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1. Tuberculosis –  Low-Grade Afternoon Fever.

2. Pneumonia –  Rusty Sputum.
3. ASTHMA – Wheeze on Expiration.
4. EMPHYSEMA  – Barrel chest
5. Kawasaki disease –  Strawberry Tongue.
6. PERNICIOUS ANEMIA –  Red Beefy tongue.
7. Down’s SYNDROME –  Protruding Tongue; Single Crease On Palms
8. Cholera –  Rice Watery Stool.
9. Malaria –  Stepladder Like Fever With Chills.
10. Typhoid fever –  Rose Spots In Abdomen.
11. Diphtheria –  Pseudo Membrane Formation on Tonsils
12. Measles –  Koplik’s Spots.
13. Systemic Lupus Erythematosus –  Butterfly Rashes.
14. LIVER CIRRHOSIS –  Spider Like varices on abdomen
15. Leprosy –  Lioning Face (Leonine Facies)
16. Bulimia –  Chipmunk Face.
17. APPENDICITIS –  Mc Burney’s Point (Rebound Tenderness);
Rovsing’s Sign(Referred rebound tenderness);
Psoas sign(pain upon extension of knee) ;
Obturatorsign (pain on rotation of legs)
18. Dengue Fever –  Petechiae or (+) Herman’s Sign.
19. MENINGITIS –  Kernig’s Sign (Leg Pain);
Brudzinski’s Sign (Neck Pain).
20. TETANI (hypocalcemia)–  trousseau’s Sign/Carpopedal Spasm;
Chvostek’s Sign (Facial Spasm).
21. Tetanus –  Risus Sardonicus.
22. PANCREATITIS –  Cullen’s Sign (Ecchymosis Of Umbilicus)
23. Pyloric Stenosis –  Olive-like mass on abdomen
24. Patent Ductus Arteriosus–  Machine-like Murmur.
25. ADDISON’S DISEASE –  Bronze-like Skin Pigmentation.
26. Cushing’s SYNDROME – Moon Face Appearance and Buffalo Hump.
27. GRAVE’S DISEASE –  Exophthalmia
28. Intussusception –  Sausage-shaped Mass, Currant-Jelly Stool
29. CHOLECYSTITIS – Murphy’s Sign
30. Angina Pectoris – Levine’s Sign
31. Pleural Effusion – Stony-Dull Percussion of the chest
32. Parkinson’s disease – Pill-Rolling Tremors
33. Rheumatic Fever – Aschoff Nodules
34. RABIES – Hydrophobia
35. THROMBOPHLEBITIS – homan’s Sign
36. GLAUCOMA – tunnel vision
37. cataract - Cloudy vision
38. myasthenia gravis – Ptosis
39. Tetralogy of Fallot – Clubbing Of Fingernails
40. HIP DYSPLASIA – Ortolani Sign
41. Hirschprung’s DISEASE – Ribbon-Like, Foul-Smelling Stool
42. HYDROCEPHALUS – Bossing’s Sign
43. Meniere’s Disease – Vertigo, Tinnitus
44. MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS – Charcot’s Triad: Intention Tremor, Nystagmus, Scanning Speech
45. Phenylketonuria – Blue Eye
46. IDA - Koilonychia
47. Gouty arthritis - tophi formation
48. Osteoarthritis - Bouchard’s and Heberden’s nodes
49. Rheumatoid arthirtis - ulnar deviation; boutonniere
50. Retinal detachment - Visual Floaters, flashes of light, curtain vision

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