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Final Year Project FYP15IT-003

Government College Women University, Sialkot

Provisioning Privacy for TIP attributes in Trusted Third Party (TTP)
Location Based Services (LBS) Systems
Project Supervisor: Dr. Muhammad Usman Ashraf
Group Members: Rida Qayyum (Info.Tec-15008)
Hina Ejaz (Info.Tec-15010)
Currently, Location Based Services (LBS) System rapidly growing due to wireless services with mobile devices having a positioning component in it.
Above all, the usage of LBS raises numerous privacy issues. There are three ways to provide privacy including Non-Trusted Third Party (NTTP),
Trusted Third Party (TTP) and Peer-to-Peer (P2P) networks. In current research, we studied different privacy provisioning techniques
using TTP LBS System and consider Dummy Position approach for our research objectives. We proposed Improved Dummy Position (IDP)
system model to protect TIP (Time, Identity, and Position). To authenticate this model, we performed simulation using Riverbed Modeler.
Thus, simulation results support the effectiveness of our IDP model.

Location Based Services (LBS) are real-time geographical data from
which mobile user send his current location by posting a query for
services to LBS System. LBS returns point of interest (POI) to a user
based on his request. Examples of such points of interest (POI)
queries “What are the Chinese food restaurants near to my
current location?” The components of Location Based Services
(LBS) System are end user’s Mobile devices, network, application,
Services provider and a positioning component.

•To propose a new privacy approach for Trusted Third Party
(TTP) Location Based Services (LBS) Systems.
• Protecting privacy for TIP attributes in TTP LBS System.


Our results shows that when we changed the quantified dataset

the value will gradually decrease & packet transferring rate tend
to lower than the Data Dummy Array (DDA).


We perform simulation that evaluated the proposed IDP model & provide
accurate query results with full privacy to TTP LBS user. In future work, it
requires to test our proposed model with real users with real locations in a
real environment with a large system to make our contributions more strong.

(1) Mohamad Shady Alrahhal, A. A., & Muhammad Usman Ashraf,
S.A, “AES-Route Server Model for Location based services in
Road Network,” in (IJACSA) International Journal of Advanced
Computer Science and Applications, pp. 361-368. 2017.
(2) Marius Wernke, P. S, & Frank Du¨rr, K. R.. “A Classification
of Location Privacy Attacks and Approaches,” pp. 1-24.

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