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Design & Construction of

Piping Systems

Prepared by Eng. Mostafa A. El-Sayed

Aim of Seminar
To know piping design basics by going
through the following points:

 Design of pressure components.

 Pipe Span calculations.
 Design of pipe supports & hangers.
 Stiffness & flexibility.
 Expansion & stresses.
 Line expansion & flexibility.
 Supports & anchorage of piping.
Design of pressure piping
 Many decisions need be made in the design phase to
achieve this successful operation, including:

- Required process fluid quantity.

- Optimum pressure-temperature.
- Piping material selection.
- Insulation selection (tracing).
- Stress & nozzle load determination.
- Pipe support standard.

The codes provide minimal assistance with any of these

decisions as the codes are not design manuals.
Design of pressure components
 Pipe Structure “static” design, not Layout design.

 Limitations: Code, Pressure, Temperature, How long is the

plant lifetime, What is the plant reliability, etc..

 Piping designed according to B31.3 has less lifetime than

B31.1 due to lower F.S.

 Reliability of piping under B31.1 should be higher than


 Given that the code is a product of pressure technology,

one of the concerns is the pressure-temperature ratings of
the components.
Design of pressure components
 Each system be it vessel or piping has some base pressure-
temperature rating. This is essentially the pressure
temperature rating of the weakest member of the system.
This can be translated that no minor component (valve,
flange, etc) shall be the weakest link.

 The key components of the design conditions are the design

pressure and the design temperature.

 Design pressure is defined as the most severe sustained

pressure which results in the greatest component thickness
and the highest component pressure rating.

 Design temperature is defined as the sustained pipe metal

temperature representing the most severe conditions of
coincident pressure and temperature.
Design of pressure components
 Thus we can try to simplify our stresses into two main

 Pressure stress is the circumferential stress (primary

stress) or hoop stress, which is known to be not self
 Temperature stress is the shear or bending stress
(Secondary stress), known to be self limiting.

 In addition VIBRATION, has to be addressed as low cycle

high stress named as “thermal expansion cycles”,
represented by f=1 for 7000 cycles, otherwise detailed
design has to be performed to prove that the pipe will
withstand high cycle, low stress loads.
Design of pressure components
Wall Thickness Calculation
 The code assists the designer in determining adequate pipe
wall thickness for a given material and design conditions as

- Calculate the pressure design thickness “t”

- Add the mechanical corrosion and erosion allowances “c”

to obtain the thickness

- Add mill tolerance (MT) to tm, then select the next

commercially available wall thickness.

- Provided t<D/6, if not high pressure piping equations

Design of pressure components
 Code Equation:

tm = PDo/2(SEq + PY) + A = t + A
P = Internal design pressure
Do = pipe outside diameter
S = the pipe material allowable stress, S is for the
listed pipe material at hot temperature
E = quality factor
Y = stress-temperature compensating factor.
Design of pressure components
The E FACTOR is a “allowable stress penalty” based on
the method of manufacture of the pipe. It is based on the
quality of the weld in seam-welded pipe and will have a
value ranging from E = 0.6 for FURNACE BUTT
(SMLS). This FACTOR is a carry-over from the old days
where pipe was manufactured using rivets.

The E FACTOR for seam-welded pipe can be improved:

increasing this factor from 0.8 to 1.0.

The Y FACTOR is included to account for effects of creep

considering the non-linear reduction in ALLOWABLE
STRESS at design temperatures above 482º C (900º F).
Design of pressure components
Wall thickness problem:
P = 4135 KPa (41.35Bar)
D = 219.1 mm (8.625 in)
S = 130 MPa at 260ºC (18,900 psi at 500º F), from TABLE A-i
E = 0.85 (TABLE A-lB for A53 pipe)
Y = 0.4 (TABLE 304.1.1)
Convert MPa allowable stress to kPa for consistency of units, then:
t = 4135*219.1/2(13000*0.85+0.4*4135)
Metric units:
t = 4.0 mm
then tm plus mill under run tolerance is:
tm = 4.0 + 1.6 + 1.0
(The 1.0 mm value is 12.5% mill under run tolerance of 8.2 mm nominal
wall pipe expected to be purchase).
tm = 6.6 mm
Design of pressure components
U.S. customary units:
t =8.625*600/2(18900*0.85+0.4*600)
t =0.159 inch tm = 0.159 + 0.063 + 0.040
tm = 0.262 in.
(The 0.04 inch value is 12.5% mill under run tolerance of
0.322 inch nominal wall expected to be purchase).

The next commercially available pipe wall is SCHEDULE

40, with a nominal wall of 8.2 mm (0.322 in.).

This is the wall to use for these stated conditions.

Design of pressure components
Test Pressure
The hydrostatic test pressure at any point in the system
should be not less than 1.5 times the design pressure.

For Temp. above 650F (343C), the min. test pressure PT is

given by;

PT = 1.5(ST/S)(Design Pressure)

ST = allowable stress at 650F,

S = allowable stress at design temperature
Design of pressure components
Miter Bends
Design of pressure components
Miter Bends

Miter Bends have a pressure limitation, as calculated by equations (4a),

(4b), or (4c) of paragraph 304.2.3 of B31 .3 which could derate a
piping system. A miter is defined when the angle α is greater than 3
degrees at a weld as shown in Fig. 12.0..

Multiple miters are, whose angle of miter cut is less than 22.5 degrees,
limited to a pressure that will generate HOOP STRESSES not to
exceed 50% of the yield strength of the material at temperature. This
is done by restricting the maximum pressure to the lesser value as
calculated by equations (4a) or (4b) in the code.

Single miters, or miters whose bend angle is greater than 22.5 degrees
is limited to HOOP STRESSES of 20 % of the yield of the material at
temperature by equation (4c).
Design of pressure components

Designers wishing to use miters in a system but do not wish to pay this
pressure penalty can simply increase the wall thickness of the miter,
thus reducing the HOOP STRESS to values less than the Code
limit. This technique seems straight forward, but one question
remains, where does the miter start? The code provides a method to
determine the distance the miter extends into the straight pipe.

This distance is defined as M [ 304.2.3(c)], where:

M = the larger of 2.5 x (r x T)0.5 or tan (θ) x (R1- r2)

as shown in Figure 12.0.
The T used in this equation is T less mill tolerance.
Design of pressure components
Design of pressure components
An example of Miter Bend maximum allowable internal
pressure calculations per paragraph 304.2.3 for ө =22.5°
and ө = 30° is as follows:

Calculate the maximum allowable internal pressure in a

DN900, 9.5mm nominal wall (NPS 36, 0.375in. nominal
wall) miter bend constructed of A515 Gr 60 plate mat,
Temperature=260°C (500°F), c=2.5mm (0.10in.), E=1.0
(fully radiographed), R1=1 .5D, r2=0.5(Do-T). Mill
tolerance=1.2 mm (0.047 in., 12½ %).

A. For θ = 22.5º equation 4(a):

Pm= SE(T-c)/r2 * T-c/[(T-c)+0.643 tanθ√(r2(T-c)]
Design of pressure components
Metric units:
S = 119266 kPa, E = 1.0, T = 9.5 -1.2 = 8.3 mm,
r2 = 0.5(914.4-9.5) = 452.5 mm, then:

Pm =(119266*5.8/452.5) * 5.8/[5.8+0.643tan(22.5)*√(452.5*5.8)
Pm = 455 kPa

Equation 4(a) using U.S. customary units:

S = 17300 psi, E 1.0, T = .375 - .047 = .328,
r2 = 0.5(36 - .375) = 17.813, then:

Pm =(17300*0.228/17.813) * 0.228/[0.228+0.643tan(22.5)*√(17.813*0.228)
Pm = 66 psig
Design of pressure components
Next test equation 4(b) with θ = 22.5°
Pm=SE(T-c)/r2* R1-r2/(R1-0.5r2)
Metric units:
Pm=119266x5.8/452.5 * (1373 - 452.5)/(1373 - 0.5 x 452.5)
Pm=1225 kPa

U.S. customary units:

Pm=17300 x 0.228/17.813 * 54-17.813/ (54-0.5*17.813)
Pm= 178 psig

As we usually consider the lesser value of the above calculations, the

multiple miter elbow with θ=22.5°, results in maximum allowable
pressure to be 455 kPa (66 psig).
Design of pressure components
B. For a miter fabricated using θ= 30° test using equation (4c):
Pm= SE(T-c)/r2 * T-c/[(T-c)+1.25 tanθ √(r2(t-c))]
Pm= 119266*5.8/452.5 *5.8/[5.8+1.25*0.577*√(452.5x5.8)]
P = 205 kPa
U.S. customary units:
Pm= 17300*0.228/17.813*0.
Pm = 30 psig

The maximum pressure for this piping system containing a miter with
θ= 30° is 205 kPa (30 psig).

If the maximum pressure of this system were greater than 205 kPa, (30
psig), then the designer would have to either change θ to a lesser
angle or increase the wall thickness of the miter and recalculate Pm.
Design of pressure components
Branch Connection
Design of pressure components
Branch Connection
Branch Connections
Branch connections are made in piping systems by any one of several
methods. These could be tees, pad reinforced or unreinforced
intersections, crosses, integrally reinforced weld-on or weld-in
contoured insert fittings, or extrusions. [ 304.3.1].

The philosophy of the code for intersections is centered around the

available pressure reinforcement offered by the geometry of the
intersection. The process of making an intersection weakens the run
pipe by the opening that must be made in the run pipe. Unless the
wall thickness of the run pipe is sufficiently in excess of that required
to sustain pressure at an intersection that is NOT manufactured in
accordance with a LISTED STANDARD, it is necessary to provide
added reinforcement. This reinforcement is added metal, local to the
intersection, that is integral with the run and branch pipes
Design of pressure components
Branch Connection
The amount of required pressure reinforcement is determined by
design conditions established for the intersection. Area replacement
calculations are not required for intersections using LISTED-RATED
intersection is used within the pressure-temperature bounds stated
in the LISTING STANDARD. Area Replacement calculations are not
required for UNLISTED TEE INTERSECTIONS provided the tee
component has successfully completed the requirements of
paragraph 304.7.2, which are:

1) duplicating a successful operating system,

2) experimental stress analysis,
3) proof test.
Design of pressure components
Branch Connection
Design of pressure components
Branch Connection
 The branch & run angle between 45 and 90 deg. And the
axes intersect.

 The principle is that the area removed by the opening is

added or accounted for as added reinforcement or excess
area due to thickness above the pressure requirements.

 d1 = effective length removed from the run at the branch,

d1 = Db or d1 = [Db - (Tb-c) ] / sin β

 d2 = 1/2 the width of reinforcement zone

d2 = greater of d1 or [ (Tb – c) +(Th – c) +d1/2 ], but
less than Dh
Design of pressure components
Branch Connection
 L4= height of reinforcement zone = smaller of
2.5(Tb – c)+Tr and 2.5 (Th – c)

 Dh: Outside diameter of header

 Db: Outside diameter of branch

 th: header pressure design thickness

 tb: branch pressure design thickness

 Th: header thickness minimum per purchase or minus mill

Th: nominal wall thickness of header

 Tb: branch thickness minimum per purchase or minus mill

Tb: nominal wall thickness of branch
Design of pressure components
Branch Connection
 Tr: thickness of reinforcement pad

 c: sum of mechanical (thread & groove), corrosion and erosion


 β: angle between the header and the branch axes

 Required area A1 = th.d1.(2 - sin β)

 A2: excess area in run =(2 d2 - d1) (Th – th - c)

 A3: excess area in branch = 2.L4 (Tb –tb – c) / sinβ

 A4: area provided by weld & area of reinforcement pad

 A2+ A3 + A4 ≥ A1
Design of pressure components
Branch Connection
Area replacement rules of B3 1.3 are valid for branch connections
meeting the following conditions:

1) the run pipe diameter to thickness ratio (Dh/Th) is less than 100 and
the branch to run diameter ratio (Db/Dh) is not greater than 1.0.

2) for run pipe with (Dh/Th) ≥100 the branch diameter Db is less that
one- half the run diameter Dh.

3) angle is between 45 and 90 degree.

4) the centerline axis of the branch intersects the centerline axis of the

Branch intersections that do not meet these conditions may be qualified

by proof testing or other means specified in paragraph 304.7.2 of the
Design of pressure components
Branch Connection

 The required percent replaced area within the prescribed reinforcing

boundaries depends on the angle of the intersection. This percent
required area will range from 100% of the area removed,
th.d1.(2 - sin β),
for a 90 intersection to about 130% required for 45 intersections.

 The strength of an intersection grows increasingly weaker as the

branch angle β departs from 90. This increasing weakness in
strength with decreasing 1 is accounted for by the term (2 - sin β) in
the required area equation. The change in required area for
decreasing β, expressed in percent is illustrated in Figure 13.
Design of pressure components
Branch Connection
Design of pressure components
Branch Connection

An example of the area replacement rules, consider the following two

900 intersections, the first is an UNREINFORCED FABRICATED
Figure 14.0). Both intersections are the same pipe sizes and have
the same design conditions.

Find the replaced area in the UNREINFORCED FABRICATED TEE for

the conditions:

Run pipe: DN 200 Nom. Wall 8.2 mm (NPS 8 Sch 40) ASTM A53 GrB.
Branch pipe: DN 100 Nom. Wall 6.0 mm (NPS 4 Sch 40 ASTM A53 Gr
P = 4135 kPa (600 psig), T = 204º C (400º F), c = 2.5mm (0.10 in).
Design of pressure components
Branch Connection
Design of pressure components
Branch Connection
A, metric area replacement calculation for an intersection:
DN 200, P = 8.2 mm x DN 100, T = 6.0 mm, UNREINFORCED

I. Nomenclature. (Reference FIG. 304.3.3)

T=204ºC, P=4135kPa, c=2.5mm
Dh = 219.1 mm Th = 8.2 mm Header Material: A53 Gr B ERW E=0.85
Db = 114.3 mm Tb = 6.0 mm Branch Material: A53 Gr B SMLS E=1.0

Material SE, Header: 117 MPa, Branch: 138 MPa

Th = 7.2 Tb = 5.2 (T - 12½ % mill tolerance)
d = Db – 2(Tb - c) = 114.3 - 2(5.2 - 2.5) = 108.9 mm
d2 = the greater of d or (Tb - c) + (Th - c) + d = 108.9 mm
L4 = the lesser of 2.5(Th - c) or 2(Tb - c) + Tr
L4 = 2.5(5.2 - 2.5) + 0 = 6.7 mm
Design of pressure components
Branch Connection
The pressure design thickness for the header and branch pipes, using
equation (3a):
t =(PxD)/2(SE+PxY); th=3.8 mm tb=7 mm.
II. Required Area
A1 = (thxdl)x(2-Sin(β)) =413.8mm2

III. Area Contributing to Reinforcement

A2 = (2xd2-d1)*(Th-th- c) = 98 mm
A3 = 2*L4(Tb-tb- c) = 13.4mm
A = (area of additional metal, including weld metal, within the
reinforcing zone, tc = 4 mm) = 32 mm2
A5 = A2 + A3 + A4 =143.4 mm

IV. PERCENT AREA REPLACED = (A ) x 100 = 34%

Design of pressure components
Branch Connection
Example A intersection is not suitable for pressure design. Considering
the percent replaced area is only about 33%, a reinforcing pad must
be added to the intersection and area replacement calculations are
tested again as follows in example B. Had the above example
percent replaced area been very near the 100% minimum, possibly
more weld metal could be added to obtain the 100% mark. The weld
metal tested was the minimum as required by Para. 328.5.4 of the

The retest with the pad in example B yields about 200% replaced area,
the code requirements for pressure design of the intersection are
satisfied. The pad was made from excess run pipe. The pad OD
selected for this intersection is 203.2 mm (8 inches).
Design of pressure components
Branch Connection
Example B, metric, intersection: DN 200, th=8.2 Nom. wall x DN 100,
tb=6.0 mm Nom. wall, 900 PAD REINFORCED INTERSECTION,
Pad dimensions: Tr = 8.2mm, dia = 203.2 mm. (Mill tol. 12.5%)

I. Nomenclature. (Reference FIG. 304.3.3)

T = 204º C P = 4135 kPa c = 2.5 mm Tr = (8.2 - 1.0) = 7.2 mm
Dh=219.1mm, Th =8.2mm, Header Material: A53 Gr B ERW E=0.85
Db =114.3mm, Tb =6.0mm, Branch Material: A53 Gr B SMLS E=1.0

Material SE, Header: 117 MPa, Branch: 138 MPa

Th = 7.2 mm Tb = 5.2 mm (T-12.5% mill tolerance)
d1 = Db – 2(Tb - c) = 114.3 - 2(5.2 - 2.5) = 108.9 mm
d2 = the greater of d or (Tb - c) + (Th - c) + d = 108.9 mm
L4 = the lesser of 2.5( Tb - c ) or 2.5( Tb - c) + Tr
L4 = 2.5(7.2-2.5)= 11.7 mm
Design of pressure components
Branch Connection
The pressure design thickness for header and branch pipes, calculated by
equation (3a):
t = (P x D)/2(SE + P x Y); th = 3.8 mm, tb = 7 mm
II. Required Area
A1 = (th x d x (2 - Sin (β)) = 413.8 mm2

III. Area Contributing to Reinforcement

A2 =(2*d2-d1)*(Th-th-c) = 98mm2
A3 =2*L4(Tb - th – c)=23.4 mm2
A = (area of PAD: 7.2(203.2 - 114.3) = 640 mm2 (pad OD = 203.2 mm), plus
weld metal, (2tc2 + 0.51Tr2 = 68.9 mm2 within the reinforcing zone,
tc = 4.2 mm) = 708.9 mm2
A5 = A2 + A3 + A4 = 830 mm





Pipe Supporting
Pipe Supporting
 The objective during the pipe supports design
phase is to prevent the following:

• overstress of piping
• leakage at joints
• overstress of supports
• excessive forces on equipment
• excessive interference with thermal expansion
• excessive pipe sag (especially for piping requiring drain)
• excessive heat flow, exposing support to temperature
outside their limits
• Etc..
Pipe Supporting
 The purpose of pipe supports is to control the weight effects of the
piping system, as well as loads caused by pressure thrust, vibration,
wind, earthquake, shock, and thermal displacement. The weight
effects to be considered shall be the greater of operating or hydro-
test loads.
 The B3 1.3 guidance for pipe support types and materials of
construction is presented in the B31 .3 TABLE 326.1 LISTED
 The material selection for clamps and bolts, for example, is of
particular importance in elevated temperature service. SP-58
assistance would be in the selection of a clamp material for example
in 750F (400C) service.
 A review of the tables in SP-58 reveal that Carbon Steel clamp
material would not be suitable, nor would the common type bolting,
ASTM A307 used in clamps.
 The designer would be guided to use an alloy steel for the clamp
such as ASTM A240 and ASTM A193-Grade B7 bolts.
Pipe Supporting - Span
Pipe Support Span, based on deflection

Pipe support span is a decision that faces the designer in most pipe supporting
jobs. As a guide to the selection of support spacing, the following equation
based on permissible mid span deflection is offered.
The permissible mid-span deflection, y, concept is one technique commonly
selected for support spacing. This technique is based on a specified mid-
span, y deflection of the supported pipe considering the pipe, contents, and
insulation weights. The equation is:

L= [y.E.I / 22.5.W]¼
L = pipe support spacing, feet,
y = permissible mid-span deflection, inches
E = modulus of elasticity at design temperature, lb/in (TABLE C-6)
I = moment of inertia of pipe.
W = weight of supported pipe, including pipe, contents, insulation, lb/ft.
Pipe Supporting - Span
Pipe Support Span, based on stress

As a guide to the selection of support spacing, the following equation

based on permissible stress is offered.
The permissible mid-span deflection, y, concept is one technique
commonly selected for support spacing. This technique is based on
stress of supported pipe material considering the pipe, contents, and
insulation weights. The equation is:

L= [0.33.Z.Sh / W]1/2
L = pipe support spacing, feet,
Z = section modulus, in3
Sh = Allowable tensile stress for pipe materialat design temp., psi
W = weight of supported pipe, including pipe, contents, insulation, lb/ft.
Pipe Supporting - Span
Pipe Supporting - Span
An example of the deflection pipe span approach is:
What is the span of a seamless ASTM A106 Grade B, 6.625 inch OD, 0.28 inch wall
thick, water filled pipe with 3 inch of insulation with a design temperature of 400 F?
The specifications limit the mid-span deflection to 0.25 inch.

Determine the uniform load, pounds per foot.
Pipe = 19.0 lbs per ft
Water = 12.5 lbs per ft
Insulation = 7.6 lbs per ft ( 85 % Magnesia Calcium Silicate)
then ,W = 39.1 lb per ft
I = ( π /64)(Do4 – Di4), Do = 6.625, Di = 6.065
I = 28.14 in4
E = 27.7 x 106 psi, Table C-6, C ≤ 0.3 at 400°F.
finally, L = [ 0.25x27.7x106 x28.14/(17. 1x39. 1)]1/4
L = 23 feet span
The pipe support spacing would be 23 feet with a mid span deflection of 1/4 inch.
Pipe Supporting - Drainage

Piping systems should be installed to drain by gravity, in direction of

normal flow.
Each span must be pitched so that the outlet will be lower than the
maximum sag of the pipe.
The pitch of pipe spans is the ratio between the drop in elevation and
the length of span. It is called the average gradient and is expressed
in inches per foot or mm per meter run.

Gradient check for drainage;

G = drop in elevation / span (in/ft.)

While, condition for good drainage;

G ≤ 4(maximum deflection) / span
Pipe Supports & Hangers
 Support Selection & Design
• Selection and design of pipe hangers is an important part of the
engineering study. High temperature, high pressure pipes are critical
to a point that early in the basic design phase supports locations and
loads have to be decided upon. Concentrated hanger loads on
structures, buildings and their effect on equipment have to be well
known from the very beginning of the project.

• Basic information has to collected before proceeding with calculations

and detailing of pipe supports, as follows;
- A complete set of piping drawings
- A complete set of steel and structural drawings/ data.
- A complete set of drawings showing locations of ventilating ducts,
electrical cable trays, equipment locations (pumps, tanks, etc)
- A complete set of piping specifications and data.
- Insulation specification.
- Movement of all critical equipment connections such as boiler
headers, steam drums, turbine connections, etc..
- The results of stress, flexibility, and movement calculations
performed for critical systems.
Pipe Supports & Hangers
Applying the previously mentioned basic info shall be in the following
- The determination of hanger locations.
- Determination of the thermal movement of the piping at each
hanger location.
- The calculation of hanger loads.
- The selection of hanger types, spring assembly, either constant
support type, variable support or rigid support type.
- Checking of clearances between the hanger components and
nearby piping, electrical cable trays, conduits, ventilating ducts,
equipment, etc.

Recognizing that each new piping design presents an abundance of

new problems to the engineer, no attempt is made to state fixed
rules and limits which would be applicable to every hanger design,
only guidance to ideas to solve simple practical support problems.
Pipe Supports & Hangers
 Support Design

• Restraints (anchors and guides) are provided to direct

thermal expansion to areas designed to absorb it and to
ensure that expansion joint movements occur in the
directions for which the joint is designed. Expansion
joint design shall conform to the requirements of
Appendix X, which provides guidelines for the design,
fabrication and installation of bellow type expansion

• Supports’ elements shall be designed for all loads

applied including weight, pressure, wind, earthquakes,
friction …etc
Pipe Supports & Hangers

• Spring supports are designed to carry the

weight loads and prevent misalignment,
buckling, eccentric loading and unintentional
disengagement of the load. Spring supports
should be provided with position indicators.

• Constant supports of the counterweight and

hydraulic types should be provided with safety
devices and stops.
Pipe Supports & Hangers
• Integral attachments such as plugs, ears, shoes,
plates,…etc, are designed to minimize localized stresses,
stress concentration in cyclic service and any harmful
temperature gradient. The material should be of good
quality and all requirements of the Code for welding,
preheating and post-weld heat treatment should apply.
Reinforcement by pad and complete encirclement
reinforcement shall be used to distribute stresses and
reduce heat effect in alloy piping.

• Non-integral attachments include clamps, U-bolts,

cradles, saddles, straps, clevises. For vertical pipe
weight support, the clamp should be located below a
flange or fitting or a welded lug.
Hangers Example

 Example Problem:

1-Problem Description.

2-Thermal movement calculations.

3-Hanger Load Calculations.

4-Selection of proper hangers.

Hangers Example
Hangers Example, Movement
Hangers Example
Hangers Example, Movement
Hanger Supports
Rod Hanger Assembly
Rod Hanger Assembly

 The pipe attachment and the structural beam

attachment of a rod hanger assembly should
allow the hanger to swing to allow for lateral
movement of the pipe where there is horizontal
pipe expansion. It should be noted that horizontal
movement of the hanger will result in a vertical
movement as shown previous slide. The
subsequent horizontal forces should be checked.
Variable Hanger Assembly
Variable Hanger Supports
 Variable spring hangers are recommended for general use in non
critical piping and where vertical movement is small on critical

 Acceptable practice is limit amount of supporting force variation

(difference between hot load and as installed-cold load) to 25%
for critical piping systems on horizontal piping.

 The amount of variation can be calculated by multiplying the

spring scale in lb/inch (Kg/mm) by the amount of vertical
expansion in inches (mm).

 The main problem with variable spring hangers is that this

variation in load must go somewhere, it is transferred to the
nearest restraint or equipment which may cause damage both to
the equipment and/ or piping system.
Variable Hanger Supports
 Calculating the variability in accordance with MSS SP-58:

Var. = (Hot load – Cold load)/Hot load x 100

 The load margin between the maximum load, either hot or

cold, and the load at the maximum limit of the operating
range must also be considered. This load margin should be
greater than the weight of the hanger hardware that is
supported by the spring, ex. Clamps and hanger rods used
to connect the piping to the spring. If the total piping loads
plus the load of the supported hanger hardware cannot be
accommodated within the spring hangers operating range
an alternate spring hanger design should be considered.
Constant Load Support
 Constant support hangers provide constant supporting force for piping
throughout its full range of vertical expansion and contraction.
Constant Load Support
 This is accomplished by the use of a helical coil spring
working in conjunction with a bell crank lever in such a way
that the spring force times its distance to the lever pivot is
always equal to the pipe load times its distance to the lever
 For use when the variation in a variable spring hanger is
above 25%.
 The variation is transferred to the closest restraint or
equipment and, in the case of equipment,. This increase in
the load and/ or moment on the nozzle may cause
structural damage. In such cases a constant load hanger
would be selected.
 Because of it’s constant load effect the constant support
hanger is used where it is desirable to prevent pipe weight
load or expansion loads being transferred to connected
equipment or adjacent supports or hangers. Therefore they
are used for the support of critical piping systems.
Constant Load Hanger
Spring Hangers
Spring Hangers Example
 Returning back to our Example:

 Difference in effect in using a variable spring as compared to a

constant spring support hanger, as per Fig. H-1, page 157.
 Load for Hanger H-1 was calculated as 5363lb.
 Vertical movement at H-1 was 2.41 inches up, from the cold to the
hot position of the pipe.
 Amount of variation is 1500lb/in x 2.41in.=3615lb, while the hot load
was 5363lb, so as the direction of movement from cold to hot is
upward, the cold load is 5363lb + 3615lb, or 8978lb.
 Pipe weight does not change throughout it’s cold to hot cycle, while
the supporting force varies.
 Thus the hanger would exert an unbalanced force on the pipe equal to
the amount of variation, or 3615lb.
 Most of this force would be imposed directly on connection A., where
limits are established for the force which maybe applied.
 Changing the spring scale to lower the variability still imposes a high
force on A.
 Appropriate hanger support type for H-1 is a constant support. The
hanger will be calibrated to the calculated pipe weight, so it’s
supporting force would be 5363 lb at cold position, and 5363lb also at
hot position.
Selection of Pipe supporting
Piping Systems: Temperature classification.
Piping systems, are divided into the three main temperature
categories in order to provide a basis for the selection of hangers,
anchors, or supports.

1. Hot systems
a. The temperature range is from 120F (50C) to 450F (230C).
Typical examples are low-pressure steam, hot water and certain
process piping.
b. The temperature range is from 450F (230C) to 650F (340C).
Typical examples are boiler plant and industrial steam and hot-
water piping systems.
c. The temperature ranges from 750F (400C) and higher. A typical
example is a high-pressure steam power-plant piping system
d. In the temperature range 650F and higher, there is the possibility
of metallurgical change if unalloyed carbon steel is used. It is
suggested that hangers, anchors, and supports for piping which
operates at above 650 F be of materials at least equal to those of
the piping system itself.
Selection of Pipe supporting
2. Ambient systems in which the contents of the pipe are not
heated or cooled by mechanical means. Temperatures
would range up to 120 F. Plant air and service water would
be typical systems

3. Cold systems
a. The temperatures range upward from 32 F. A typical
example would be chilled water piping
b. The temperature ranges downward from 32 to minus 20F,
as in brine systems
c. Below minus 20 F, as in cryogenic systems
Selection of Pipe supporting
Selection of Pipe supporting
Pipe Attachments. Hangers for the various systems described above
may be selected from fig.11 in accordance with the following

For Type 1a systems, hangers Types 1 and 3 through 12 are used.

Rollers should be types 41 through 47 with appropriate saddles of
Type 39, items 1 and 2. Supports would be Types 35 through 38.

For Type 1b systems, hangers Types 1, 3, 4 and 8 are used. Rollers

should be types 41 through 47 with appropriate saddles of Type
39, items 1 and 2.

For Type 1c systems, alloy hangers are used as required by the line
temperature. Hangers should be of Types 2, 3, or 8 with saddles
of Type 39, items 1 or 2, and the rollers of Types 41 through 47
Selection of Pipe supporting
For Type 2 systems, hangers can be of Types 1 and 3 through 12
with supports of Types 24, 26, and 35 through 38

For Type 3 systems, the hanger of support must be outside the

insulation and the vapor barrier must be left undisturbed.

A Type 40 insulation protection shield must be used to distribute the

loading on the insulation. Hangers sized for the outside diameter
of the insulation can be of Type 1, 4, 6, 7, 9, 10, or 11. For the
Type 3c systems, special consideration must be given to the type
and nature of the piping and its layout.

Consideration may be given to the use of the welded lug

attachments. Where used on Types 1c and 3c, the welded
attachment must be of an alloy material which is compatible with
the material of the piping system itself.
Selection of Pipe supporting
Spring supports;
 For systems which operate at temperatures below 750F, a
good rule is that the variation in supporting force be limited
to 25% of the load. When the suggestions are followed for
stress limits set forth in MSS SP-58, para 11, and ASTM
specification A125, springs to suit specific conditions may
be designed.

 However, the price of a specially designed spring includes

engineering and setup charges, and unless a large quantity
of a particular size is to used, it is not economical to design
special individual springs, and a more prudent approach is
to select spring devices which are available commercially.
Selection of Pipe supporting
 Vibration arising from pump pulse, compressor and similar
conditions is a problem in piping systems. Such conditions can be
avoided by use of commercially available spring supports.
Systems that respond to exciting vibrations can be controlled
satisfactorily by the use of dampening device. There are two
general types to consider; the coiled spring and the hydraulic
vibration dampener.
 There are two types of coiled-spring vibration dampeners; the
opposed-spring type and the double acting spring type (type50).
These types should be arranged so that the springs are in the
neutral position during normal operating conditions of the system.
 The hydraulic vibration control is a unit which operates by means
of a controlled flow of fluid through an orifice. Resistance to
movement increases with the speed of displacement. One distinct
advantage of the hydraulic device is that there is a min. of
resistance to thermal movement of the piping.
 Both spring and hydraulic cylinder devices may be used to control
sway and absorb shocks.
Selection of Pipe supporting
Hanger Rod;
 Rod used for pipe support purposes is usually hot rolled
steel with cut threads conforming to National Bureau of
Standards Handbook H-2 Class 2A, for the coarse thread
series. Rolled threads to the same standard may be used. It
must be pointed out that the length of a rolled thread
cannot be increased by running a die over it, since the
basic diameter of the rod is less than the size of the
threaded portion.
 Safe load capacities of rods are based on the area at the
root of the thread. A generally accepted standard for such
capacities is given in table 5, taken from MSS SP-58.
Selection of Pipe supporting
Selection of Pipe supporting
 In addition to supporting gravitaton loads, the designer must also
be concerned with the provision of a suitable system of anchors,
guides, restraints, stops, and braces to control intended
movement, maintain piping position, and protect equipment from
possible excessive loading shock forces.

 The layout of each system section of piping should be reviewed,

taking note of such factors as configuration branches, expansion
joints and loops, pipe sizes, terminal connections, relation
stiffness of each leg in all planes, and system operating

 The digestion of all these factors, coupled with visualization of the

normal thermal movement of the system under consideration,
enables an evaluation of the specific requirements necessary to
assure positive control during all phases of operation.
Selection of Pipe supporting
 Anchors and restraints may be required to establish definite
movement patterns, counteract thrust forces, or, as in the case of
vibration-imposing equipment used to prevent transmittal and
possible build-up of vibration throughout the entire system. Specific
examples are the need for properly located anchors in a steam
distribution system to prevent overloading of the smaller branches,
anchors and guides, to actuate and align expansion joints and loops
properly, and restraints of fixed points in the vicinity of compressor
equipment or quick-closing control valves. Long straight runs or
sections of piping that are obviously weak in some plane may require
additional guiding or bracing to provide lateral structure stability.

 As in the case of all applications of anchors and guides, the overall

installation must provide sufficient flexibility to accommodate thermal
growth. For sections where the movement does not permit the use of
rigid struts, guides with sufficient clearance to accommodate the
normal movement may suffice by limiting the displacement. Positive
strut action can be obtained at points subject to movement through
the use of special devices such as hydraulic snubbers.
Selection of Pipe supporting
Risers are equivalent to concentrated loads; however, in the
support of the load, several important points must be
considered. These are:

1. Is the support to take the entire riser weight, or is this weight

to be distributed among several supports?
2. Are the hydrostatic-test conditions more severe than service
conditions; that is; will the cold-water-filled condition impose
stresses on the support higher than allowable (in cold
condition) as compared with hot operating condition and the
imposed stresses? When this decision is made, the system
erection sequence should be considered and a determination
made whether other supports are effective or ineffective during
hydrostatic testing.
Selection of Pipe supporting
3. Is the support to be located at a point of zero vertical
movement and hence to be considered a rigid support? If this
is the case, then the horizontal and flexural movements must
be analyzed. Pure horizontal movement can be provided for
long support rods which are allowed to swing. However, if
flexural movement exists, it may cause tipping, and then must
be assumed that the entire load can transfer to one support
rod. In this case, the riser support must be designed for double
the calculated load.
Guide Supports
Guide Supports
Limit stop Supports
Supports Friction
Restraint Supports
Limit stop Supports
Pipe Rack Supports



Stiffness & Flexibility
 Prismatic member, straight members of uniform cross
sectional area. They are the building blocks of structural
engineering and also piping software packages. Assuming
that the displacements are small, so that shortening of the
beam due to bending, may be ignored.

 Each member has it’s own “local” axis which do not coincide
with the axis for other members of the structure. It is thus
assumed that a force applied in any one principal plane
causes displacements in that plane only and that the shear
centre coincides with the centroid of the member.

 There is a possibility of three linear displacements and

three rotations at each end of the member. There are thus
12 possible displacement components for each member, or
12 degrees of freedom. Associated with each displacement
there is a corresponding force or moment.
Stiffness & Flexibility
 The result of the derivation section can be summarized in a single
matrix equation for member stiffness as follows;
[F] = [K] [X]
 This is the member stiffness equation, F & X are 12-term vectors of
member force and displacement respectively, and k is a 12x12
member stiffness matrix. This is the stiffness matrix for the most
general case of a prismatic member in space neglecting shear and
with the implicit condition that the deformations are so small as to
leave the basic geometry unchanged.

 Not all structural members require the full 12 degrees of freedom

to express their deformations. Since a member in space can have
no moments transmitted to it through it’s hinged ends, it’s
deformation depends only on the three linear displacements at
each end, giving it a total of six degrees of freedom.

 It is important to note the symmetry of the member stiffness

matrix k.
Stiffness & Flexibility
 Transformation of axis;
The system of axis for a prismatic member is a local axis system.
The x-axis is defined as coinciding with the centroidal line of the
member. In a structure with many members there would thus be
as many systems of axes. Before the internal actions in the
members of the structure can be related, all forces and deflections
can be stated in terms of one single system of axes common to all
the – structure “global” axes.

The directional cosines matrix can therefore be thought of as the 3x3

rotation matrix Ro. Thus any quantity can be redefined in terms of
global axes by pre-multiplying by the rotation matrix. When used
to redefine member forces and deflections in structure axes, this
process is conventionally referred to as transformation of axes,
and the symbol T is used for the transformation matrix.

T = [Ro 0 ]
[0 Ro]
Stiffness & Flexibility

 Basic requirements:

 Piping systems shall have sufficient flexibility to prevent

thermal expansion or contraction or movements of piping
supports at terminals from causing;
- Failure of piping or supports from overstress or fatigue
- Leakage at joints.
- Detrimental stresses or distortion in piping and valves or in
connected equipment (pumps and turbines for example),
resulting from excessive thrusts and moments in the
Stiffness & Flexibility

 Specific requirements:

In brief they are,

- The computed stress range at any point due to

displacements in the system shall not exceed the allowable
stress range.
- Reaction forces computed shall not be detrimental to
supports or connected equipment.
- Computed movement of the piping shall be within any
prescribed limits, and properly accounted for in the
flexibility calculations.
Stiffness & Flexibility
 Concepts:
Displacement strains;
Thermal displacements, Piping system will undergo dimensional
changes with any change in temperature. If constrained from
free expansion or contraction by connected equipment and
restraints such as guides and anchors, it will be displaced from
its unrestrained position.
Restraint flexibility, where restraints are not considered rigid, their
flexibility may be considered in determining displacement stress
range and reactions.
Externally imposed displacements, externally caused movement of
restraints will impose displacements on the piping in addition to
those related to thermal effects. Movements may result from
tidal changes (dock piping), wind sway (eg. Piping supported
from a tall slender tower), or temperature changes in connected
Total Displacement strains, Thermal displacements, reaction
displacements, and externally imposed displacements all have
equivalent effects on the piping system, and shall be considered
together in determining the total displacement strains.
Stiffness & Flexibility
 Concepts, cont.:
Displacement stresses;
Elastic behavior, stresses may be considered proportional to the
total displacement strains in a piping system in which the strains
are well distributed and not excessive at any point (a balanced
system). Layout of systems should aim for such a condition.
Overstrained behavior, stresses can not be considered proportional
to displacement strains throughout a piping system in which an
excessive amount of strain may occur in localized portions of the
system (an unbalanced system), unbalance may result from one
or more of the following;
- highly stressed small size pipe runs in series with large or
relatively stiff pipe runs.
- a local reduction in size or wall thickness, or local use of
material having reduced yield strength.
- a line configuration in a system of uniform size in which the
expansion or contraction must be absorbed largely in a short
offset from the major portion of the run.
Expansion & Stresses
Effect of expansion and stresses within a piping system need
to be determined by knowing the following;

 Which code that applies to system.

 Design Temperature and Pressure.
 Material Specification.
 Pipe Size & wall thickness of each of the piping
 The layout of the system including dimensions and
thermal movement of terminal points.
 Limitations of end reactions on terminal points as given
by equipment manufacturers.
Expansion & Stresses

 The requirements for formal analysis are identical

to those of B31.1. The Code gives the following
equation (same as B31.1) to check if formal
(simplified or comprehensive) analysis is

D y / ( L – U )2 ≤ 0.03

• D: outside pipe diameter, mm

• y : resultant of displacement strain, mm
• L: developed length, m
• U: anchor straight distance, length of straight line
joining anchors, m
Expansion & Stresses

 Applicable code only will determine the minimum safety

requirements for the material at the design conditions of
pressure and temperature.
 Some code specify the modulii of elasticity for commonly
used piping materials as well as formulae to determine
stress intensification factors and flexibility factors.
 Codes state that, the piping system shall be treated as
whole, in calculating the flexibility of a piping system
between anchor points and that the significance of all
parts shall be recognized.
 In addition, calculations shall take into account stress
intensification factors which apply to components other
than sections of straight pipe.
Expansion & Stresses
Expansion & Stresses
The analysis of piping loaded by pressure, weight and thermal
expansion so the analyst needs to understand the application of
the Principal Axis system, to simplify.

Consider a cube removed from a stressed section of pipe.

Calculate the stress in the cube and compare it to some
allowable stress limit.



Each force acting on the cube, can be trigonometrically reduced

to force components, represented by vectors, acting along each
of the principal axis. The resultant of the component of each
force acting on the face of the cube, divided by the area of the
cube face is called the PRINCIPAL STRESS. The principal stress
that act along the centerline of the pipe is called a
longitudinal bending, axial force loading or by pressure.
Expansion & Stresses
RADIAL PRINCIPAL STRESS, acts on a line from the center of pipe
radially through the pipe wall. This stress is a compressive stress
acting on the pipe ID caused by internal pressure, or a tensile stress
caused by external or vacuum pressure.


TANGENTIAL STRESS acts on a line perpendicular to the
LONGITUDINAL and the RADIAL STRESS. This stress attempts to
separate the pipe wall in the circumferential direction. This stress is
caused by internal pressure.

When two or more PRINCIPAL STRESSES act at a point on a pipe, a

SHEAR STRESS will be generated. One example of a SHEAR STRESS
would be at a pipe support where a RADIAL STRESS caused by the
supporting member acts in combination with the LONGITUDINAL
BENDING caused by the pipe overhang.
Expansion & Stresses
Allowable Stress Range
B3 1.3 establishes a maximum allowable stress range that can
be safely accommodated by a piping system before failure will
commence for two separate stress loading conditions. These
limits are for stress levels that can,

1.) cause failure from a single loading, and,

2.) cause failure from repeated cyclic loadings.

The ALLOWABLE STRESS RANGE, SA [ 302.3.5(d)] is the

stress limit for the 2nd stress level, those stresses that are
repeated and cyclic in nature, or simply, it is the allowable for

B31.3 presents two equations for the calculation of SA.

Expansion & Stresses
Equation 1a is as follows;
SA =f(1.25 Sc+0.25Sh)

and equation 1b is as follows,

SA =f[1.25(Sc+Sh)-SL]

Sc and Sh are the basic allowable stresses for the cold and hot
conditions as defined in Section 1.3.4. Sc and Sh values are
found in B31.3 Appendix A TABLE A-1.


this factor can be selected from the table shown below or can
be calculated by equation of B31.3 as:

Expansion & Stresses


Cycles N Factor f
7000 and less 1.0
Over 7,000 to 14,000 0.9
Over 14,000 to 22,000 0.8
Over 22,000 to 45,000 0.7
Over 45,000 to 100,000 0.6
Over 100,000 to 200,000 0.5
Expansion & Stresses
•The SL term is the LONGITUDINAL STRESSES to be discussed

•Although equations are both the allowable stress, SA, for the
calculated thermal displacement stress range, SE, each
equation has a specific application.

•Equation 1a is a system allowable stress of the entire piping

system of the same material, thermal cycles, and temperature;

•while equation 1b is a component allowable stress, SA, for

each single component in the piping system where SL has
been calculated for that component under analysis.
Expansion & Stresses
Cold Springing
 Cold springing is the intentional deformation of
piping during assembly to lower the initial
displacement strains in the operating condition.
 It is used to lower the forces transmitted to
connected equipment and to lower the deviation
from as-installed dimensions, such as inclination
of hangers. However, cold springing does not
change the magnitude of stress range.
 The amount of cold spring ”C.S.” is usually
expressed as a percentage or fraction of the total
expansion ∆
Expansion & Stresses
Expansion & Stresses

The B31 .3 Code offers several methods to increase the flexibility

[319.7] of a piping system. Added flexibility may be necessary to
lower the pipe loads on load sensitive equipment such as pumps,
turbines, or compressors. The traditional method to increase
flexibility is to add expansion loops or off-sets in the piping layout.
The key objective in adding loops or off-sets is to move the
CENTER OF GRAVITY of the system away from the LINE OF

Consider a simple two anchor piping layout and construct a line drawn
connecting the two anchors. Estimate the center of gravity. Flexibility
is increased when the added pipe moves the center of gravity away
from this line of thrust.
Expansion & Stresses

 Layout of piping system should provide inherent

flexibility, however, for the cases where the
system lacks flexibility the designer should
consider increasing flexibility by means of bends,
loops, offsets, swivel joints, bellow or slip type
expansion joints.
Expansion & Stresses
Expansion & Stresses
 This center-of-gravity/line-of-thrust concept is further
illustrated by the following two computer analysis of the
above pipe layouts.

 Both piping layouts are the same pipe size, temperature,

and the anchors are the same distance apart.

 The L shape layout has a maximum expansion stress of

24,455 psi.

 The Z shaped has 42,594 psi.

 The L shape moved the center of gravity, cg away from the

line of thrust which produced a lower stress, greater
flexibility even though the Z shape had one more elbow.
Questions, Comments

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