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10/18/2019 Vigilance Awareness Quiz 2 (Link Active From 1415 Hrs to 1445 Hrs)

Vigilance Awareness Quiz 2 (Link

Active From 1415 Hrs to 1445 Hrs)

1. Which among the following is “Criminal Misconduct” as per

“Prevention of corruption (Amendment) Bill-2018”-?

A. Intentionally enriching oneself illicitly

B. Causing Loss to organisation

C. Getting anything free

D. None of these.

2. The act of copying another person's work and submitting it as

though it were your own is known as what?

A. Integrity

B. Plagiarism

C. Creativity

D. None of these are correct.

3. Who is the present Vigilance Commissioner ?

A. Sharad Kumar

B. T Bhasin

C. K V Choudary

D. None of thes 1/9
10/18/2019 Vigilance Awareness Quiz 2 (Link Active From 1415 Hrs to 1445 Hrs)

4. Central Vigilance Commission is a:

A. statutory body

B. Government department

C. Constitutional Body

D. None of these are correct

5. How many organizations have been selected initially for

development of the integrity index?

A. 15

B. 20

C. 25

D. 30

6. In regard to checks to be exercised on Running Bills, which

one is not correct

A. The bill is prepared in proper form and marked ‘original’

B. The bill is in accordance with the terms and conditions of the contract

C. Certi cate regarding measurements by Engineer-in-charge and test

check of prescribed percentage of measurements by the concerned
superior authorities;

D. The method of measurement is correct and the calculations shown in

the Measurement Books are arithmetically correct. For this purpose, 70%
check should be done 2/9
10/18/2019 Vigilance Awareness Quiz 2 (Link Active From 1415 Hrs to 1445 Hrs)

7. Which committee recommended to establish the Central

Bureau of Investigation?

A. Santhanam Committee

B. Rajmannar Committee

C. Punchhi Committee

D. None of the above

8. Who have the power to remove Central Vigilance

Commissioner and other Vigilance commissioners?

A. President & Supreme Court

B. Chief Justice of Supreme Court

C. President on the recommendation of Election Commission.

D. Prime Minister, Home Minister and Chief Justice of India.

E. None of the above

9. The Central Bureau of Investigation comes under the……

A. Ministry of Home Affairs

B. Ministry Of Personnel, Public Grievances & Pensions

C. Ministry of Women and Child Development

D. Ministry of Law 3/9
10/18/2019 Vigilance Awareness Quiz 2 (Link Active From 1415 Hrs to 1445 Hrs)

10. Time frame for completion of Banning proceedings on a

defaulted vendor from the date of issue of show cause notice is

A. Three months by unit

B. Two months by unit and one month by Corporate.

C. No time limit. After getting reply from vendor for our show cause notice,
it shall be proceeded

D. None of the above

11. Works that do not require sanction/ approval of Board of

Directors/ CMD/ Directors:

A. New Capital Works.

B. Replacement of assets or Additions, Alterations of Capital nature to

existing xed assets.

C. Customer Project Related Capital Expenditure including Enabling Works

D. Topographical Survey and Soil Testing/ investigation works, consultancy,

technical model studies etc. at pre-bid / pre award (by customer) stage
under lump-sum provision in the revenue budget

12. What does “C” in BHEL CDA rules stand for

A. Central

B. Corporate

C. Conduct

D. Corruption 4/9
10/18/2019 Vigilance Awareness Quiz 2 (Link Active From 1415 Hrs to 1445 Hrs)

13. In which year the present CVC Act came into force?

A. 1998

B. 2004

C. 2005

D. 2003

14. What is full form of PIDPI?

A. Disclosure and Participation of Informer Private Interest

B. Public Interest De nition and Protection of Informer

C. Public Interest Disclosure and Participation of Informer

D. Public Interest Disclosure and Protection of Informer

15. Under which act CBI derives its police powers?

A. Special Police Establishment Act, 1947

B. Delhi Special Police Establishment Act, 1946

C. Special Police Establishment Act, 1950

D. Delhi Special Police Establishment Act, 1963

16. When was Integrity Pact implemented in BHEL?

A. 2009

B. 2008

C. 2002

D. 2003 5/9
10/18/2019 Vigilance Awareness Quiz 2 (Link Active From 1415 Hrs to 1445 Hrs)
D. 2003

17. Whistle Blower Policy of BHEL came into force on

A. 16.09.2003

B. 16.09.2014

C. 14.09.2016

D. 14.09.2003

18. BHEL successfully developed in-house and commercially

supplied regenerative braking system for-

A. 5000 HP WAG7 electric locomotive

B. 7500 HP WAG7 electric locomotive

C. 6000 HP WAG 9H electric locomotive

D. None of the above

19. Agency empowered to act against Cartel formation in India


A. Consumer Form

B. Directorate of Enforcement

C. Competition Commission of India

D. None of the above

20. India is a signatory to the UN Convention against corruption


A. 2009

B. 2003 6/9
10/18/2019 Vigilance Awareness Quiz 2 (Link Active From 1415 Hrs to 1445 Hrs)

C. 2007

D. 2005

21. Threshold Value for Integrity Pact in BHEL Is

A. 20 Crore

B. 5 Crore

C. 10 Crore

D. 1 Crore

22. As per Annual Report CVC has received ------ and disposed ----
cases during year 2018.

A. 3980,3804

B. 3134,3425

C. 3133,3162

D. 4355,4606

23. In Integrity Pact, IEM Stands For

A. Intelligent Energy Management

B. Industrial Engineering and Management

C. Independent External Monitor

D. Independent Engineering Monitor

24. Maximum tenure of CVO in One Organisation is

A. 4

B. 5

C. 6 7/9
10/18/2019 Vigilance Awareness Quiz 2 (Link Active From 1415 Hrs to 1445 Hrs)

D. 3

25. Which committee recommend to establish Chief Vigilance

Commission in India

A. Narayan Committee

B. Sakethraman committee

C. Raj Mananar Committee

D. None of the above

26. Which judgement of Apex Court resulted in giving statutory

status to CVC?

A. Vineet Narain case

B. Satyender Dubey Case

C. Jain Hawala Case

D. None of the above

27. How many IEMs are there in BHEL?

A. 1

B. 2

C. 3

D. 4

28. Which are not under the Jurisdiction of CVC ?

A. Central Govt. Employees

B. PSU Employees 8/9
10/18/2019 Vigilance Awareness Quiz 2 (Link Active From 1415 Hrs to 1445 Hrs)

C. PSB Employees

D. State Govt. Employees

29. IEM in BHEL

A. Shri Arun Chandra Verma

B. Shri Virendra Bahadur Singh

C. Both of the above

D. None of the above

30. As per CDA Rules- Rule 4, Every employee of the Company

shall at all times

A. maintain absolute integrity

B. maintain devotion to duty

C. do nothing which is unbecoming of a public servant.

D. All of the above

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