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03 | MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 14, 2020


As revenue dips, provincial

and local governments worry
about funds from centre
Federal government can reduce the promised funds but this would jeopardise projects.
PRITHVI MAN SHRESTHA the amounts depending on future government was Rs210.71 billion. The
KATHMANDU, SEPT 13 revenues. other 20 percent was received from
“The existing ratio fiscal transfer respective provincial governments.
Tilagufa Municipality in Kalikot dis- allocated to provincial and local gov- Due to the coronavirus pandemic,
trict is implementing several projects ernments is already very low,” said all three tiers of the government are
related to health, road, drinking water Angbo, referring to the fixed propor- struggling to collect the revenue as
and small hydropower this fiscal year. tion of 15 percent of value added tax per the target. In previous years, the
One of them is building a 14-km and excise duty. federal government usually met the
road between Chhapre and Balichaur While the amounts received under revenue target.
linking three villages in the rural the fiscal equalisation grant is fixed, In the last fiscal year, revenue
municipality and a budget of Rs50 the other three grants are not. collections remained far less than ini-
million has been allocated for it. Conditional grants are given to pro- tially targeted due to the lockdown
For the road project, the municipal- vincial and local governments to imposed to prevent the coronavirus
ity expects Rs30 million from the fed- implement set programmes of the fed- spread. While the government’s target
eral government as part of the eral government including paying the was to collect Rs1.11 trillion in the last
fiscal equalisation grant that provin- centre’s liabilities such as salaries to fiscal year, it revised the collection
cial and local governments are legally the government staff, special grants target to Rs827 billion during the
entitled to. are given for programmes which are mid-term review in early 2020. At the POST PHOTO: SANJOG MANANDHAR
But with the federal government of the provincial and local govern- end it collected revenue of merely Children receive meals from volunteers in Tankeshwor, Kathmandu, on Sunday. Homeless and needy people have been relying on handout meals
struggling to raise revenue as expect- ments but are part of the federal gov- Rs793 billion. to survive amid the Covid-19 pandemic restrictions as the government has no system to support the less fortunate members of society.
ed, they may not get the promised fis- ernment policies, and supplementary But total collection reached Rs841
cal transfer. grants are based on proposals on billion with unutilised monies from
“We will have to reduce the fiscal infrastructure development. Revenue various funds.

First batch of Nepalis returning

equalisation grant to the provincial sharing is fixed and the source is the “As the COVID-19 pandemic is
and local governments if the revenue revenue from natural resources with- spreading, we cannot rule out reduced
decreases by more than 10 percent of in the province or the municipality revenue collection,” said Sharma of
the target,” said Dhaniram Sharma, territory. the Finance Ministry.

from Lebanon after months of wait

chief of budget division at the Finance Provincial governments can raise
Ministry. internal loans to meet the shortfall of
In the first month of the current
fiscal year, revenue collection came
Local governments resources to implement their pro-
grammes. As per guidelines issued by
down by 12 percent to Rs58 billion heavily rely on the the National Natural Resources and
Nepalis in Lebanon want the government to continue the repatriation flights.
compared Rs67 billion collected in the Fiscal Commission, they can raise
same period last fiscal year, according centre for their international debt as much as 12.5
to the Finance Ministry. percent of their last fiscal’s revenue CHANDAN KUMAR MANDAL Non-Resident Nepali Association, the eral months without jobs. They were
Under the fiscal equalisation grant, annual expenditure. collection. KATHMANDU, SEPT 13 number of Nepali migrant workers living in scarcity and even suffering
one of the five ways that the federal But, Minister Angbo said that the returning home on the Qatar Airways for food and accommodation.”
government transfers funds to provin- federal government has failed to pre- After months-long wait, the Nepali flight, would go up as ticket booking is The Honorary Consulate of Nepal
cial and local governments, the feder- According to Angbo, in the fiscal pare federal law on how the provincial migrant workers stranded in the cri- still open. and other welfare organisations
al government transfers 15 percent of year 2019-20, because of reduced reve- governments could raise debt and sis-stricken Lebanon are finally For a long time, Nepali migrant have paid for the PCR tests for most
the value added tax and 15 percent of nue, the provincial governments without it they are helpless in this returning home this week. The first workers living and working in of the Nepalis taking Tuesday’s flight.
excise duty to provincial governments received only 60 percent of the prom- regard. batch of workers will land in Lebanon have been waiting to return It is estimated that Lebanon hosts
and to local governments, according ised amount under the revenue shar- “Provincial laws and rules are pre- Kathmandu on Wednesday. home as the country has been hit by nearly 5,000 Nepali workers, including
to the Intergovernmental Fiscal ing mechanism. pared based on federal laws and rules Until last week, Manju had little numerous crises in the last few 2,000-3,000 women working as
Transfer Act 2016. Provincial and local governments and the federal government has not hope of returning home after she had months. housemaids.
The federal government’s biggest heavily rely on the federal govern- yet prepared its own law to guide the gone through numerous rescheduling Since last year the West Asian coun- With the economic slowdown and
source of revenue is the value-added ment for much of their annual expend- provincial government,” said the of flights. Now, her hopes of flying try has been undergoing the worst then the pandemic, the women Nepali
tax with 36 percent of the total reve- iture. For example, in the fiscal year minister. back home have once again got wings economic crisis in its history. The workers have been affected the most
nue of the current fiscal year coming 2018-19, the seven provincial govern- Local governments which are heav- with the latest development. country already reeling with hyperin- as their host families have been una-
from it. ments received a total of Rs110.46 bil- ily dependent on the centre for grant “We are finally coming home,” flation and job losses was caught in ble to pay them.
Provincial and local governments lion from the centre while they were are also worried about possible reduc- Manju told the Post from Beirut over the grips of the Covid-19 pandemic The Nepalis living in Lebanon want
had prepared their plans and pro- able to generate only Rs68.72 billion, tion in funding. the phone. “I cannot express how when it was hit by the August 4 explo- the government to conduct regular
grammes for the fiscal year taking according to Financial Comptroller ‘We award contracts for various pro- happy it feels to be returning home sion in the capital city that killed flight service to evacuate those who
into account the grant that they would General Office, which keeps record of jects assuming that the central gov- after several months of struggle.” hundreds of people. are in trouble.
receive from the centre. the income and expenditure of the ernment will provide the promised The joy of Rai, another migrant Hundreds of Nepali migrant work- According to Thapa, nearly 80 per-
“It will be difficult for both provin- three tiers of the government. budget,” said Ashok Byanju Shrestha, worker who wished to be identified ers who were caught amid all these cent of Nepalis in Lebanon want to
cial and local governments to imple- The local governments rely even president of Municipal Association only by her last name, also knows no crises wanted to return home. But return home as they have been affect-
ment their development programmes more on fiscal transfer from federal Nepal. “How can we pay the contrac- bounds upon learning that the flight with no help forthcoming from the ed with the recent turn of events in
without receiving the promised and provincial governments. In the tor without getting promised resourc- service was finally going to restart. Nepal government, the workers were the country.
budget,” said Indra Bahadur Angbo, fiscal year 2018-19, local governments es from the federal government?” “Like everyone, I am so glad to learn in a situation of helplessness and for- “More people will be buying tickets
minister for economic affairs and were dependent on nearly three quar- Not getting the promised funds that I will be returning home soon,” gotten in a foreign land for several in the coming weeks for Nepal. This is
planning at Province 1. ters of their budgets from the federal would mean Tilagufa Municipality said Rai, has been living in the West months. just the beginning of a significant
But, according to the Appropriation and provincial governments, accord- may not be able to finance a drinking Asian country since 2009. “The flight could finally be arranged number of Nepalis returning home,”
Act 2020, the federal government can ing to the Financial Comptroller water project in Baidhunga which The special repatriation flight will after regular efforts of the Honorary said Thapa.
reduce the promised fiscal transfer if General Office. would serve around 300 families. be flying home more than 34 Nepalis. Consulate of Nepal in Lebanon, Nepal “This should not be the last flight
revenue collection remains lower than In total, from the federal govern- “Without the central government’s Most of them are women migrant Embassy in Cairo and frequent media from Lebanon to Nepal. If not many, at
targeted. ment they received 55 percent of their funding, it will be difficult to imple- workers who had reached Lebanon to reporting about the plights of Nepali least one repatriation flight should be
It provides these funds in four resources. Of the total budget of ment the important project,” said work as domestic help. workers in Lebanon,” said Thapa. allowed from Lebanon. These workers
instalments and with the first instal- Rs382.6 billion of the 753 local govern- Ratna Bahadur Shahi, mayor of the According to Ashok Thapa, the “Nepalis going on the scheduled must return home as they have
ment already sent it can still adjust ments, the contribution of the federal municipality. president of the Lebanon chapter of flights were languishing here for sev- no jobs.”

BRIEFING Coronavirus pandemic offers hope for cycling future

400 houses waterlogged More bicycles on the streets will mean the pressure on the government to invest on cycling-friendly infrastructure including repairing potholes will grow.
NAWALPARASI (EAST): Rainwaters have
inundated around 400 houses at ANUP OJHA him for not making a single
Wards 2 and 4 of Gaidakot in KATHMANDU, SEPT 13 cycle-friendly lane in his three years
Nawalparasi (East). The rainfall of tenure.
the past two days has waterlogged the One of the first things Yogendra “Announcements are only limited
houses north from the East-West Ranjitkar did after Nepal went into in plans and seminars,” said Shrestha.
Highway due to the lack of a proper lockdown on March 24 was he dusted He, however, is optimistic about the
water outlet. The local people com- off his bicycle. “It had remained future of cycling as a culture, as more
plained that they had been enduring unused in the corner of the dark store- and more urban youths have adopted
the flooding problem for the past two room,” said the 46-year-old music cycling culture in the Valley and other
decades but the concerned teacher from Maitidevi. “I stopped cities like Chitwan, Pokhara, Dharan
authorities have done nothing to riding the bicycle when I was 25. I find and other major city areas.
address the issue. Kathmandu a very dangerous place Besides the lack of cycle lanes,
for bicycle users. I never thought I there is also the problem of roads
would be pedalling around the city being unsafe for cyclists.
Journalists protest attack again.” The death of cyclist Shyam Sundar
DHANGADHI: The Dhangadhi-based Since the beginning of Covid-19 Shreshta, 38, on October 27, 2018, after
journalists staged a demonstration on crisis in March, the humble bicycle his bicycle fell into an open sewer in
Sunday, demanding strong action has become a boon for the Ranjitkar Kirtipur made headlines. Nine years
against the persons involved in beat- family. PHOTO COURTESY: RATNA SHRESTHA ago, Prahlad Yonzon, one of Nepal’s
ing media persons. They took out a Ranjitkar has also bought a new Yogendra Ranjitkar and his daughter Sasu ride together in Nakkhu, Lalitpur. leading conservationists, was killed in
protest rally that converged into a bicycle for his 11-year-old daughter, a hit-and-run accident while cycling
corner meet in front of the District Sasu. It cost him Rs 45,000. “This is an ideal time to promote added benefit of safety. Doctors say there are no cycling lanes on on the Ring Road, near Kalanki.
Administration Office in Kailali. A “I couldn’t find any cheaper bicycle cycling in Nepal,” said environmental- commuting on cycle could play an the Valleys roads and they are full of The powerful beam of headlights of
group of around 20 people barged as there is such a demand and there- ist Bhusan Tuladhar, who himself has important role in breaking the corona- potholes . vehicles at night also makes cycling
into Dinesh Media House on Friday fore a shortage in the market,” said been promoting and pressuring the virus transmission chain. Ratna Shrestha, founder and presi- dangerous.
and thrashed a journalist and misbe- Ranjitkar. government to construct cycle friend- “Commuting on public vehicles is dent of the Nepal Cycle Society, said “The number of cyclists has
haved with others. Search is on to nab A growing number of people in ly infrastructure in the country. very dangerous at a time of Covid-19. that it is the right time for the govern- increased but our roads are not safe,”
the people involved in the incident, Kathmandu are using bicycles as an “Cycling has been taken up through- You can’t maintain social distancing ment and local bodies of Kathmandu said SSP Bhim Prasad Dhakal, chief
said police. alternative to public transportation out the globe due to the global Covid- but cycling helps one to remain safe Valley to invest in cycle lanes. of the Metropolitan Traffic Police
with the spread of Covid-19. 19 pandemic.” from infection,” said Dr. Sher Bahadur He says on average a person com- Division. “Unlike motorbikes and four
Bicycles have long been popular in The 2011 census data shows 32.38 Pun, a virologist at the Sukraraj mutes around 10 km in a day in wheelers, we hardly get reports of
Province 1 Assembly member Nepal’s plains. But with the pandemic percent of households have bicycles. Tropical and Infectious Disease Kathmandu Valley and the distance is cyclists being involved in accidents,
suspended for three months and disruption in public transporta- In urban areas 29.95 percent people Hospital, Teku. “Unlike motorbikes ideal for cycling which has an average but we have been getting complaints
TAPLEJUNG: The district committee of tion with the odd-even rule for motor- own bicycles. and cars one cannot give a lift on a speed 14km an hour. from cyclists falling in drains and
Nepal Communist Party has suspend- ised transport, its popularity has “People from all economic classes bicycle.” There have indeed been some efforts open manholes at night.”
ed its leader Hom Kumari Sanwa, soared elsewhere. can afford to buy bicycles, and the Around the country, cycling has by local governments to make their Despite the government’s indiffer-
who is also the member of Province 1 “I had no option but to buy a bicycle trend is up, this is really good for the become popular for a few years now. cities bicycle friendly. But Shrestha ence, cycle activists have not given
Assembly, for three months. The NCP as even during lockdown my office environment,” said Tuladhar. Since India’s economic blockade in and many other people who have long up hope.
district committee meeting held on remained open,” said Ram Hari Karki, Although cycling may have been 2015 that caused a crippling shortage been into promoting cycles say it’s not “With the pandemic, people have
Sunday took the decision after Sanwa 33, who works in an insurance compa- seen as a poor man’s transport, that is of petroleum products, there has been adequate. taken to cycling for health concerns,
was caught verbally abusing a woman ny in New Baneshwor, who cycles to not the case now. a steady increase in bicycle use. Lalitpur Metropolitan City made and slowly this will become a habit
on social media. work from his home at Samakhusi “I have a car and motorcycle at According to the Department of the Valley’s first dedicated cycle lanes among people,” said Shreshta. “Such a
every day. home but I have hardly been using Customs, Nepal imported bikes worth from Kupondole to Mangal Bazar in development will put pressure on the
According to Nepal Cycle Society, a them since the pandemic. I cycle much Rs801.3 million in the fiscal year 2015- November 2019, a distance of 4.7 kilo- government to work on cycle-friendly
16 Nepal Army soldiers among cycling advocacy organisation, over more now,” said Dr Pawan Sharma, 59, 16. In the fiscal year 2018-19, this fig- metres. The city also tried to pass New infrastructure.”
45,000 new cyclists have been added a gynaecologist at Patan Academy of ure stood at Rs 1.5 billion. Cycle Law 2020 to guarantee cyclists’ Professional musician Ranjitkar
27 infected in Lamjung in Kathmandu after the lockdown Health Sciences. Laxmi Shrestha, 51, a freelance pho- welfare but it failed. knows that the Covid-19 has hit all
LAMJUNG: Sixteen Nepal Army sol- started in March and there are now “Besides health benefits, cyclists tojournalist from Mangal Bazar, has Kathmandu Metropolitan City too hard and there are problems for easy
diers are among the 27 people who over 100,000 cyclists in Kathmandu are also contributing to a cleaner envi- been cycling for the past two years. announced plans to make a cycle lane and safe mobility.
tested positive for the coronavirus Valley now. ronment. All those who ride on four More than 20 women in my locality on the 3.1 kilometre stretch from “One thing will surely change
infection in Lamjung district on Cycling enthusiasts are excited wheels and motorcycles should respect recently bought cycles after the pan- Maitighar to Tinkune but nothing has because many people will now start to
Sunday. All the infected soldiers were about this sudden rise in the number cyclists for this contribution,” said demic started,” she said. “Ten of them come of it. In June Mayor Bidya ride bicycles as this is the safest mode
from the Agriculture and Vocational of cycle users that they hope this Sharma , who is also an active mem- work at the same office and they cycle Sundar Shakya, as part of his annual of transportation in these unsafe
Training Centre in Sundar Bazaar. A could be instrumental in forcing the ber of the cycle club in the Patan in a group to work.” plans and policy, announced subsidies times, “ he said. “But the government
total 334 people have been infected government to spend on infrastruc- Hospital. But she has a complaint that is for his staff to buy bicycles. now must think of making roads safe
with the virus in Lamjung so far. ture to promote cycling. Amid the pandemic there is the familiar among bicycle enthusiasts— But cycling enthusiasts criticised for cyclists.”


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