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Internal Analysis

In business policy and strategy we learn about SWOT analysis which base
on two type of analysis
external analysis and internal analysis. External analysis is cover O and T
means oppertunities and
thearth in SWOT analysis and internal Analysis is going to cover S&W
means Strenth and weaknesses
in this assinment our core topic is to expolre S&W which is belong to
Internal analysis.
strenth and weeknesses are the condition which is contain by every thing
every specias in the planit it
may be a machine or software a human or an animal. Both things are belong
to internally and these two
conditions are become a reson of uniqness. with the respect of our subject
we are going to discuss the
internal analysis of an organization.
If we are going to define internal analysis we can define it as the analysis of
strenth and weaknesses of
any organization is called internal analysis. Diffrent people define it in
diffrent ways like The internal
analysis reveals an organization’s most salient strengths and weaknesses. An
appraisal, or “audit” of company operations, coupled with a revealing
environmental analysis,
provides a strong foundation for creative strategy development.the internal
analysis reveals the strengths
and weaknesses of a particular organization. Matching the results of the
internal analysis with the requirements
for success revealed in the industry analysis identifies those areas of
strategic concern.
if we are going to question to any organization that what is your strenth the
answer is very simple ''our people''
The Revlon Company’s goal is to provide glamour, excitement and
innovation to consumers through high
quality products at affordable prices. Lately the company has been
experiencing many challenges to their success.
Some of these challenges are global economic problems, increasing
competition, and debt concerns from within
the company. Despite all of these challenges Revlon has seen some strong
growth but have also been experiencing
some strong challenges. Revlon has many different categories of which it
sells products and they are
skincare, cosmetics, personal care, fragrance, and professional products.
Revlon has many recognizable names within
these categories and the company’s ultimate goal is to emerge as the
dominate cosmetics and personal care firm through
the twenty-first century.
As you conduct an Internal Analysis of your organization, you may want to
examine your organization's
strengths and weaknesses in the following areas:
Management Capabilities
for example
• Organizational structure: Does the organizational structure hinder
or facilitate a free flow of information? What about client-responsive
implementation of activities?
• Planning: Have feasible long- and short-term plans been made,
involving staff and community?
• Staffing: Are staff roles clear? Do staff have consistent training and
feedback to ensure high performance?
• Supervision: Do all staff meet regularly with a supervisor? Do staff
view the supervisor's role as one of guidance, assistance, and support?
• Training: Do you regularly assess training needs of staff?
• Management Information System: Do managers have accurate
information on the progress made toward the objectives of the
Programming Capabilities:
for example
• Capacity: What is the potential capacity of your program to provide
services? Does the current level of activities match this capacity?
• Quality: How can you improve quality of care in your program?
What is the level of client satisfaction?
Financing Capabilities:
for example
• Self-financing: What is your current level of self-financing?
• Outside funding sources: What are your current sources of
financing? How stable are these sources?

Management Capabilities

Organizational structure
the most important think to observe the weeknesses and
strenth of organizational structure. each and every department in an
organization has a head how is the member of board of directors so For most
organizations, the Board of Directors represents the most important
fundraising tool.
An effective Board is a requirement for longterm, consistent success in the
arts.there are the following questions which is under observation when we
are going to internal analysis.

· Who is on the Board?

· What are their backgrounds?
· How strong is the Board?
· What skills are present on the Board?
· What skills are lacking on the Board?
· What are the requirements of Board membership?
· How does this compare with peer companies?
· Are all of the communities served represented?
· How does your Board compare with other Boards in your city?
· How involved is the Board in operations?
These question explore all the strenths and weeknesses of organizational


Planning is one of an important part of internal strategy. all the

organizations servive on there Planning. Planning is very important thing on
management level it is very essantial thing. For analysis there are the
following questions which is helping to analysis the planing.

.What is the Planning?

.What is the background of the Planning?
.Whos envolve to make it?
.What is the motive of planning?
.What is the requirment of planning?
.How are the planners?
.Who effective is the planning?
These are the questions which can help us to analysis the Planning.


While the strength of the Board is a central determinant of any

organization's success, it remains
with professional staff for all but the smallest arts groups to implement
major initiatives. A
careful analysis of the staff size, structure and quality is a key element of any
internal analysis.

· How large is the administrative staff?

· How does this compare with the peer companies?
· How do salary levels compare with industry averages?
· How is the staff organized?
· Are roles and responsibilities explicit?
· How rapid is turnover? Why?
· What is the total cost of administration?
· How does this compare with peer companies?
· What is the experience level of the staff?

The one of a most important thing in any organization is to
supervision. Its one of an important part of internal analysis. there are
following questions to explore it.

.How to supervise?
.Are all staff meet regularly with a supervisor?
.Are staff view the supervisor's role as one of guidance?
.Are the supervisor assist all memberof organization?
.Can he support organization mamber?


Training is also one of an important application in internal factor of

organization. Most of organizations are providing training to there staff for
better and good results. There are following questions which obvious all the
internal application about training.
. What is the level of training?
· What are their backgrounds of training?
· Who gives the teraining?
· What skills are present in the training process?
· What skills are lacking on the training process?
· What are the requirements of Training process?
· How does this compare with peer companies?
· Are all of the communities served represented?
· How does your training compare with other training in your city?
· How involved is the training in operations?

Management Information System

The modren organizational system is totally based on

information system. the information system is one of a basic internal thing
and one of an important part of internal analysis. There are the folowing
questions are rase when we are going to audit the Management of
information system.

. What is the level of Information system?

· How much its effective in organization ?
· Can it help all the departments?
· What are the weeknesses of information system?
· What skills are required to manage it ?
· How much staff are capabil to use it?
· How does this compare with peer companies?
· Are all of the staff are satisfy?
· How does your information system compare with other information
system in your city?

Programming Capabilities

The mission of every arts organization focuses most closely on programs

and services. It is
essential that an honest appraisal of program quality and effectiveness lead
off an internal
· What is the nature of the programs offered by the organization?
· Who is served by each program?
· How strong is each program?
· How well is the company received by its audience at home? On tour?
· How well is the company received by critics?
· How does this compare with the peer companies?
· How could each program be improved?
· How much does each program cost?
· How does this compare with the peer companies?
· How are these costs split between personnel and other categories?
· Who is the dominant artistic force?
· Is he/she satisfactory?
· What are the backgrounds of the artists/performers/curators?
· Is there a succession plan in place for artistic management?

Financing Capabilities

A substantial portion of the internal analysis should be devoted to

understanding the financial
structure and strength of the organization. Invariably, a considerable portion
of the plan will deal
with methods for building financial strength; a clear picture of the current
position is essential.
Financial analysis will also indicate how the organization's resources are
used. Comparing this
analysis to industry averages or to peer organizations will raise important
questions regarding the
appropriateness of current resource allocation decisions.

· Has the organization developed a financial profile?

· How does its fiscal strength compare with peer companies?
· In which areas does the organization overspend?
· In which areas does it underspend?
· How does revenue compare with expenses? How has this changed?
· Does the company have an endowment?
· Does the company have a working capital reserve?
· How liquid is the company?
· How much debt does the company carry?
· How has this level changed?
· Does the company have an accumulated deficit?
· How has it changed?
· Does the company have a cash balance?
· How large is the company's line of credit?
· At which times of the year is cash flow a major problem?
· Are these times predictable? manageable?

Once again, it is essential to stress that these questions are simply meant to
guide the internal
analysis process; they do not address every issue that will face every arts
organization, especially
those in unusual situations.
In fact, the answers to these and other questions do not comprise the internal
analysis. Rather the
insights gained from analyzing the answers should generate a list of strategic
issues to address in
the plan. In completing an internal analysis, it is important to prioritize these
concerns. The key
strategic issues will usually relate to the success factors in the industry.
Practical Study

For paractical study i choose Askari bank.

Askari Bank was incorporated in Pakistan on October

9, 1991, as a public limited company. It commenced
operations on April 1, 1992, and is principally engaged
in the business of banking as defined in the Banking
Companies Ordinance, 1962. The Bank is listed on the
Karachi, Lahore and Islamabad Stock Exchanges and
its share has consistently remained amongst the highest
quoted in the banking sector in Pakistan.
Askari Bank has expanded into a nation-wide presence
of 149 branches, including 14 dedicated Islamic Banking
Branches, and an Off-Shore Banking Unit in Bahrain.
A shared network of over 2,670 online ATMs covering
all major cities in Pakistan supports the delivery channels
for customer service. As at December 31, 2007, the
Bank had an equity of Rs. 12.3 billion and total assets
of Rs.182.2 billion, with over 751,000 banking customers,
serviced by our 5,896 employees.

Askari Strengths

The capability and the resources are the strengths of any organization
if we define Askari bank strength then the investor and customers are the
strength of Askari bank.

Askari customers and their needs is the key to Askari business success. Our
products and services are as diverse as organization market segments.
Organization client relationship managers are well equipped and well trained
to provide the most efficient and personalized service to the customers.
Askari Bank is proud of its pioneering role in providing the most modern
and technologically advanced services to its 751,000 relationships.

Askari believe that the bottom line of any business is creating

shareholder value. To gain their trust and confidence, they believe in
providing our investors timely, regular and reliable information on
organization activities, structure, financial situation and Performance. At the
same time, they try to give them one of the best earnings per share in the
banking industry of the country

Askari Bank weaknesses

Every organization have some weaknesses which prevent the

organizations to achieve there targets. Some time market condition and some
time country conditions make difference which becomes the cause of
The one of a weakness is that the Askari bank is totally involve with
Pakistan army they are not very efficient in other business sectors like other
banks another weakness is that they only given benefits to ARMY
employees there fore most of customers are attracted by other banks.
Data Analysis

theroratically we discuss already that the internal analysis is the
second part of SWOT analysis which is based on strenth and weaknesses.
Both categories are belong organizational internal matters. internal analysis
is very important application its help to verify the weeknesses and providing
an oppertunity to clear it. Its also mark the strenths of organization and
provide a chance to make it more perfect. Its all about the weeknesses and
strenths of an organization.

practically i choose Askari Bank. Strenth and weeknesses are these
conditions which are the part of any speciase persanality, Every machine
values, Every organization profile.
Askari Bank has lots of value in strenth like Askari Bank has expanded into
a nation-wide presence of 149 branches, including 14 dedicated Islamic
Banking Branches, and an Off-Shore Banking Unit in Bahrain.
A shared network of over 2,670 online ATMs covering all major cities in
Pakistan supports the delivery channels for customer service. As at
December 31, 2007, the Bank had an equity of Rs. 12.3 billion and total
assets of Rs.182.2 billion, with over 751,000 banking customers.

Askari Customers

Askari customers and their needs is the key to Askari business

success. Our products and services are as diverse as organization market
segments. Organization client relationship managers are well equipped and
well trained to provide the most efficient and personalized service to the
customers. Askari Bank is proud of its pioneering role in providing the most
modern and technologically advanced services to its 751,000 relationships.

Askari Investor

Askari believe that the bottom line of any business is creating

shareholder value. To gain their trust and confidence, they believe in
providing our investors timely, regular and reliable information on
organization activities, structure, financial situation and
Performance. At the same time, they try to give them one of the best
earnings per share in the banking industry of the country.

Askari Regulators

Askari firmly believe in regulatory discipline and harmony of our

corporate objectives with regulatory framework. Organization business
methodologies are designed to ensure compliance with the directives of all
our regulators.

Askari Team

Askari strongly believe that the interests of the Bank and the
employees are inseparable. At Askari they try to create a ‘we’ culture where
there is mutual trust and respect for each other. They encourage ownership
behavior so that everyone feels responsible for the performance and
reputation of the Bank. Askari are committed to develop and enhance each
employee’s skills and capabilities through extensive in-house and external
training programs and job rotations.

Askari Communities

Askari fully recognize there corporate social responsibility and

organization contributions to different areas of the social sector are aimed to
help improve the quality of life in our country.

Askari Bank weaknesses

Every organization have some weaknesses which prevent the

organizations to achieve there targets. Some time market condition and some
time country conditions make difference which becomes the cause of
The one of a weakness is that the Askari bank is totally involve with
Pakistan army they are not very efficient in other business sectors like other
banks another weakness is that they only given benefits to ARMY
employees there fore most of customers are attracted by other banks.

Conclusions & Recommendations

Conclusion of this assingment is that the internal analysis

is very important application in Audit of any organization.Internal analysis is
the second part of SWOT analysis which is based on strenth and
weaknesses. Both categories are belong organizational internal matters.
internal analysis is very important application its help to verify the
weeknesses and providing an oppertunity to clear it. Its also mark the
strenths of organization and provide a chance to make it more perfect. Its all
about the weeknesses and strenths of an organization. I use Askari bank for
practical study my recomendation is that Askari Bank clearly define its
strenth in Annual report and every year they define its previous condition.
Internal Analysis is very essencial and useful application use it on every
internal level.

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