one time, this means if you want to amend hole
number, use single hole transmission only, or first to transmit the holes number that need
be amended, then reselect the holes number have not amended, finish the transmission one
time, can shorten transmission time maximum.
4. After the data transmission finish, if you don not want to preview the curve. you can click
Transmission | Exit, return to the main menu ;

Figure 3-4 modify the hole number be selected

Chapter 4 Curve Display and Print

This software provide the display function of four type curves, the first is acquisition curve,
when display curve, can display in horizontal or vertical scales. Can display acquisition curve
over 20m depth in sections. If you printer can print colorful picture, then the cone tip
curve will be red, friction jacket curve will be blue.
The second is calibration curve. The content displayed on the screen can be printed use
The third is vane curve. The data of undrained shear strength displayed on screen

JTY-3A CPT Instrument User’s Manual

they can also be printed out.

4.1 Display Acquisition Curves

1.In figure 3-2, click Load Curve | CPT Curve. Open Select hole number dialogue box
(figure 4-1), select hole number what you want to display its curve:
2. In figure 4-2, click CPT Curve | Display Curve, you can find rapidly the curve you want
to display. If you want to display curves in different horizontal, vertical scale, only click the
shorter vertical scroll bar and horizontal scroll bar located on the bottom of screen, the
value of horizontal and vertical will be displayed in figure 4-3. if the hole depth over 20m, we
need click the longer vertical scroll bar located in the right side of the screen. Can display full
curve in gradually.

Figure 4-1 open display curve file’s dialogue box

JTY-3A CPT Instrument User’s Manual

Figure 4-2 curve display menu

Figure 4-3 display curve scale window

Click Grid Switch | Toggle Grid, display (close) 1cm length dashed grid. So as to analyse
curve conveniently.

4.2 Print CPT Curve

1. Click (figure 4-3) CPT Curve | Print Curve, now, you can input or edit project name
and project number and drill hole number, then output the curve displayed on the screen to

JTY-3A CPT Instrument User’s Manual

2. Grid Switch | Toggle Grid, suit to print CPT curve.
3. Click (figure 4-3) CPT Curve | Exit return to figure 3-2.

Figure 4-4 display curve with grid

4.3 Print Calibration Curve

1. In figure 4-3, click Load Curve | Transmit Calibration Data, system send correspond
order, cone calibration data of the JTY-3A instrument will be transferred to computer.
Confirm a file name and drive path to save calibration data.

2. In figure 4-3, click Load Curve | Calibration Curve, Select data calibration file and
open it, appear figure 4-5. click Calibration curve | Cone Tip, display cone tip
calibration curve and calibration coefficient (see figure 4-6) etc. now if you want to display
friction jacket calibration curve, must after click Calibration Curve | Close, then select
Calibration Curve| Friction Jacket (figure 4-7).

3. In figure 4-6(figure 4-7) click Calibration Curve | Print Curve, can print cone tip
(friction jacket) calibration curve.

JTY-3A CPT Instrument User’s Manual

Figure 4-5 calibration curve display menu

Figure 4-6 display calibration curve window

JTY-3A CPT Instrument User’s Manual

Figure 4-7 display cone tip calibration curve

4.4 Print vane test curve

Chart 4-3, click Load curve | Vane test, 2. Chart 4-3. Click Vane curve | Display curve,
appear chart 4-7. now, you can input or edit project name,project number and test point
number, then output the curve and undrained shear strength data chart to printer.

Figure 4-8


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