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CHAPTER ONE GETTING STARTED: INTRODUCTORY CONCEPTS AND DEFINITIONS PROBLEM Lt mass enters when . ‘iwrake valve is open mass exits when exaust Valve is open nat, sugtaces Jiston exerts force on gas surroundings ING COMPYESSLON, gas exerts force on during expansion hot surfaces interact Wits SUVTOURALS iin watt aatat foe shaft torque x froneotts towe NT exnaass FO NONSMArssion gas Out PROBLEM 1.2. Motor as system: . electric warrant flows torque transmitted through i + speed of rotation of armature can change + temperature of eolbe ceetae con warm surface of waotor interacts with surroundings Enlarged system: Be Se pees eae Oe aoce 1+ chemical changes oaur 1 within the bat ' » Speed of rotation of armature com change + tem we of motor ' and Tbalery com 1 Ohange |. ynass 15 vaised within | system warm surfaces interact with surroundings comment: The shaft jorge on! ond caveont Low inlerackions become internal 4o the enlara PROGLEM 1.3 A control volume encloses the solar collector, + Cool water enters thecolector at ©, and lot water exits at@. + solar radiation impinges on the Front of the collecto + Warm surfaces of the collector iwteroct with the suxyoundi * gome of a nee vodkation Sore is See Heh ue, eit A control volume encloses the scar collector, Awetanle, and the inter connected piping + Cold wade enters tre tank : gad hot wales ate + Warm sates ef the collector, | i amd intecconnecteet } stovage ahewd ierct sith the surround- j foul shar ‘odiatvon the ar x fe eee es oa “sort e uae: Some is ‘alssorbed, Tia tem ‘mage tre water Hs Keme J PROBLEM 1-4 A control volume enctoses the valve and turbine. + Steam enters at@ and evits at ©. = A torque is transmaited through the Awtating Shaft + Warm surfaces of the turbine interact with the surroundings, Within the control volume , Ham Flows across th Valve andihteash di ter bine blades, When Fre generator is ineludad wi the contvol volume, © Steam enters at @ and excte otf @. + Warm surfaces of the turbine and ta generator interact with Ha Surrounds . + elect current flouw fran tha generator Role that Hon tramtmtiad torque does net crosc the boundary of the anlerged control Volumae _ PROBLEM 1.5~ ie ® A conte! volume enclocas tha engine driven pomp: aaseS ' Water entert at © and exits at © + Awe for Combustion of tha on-board fuel eniersy and Combuttion gases exit. Uoarun surfaces of PBomys interact With tas surroundings @: —>3 Gitlin the pump, © piston ic kept ut mohion within a cylinder owin ro combuckion of tht on-lwoard fuel. THe piston mehion v3 harnessed te pump the Aiqurd. The amount of fuel within the system olecreases with time, When the bose and nogale oe metodad, a bugh-spemt war jet exits te auteaded Combo! Volume ab the nogyle ext, PROBLEM Lb system boundary + tuo phases are present (liguid and gas), + not ie substance because composition is different in each phase. system boundary + three phases are present (solid, liquid avd gas) ° ubtance be ite oi ois caleas Meats saps and liquid prases. The system is a pure substance, Although the ligdid ic vaporized the system remaius fixed in chem- ical Composition ond is chemically homogeneous. system boundary PROBLEM 1.8 the system is a pure sulostance, Although yi the phases chong? , the system remains of Fixed ' chemical composition and is chemically homogeneous. The system is nat o pure sul stance duwing the process Since the Com- dish ot Position of the Qas phase changes water 25 Water evaporates into the &ir. Once all of the water evaporates, the gas phase comes to equilibrium pnd thé compositron becomes OMOGeN2OLS. A+ this point, phase an be treated os 0. dure He Bes Ss PROBLEM L.lo* Ub ; song=(lotsuoe4) | ts m= (0b Fy = 9) Clolb}(si0 eo Ib ters 2463 by <—_ Fy ro (ooo N kN ( kqu/s* ine UN ne BM _/25 kN 3 9.3 m/s =2SS( kg <—_™ Foray 2S kN PROBLEM 1.12, | kgm / 52 iN = 7.5 m/s* 4 Cb) Ynassis Unchanged. ™ Foca a5n m=10kg () gmat = SH »(257 UN Vieg-wals = BIN Farav Fyre 145.8 Fyar® 9 = (0 Ig) 81m] PROBLEM 1.13 we) 32.2 Ib-fH/s? 10 1 bE = 304 Hs% Sto (b) mass is unchanged. gi : . 74 | lbt = mg = (10 1b) (32.2 4) oe = lolbfe a 2 ara Fgeay 296 bt I-6 PROBLEM 114 In general) Frys mQ- Se m 7 &) Since ea unas fs the CAme OM Mars aS On as i = Fara gens 1st Hl Paes * (75 aon Accordingly Gasset * (ae) (Fn = (Bests 23 by <<——— (Seo) sues 6.28 log The dentihy Pr? wm [vr Rewtging 64.0%) with data on Wart mz (823 uf. 322 tb-fls*| | 20.61 |b (2.8644, 1 WE ‘Then : zobt lb 2 0. 1b et Migs Og + PROBLEM 1.15" * Eght> is used on beth parts: n= wm /M, Where Ms from Tables A-1. (2) MaMa, = (0 kmrol Ares m= (28.97 leg (enol) (10 keel) = 299.7 kg HOt ma((G.02 leg /lemal) (10 Kmnal) = L@O.R eG Cat m= (GSSH leg fkmel)(W0kemal) =G3S.4 bg Sat m= (64.06 leq/rmal) (10 Krol) = 40.06 eg (ky W=m™7M, mao lb ey we (20 Wb) Z(3V. AU Ub (thrmal) = O-SOL Ub mol Her ne (2 bb)/ (2,000 th/Iberol) = .42l tbmol Nat n= (20bbS/(2@,01 lb (bbl = 0.114 (berol Ct nz (ro WY /(r2.0t /[hmol)= LOGS (bool 1-7 PROBLEM 1.16% T Foor = K(ax) and pring? Frou = "9 K(x) = mg pode, AX+2em and | ke AX = C50 kg)(9.81 mis?) IN | Yn = Si —— For easiest @emy kg-m/s2 prophet = 6.13 N/omg Constant PROBLEM 1.17 te mets Tv aia HI 7 © The spring is known to delect 0-12 in for every LIE of applied force. Thus, We begin by determin ing the weight of the object Favor 7 9 = (US VWe\(214 H/s?) = (463 lof Lib 32.2 fF We[s? The deflection is O¥= (0.1 Ra/lb¢) (HB Ibe) = LAL om g¢—_____** PROBLEM 1.18 K (Ax), where For a linear spring , ta a Dx WB the spring extension. Sunea Flpring = a Fray = mg y we have K(Ax)= mg. Since mand Kare independent of ocation, Fy the Locat accelerahon of gravity % Proporkonnrd tthe deflect. Thus wars: mar: CAdmars 5 loin o-1e Yoo. 174 $4) Bees Gm = Sei Ome Con) oa = in gas8t @— moons quscon , (A¥)maen 5 Gx) moon = Ges) YEW orth Geth — (Ax)eath > (Sy 0.2911) = 0.044 in PROBLEM 1.19 The average Deceleration occuvs from 5 mish to vest iv ols. occeleratiow magnitude is lal = 4. Smi/h- oO S280 Ht|| Ih Plug BE * ors )| Twi || 36003, = 73.33 H/s* oninas 73.33 HIs* finn lal. = 5. s ) = 2.28 a! dlecelerati I leg (Bz Hisz) ~ 7:28 g's« Gin g's) Thus, the magnitude. of the average toree applied is : = a 1 Ibe | Flog ™ [4[ aug = Go tb)(13.33 #)| tae ENaees = 1139 Ibe VFlavg PROBLEM 1.20" " melkg = 5 ms* (up) Faray 9 = 9.81 m/s? Fapp> Fara 2 Fapp = Mat mg = m (at+g) = (akg)(s+2.81) 24 | !N Sh gem /s2 = AVON S Fope PROBLEM 1.21 * Fapp? 15 \bf fm 235 lb G=32.2 Hse Fape” Grav as Feet Fame Papp 9 mm ™ = moa. = Fae _g ~ 2 . (= lbf |2 Ib. $s? | _ 32.2 Hs 35 Ib 1 bf = 18.4 £4/s* (downward) <——_& From Table A-\E : H1 = 18.02 Ib/Ibmol Foray = Ge VMNG » =(0.5 lbmel )(18.02 FV G0.5 #)] — = 8.534 Ibf. % gras F; 230.5 ts? . 5)( 18.02) ar 4 = A, (0-5)(802) | Sue” Vi “foamsy = bettt Ib/H% Save PROGLEM 1.23 Fapace = ™ 4 fee" Sone) ne Fa Hy earth, Sean J Gerace Jearte = Fence AN earl * Fagace (Seas) « (42 n)(28!) ‘ = bm|s? space weight Ispuce 5 Senn? 45152 =68.61 N<___ earth I-lo PROBLEM 1.24 Fr Ss ie qe La-81~ (23 x6%/e)2]m/s* , ohn sy where 2 Wa m, z S + ~~. ==> FOS SS Smee weight & DJzmg, the percent changer weisht om landing Le aemege: | 22br0 = | 100) cof _ | Case) -28 tim[o) — (33 x10/52) Wot m)] Je 33 <= (ios) - G-a~ 2x0 )oF)] oF = 0.34¢Z%——__. PROBLEM 1.25 \\r= 30H : 3 }! Saag 624 Wit = 32.1 Hls* The mass of watey ig m = 6 atshere)V i te volume of +he spherical taw Ve dmv? = (§) cm) (30 FH)? = 1.131 x10 $4? and the mass is m= ¢V (024 He yet aixco8) = 1.06 klo® bg The weight is + mg alrooustnsas 8) set Maral Fray © 10 =(1-06x«0'Ib) 2.14 +) ae = 7,04 x10% IbF. Fgroy ul PROBLEM 1.26 The scale Accords the weight, ar mg » where. macs m te given by i ms Spdv = f pacz Vol ° e 2 =a (7800 -3¢0(2/L) Jdz For aimpliciby introdues @ raw varvable: 2= Z/L,so I Azz Ld2 and the expustion for mace reads fieensn we AL Le. seol2)'] 42 ° 4 ge 9. 78m /s™ . = AL [78002 - se) J, PF F800 -360(z/L) Kym, where Z is in mt, <@S)L[ 7008) = 7 (os m)"(2m) | 7680 £9 J= BIO KF = wt Finally & , Foray = 0g = Ge ierg) (478%) | 29, 4% N-«— PROGLEM 1.21 3 3) 043 d= 10 ma? = ECO} ve 2 — = 5236 vss Hb ce b 36 9 = 31.0 4/s* me Vv . 523.6 43 aa * Isa a7 ~ 3468 |b For 7 3 =B408 1e)(31.04} = 33.34 Ibt 32.2 Ib-HIs? | Mof | ee I-12 PROBLEM 1.28% eve, v Vo deen Ss (sng oF Bes | 6% Coa, intl er co is eds using leaking when speafe volume & Ut mz (SKS m= 30K9 me Vir (a) Using VE Vim wd ° 2 ingeal speeedre volume: re FORE = (AR —— IS *3 after an additone RIS ig 3 enters ue 20 2 ote FoKg (We) Beginning with BOK of COn Ut the pass thet has leaked (Arant ]= [seea] - ( mace ig eatin, ] eypinder the amount of Volome. wi the cyuinder ov = Borg] - [227°] Tn wetting this, We assume thet the pea fre volume docs not Vory with Aecaion ustthin Hos cyetmnder? the gas leats Slowly , co prctpecrfie volume within tHe eghader varves only ewith hime. Simca hs speeege vrtume UW varies Few 0-67 wile whe Bok, & wt Cynder T ths speatred upper Arnut Speedjed: FO m¥leg | tHe plot co 96. 67 08 09 10 ary meg I-13 PROBLEM 1.24 @) At a temperature of 240% , the Specified pressuve oF 1.25HPa falls between the tabe values of 1.0 amd 5 MPa. To determine the specific volume corresponding to 1.25MPa, we think of the slope of a Straight line joming” the adjaceut’ table states, as follows: Ww =0.2275 mM/keg 22. vy; p25 vy 8 60 p*42 5) 3 weg A4 V=01N83 mY/keg p, MPa Lo 12s us similar triangles : =0.1N83 _0.2275-0.1483 s . | slope| = we I & veces (25 )(0. 2275-01985) = 0.1879 weg g(a) W Aba. pressure of 1S MPa atthe given specific volume of 0.1555 mle falls behween the tuble values ‘of 240 aud '260%. To determine the temperature corresponding to the gwen specific yolume , We thile of Hhe slope of a Shraaqit lve jorning He adjoceut able skates, as follows: 280. (0,1627,280) — 0-240" lope = T=24O | . 280° 3 ° ope SSS -(4BD 1627-1483 % > 72 240+ [/S855- 483] to’ 240 Tent 1403) tO (.1483,240) = 260°C. co Ad SIG TU; leg ©) Inthis case, the specitiéd pressure falls between the tuble values of 1.0 and 1.5 MPa and the specified temperature falls between the table values oF 200 ancl 240°C . Thus, double rnterpolation is reguived. «Ab 220%, the specttie Volume ed- each pressure is Siisply the average over the infervod: a py te svg 12060 4.2275 at 1.0 MPa 220% 3 4 = —— > ——— = 0.21675 w7/kg 2 at [5 MPa, 220% a 2 LEAST INBP Ag yoy weg + Thus, with He same approach as in Ca) (MOY _ 0.21675 - 0.1804 0.1 > VU = 01404 +See) 21G 7S 0,144) = 0/5567 mg. we q *_Ts-To PROBLEM }.30 (a) At a temperature of 120°C , tha speecfied re. of 54 lbf/in? falls between the table values af 50 and 60 lef/in? To determine the speefic volume corresponding to S4 loflin®, Wwe thank of tus Slope of a straight tine, jBining the adjacent tabte states, as follows: veto vy ae | b= -dI-- HA vison! AY ee nee find 50 re ee) > Py ef lin? Similar treangles: [stope] = YoS8ML . O-S.8H wy ve woe & no- 6.9ti)= 6.602 6o-st Go-S0 a te) At & piesture of 60 lbflin?, the given Sprefic volume. of Sate falls between the table values of (20 and 40°F. To deleemine, the femperature cavresponding te the given spectfre, Votoms , we think of the slope of a clvarsht tine joining the adjacent Table states, a2 follows : 140 (612,140) 140-120 $483 2 te reor [' \~) Gn 5.8% Sarak 4 el, stil () Tn this case the specified prassuve falls behueen the table Valuer of 0 and bo Ibf/int Gnd the speecfied temperature fale, behueen ue tele values of 0 ad 20°F, Thus, douile mbepelakon required: At OF , the specific volome at each prrcture (6 simply the average ova the interval ak SOME 110 ve THOFG ER = 6.993 H/o at Goll oF, ve SAUFELST= S735 HUD te aa c Then, site tee shine appaoach oo (A) - S.74S , CMF3S-SFIT = 26.49% 699, ESE. AR a vn sore = Coir Bile —q—_) Ils PROBLEM 1.3(* m:5kg From the pressure - Specific volume relation \ pu 3s const, 6 :? v, “Coe)"toa mi/kg) prtbar ,v, 70,2 mi/kg = 05810 m¥kg P2*0.25 bar V,2U,mM 22905 m&__ p-bar PROBLEM 1.32 From the ah, - Volume elation (2) v, =e (22S aoe) nel; ip Yeen ae 21.25 Vz 22.615? Ve, 3; Vir 290082 V2.2 3.168 f° 60 p-lb tine 40 20 PROBLEM 1.33" ReAS bf/iu* Re Vash? Pa = 100 IbF/ mt Vp, = LS HF The pressure-volume velation is linear clurtng the process. Thus : AF, Pree Gaal (v-M) Or, using given data tee, (00-15) tbflin® Pro tt Ces) a (v-25) #3 = 237.5-8SV When V= 2. $43 prans-es(al)= 4 Ibfn®g ____p On p-V coordinates 2 g | = 80 = 60 pr PEAS = 85 V & 40 ° f+. Ls to at v GR) PROBLEM 1.34 (A) The process is described by pPVic constant. The constant can be evaluated using data at state | pV= constant zp = CtbaryiL) = 1 bark Se, for every state during the prowss, we hme the relation pV= lbare L When p> 3kar, we ibark 2 0.33b +. 3 bar Wien p> alo ye io = 0.28L 7 Plotting the relation on passsure volume coordinates We Are : bar. L ps {bere vw +o. ob tan 4 2 2 _—_____——_ > Linear preseure volume Cour) a telatvonchi of part(b) PV constant Raton t 2 pari (a) L ° 02s 6S O75 hO vel) wy For comparison, the Unear parcture-volome ‘elahonthip is Shown onthe plot above. The volume corresponding to ps Shar con be obtained simply using the slope of tHe shraaght Aine between | and?: 5 = Ger. Gel Vz OSL a Isepel= rau 7 Go This value also con be read from tha plot. 1-18 PROBLEM 1.35~ Thermodynamic cycle! Iai pV constant E+ Ae bear, Visi, Vu 0.2m! | ay pe conctant, VirVg expansion), Vg2l0m! 8-1 VR conctant Rr prowss 2) pVis constant. The constant can be evaluated using data at Stated: p Va constant 2AM 3 = Cbar)Cim’) 2 | barn Accordenglys on & pressure ~Volume plot process I-2 ‘5 deseribed a Hoar mi? Pe ra Ta perbuilar, when Var o-2m? > p= Shar. The thermodynamnte cyete takes the forme © Rye Sbar 3 p= constant 5 Wi 02m ye Sher Wel mo? + “Vs constant P (oor > PV= constant OL O08 O04 OF 06 OF 08 OF LO Vv (wi) 1-14 PRostem 1.36" Pay = O13 Pa $3 = (l0%0 ~101.33) Lm _|ro%wlm | 107 10%) Vege (73.59 glem3) 697-81 mIs?)| \ ePa Ve a Th = 002m =2cm L () Foage. = PH Paty =04.0 = 101,335 2.67 L& fs a PROBLEM 1.37 Rivne * £94 2 = (49.94 fs Yana H)(F2a)| tee _||_1H* | ' }32.2 Ih-As?)| 144 iu™| Pavac *H-2in. Heo = ORY IE LE Patna = 145 Woe go 32a Hs? Rrabs * Bln~ Fyvne 4 5 3 So = 44.94 Tol ee = 5 ~ OY = M379 EE. Paabs PROBLEM 1.38% A) Pats * Bm Vacuum Tank — |p) 9g kPa Prac * Retm™ Fats 248-4O=Se eRe Pvt Babe OM bar =40 b Pa PROOLEM 1.34 2 Lot face ie [APopgel = 4 9 L | 9 32.0 ft/s Ga0.01004 Hb Stan? 5y, 5 02-344 Ib/ HS Boge | =(62.344 BY22.0 Ayia Pam! | * 32,2 Ib- fl s | = 0.3444 IbE ine, PPrage Colecreases) PROBLEM 1.40 L=20cm =0.2m Tanke 8 Faagee” Sug IL =(3.59 4, yas) Foamy e, | 10? aw len on lies Tm l= kgomlst 326,664 N/m? = 0.2666 bar wd : fem Foage 214 ba Mercury (¢ = 13.59 g/m?) Foss * eurr* Goge,e = Ol +.2666 = L266 bar ¢ __. Fags, = fec,at Frege, = 12766 + 1H = 2,616L bar ¢ PROBLEM 1.41 Bim Sig Lng 3 (3.89 4 ,)(7.81 m/s \GQS)m SES i | bar i0%4| Ae Ved || Ueg-mnl sll 10% Nm Sug 213.59 Glem3 21 bar 924.8) m/s? Foes = Gane Prac = | bar- 0.2 bur = 0.8 bare __ Fabs d-2t PROGLEM 1.42" 2 Pagege® 280.0 1bslie = ue . ; Pale Mo WE Lie = (Bagoge Bin) ~ Prabe R22 = (290.0+14.6) -20 Compressor = Tb Jophin®, _Afabs Peal gi=(eno0erte)/20 = 14.73 <— EXEL faus* Rabs~ Prabs P abs 220 Ibf/in? PROBLEM 1.43 9= 4981 m/s Faring = KX) where i= 10,000 N/m Fir tha piston: mz 10 Kg As 7.8K/03 wt For the ate: AV= 3.axotm? Tachatly X20 ond Hn is no spring force aching on the pitton. Also, field behoren 44 psn ad The eyhader toatl can be igrared Accordingly, the force exerted by the air Uitlin ths cylindin on the “bottom of piston is egal to the weight of TAL piston plus the force exerted by the atmerphere onthe top of the piston: feek { Theo: 4 FAs RimA+ m9 = Patt AD A B= tears (Womgya-tiels|] IN 1) ter ' Zexssme _| fier | in| As li2e bar |= <-——____-, Finally) the force exerted bog the air within the cylinder Hoe bottom the piston 1s equal fo the weight 4 th plus the force exerted by the atmmerphere on the “top sf the pitton plus the fore exerted by the spring on pha top ofthe pistow 1-22 PRooLem 1.43 (Cont'd) Bry ] Sim tr] Theo: st BA> PamA + mg + Fpring he Be Pmt mo, Finny For the springy Fipeng= eX, where. x fe foond using tha increase sh volume, sn af the aw: = AV 3.9 Ke = 005 me € ROR § 78 Kase Gatlecting results (igmoN/m) (0-05 ma) | Ibar \] Pre farm + 62 + 1 ayes me) | oem 3 Nite bar + O64! bar = FOF bar <——_—_—_______ PROBLEM 1.44 Pat? 0-28 ber , 924.8 W/s* TT] 6 The totel force on the bottom of He pool is the sum of He welt of the water amd the down ward force of atmospheric pressuve on the surface of the water ; Flot = Fray + Facto ro) To get the weight of He woter, first find the mass, as follows m= g V = (998.2 *2,)[ CyLrooresers £(r0cresycsey] m? =(478.2)(12500) = 125x107 kg Thus Fomy = ™g = 2 (2sxt0 bg)(4.61 Mss) Fs | wel 226x107 LN E, 2 . . Tew atom > Tat Msubace® 0:28 bar) (100%x50) m Pa 7 senichls Fro > 226x105 44.9 x(0% = 6.126 X10 EN. The depth at tre coutey of the pool is h=2.5m, Thus P * Pam? 29h Pr Pott S Lf 100 kPa Uff Lek = 628 bor\| 27K | + Gas.2 43 \la.8 B\asm) a Le fdas 1-23 or 5 PROOLEM 1.45, + Fr L/x = Sin@ L L \ eo X= Sine oo XFL inclined manometer gives greater resolution PROGLEM 1.4O 7 426 Ft Ap=egd -(e2.2 tbe Ly faery {e22 wk22B\e NV 52.2 1e-Alea|| 4 in| Storm gna win * 22.89 Ibf/int = 32.2 H1s* - 1-24 PROBLEM 1-47 Consider the variation of pressure owing to the effect of gravity. For an element im a motenless gas of Wqurd, the forus acting are the foraef parscure on the Upper and lower surfaces and the warght of the systems jr saz Zho: O= pesaa)A +mg — plZA where =pv “ a Fe aaz] = (aaz) F Rearrangin uy A (pletaz) — p(z\]=-(A4F) + plese2)- ple) _g —ae OF Tn the Aimit on AZO. Ther gives se .- 0S o) % : : () Atmosphere. If Ws C/p swhere cs ra.nas(rtlg (eral -72495 ig beter Sg. OR) yt here des -9P > ae tle = dnp: 3 + ink az 7° ae) When 220, P2B (lam), giving P= Rexp(-92/e). Tasecting Entun Valuty gies puiaim when 2 em ( Some fae om | = Repl? 1352) This celakonshep {8 shown witha accompanying plot Pah ep ai) 1-25 PROBLEM 1.47 (Cont'd) (atm) z(km) (ey Ocean. Letting 26-2) denote dept, G4. (#) reads ap. 9 a Than) astuming ve constant p> Q)e+k wan 226, ps A(labe) ) giving PF (Z)t+h. Treerting neu velite gives Put abe eter 2G at kaw no [‘Sherneeaar oso) pe 10d 2 e Ths relatimelep if leon uc foe accompanying plot 200 160 | / 120 (atm) 20 40 PROBLEM 1.48 For the gas iv the tank, the p-v-T relation is pt [€5.18x10°3) T/(0- 0.002668)]- €8.91 X154,/y* paw iteratwely for wat p= loobar, 7=255k we get V = 0.00884 m7/kq a and mm stoco kg Vemvu= 8.84 mig v eg following plots can be constructed for T=250, 500, 1le00K : 1000 © T=250K & 400 200 0 0 002 004 006 008 01 v(m?) PROGLEM 1.49 2 For the water vapor in the tank, the p-u-T relation is tank p= [(asasWT/(v--0.2708)]~ 63.30/0~ water where v is in H°/Ib, Tis in °R, and p is in Ibfliu> vapor Solving iterahvely for v at p=1500 lofhis, T=U/40°R wegee ar 20.686 H%/lb vi82.3 42 Thus, with the gwen value for V m2V/U = 82.3/0.686 = (20 lb, m The Following plots can be constructed for T=/200, 1400, 1600°R | 5000 4000 3000 p(lbtfina) 2000 1000 ° 02 04 06 08 1 12 14 16 18 2 v¢ten) '-27 PROBLEM 1.50 (a) [G 4 cL (b) Ie Lelem Derivation of Fy. 115+ ZF(t)=0 Faas A ~ RatmAq 891A =O HO: Paage * Sgt =(6.24 FoN(32.2 Hy hee) be [32.2 Ib- #41 s4 LHe 144 in® = 0.0361 Wepline gage Hg: §= 15-59 Pio > Phage = 13.59 (0.0301) = 0.491 Wf, page 5 20: Phege * $9 = (200 £2 \(a.81 "Yor m| UN |} _t bar ms re Tkg-mm]5* || 10 5Nfont = 9.81 x10" barsg age Hg: Sug 13-79 Suro D Mage > 13.59 (4.81x(0-4) = 0.01333 bars, ___ Pease 1-28 PROBLEM 1,51* Using Eg. 122 T(F) = 1.6 T°) + 32 (ay Tee) 21 TWP) 2(.8)(21) +32 = 64.8 TPR) = TOF) + 459-67 = 529.47 (b) Tee) = =4O T () =(-8)(-4o )# 32 = -UO TPR) YO + 459.67 = 419.67 ©) Tec)= S00 TF) = (1.8)(s00)+32 = ABA TCR) = %3Q 4459.67 = 1 3ALGT cel) Teey= © TF) = 0.8)C O 4327 32 TPR) = 32% 4 459.67 = YU.GT ce) Tec) = 100 TCOF) = C1.8)(100) + 32 = 212 TCR) = 21244549.67 =6T1.67 (4) Te) = -273.15 T (CF) = U8) (-273.15) #32 =-459.67 TOR) = -4SU6T + 459.6770 Prostem 1.52* Using 6g. 1-22 c) = TOF) — 32 The) = Tg) - BR = ue) - EFS co) Ter): ©8 a0) 8-19.98 = 20 7B T(K)= QO #273182 BABS wy TE) = ~4O Tee) = AO -1n98 = “40 : Tle) = -4O4 27HIS = IBIS «) Ter)= Soo ec) = 902 17-782 260 Te) =aeo+ 273-1S+ $33.15 TU) = Py 1978 = - 1778 Tle) = IR 7B42FBIS2 VSS-3F ce) Ter) = 22 Tc) = 33 -17.78 = (OO Te) = 100 +27ET= B7BIS PROBLEM 1.53 7, (%)- T,C2e) = [TC ) 4298-45] - [7,(0c)+ 29215] = T2(K)- TC) Tal *F)- TF) 2 [ Ta °F) + 45967] - [T.COF) +4 SAET] * TCR) - THR) PROBLEM 1.54 The expression for Cesistance is R= Re exp] OCF - 4d] 3 where Ro = 2.2.2 ond T= 310K 28 Since Re O.8i.n at T= 422K > “B15 (2.2) exp Up (ais - #01] al \ Solving for a Ga > we) os Thus ° 250 300-380-400 450~—~—«500 R= 2.2 exp [2208.4 (+- sta)] 1) PROGLEM 1.55* Serer From the data at T=32°E eh) Rm 51.39 = Re [1 + 4(32-3a)] > Ro 5137-2 At T=\W°F, R=51.72. Thus 7 Test 1 32 51.39 2 bd Tet? 198 S72 S172. = 5134 L1+ oe(\o-32) ] > % =3USS eeyt Finally, R= S134 ( + BASS 10s (T-32)] R= Ro [14+A(T-Te)] ‘ R=SI 326 + 2.012% x10 T Let T= 32°F T 24.97 (R ~ 51.326) Tr TLR=SI4T) = U6? F <———— PROGLEM 1.50 Using €G.1.22, TIF) =1.8 TCee) +32. For TPF) = Thc) = t a a THLeT +32 Solving pe-40 Fo T INK ree) 2 Tee) 4218S = -40 4273.15 = 255.15g FH) Tne: TCR) = TPF) A 959.07 = -404459.67 = 419-674 __ TR) 1-31 PROBLEM 1.57 (*s) From the data, the relation can be expressedas = (30 50 (or T(es) = (2202182) Tle) F150 (100, 300) 215 T(c) +/50 o 25) = © F¢%¢) = ZL piers Soe Using this relatisn (%) T+100°S > - 335.33 Cg ___ 1%) ° 100 T=400% —> 166.67 Cq—__ 7%) From &4.1.14 Tes) = 1S [TKk)-273.1S] +150 Thus, the ratia of the size of the °S to the kelvin is 15 S/gg— PROBLEM 1.58 Since the temperature variatron is Ivneay Te mx +b Wire ma the slope and b is the value when v2, Slope: m= pote cor), -8 F/in, Tin Whin vee, T= 68°F Accor dings the tem perature varcadion thrush the wall 2 -( *Ffin.) x + 68°F Checking He Hmpere hare at the piper X= Bin. SH (8°F in, )(3in.) + 68°F > 44°r There ts no danger of freezing. 1-32 CHAPTER TWO ENERGY AND THE FIRST LAW OF : THERMODYNAMICS PROBLEM 2.1 KNOWN: An automobile of Known mass accelerates from a given veloaity te another. EUJD: —Delermune ths incbat Kinehne energy and the Change tn lemene energy, ScHamatic €GIvEN DATA: was i200 9 Nie 50 em/he Vy = (00 m/e ASSUMPTIONS: (1) The automobile is 44 closed TySteun. (2) The velocities nd Echehe energies are felative +o the foad. Avaursis The initrd Kineht enevgug Cassomptrn 2) is Ke, = dem | tcPen/nm || eT || IN = 4 (asong) (2) [eave] |S | = US FH KT =-—__ The cheng ww June bre energy “~ ke-kes be LY) = ans) [eo] SEP] el 234% 1S PROBLEM 2.2" KNOWN: Anoloject of knoun mass is located at a specified elevation felohve tole Surface of He earth us FIND: Determine gravitational potential energy of the object. SCHEMATIC 4 GIVEN DATA: Rm = 400 kg ASSUMPTIONS: (1) The object or 929-18 m/s* is a close&cystem (2) The ac celeration of gravity is constomt. 7225m. ANALYSIS: The gravitational potewhio onéray’ “is PE =MQe - LN AkN ke = (Hook (4.783 25 —) Beall ioooN 4 ar | = 418 kT PE — PROBLEM 2.3 * KNOWN: An object of known weit undergoes a specified change iu its Linctteenergy whale ils polential energy inereases* 4 Find: Determine the firal velocity . SCHEMATIC # GIVEN DATA: Assumption: The abject is @ closed system. ANALYsIs: The change in linebic energy is“ Fyray= (00 Ibe= mg 2 art = (00 by) abt, | _ © Ke smi, Nw y | Gane) |= (Oolb Thus solving for VE and inserting values and a incl conversion factor 2 4ke — + 9=3224/s* we 2 C Ar m 5 : 2 Ibe 2(-500 $+- lb |= ATs’ | : (40 Hs)* Cioe Wb) Lit = 3595 Als Na 1. The analysis makes no use of the luformation related to potential energy. 2-2 PROBLEM 2.4* KNOWN: Abeick of known yolume and density expenences a given dectease in grouitahbnal potential energy. Var SH3SK We EIND: Determine the change in elevation. SCHEMATIC € GIVEN ‘DATA: ii $=120 bee the 9 32.0 1s* ASSLMPTIONS : (1) The beickis a closed = System. (2) the acceleration of gravity Zz Ape =-so0 lly is constant. (3) Thedensity of the body is Uniform throughout. ANALYSIS: nee 5 V= SH\GsinN(oind |r| = 0.03038 4 pra Based on assumption (3) Yn =eV = (i201! 44 )(0.03038 E44) = 3,651b The change in potewtial energy and the elevation are related by Ape = mg hz Thus, solving for AE _ Are (-500 $4-1be) 32.2 Ib. Fr/s* Az mg” (305) 32.0 #18) 1 ibe we © s-138 He bz The negative sign denotes a decrease in elevation . 2-3 PROBLEM 2.5" stool? i An aut mobile of Known weight travels from sea level to « Essa: Determine tht change wii potenhot energy, Scnmance & 6ven DATA: —T sight: 2600 Ue a 7 . co 7 i ASSUMPTIONS: I, As shown in the gchemehc thy autumobite is the cloved Syskm. 2. The acceleration auth, if constant. 9 AMALYSIG: The chge In potntiat energy APE = mq (21-2) The quantity mg B Aecognaged so the veliete wersht. Thus, inserting Rnoum ~ values APE = Gtoo lef )( 2000 ft) = S20 FE If 478 PROBLEM 2.6% kwown: An object of known vnass decelerates from a given initial L velocity fo a known final velocity: Eiwp: Detevmie the change in kinetic energy of the object. ScHemanc 2 Given) DATA: fm] Ws looms i] 1000 keg | R= 20 mis — | ASSUMPTION: The object is a closed system. AwAdysis: The change in kivetic energy is Ake=dm(v-4*] Inserting known values aud convertitg units a 2 JIN kT Ake = 4 (100013) [ 20° 100% ] Teq-ente3| | 0° Nem 0 yoo kT gg 1. The negate sign denotes a decrease iu kinetic energy as expected. PROBLEM 2.7 KNOWN: Awairplane of known mass flies with a given veloci a a qiven altitude, ten measured relative to the surface of the ear wn EIND: Caloulate @) the kitetic and potential ies of the airplane, awd ()) the Final velocity for a given change in kinetic energy. SCHEMATIC ¢ GIVEN DATA: wn 5000 ka ASSUMPTIONS:(D The airplane js a Weisomis closed system. (z) The acceleration of ) = 4:18 mist Qravity IS constaut. GY Tn part Cb), ola here is no change in elevation. 2 =10,000m, SKE= 10,000 kT a . TOTTI ET ITIT TF ANALYSIS 1(0) The kinetic energy is 2 IN uke kez amy 4 3 Ueg-m|s?]| 107 Nom = 56,520 kT __K&) The gravitational potowkial energy is IN Ukg-mls? ter PE= rngz =(S000 ka) (A718 "M1s*)(10, 000 mm) 102 Nem = 484,000 kT. (b) The change in kinetic energy is related to the initialanc Final velo~ cities by Ake = dm(¥2V57) Thus, solving for Va*and converting units 2 ZAKE pe Ve St 2.( 10,000 kT) | amit ae * “ooo ka) iN Ves | ose = 26,500 Ws? or © N= 162.8 mis Ve. 1 ln part (b), the velocity tncreases,as expected. 25 PROBLEM 2.8 KNowa: An object of known mass moves with a given velocity. Eup; Determine @ the final velocity for a given change in kinetic energy » and(b) the change iu elevation for a given change in 8 potential energy. : PS, mello Maric £ GIVEN DérA: GC) Fe too ats Assume@TIOnS: (1) The object is a closed 9=32.0 Hs? System.(2) The acceleration of gravity z (a) AKE 2-100 FH tbe is constant. (by Ape = 100-7 bE ANAWSIS: Ca) The change in kinetic energy is related to the initial and final yelocities by Aces dm[vivi"] Thus, solving for the Final velocity Vz 2 KE Ves | Iusering values and converting units accordingly . Ve (2) C100 f+-IbF) 132.2 Ib-Hls* x Ci Wey | 1 tbe © = 54,67 Hs {b) The change in potential energy is related to the change in elevation by APE = mg 42 Thus, the change in elevation is Az = I (loo Ht. tbe) (i Ib) 32.0 #452) 100.6 +Vi7 re | + 100? A 32.2 Ib-FHs* 1 lobe Az @ 1. The velocity decreases, as expected. 2. The elevation Increases ,as expected. PROBLEM 2.9* KNOWN: Am object of knoun mass accelerates from a given initial Velocity to 0. given final velocity due 0 the action of a. resultant force. EIND: Determine the work done by the resultant force. SCHEMATIC GIVEN DATA: = , m= akg ) Ny #200 vas ro Vj =S00 mis 2 W) The object is a closed system. (2) The resultant force is the only imteraction between te ob ject air its surroundings. + By assumphon(2) , the work of the resultant force must equal the change wt eee “Taus, using &% 2.6 * O work = 4m(v7- VkT 107 N-m 2 * (aka) (Soo*-200°) | _IN Tkq:m/s2| = 210 ET. work I. The increase in kinelic energy of the object is the result of energy transferred +o it by re work of the resultaut force, 2-1 PROBLEM 2.10 KNOWN: An object of known mass under achange of kineticenergy due to the action of a resultaut force . Me final velocity awd the work: done boy the force are given. EIND: Determine the initial velocity. Faa30" m= 300 Ib 5 ) Vi = 200 Hs CHEMATIC # GIVEN DATA: F work, done. bi {sender odes * tothe Ware ASSUMPTIONS: (1) The object is a closed system. (2) There is no change in elevation, (3) The resultaut force is the only interaction between the object adits surroundilrgs. ANALYSIS + By assumphion (3), the work of the resul taut force must equal ‘the change. in bavetic energy 7Thus, Uusting Fg. 2.6 - work = 4m (Vz*-v;*) Solving for Vis nserhing values,and converting units z e wre SX eg? = ZOO BH) | 778 H-1b§] [32.2 te-HHs*} 2 7 Goolb) | ¢ Ba I vibe | 788 st = 23,300 7/52 or oO NU = 18Z.@ fHY{sg 1. The therease iw velocity reflects the increase in kivvetic energy of the object as a result of energy transferred te it by the work, oF the vesultaut force. PROBLEM 2.1! KNOWN: Data are provided for a dick-shiped flywheel, ELND! (a) Obtain appropriate expussions for tha moment of Mnertta and He binehe energy . Ce) Ging given date, determane the Eineht enersy and mass for a steel flywheel Ce) Using results from part (a) , de termune the Aadive and marr of an alumcnumr flywheel, ScHtmaric 2 GIVEN DATA “ ae Steet fly wheel c= 3000 RPM R: 0.38— ws o.otswm Alomiaum flguheel: = 300 RPM WE 0.015 me AsSumpTiems: The flywheel G the Closed system. 2. Moton is Felahve fou Flywheel support Strveture, AwaLysis: (4) Evaluating the moment of inertia, +f grav For the disk , dv =C2rrrdr)w. Thus, since ¢ is constaut R Ts gam)w fr3dr 2 euwrtr z The kinetic energy is ke = J (CAgv*jav and V2 rw, so eS 4 2 Ke = J, Cag r*eo*) (en rdnw + kewramw feta = 4 (em Syuo* x= - KE 2 drt 9 <«————- ; (6) From TobheA-IQ , tha density, of steels p= focong/mt Thus, Pew woe pe glen) = (g060 2B) @eoatmn) % m (0-3)'] = aL 4K ZT wr , where ;, rt (4 KE= Using Hee cesude of, part la) > en as npwit = 3 (oe £a)(o-o1se)(o 78") 2-4 PROBLEM 2.11 (Contd) ce) sey yj 2%eadj| mans \*{ IN wee grate secnnsa) (mes, Heese) lime| = 32.57K00% Nome ke | Zh wywyend ke ore ths Same for the alonimum figwheel at fine steel Hauhee! GEM = CRE) sr Gres (Aten Se Taus Ter (mpw = ew Be > (prt )au= (p4)sr Ravs (Set) "* Ror WH Par From TebeA-l4, Par> 2700 Glin Baus (9282) *Co-3em) - Om R, aa Than, drs bones of He aluminum fly whut we ms pV= eo lwrr y = (270% )[oresm)(x) (28) = $3.01 KG <— PROBLEM 2,12 KNOWA: An dbject of known mass moves along a straight Line with aw Known velocity. EiNa: Determine the rotational speed of a Hywheel whose vorationah Kinetic energy is equal im magnitude to the object's linear Linetic enegy. ScuemaTic 4 GEN DATA: pe, KE obj * KE py + 1 m=10 Ib \ | joven = = object I 2150 bbe 4* ASSUMPTION : (A) The object and the Hywheel are both closed systems. ANALYSIS: The kinehic energy of the object is Key, = 2 mv* a) ‘ a oF 1 We = Gol) (100°) & | 53 pee For the Huywheel (see the soluten to rroblem 2.11) keg = $e oe w - /ZKEmw . [21553 Heibt) | 52.2 tb He - = (150 Ib. HD 1 bt = 25.824 In terms of RPM w =@s.82 $) [ssl | ees 21553 Hlbf = 246.6 Yev, t al |i min ZH6.b vev/min @ ail PROBLEM 2.13 Known: Two objects fall freely under the infuence of gravity from restand the some initial elevation. EIND: Show that the magnitudes of the velocities are equal at tro moment just before they stike the earth. I Zz agaumen dus -(\ An object in free fal is a.closed system .@.) The acceleration gronity is constant. (3) There is no affect of air vesistamce . (4) The only force actiing is that dur te gravity. ANALWSIS For an object falling freely under the infuence of gravity 2 2U Opelies dm (VZEVG7) + mg (22-21) =O For Vi=0 and 2,20 < amv" = gz, Thus Vis {zon Since the Final velocity doesn’t depend on mass, loth Oyets will have identical velocities at the moment just before strike the earth. 7 PROGLEM 2.14 KNOWN: Av object of known mass is projected upward from the surface of the earth with a known initial velocity, The only force acting on the object is the force of gravity. En: Plot the velocity of the object versus elevation and determine. the elevation when its velocity reaches zero. Veo ScHEM: GIVEN DATA’. 2 9 = 31.5 fHs® assumerions: () The object is aclosed system. (2) The acceleration of gravity is Constaut 3) The only force aching on the object is the force of gravity. a ANALYSIS: Stince the only force acting ow the brody is the force of gravity, Fa 740 applies. Thus; the velocity and elevation are related to He init’ dition ° ZA + ge = LW s vg Thus, solving for V7 Expression for ve e{vy7-2g2 inteems of 2 When Vz=0, 2,15 WL 200 Hs * 29 215 Hs) Plotting the above velot ionship ww = 634.92 Fe Zu 200 +. 160 120 v2 (tis) 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700, z(n) PROOLEM 2.15 KNOWN: A block of known mass moves along an inclined surface. the Onange in elevation amd te chonge in kinetic eneray of the block are. Wein. The block is acted upon’ by a force para A fo the tnchine and Be force oF gravity. EIND: Determine the magnitude and ctrection of applied force. ¢ a 9242 m\s? Go AKE.=-507 =-SON-m mg ASSUMCTIONS:() The block is a closed system. @) The occeleratipy of opavity is constant. (3) The force R is conshawt. C+) There is no frictional ore between the block and the inchihe. ANALYSIS: Beginning with Eq, a.6 . fEds > AKE From the Free body Biagram , the dot product F-ds can be expressed as E-ds = (R- mg sin 30°)ds So Se-mgsin 3e°\ds = AKE 3 1. Noting that masin 30°ds= ma az, the integral becomes Ras = AKE + masz Evaluating Os Thus (~ 50 Nem) + (10 kg \(4.81 m)s*13m)|'NA keg-mn/s? | Re Comy = HON2 Ne R The positive value denotes that the direction is the Same as indicated on aloove Fiqure. PROGLEM 2.16% KNOWN: Beginning from rest, and object of known lides dos am inclived plane. The Jenginof the ramp is given sees OO Einp; Determine the velocity of the object at the bottom of the ramp. SCHEMATIC € GIVEN Data: cHEemaTic # Gi 2 -SN m= 200 kg 9 =9.81 m/s? Vvzo t Om zZ— ASSUMPTIONS: (1) The mass is 4 closed system. (2) There is no friction between the mass and the romp, and air resistance is negligible. @) The acceleration of gravity is constant. AuALIaS: By assumptions), the only force is the force of gravity, Thus, Bea applies © by 2*) + 119 Z,-%) <0 Solving for Va. Wie {2g (2-2) aching on the system From trigonometric relationships Z,-Z, = (lm) Stn Yo? [24.81 mlz) (10m) Sin YO” 1.23 m/s Thus Va s " 1, Even though the object travels along an inclined path, the vertical distance appears in this expression. PROBLEM 2.1% kMowy: A box sides doumn a aamp. Themass of the box and (ts velowh a te top of Te Aamp ors Kamin. The Aamp geomery Ie alto Speafied. ELUD* Co Ta tra cbaaner of fection , delernuns the velocity of th hex cE te bane AR Mae and He Changes ut inate and podentiod sacra tee box. Co) Determane tre Changes a! einetre and pon Na saryy a te boy whtn frichm WF acting and ths vetoa ee the bate yt Aap Ui Kemeum, Comper worth tats Anouta ef part (a) sermmauc & cite DATA: ma 250 AssumeTions: 1. The lox is the cloted System. 2. Tn part la), freeton neg lignble. 3.The acceleration of gravity 32.0 ft/s Avacrsis! (4) & Savy Tr the obsence of any resultant force acting on the system including frichm, 64.2.4 reduces to bn (VE Vi") + mg (Ze 20) +O 3 4 Ves \ W¥2g (2-20) 2 (@st)+2 (22-8) (54) = 18 Ftls <«__* Kinehe and potenhat energy Changer Ware Mangus bee ana opporile WX Sign. Thus \ lef APE mg (Ze-24) = @5t6)( 12-0 yc sin |e al = 1D4L Helo +_—_ APE ) AS shou oy Gy(H), the the same and AKE = + (24.26t-lbf . axe Ue) Whether tare a frichon or not ) the petenhat energy clunge ui Hut case we thecame a2 dedevmined ux part (4. 124.2 fag. TE Ver dts, Hee chang od kine he Cmaryay oo Swaler in wag ntede 3 noe = bm [NST = 4 (25m) | Cute Get] | sere nie] -24g HM Refereing again to Eq. 2.4, the decrease wi potnhne ener ws thes cote Can be accounted for wi derma of the wicreate uk kinetic enorgey ofthe boy ond work te overcome frichmn, 2-16 PROBLEM 2.18 KNOWN: Asystem of known mass and a given initialvelocity experi- ences a constant deceleration due to the action of a resultant force and comes to rest. EID: Determine the length of tine the force is applied and the work . SCHEMATIC £ GIVEN DATA: Fe mS pa x = —m|s® ToT ETT TTT ASSVMETIONS: (1) The system 1s closed.(2) The horizontal deceleration is constant. ANALYSIS: To find the time, use the fact that the acceleration is constant, as follows av = a2 Fe > AV = On dt Vi tz J, av = J, a fd mys - begin with pV" constant. Taking He fog p+ nw fogV = Loge e or Bog p = Gn) Logv + Log c thus, (-v) covvesponds to {ue £ a plot of log p vs. logv. Usit Oo Spreadsheet program te obtain the plot afd the (ebb Spuctes bes. tik carves 27 26 25 From the wrve fit . 24 En) =-0.96881 3 > Ory 20.90881, * Thus 0061 0-90} te pve constant 1.8 0.4 06 08 1 1.2 tog(v) a-a2a PROBLEM 2.23 (Contd) (b) Using Hre yesults of parklal and the procedure of Example 2.1, the work is Vv; * Ne - pV W: Srey By 4 Yay Wflin)(3.0 in?) - (u2)(13.0) | 1B . (l= 0.40887) 12 wt | 478 $F tbe| = - 0.2163 Bag Ww @ (©) Agrophical evaluation of the work tnvolves « plot of the tabulated doe aud & smooth curve drawn through the data points : 450 400 FE 350 2300 50 2200 2150 100 50 Vina) Fock elemental rectangle tn the glot contributes the following to Ha avea under Yhe curve: tbe cud) [ 1A I]t Btu] oY (to BEY (0.5 iw eas eritg| © 2256 *10 ou the number of vetangles is approximately 401.1 , thus We (Wol.t)(5.356xt10" 4) = 0.2148 Blu g__W G) The results obtained tw parls Cb) aud Ce) are in good agreement, Eack should be considered.a plausibleestimate for Hie reasons presented on page 10 im the discussion of actual expamsion amd compression processes. |. The software IT could be used fo oblain the least sguaves curve fit by programm ing the equations for curve Fittihg. [His easier fo use & spreadsheet program in this thstance, tnoweved. 2. The only measured olcha are tre tabulated data paints shown as filled civles . The smooth cuyve does not necessarily ropreseut He achual pressuire of the piston fate -for the Conesponding velume. 2-23 PROBLEM 2.24 KNOWN? Meatured prescure-volume data for an expantion of gases Within the cylinder of an internat comburhion eng ineareg iver. EIND: (a) Deternune me for a fit of Th date by pis constant. Co) Use the result ob part (a) fe evalvats the Werk done ud to expansrm: 6) Evaluate Hee wort dene Using Grapla' cat or mowercent in tegration of Hy dais . G) Compare and diccuss parts (c), (d), Scnumauc ven DATA: Data Point (bar) V (em) 1 15 300 [3 2 2 361 3 9 459 4 6 ou 5 4 903 6 2 1608 ASSUMPTIONS! 1. As Shown mo Hu schematic, the gases Usitlin dha pis fin ~ey lin dor form TAt dowd system, 2. The pressure values provided Approximate the pressure at tha piston face. ANAMSIS (A) ne approach to find n is to besin with pV» constaut. Taking the 10g of both sides of this equation log p + 1 log V = bog @ log p = ©) logv + loge ‘we Thus, (-n) corresponds to the Slope of a plot of log p vs. logy. Usi O + spreadsheet program “fp obtain dhe plot and the lease} gians ee i# curve: or 1.2 1 7 From the curve fit as Gn) 271.1996 3 or ay ne iigae “ 04 Thus 1d 02 py = constaut 24 26 28 3 3.2 3.4 log(V) 2-24 PROBLEM 2.24 ( Cont'd) ) Usting the vesulis of partla) and the proceduve of Example 2.1, the work is We fipav = B¥e=BM, 5 G= ny _ Cz bar\(1b08 cm?) - (15) (300) 1oF we Lm | 1kT ~ Ci-1.1996) Year Ito%emsl lion = 0.643 kT. w ® OA graphical evaluation of Hie worle invelves a plot of the tabulated data and a smooth eurve drawn through the data points: (bar) ° 500 1000 1500 wa V(em*) Each elemental vectangle iu He plot contributes Hie following 40 the area under he curve: . a ue 4 bav\(50 cm?) Ie wl tm? Tt aoa) Tour |i0* cm3|] TOF Ww The number of vectungles is approximately 324, thus W ® (324)(0.002.) = 0.648 [cJ, Ww (A) the results oblnined in pards (Cb) amd Ce) ave tn Qood aaveement. Fac Should be considered o plausible echinate for He veasons'presented on page 40 in the discussion of achaad expansion awd compression procesies. 1. The sofware IT could be used fooblain the least squares curve fit by oqramming He equations for curve fitting. It is eatier fo use a Spread sheet program [u this iustmce, however. 2. the only measured lata are the Jabulated datn porns, shown as filled circles. The smooth curve does. not necessarily represeut the actuel pressure at the piston face. for the corresponding volume, 0.002 LT 2-a5 ?ROBLEM 7.25" KNOWN: A aan ernouey of ou unde rgocs constant: pressure process ina piston cylinder assembly beginn > & spectbied specifi Voluvbe. The ore is known. Py Pace Specific inp: Determine the fiiral volume. AssumPTions: (1) The gas is a closed system. Vv (2) Pressure is constant duving Hd process, ANALYSIS: Using &G.2.17 Ve = = plve-V, w- J pav = pl ) = p(V,- my) Solving for Vz and inserting values Vv, = Ztmy, 1S ) a . (ove | ae rec + (2Skg VC 0.2 m/ky) = 0.02 m?, Ve 2-26 PROBLEM 2. 20" KNowns :Oxyqemiin a piston-ayltnder assembly undergoes a process for which. pv (3 = constaut. The work is known. END: Determite the firal volume aud pressure. 2 SCHEMATIC € GIVEN DATA’ ; P Pa, in Vezse? | Orvgen PV cons © ! Vv 254% :() The Onis a closed system.(2) The process is Polytrapic. » To determine Vz, ond integrate - Va u a =f pav = const\Av = const, Y2 “Mi wer 5, (Ars) NS TRS Now, const. = RV,"> With this expression ,and Solving for v3 <3 G3W 8 ve * Ry substitute the pV velation inte Gy. 2.17 syr3 “ C3) (74S Bru) 778 #-lbe] 1 47 x3 Go loti (2 5 449)'3 1 Bha |fYY ia +G5H = 041776 DV, = 18.35 1H V2 Now, we can use the p-V relation to get p, 13 = 9(¥ "3 Re r(%) =(30 WE (25, = YUBS bet Ps 1, The shaded avea on the p-V diagram represents the work for the polytropic process. PROGLEM 2.27 * KNOWN: A gas undergoes a. compression process. Pressure anc volume are given at Te initialand “Fite sates! Pressure and volume are. reldted linearly during the process. FIND: Determine the work. SCHEMATIC 3 GIVEN DATA’ fiz! bar, Y=0.3 m3 T f= Bbar ,V=0.( m Faye | OL 04 OR V.- m3 +1) The ges is a closed system. (2) The compression is a quasi- equilibrium process. with a linear relation between Pressure aud volume, ANALYSIS: Based on the given data, te p-V relation can be expressed On p=4-loVv tohere p is in bars and V is in m3 The work. is determined using 2.7 a w=fpdv LS JP Inserting the p-V relation and integrating Va2Ool:m3 Hex | ov, = 1oF N/mm? w a tov] tbar [103m /, 20.3 Vz2 Of = Lyv-(2)v7] = [4 (0.4 - 0.3) -§ (0.1 0.3*)] 100] | 100| © =4OkT WwW. 1. The fegative sign for work clenotes energy trausfer tothe Sys: mn. 2-48 PROBLEM 2.28 * EMOUN: Carbon dioxide expands from a Known inihet State fo a Known fimat pasture. Tha pasture volume relat'on ic specified, Emd: — For te gas, deternune the work. Scusmanc & @wEN DATA: ge QO1bs lin’ Viz 00s fz 20 Weflint ASSUMPTIONS: I. Tha gas is a closed system: 2. The movin Q rvndary if the only Work wede. 8 The expansion is poly troprc. ABALTSIE: ting Ey-217 and the procedure disused uh parte) of Example 2-1 ‘ a 70-3 ~03 7 avs ( Suivi = Oe = Ww r 2 y aay A Tee constant C Can be evaluated ad ether end ctater C= RV Law ainy *) aw) W = 4 Coay CMG = AMP Eos) To complete Has ealtulahion, the Anak volume % aaguired. That Ws Ne awiepvtes wae (2) we (8) Cost) = 199 fe Tnsechay values, the Work to we Genet) 144 ink/ por] CL8AFt)— (Bo>] 1441( 0.05) Gea) @® = 6 Billo lef Pe) Converting to Bh 7 eh We (oil gle) | etic = lo Bre <__Weeke) 1 Ta tugs care, the work is dhe area under the Kine from stete | noeet sy to ste Z on the — p-Vdtagram, Also, note that dhe werk is positive, denoting energy transfer frory te gas, 2-24 PROBLEM 2.24 KNOWN: A gasexpands from a known imitial state to a lenown frral ements pressure. The pressure - volume relation for the Process is Specified. END: Sketch the process on a p-V diagram and determine the work. F =-508 kPa V, = O.1mF P22 100 kPa ASSUMPTIONS: (1) The gas is a closed system. (2) The expansion Is poly tropic, ANALYSIS: The pressure-volume velaticn for the process is const: pVs const. > Pps Thus, the p-V diagram ist y 1 Oo «t 2B HS V - mn? Next, to determine the work, substitute the p-V relation into 24.217 and integrate . ey — f* (eonst: : Dn V2 we J, pav = f (gonstav = RY, nv Vv = 0.5) |107N/m2]|_! kT = (S00 kPay(o.1m?) fu (2E eet wee =#80.97 kT, 1. The work is positive for the expansion as expected. PROBLEM 2.30% KNOWN: Air undergoes a polytropic process between two specified states. Finn: Determine the work. = 0.2 lomol Re 20 WE/ing v; = {1.50 H°/Ib F280 leFling vw, =398-H7/(b Ppv™= constant ASSUMBTIONS: (1) The air is a Closed system. (2) The system Undergoes a. poly trople process. Anuisis: From the pressure-volume relation for a polytropic process BV" = BYE > RY = Rm” Solving for n log CR /P2> __ 10g(20/80 ) * Tegra * Teg aemaoy 2° Now, using Ex. 2.17 4o determine work and with +e molecular weight of air fromTAble A-1E Ve Ue Te, ~w = J pav= 2 +t) f “ae W jr m [rae monsi S, - Gavi) us "- Gumae!*)_ (Beery J GE) Now wn = (0,2 Wemol)(28.97 tb/ Ibmol) = S194 Ib and (80 Wotlin2) (3.40 4P/1K)-(20)(11.50)) yay see] | 1 BRE W = (S194 wf (= 6307) | VHP | | 778 HteF a = -309,8 Bug 1. The negative sign for work denotes energy transfer into +Hhe Sy mM. PROPLEM 2.31 KNOWN: Warm air cools slowly in a piston -cylinder assembly from a known initial volume to a Known inal volume. During tHe process, a spring exerts a foree on the piston Hot varies linearly from a [enown initial value foa friral value of zero. Eiwo: Determine the initial aud final pressures of the air, and the work. ACHEMMTIC 4 GWEN Dar: A= 0018 m? V,= 0.003 m? V;,20.002 m> u MP v.20005 woe when V4 0002 ASSUMPTLOWS :(1) the air is a closed system. (2) The process oxurs slowly, so there is no acceleration of Ha piston.(3) there. is no frichon between the piston aud the cylinder wall.) The spring force varies linearly with volume, ANALYSS: The initial aud frisal pressures of the air are determined froma Free-body diagram of the gison,as follows. Thatis, ZF =0,s0 Initially : Figs = 00N Pfam Ben 1 Goon) |_1kPa_| ps0 kk = 100kR + 2150 Ma ** (0.018m2)| to) m4 \ finally: Bering = 0 >p,=100 kfa, A Pe Noo, the work is delermined using 6.2.17, W=l, pa, but from above P= Rem Fr Since the spring force Varies (inearly from 400N to 2er0 as Volume goes From V,=0.603 m> to Vz = 0.002 Mm’ Spring = (Poey V - 0.002) V2 Ve . wel Crt Segiada =f foo + (Se teeaynen ke V2.2 0.002 m3 = J [pS + Socvev - Ip6JAV = (2eg22)v2| \ and V,= 0.003 m3 WUT oO = - 0.125 kPa-m? 3, 2) 10°] mw w TuPa [liom] 77 O-'25 #54 ___¥ L. The negative sign denotes tect the piston Ces wore on theair a6 the air Cools. Also, Hue atmosphere aud the. spring do wore on Ya piston. 2-32 PROBLEM 2.3 KNown: Air undergoes two processes 1h series. FIND: Sketch the processes ona p-v diagram and determine the work per unit mass of aur. SCHEMATIC AND GIVEN DATA: 1 PROCESS 1-2: pry! Paconst. I. P= 100 LPs, v; 0.04 m3/hg | ak | [> Ya 8.02 mg H PROLESS 2:3: prconsh , UZ=U; + (1) The air is a closed system.(2) Both processes are quasi- equilibrium processes. 1.3 ANMYSIS: For process I-2, P= R(Zi) = 24b.23 kPa. Thus, the pew diigrom is 2 3 z. 3 p- kPa 200% 00 i Ol Or 03 O4 w-mP/kg The work for each process is determined using Eq. 2.11 WeJpavem(pdu > W = (pd @ Thus WS Tes faite = (Et) =) She.23, fa 0.02 keg) - (1000.04 | Qt) = -3,082 k3/Kg we = Sy. PAY = pLy-t) ale Wet | Ve LL ioFN-m 3 10" 107} = @4b.23 LPa)(0.04-0.02) w ¥g 44.9246 kT/eg Ae + Me = 41.8426 Te —__-.——- aim 1, The vewult is positive, denoting Had He vet energy Jransfer by work is from the system tothe surroundings. 2-33 PROBLEM Z. 33 KNouwn: A gas undergoes three processes that complete a cycle. ELND; Sketch the processes on a 7-V diagram and determine the net work. EM: : PRocess 1-2: Compression with pV const. %G Toe vine, V, tho eS q a P2250 IbFlin® Gas 1 [h<—> process 2-3: constant volume top =P, Ye PROCESS 3-1: constaut pressure ASSUMPTIONS: C1) The gas is a closed system.(z) Processes I-2 and 3B-I are quasi-equilibriiem processes. ANAWSIS: For process I-2, V, =(F/P)V, = 0.8f4% Thus, the p-V diagram is 50: 2 Ss 40 S$ 3 30 a 20 10+ — ' 3 | 1 2 3. 4 v- tH The work for process '-2 is determined using Eq. 2.11 Ve. Ve rn v, Wa? jp ee Rav =(p%) fe (¥%) - 0.8\ 144 iv ]| 1 Be = (10 WbFlin)(4.0 47) bn (43) ae 76 be | = 11.92 Ble For process 2-3, Wa3 =O. Finally , for process 3-1 Ms Ws, = { pav = B(Vi-Vs) =P, (VV) = (io Wot hie) (4-0.0) 44? | 44 | = 5.923 6 om Wher = Wit Wagt Ws, = -1.92+0+ 5.923 =-5997 Btu Weer (. The negahwe sign denotes that the 4rousfer work, ‘or the cade is inte the ioe! mae 2-34 PROBLEM 2.34 Kiev: A gas contained within a piston-cyhider assemby Undergoes O Ahermedqnanwe Cycle Connihing of three Processes. Fmd: Determrne tHe Work for each process and the for the cycle. SCHEMATIC 2 GIVER DATA! het Werk From Problem |-3S7 Peasbar, Ver eee 2 Ft Pe Var cose) Ve cons tent pV conchae ' Ry Wear Vis in VGmt) ASSumeTIONS: |The gas is The Cloted systeu. 2. Volume chnge 2 the only Cork mode. AmAUrsis: Using Eq. 2-17 Procasc 1-2 > © werk G Wret = Niet War + a1 w a net @ = -1e0.4 + 40040 = 2391S = — —_ |. The winus denotes energy trantfe te the gas as if o Computed . 2 The vawe of work depends on the details of the process hehoeen tuo chattel and SC net deternuned onty by the ens States. Tr this Cat, tre wat wore for Hu overatt cycle is posihve, By contratt , there ne net chege wi ths properties p ant V for the ovsyatt cycle. Property values are detevauined mat end states wot a property, and ZW #0. 2-35 Work i y by the PROBLEM 2.35 Emown: An object of Known mase is patley athchad to Ground a @ Aspe wound ond falls at constant Speed. Fwd: Determune the power transmuted fo the pulley and the fotetonet Speed of ths pulley, Sctmatic 26VEN DATA: | Paty Rose ~ V+3His F=mg mas AswMeTIONS: |. Tus ebject falls at constant Speed. 2, The acceleration of yori constant gs 32.0 fs Awaursis: Tha power francnatied to thi pulley Can be determuined wing Gy 218 WeF-W= mg V7 Gotb (a2 24b)(3 #)| Lbs ) ” Ss 32.2 We Hs = (i491 Sue )) 1? (ae EF) | sorrtn = 0.0% hp w Since Ve Reo, ue hove yee Bats | ikev |] Gos oF? Gay \ ll Iie 2s RPM = PROBLEM 2.36 KNOWN: The rotational A and diameter of a drive shaft pull are known. The ‘net force applied bythe belt on “phe pulley is also five : EID: Determine the applied torque anc the power transmitted. Scuemanic $ Given) DATs: = - mae D=203m Boo RPM f= R-F, = 2000N Balt tension “at force cl net tangential force due | | forces CE vett Stension) A A ANAWSIS: The torque is calculated using the tangential force aud the radius at which’ it acts 3 =RR = (2000 N)( 3 m) = 300 N-m jw Thus, with F 42.20 the power transmitted is Wenagt = 3-09 z nv Lyflein}] tT ff pew = (300N-m)(300 2Y)\(z. Ne ATIS. = 4.42 kW. w 2-37 PROBLEM 2.3% KeOwN: Operahng data are provided for an elect motor at Stenty state. UND: Deternune the elechit power required by the motor and th power developed by th catput Shot. Deternune toe het power mpat tothe motor. Also, Jefernans tot amount of emergy dransfar by Clecticat Work and by the shept dering 24 of operadim Serrmaric & VEN DATA: T= 10.2Nm 1000 RPM ASSUMPTIONS |. At Shown inths Schamatt., the moter is the closed system. 2. The sySkm is at Steady state, Awarrsis: (e) Using By 221 Netectie = — (Voltage) Comerent, Wiese, = — Catage)Comerent) oe watt = = Giovelis to «mp) | ~ = 100 ay co 2 -LiW Weledric Using €q-2-20 Wanye = Grqoe)(angular yetocth) = (o.2Wm)( ooo Bev | ese] 1) ew } =n os ious, = Lot RW <= —____Wshett 2) Wrat s Welechic + Waheft a @ = (-bleW) + (oFKW) = —0-03KW << et ©) Tategrahny to Foc energy fanafy amounts Werecre =f Weteedt an Cuogew)2h)= 2.14 kW: Ws att Wsketx = if Wang GteW)(2h) = 22 uth <—_Welectrie 1. The wimas sign is needed because enersy is transtiretd te the Water elecwscatly, 1, This vaVee Apacer the portion of the electric power input thet a wat obincned 00 © Sheth power output becaure of effects wien Hoe Wotor sock aa eClecticae Aatishuce and frichon. 2-38 PROBLEM 2.38 kNown: An electric storage battery is charged with a consfout current for a known length of time. EID: Delermine the cost of electricity to charge the battery. ScheMatic £ GIVEN DATA: 12 volt Zame at=24h electricity cost = $0.08/kw-h Assumerion: The voltage and current are constant. AuALYSIg: The electric power « oblained using £%. 2.21 Iw: 4 Since the voltage aud cuvvent ave constaut, He electricity used tu 24h is ta . [wie [wat =|Wlat = Biat = (amp rave (Cath) | Ta = 0.516 kWh The cost i cons electrie “I Cost = (0.516 LW-h) (#0.08/iw-h) = $.05.4__€ost PROGLEM 2.34 ia paseo pea fo ee teneeedeen aed foreach of ices. al ill 2s lo. device in the colerse of a month the defads ave lobe rs the reader, 2-34 PROBLEM 2.40 KNOWN: A solid cylindrical bar is slowly stretched . The initial and Final lenatie and the sivect aching at the end of the bar are Lown. Finn: —- Determine the work done on the bar, SCHEMATIC 4 GAVEN DATA’ oo o#¢ (x-x,)/x, FeoA © 2X07 kPa [teastarem Aa Tea® X= 10 om, + ASSUMPTIONS; (1) The ba is a closed system, (2) The moving boundary is the only work mode. 3) The known normal stress acts at the end of ear, Gi the change in area.A is neglected. ANALYSIS: The Work done is qiven by &%. 218 me Ke 2- ax «-ca(™y. we-Joraax As, x) Ax wa a Be xx)l ax a — CRA Ft? Bx, LCE) x, Ox .K.) We Now ,with C= Z2x10T km, d = Smm = 0.005m, x, Flom = Im, And X22 Otol m 7 62 y\* 2 2, 2 — @xteT Ra) 1 (5x16? my’ {c o1*= 2.1 yw connGuoi-ouynel ee 4 (OA mm) |ieuie ® 21463 Nem =-1.963 T, Ww 1, The negatwe sign olenotes energy tranfer by work 4o the bar. 2-40 PROBLEM 2.41 KNOWN: A wire suspended vertically is stretched by an applied force . EIND: Determine @) the work done, and Cb) the Young's modulus, SCHEMATIC 2 GIVEN DATA: wn A= 01 int ASSUMPTIONS: (1) The Wire is a closed system, (2) The moving boundary is the only Work mode <3) The applied force varies Vivant with x, (4) Cpeckange - In area A ts mw — X10 (unstretched) = X,= 10.01 $+ ANALYSIS 1@)The applied force Varies with 1. varies from 0 to % according to 2500 \bt F +(e ME cx- lo ft) = 2,5x008 X - 2.5x10% 0.01 Ht where x is in 4 ond F is in IbF. Thus, applying am 2.12 fo evaluate the Worle of the fovee F We “fF dx * (0.01 6 zo J, pce 5X10 x =2,5x10%) Ak (ae cia 10%) = 2.5x108 (10.01- 10] B-12.5 He Ibe, Ww (b) From Problem z.4o0, the Young's modulus ¢ cau be expressed aa Xo @: o (ee) where o =F/p is the normal shess,and x, is the unstretched length. Thus - E[_Xe ) > EGS _ (2500 Ibe) Gott) = Conrint) (0.01 10) 2.8 x10" Ibt linty mete PROBLEM 2.42 : A wire of constaut cvoss- Sectional area and agwen initial leng ‘is stretched. The stress - sfrain relation is lennon. EIND: Derive an expression for the work done onthe wire as a function of Stain. A- area o- normal stress € =e (strain) Assyrians: “4 The wire is a closed system. (2) Stress and strain are rel linearly (3) The cross-sectional’ area remains constant. ANMYSIS: The work done on the wire is given by &. 2.18 We -5* TAdx Xp From the given stress-strain relation o=ee=¢(4e) Where C is a constant (Young's modulus)... From this expression . dx dé= x? dx = x dé Substituting info the work expression € we-J (ce)a( =~ crn [ede Ferally |) GAKoe* weork ~ Qo ee pressions PROGLEM 2.43 KNowW: A Soap Him on a wire frame is stretched. E.wwn: Determine the work done. SCHEMATIC & Give DATA: _- ee 5s ASSUMPTIONS ! (1) The Lilmis a closed T*2SKIO Wlom System, (2) The moving boundary is 455 the only work mode. (3) The surtace ice femsion is constant acting ow bo = ot Im sides of the film. ANMNSIS: The work js determined wsing Bq. 2.14 a- Stans - Le 2k ax For constaut surface tension We- T2R Ax == (25m Nya (semcr cm) | aa to™em| |! wm @ = -2.5 m0-> T, w 1. The negative sign denotes work done on the Film. Note He small magnitude of the work reguired to stretch the film. PROBLEM 2.44 kwown: A liquid film ona wire frome is stretched. Eww: Determine the work done. SCHEMATIC £ GIVEN DATA: ASSUMPTIONS :(1) The Film is a s¥ Ibe closed system. Z) The moving T Tr. boundary is He ony work mole. = Zin. @) The surface tension is constaut , I acting ow both sides of the Films — ——iox A ANALYSIS: The worle, is determined using 6a 2.14 . ee we-J"eda = - S™ezedx . 1 For covstaut surtace tension W=-T2RAX = (2.5 x0 WE 2 C2 mm.jc 1 in. oO =~ 8.33 x10 > H- IbF w |. The negative sign clenotes work dene onthe film. Note the Small magnitude of tha work required to stretch the film. 2-43 PROBLEM 2.45 Kalouwa): A Common baloon is being inflated. Ewp: Eshmate the worle required. ScHeuaric # GIVEN Dara: AssumerIons: (1) The system consists of the air in the balloon. @) The / bahloon is spherical.(3) The pressure I tuside the balloon varies linearly \ with the balloon's radius. \ MYSis: With the above assumptions, the work con be echinated using Ef. 2.175 W= f pay. Peele is ostumed vary leoaely with radius, then the P= ORF tm where c is a constant, Further, for a sphere v= re? we ond dv = 47 RR Thus R We Je R + Ray) 4TCR*AR (CR Patra) om [Sf Mape] + Fatal Een L Amore detailed analysis could be clone to tncorporate a more ateurate shess-straiu relation for the balloon material «nd to account more accurately for geometry. = 4K? [sek © = WE [28 at steady state PROSLEM 2.46" Data are provided for a Conceeh wail Deterune tha teeperatere LiPferene across the wall 0.20 w 4 te concrete wall Hemperbace variahion O.ISKW bx Assumptions: |. The toail is at steady Stadt, 2. The temperature varies Vineariy Herough He wall. 3. Energy trans foro bg conduct'm Awaursist Using Eq. 23! dogethe With assemphim at. b-T ~ Lu Whe L= O20m and CHT) othe temperatace difference across thevsall. That 7 Qe kA = Gn) With c= Y Wlm Ke Gree Todt, An1F | “an . _, [G80 wY(0.20 oS ead K were Fhe Mathur sign required because TE< Ty, 2-45 PROBLEM 2.47 Known: Energy transfer by conduction occurs at Steady state through a plane wall. The dimensions, thermal conductivity, and surtove Tehepora hares are specified. % ep: Determine the rate of energy transfer by conduction, Scwematic ¢ GIVEN DAT Kz0.0318 BW/h fF Azlbo A a Ax bin, = OSH bx ASSUMPTIONS:(1) The wall is at steady state .(2) The temperature varies linearly through the wall, (3) The thermal conductivity is uniform and heat transfer is by conduction - ANALYSIS: Using F.2.31 together with assumption 2 Q.2-«a 40 dr. Te-T On=- KA Gx ax ax Thus fe — Que - KA ( bx | Inserting values an Bk. 2 20-30) 2 Q,= — (0.0318 nae leo $4 os ee = 407 Blush &, L. The values given ave for a typical insulated frome wall. PROBLEM 2.48 KNOWN: A surface of gwWeu diameter emits thermal radiation at a Known vate ot a Specified temperature . FWD: Determine the emissivity of the surface and plot the rate of vadiaut emisstonm vs. Sui temperature, 1c 4 ww . QerIsW Ty, = loook ASSUMPTIONS : (1) The Stefan ~ Boltamann law applies. @) The. emissivity is constaut. d= Zem = 0.02m 8 ia? ed © = 5.67 X10” Wim? kK ANALYSIS: Usting Fy. 2.33 > erat, ea Sling for & é= —8e_ 2 Be cATt TdA*)74 ack") - as w) = * (ser? wv. ,)(EGs2n>+(oo0 k) = 0.842 € Usthg the emissivity just calculated and varying % from 0 to 2o00K, the following plot cau be Constructed based on ‘&4. (it) Above 280 200 150 100 Qe (w) _ 0 400 800 1200 1600 "2000 T,¢K) Noka de rapid growth in Ge with Ty. a-47 PROGLEM 2. 49* KNOWN: A sphere of known surface area, temperature aud emissivi emits thermal radiat im - etl Hesivily emi: Determine the rate of thermal emission . Stuemaric $ Gwen Dara: 4 de b os ou T14x168 ASSUMPTION: The Stefan - €=0 so Boltzmann law applies, Aeuagi® 6he/h. $4 *e' Ty =1000°F = (H0°R ANMYSIS! Using 5% 2.33 . 4 Qe2 ETAT, =(ob yo.rxis® BA (1a 442)( 160 °R)* = S007 bh oe 2-48 PROBLEM 2.50 kmowh: Data are provided for a flat Surface cooled convectvely by a 9as, FUeD: Determane the ange of the heat transfer rate for cooling by fice convectm. By firced convech'm Fersmaye & SVEN DATA: Ges, T= 400K a. ASSUMPTION: Mead trancfar behween tre surface ond The gas ve by Convection. Avacruis Using 7.2.34 Qe: hA (-%) = W(2we)( 350-300) K = hs (100 wk) er) With date free Table 21 h QW Je) Qe frome dh) s Hew free emvachon ; 7 02-2. faced cowekms 28-250 an44 PAD@LEM 2. 51 Enemy transfer occurs by conduction through @ composite Plane wall. consisting of two layers. ‘ Eun: Determine the ste - state heat Hux and the demperature at the interface between aie ners mee scHemaTic # Given DATA T= 1260R rex) a y 132 560°R bree” insulation Kyaly bhush. A | OX,= Vin by ASSUMPTIONS: G1.) The wall is a closed system at steady state (2) The Temperature depribichons are linear in “both layes.C3) The 0 lagers are in perfect thermal contact.C4) The thermal cénductivities ef boty \& layers are uniform. ANALYSIS: From B5. 2.31 g2-4, HE) 2-4, H q . Blea VAX insul. Stice the temperatuve distributions ave linear a Ty, TT qr Rs x EE or ae st 2. Tests oe Re Ru where R= MV, ame Ri = SH /g,. From (oH) ® TlET - Qe Cee) Combrintng (i) aud (20%) 4 ToT (4x) RytRi Inserbing values | Ce WR yg 2 WIR 6 oq Re “C4 CHIN B 0.8357 GR 5 0.05 2-50 PRobueM 2.51 (Cont'd) Thus 5. 1260 - Seo = TO = 9719 BH, 4 4 (0.5357+6.667) el Now, tnserhing values in (¥%) Ty = 1260 - (91.19)(0.5357) = 1208 °R Te lL The form of (&¥x) illustrates the analogy between heat conduction through a composite wall and electric curreut flow trough a serigs of pees The temperature difference in rele era is analogous to a vot iffer and the value thas ‘ermal Wretitlances adaloqous fo tha, eatvicol resitinces a- 5} PROBLEM 2, SZ KNOWN: Energy transfer occurs from the inside air to the outside air through an insulated frame wall. Eid: Determine the steady-state heat transfer rate through the wall, EM, I i y taside air ' outside air Ty 2T0°F | To? -10°F Ay 215 Bh he BOR hye 6 Biu/he HER Apspeenionls (0) The system is at steady Tei Two state.(2) Newton's law of cooling applies 4x2 6 th. for heat from the air to the wall. {= 0.0318 Bha/h- Fhe @) The temperature distribution is linear Awrough the wall. (4) The thermal wall conductivity of the wall is uniform, Pex ANMNSIC: For energy transfer between the inside air and the wall Q, 2 HA CT, -Tuy) a for conduction Prrough the val A ar Twi -Twe J aka Se = RACH) ° © Firatty, for energy transfer belween the Walland the outside air Qo= HA CTu.-T.) @ Now, from (1) te TH Alle w Twi? TY @ Ga) Awd, from (3) 5 , Foe = To + Ao ( aR) e Combing (21,0, and (5), and vohing that Q,*A,7Q.=a s . _A(T-T:) aL Ax = ® (Gat Ee he ) Trserting values (160 442) (530-450) °R a <5 Fr 1 = &60)C89) _ 5 Cie.sey) * 772.9. Biw/hg 1 Thequantity in the denominator is called the overall resistance , or “R-value! a= a-52 PROGLEM 2.53 KNown: A hot surfuce is coveved with iasulation, Energy transfer occurs from outer surfuce of the thsulahdn aud the surroundiig air, Fitip: Determine the minimum thickness of iusulation to matitatn he outer surkace temperature below a desired value at steady state. Scutemamic # CAVEN DATA: Tair = 20°C hr 210 W/w2 Kk Ks 0.08 W/mK insulation coe surface ASSUMPTIONS :U) The system js at steady state. > Newton's law of ceoling Gpplice Jor head transtee from the insulation fo the aie. G) The temperature distribution through the insulation is linear, Gy The Hrermal conductivity of the insulation is umtf orm, NAIMSIS. For energy tvaucter ly conduction through the Twrulackiow ; (Fsuep -Te y= -kAS «a Cotte) Further, for energy transfer from the insulation to the atc Qe hate Tair) AS steady chute, &= Ae, se KE Teaig Te) = BAC Tae) Salving for L = 300° K CTsuce - Te) Los “HO. -Taiey With &=0.08 W/m-« , £1 210 w, [we TS the plot below can be constructed Surf = BOOT, and Thy, 230% wo 108 £ Linn 0.064 mg tin 1-26 4 too “YT F thin 02 50_ bo, 70 60 To 7 °C 2-53 PROBLEM 2.54 Process Q Ww €, | 4E [ a |+50 |-20 +50 0) b +50 | +20 | +20 (+30) © (440) | +60 | +20 4 0 0 e | +50 +20 -160 Pencess @: AE =Q-W 2(+50)-(-20) = 470 E,-E,24E > &,= 6,-AE =(+50)- (+10) = 20 Process b: AE =Q-W =4-50)-(+20)= 430° E,-E,= AE => £, = AEE, =@¢30) +(420) = 450. Process ¢: W = Q~ AE =(-40) - (20) = =60 E,é,+ AE > B, = E,-AE = (+60) -(+20)= +40 Process d+ Q = AE+W = (0) +(-90) = -90__ &,-E,= ASE Se, =E,-DE =(+50)-(o) = +50 Proesse: W = Q-AE =(+50)-(-100)= +150 E,-E, = AE DB, =AELE, = €100) +(+20) = =8O PROBLEM 2.55* KNOWN: A system of known mass undergoes a process forwhich the week IsSpecified. Tn addition, the changes in Specific internaleneryy , elevation , amd kinetic energy are given. Eiup: Determine the heat transfer. SCHEMATIC $ GIVEN Dara: ¥ 5 We-Tks 42> 700m Aw =-6 kolkg e AKE=0 9246 mis* Voeit ve tae ASSUMOTIONS: (1) The system is closed. (2) There is nochange in kinehic energy .(3) The acceleration of gravity i constant. ANALYSIS: Heat tranteris determined by applying the energy balance and assumption 2 o + APE+AU=Q-W The taf en change can be expressecl APE = mg hz, and the fennel ener change ig AUS Whau “Thus g mg e+ meus Q-w Solving for Q amd inserting values Q = Wemgda rman ks) (A.624)(200m) |_|] LES Ja (seg) (-l -GkT)H(S so |i eg ma || 108 on s.4 kT o & lL. The negative sign denotes energy transfer from the system by heat. — PROBLEM 2.56" now! A system of Knawn Mass Undergoes o process for whech the het frantfer amd Work are Enow, Tht inthed speesfie interned energy if alte Knew Eid: De terunine the fmol speape internet energy, Stimmanie & Given DATA o Q=-l000KT W =-2008T uy = 300 FT) ky ASsmeTIONT: |. A closed system of Kaun mart is onder contideration, 2. Changes in kinehe and potenhar energy car be neglected. 3. The inthe and finet States are eGuildbrivm ctaies Amauyns: The © be internat Cnerjy Canoe determined fran the energy balance Using assumphai OKE+ PE + OU = O-W => AU= Q@-W Thon, with asromphn 3, AUS mw (Ur-U) ) Fe miusu = @-W oye oy + [SEY] = 2005 + (-(000) =(-200)) kr ZO ka = 260 us kg 1b According tothe Sigh Corvenhons for Qand W) Qu negahve When there is a net heat transfy of energy from tre tyrkin and W © negekve When tHhire Ga net Work trans fr of energy de the system. a-S6 PROBLEM 2.5% knowk. Five kg ef Steam undergo an expaniion in a piston —eglindey atiembly from sine! fo stot 2, During the procers there is a moun heat transfr- do thr Stetm and a nnum Werk trantfon of energy fo tte steam by paddle Whee/ The change ws specific internat energy ef He steer if alto mown Eyed: Detername HH amount of energy tranttr by work from toe steam fo Hos guston during tha peocass scHtmatic ACivEen DATA! 4 =27099 ig thy = 2659.6 kg ASSUMETIONS: |. The Steam is th closed syste. L. There fs he change ia the Einehe or pottabed energy from Siete | te Sit 7. The net cvsork can be determined From an energy ARAL net Datanta. That 2) with as sumph on 2, Ke + gE +aU = O-W ws Q@-aua The net User GB the tum of the Work assocratid with te paddlewhee! Way dnd + Werk dene on tts niston Whiston! Wr = Wow + Woiten From tne ee informe tim —Wpw = (BST) Where the MAMW EID is required | because the gnddls What tranrfert energy te thers. Cllecteny Aswttt Wout Written = 2 - OT Wore Q— OU Wine a] = wlUr-4,)- Wy = BoeT— Sky (zost6-27049) ET - (188) 54350 eS ; a uhere the posikve Sigin Indkcater ther energy os transferred Goan Hm Piston Sheans du tis piston ao tha Steam Su pands during Ths procets, 2-57 PROBLEM 2.58 KNoWasL: A system of lnown mass Undergoes two processes tin Series. EIND: Determine the work and heat transfer for the second process. SCHEMATIC 4 GIVEN) DATA: Process 1-2: U, sty = 4494 FIL, p =100 Ibflin® U,= 05,8 Obu/lb , Qiz = - 58136 blu Process 2-3: p= Pye bO ben, uy = 7.824VIb Us= 1214 Gha/Ib ASSUMPTIONS: (1) A closed system is uncer consideration (2) Kanefie and potential energ iy ctrecds can be neglected. (3) There is No work for process |-2, cy The pressure is constant during process 2-5. ANALYSIS! By assumption (4), the Work for prowss 2-3 can be found using &%.2.1 a Wise 5 PAV = PlieVe) = Bmlvyr%) af iyy ive] |_ 16h | =(bo Z H a (bo My 2 tbY7.82 434) Iga | | ag eee e = 15,21 BA W23 Use the energy balance to find Q,5 AU, 3 = Q23-Wr3 With AU=msu Qaz = MlUy-Ua) tWas cH) To get uz, use the energy balance for process I-2 Mlu,-U,) = Qa uy Be +u, = (881.36 Blu) 4 1195.8 Bull C2 tb) = 85.12 Bu/Ib This, from (#) a3 = (Z)( 1121.4 - 815.12) +(75.21) = 687.8 Bu Qos PROGLEM 2.84 Known): A storage battery is chavged by the electric power output from @ windmill, the work ant heat shir vates are ‘iSrown. Emp: Determine for &h of operation (a the total amount of energy Stored and (b) the value of the stored energy. SHEMATIC £ GIVEN DATA: ASSUMPTIONS: (1) The battery is a closed system. (2) The work and heat trauster vahes are constant. AMNMNSIS: (a) The amount of en stored is found from em ) Me eBay an energy AE = Q-W ory To evaluate Q amd W, recpectively t . Qs Jt ade = Qt = (-1.8 kw)(gh) = -14.4 kwh ‘ 1 kais| |eeses = Gena: Ea eS 3 + => 51840 kT *, . We Jf, Wt = Wat = Crs kw)(6h) = -120 leW-h 'JPpeco] | 5 = (120) |4Pe2>| 24.32xI05 kT Inserting these results in CX) Ae = (-51,840) - (- 4.32K107) = 38x10 LT, __AE (b) Tf electricity is valued et $0.00/ lw-W value of _ s tlew]] _th 40.08, . stored energy = (3.8x0 bs) [Sd veal | deo d° 0.08/ tew-h) = 4 8454 vl 2-54 PROBLEM 2.60 KNOwN! Aw electric motor operates at steady state. The electric power impur is qiven amd the shaft power output can be determined. Aw expression is given for tre heat transfer vate. EInD: —Detevmine the average surface temperature of the motor, G\VEN DAT . s-hACT-T. WA ® 10 Bhu/he' @ Wetec *- 1 81 Qs -hACT-T.) To? BO°F ms - AS S14 iby 500 RPM ASSUMPTIONS : (I) The motor is a closed system.(z) The system is at steady state; all operating data are constant with tine. G) The normal Sign conventions for heat and work are used. ANvMLYs1s: The rate form of the energy balance reduces as follows ake? Fayre, 5 P ae SRE ae Q— (Wales + Wenate) > Welec +Wyhott or,ustng the given expression for heat Huwfer vate ~WACTE=Te) = Waeet W shagt delving for Th, Waee + Wehatt +T (ha) ° Evaluating the work terms Watec 27! Bills = - 3600 BLVh Wenae > Sw =(144 Hibs \Goo = 3487 Di h tT. xev. moO my 0h, eral’ iw cr) Finally (-3b00 +3487 .) Blu/h we ——————_+ 540R = 55IR (- 10 Bla/h. *R) = °F Te 1. Note that When Ty>To, Qis negate, denoting Qnevgy transfer b neat teom the motor fo the Suerounciings ot 4 PROBLEM 2.01 : A closed system undergoes a process with a known heat transfer rake, and the power varies as a specified function of time. Eup: Determine cay the vate of change of system energy at £< and Cl) the change in system energy after 2h. 4 Et Q=-1oLW 1 oa [-8t o 48 =-w gE. L -t/6 gE 1.2 exp (-t/60) Fntegrehing from t= te any Kme t + AE= -f lrexp(-t)eddt = a Levp Gt/es) -1] or = #2 Lexp(-t/te) - 1] «oT () Using software to plot Wand AE vs.t ranging from 0 fo 250s: 15 DEW) 0 80 100 150 200 250 0 80 100 150 200 250 ts) ts) (b) Inthe hinit as te, we have W-¥0 and SE -12kT. The plots show that these limits are approached closely after about 2255. For tunes veater Yhau this, no more electric power is ceveloped by the battery aud the enerqy remains Constant. a- oh PROBLEM 2.03% KNOWN: A gas of lenown mass expands th a piston- cylinder from a specified initlal state to © kenown final pressure. The pressure -volume for the process is given. Also, the specific internal energy change is Luown. EIND: Determine the heat transfer for the process. CHEM B= & bar, V.= 0.02 m? Pa2 2 bar pV"*= constant Au? -SS kI/kg ASSUMPTION: (1) The gas isa closed system. 2) kinetic and potential energy effects are negligible. (3) The proceds is poly tropic wily pv'7s constaut. AUALYSIS: The heat transfer can be found using an energy balance. First, Find We worle using &%. a7, a6 follows: ve ie a Ve Li 7 Integrating and simphif ying - Peve - FM " oe M2, The volume at Yhe firal state is Ve =(P/m) Vy = 0.0635 m?. Thus _ (Rbar)(0.063Su*) — (8) (0.02) toSNAmy] kT We ee ee) | ateal ibar = lo,S kT Now, to get the heat transfer begin with He energy balance Ae +Aéer AU = Q-W Solving for Q and noting Hat AU = m Au Q=mAu +W = Coaskg (-SS kT/kg) + (IS ET) Q ® = QS kTg |. the heat transfer is positive , denoting energy transfer by heat “fo the gas as it expands, a 7 g a- 03 Prostem 2.64* known: Aic comtmined in a cigid wettintulated Tank receanes energy at a specified tate from a paddle cnbert Emo: Determme the speecfic volume at thy fina® state, the enerry Frantfe by Work» and the chee ui speefre internet Energy of the or, Scarmanc & GIVEN DATAE The aur and ths ane ne Chay 8. The initia is the cloted system. 2. For thy syskm, Q=0 and potentiot energy equi brivin States, bt kimehe energy and fined states are Awaurss: (6) Since the mass qe speefic Vey. Thue and Volume ave each constant, volume at sites (and 2 are the samuy ve @) To ar w, ae we [iva = {10m + Crow) | | aee:| || = 736 KT (The change ik SpeuBic winkernnt energy com ee fund fom an thergy boatances oh gher dua hiw se mous W wus CW) 236K) gh oo akg kg PROBLEM 2.65 Kwowns: An electvic resistor-transters energy at a canstaut rate to a gas contained ina rigid favle. Heat transfer Tahween the gas aud the surroundings occurs os a specified functim ef Hime. Emp: (a) Plot ie time ride of change of energy of Hegas for ostszo miu, (b) Determine the net change in energy of He gas atter 20min. , cc) Determine the cost of the electricalingut “Jothe resistor. ScHemanic £ GWEN) DaTh: sure? “SOt . where d,, Is in Watts and t is in min. ‘Sure Qres = 1000 W cost of electricity = 10.08/LW-h ASSUMPTIONS: (17 The Jas is a closed system. (2) The energy transfer from the resistor 40 the gas occurs at & constant rake .(3) There is no work. ANALYSIS: (A) The tine vate of change of energy is de LK? e_ A : Be QOD FE = dae tree o . ds =-Sot+iooo (ttn min., 4€/dt in w) ce) Using Softwave to plot de/At vs. t ranging from o tozomin: 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 (nin (6) Tntegrating (6) from £=0 fo 20 min wo bes Jt: Sot +1000] = (-G9)4*+ 000 i = 10000 W-min = 10000 W. min) |! KT/s]]60 | re “e (ecco if realeece coos © Cost of electric input = (4 tw )Leemta | th Ie 0.08/ kw.) bom _ test of = £0007 electric input aS PROBLEM 2.66 KNOWN: A known mass of steam undergoes a poly tropic process in a iston -cy linder assembly. The initial and final states Quel the heat transfer are specified, Eup: Determine the work and the final specific volume. sh2i = Y State 1: p = S00 lbflin®, uj = 1.701 #°7/(b Steam [3 U, 21363,3 Brust Stafe2; Uz *990.58 Bull pV7=constant «= QF 342.9 Btu +1) The steam is a closed system. @) Kinetic and golential energy effects are negligible (3) The process is polytropic with n=. ANALYSIS: To determine the Worle, begin with theenergy balauce one KE gfe + BU = Q-W With OU = m CuK), and solving for W W= Q- miu,-W) (-342.9 Bha) ~ (1.2 1b)(990. 58-1363,3) BHA/ Ib w. 104.4 Brug To get vz, begin with 6%. 2.17 and wae the polytrepic process expression Va. Ue ve 2 wet pov ems pdr = mepy; Le ae som cnty(a- #) Solving for "v2. To un Sl- 3 > s ® =f U \- Cio44 Btu) Ib | 1 he [144 in? 7784H4bs|| | fF To! #8711 1.2 W)C 500 WF) (1.101 F/O) = 0.2630 I @ Thus Uy *wgsS = 3.802 4/|,<¢_—____——— 1. The tnerease in volume is consistent with the positive sign for work , denoting eneryy transfer out of the system by work. 2-66 PROOLEM 2.67 KNOWN: A known mass of gas undergoes a polytropic process between two Specified states. The relationship between pressure, volume, anol tuternal energy is known for the gas. EinD; Determine the heat transfer. SCHEMATIC ¢ GIVEN DATA: P60 loth, v7 = 6.0f/Ib ASSUMPTIONS: (1) Thegas iso P2220 lbp hin® Closed system . (2) Kinetic and pul = conspant Potential energy effects are For the gas negligible. (3) The process is polghepic with nels, = (0.2651) py 95.436 (where x is in HYVIb, p is tia Ioflin®, and u is in Ghu/lb) ANALYSIS: The heat transfer is determined from an energy balance. First, determine the work beginning with Eg. 2.17 Va. V2 af"pav = f'* const Ay = (PaVe-P.Mi) « yf BP ws fir Ji vis “113 ) a Evaluating Us, 1 SJ es vB) 0, + (8) G+ 397 4576 Thus (ao WE /it)(13.47 AIL) -GOd(6.0}]] 144 ie] | 1 BHA Ww =e) Tay TH || 778 er b4 2497.3 Bla Now, writing the energy balance. Ake+AaPet+ AU =Q-W Noting that AU = m(ur-U,) and solving for Q QzMCKL-U)+W Evaluating Gru) Ca.) ={(0.2651) (2013.97) -95.48¢] ~L0.2651)(b0)(6.0)~95,486) 3-21.37 Blu/th Finally Q = (lo W)-21.37 Ohu/ Ie) + (497.3 Bra) oO = 283.6 Owe 1. The signs for work amd heat denote energy trom the system by work to the System by heat, respectwely. 2-67 PROBLEM 2.68% KNOWN: An electicnt renistor transfers energy te a gas contained i & verkot, pittens sylnder ascembly. Emp Determine the Change indinternal energy of the gas Sontmatic L6IVEW DATA! oz=att Paton = Apaten 0202 Piston weight = (000 Ibe Welee = - S840 between the piston and the cylinder x 1 . wall. Gi The process occurs Slowly cy V,2 0.002 m? with no acceleration of the pistmn- = 5 a (5) The acceleration of gravity is BU=-2lCO kT/keg coustant, g = 9.8! m/s% ANALYSIS: For the piston, ZF,=0. Thus, if p is the pressure exerted by the aw PatmAgust — PApist = Paty Arist * Mater 9 PH Paty + EES pist PAvist 100 kPa + C50 kgX4.81 mis?) IN TePa, Misty (2.01 m2) t kgm[s| | 103 W/m? = 149.05 kPa To find the work for the process, Use 9.2.17. Nohing that the pressure is constaut Ya, wef pav = pcve-V,) v, = (149,05 kPa) (0.002 -0,008)m" 109 Nim 1eT | VtePa | [107 Nem! 20.447 kT ° 4° . Now, the energy balauce reduces to Oye rApe AU =Q-w. Thus, with AU = my, bu Qe ma Oa tW = (0.005 eg)(-24058) + (— 0.47 kd) Qe-lt47 Q 2-6 PROBLEM 2.40 Known: A gas undergoes a process in o piston oy linder assembly. The fiston is constmined by espring with a linear force ~displacemeut relation, ELND: Determine (ay the initial gvessure of Hhe gas cb) the work dene by He gas onthe piiton aud ce) ‘the heat trausker, Sette GAVE DATAY ASSUMPTIONS : (1) The gas is & H17O0EN-| closed system, (2) There is wo Friction between’ the piston and cylinder ao-f walls) The process occtirs slowly ' Wt mo accelevation of Hus . 24.81 mist piston. (a) The acceleration of at» Gravity is Constant SY Kinetic redone and goteutial energy effects are negligible. AWALYSIS! (4) Tasteally,, the Spring exerts We force on the piton, wich Ws at veut, Thus, toita arcumption 2, ths force exerted by the gar on tee botlom of the piton equals the piston waaght pluc the force of the atmosphere ackng on the top of-tee piston, Thetis ups 8503189 Panhany EHTS fours = Cat 9) + ta Ant Teese Pas = Rim MPD 1 hay] Hees) 4 Comg)(a.sie/s) [uN] 1 ee t Apt Issel Gexed mt) |e roe fae ist = a ke, gs Ge) As the piston mover from x0 to x20.06m, the Spring force acts. Then, with Astmphinn Dand 3) Zhc=o veade Fra | ftw rt Ryec Apt = rpg) + lat Ant + pring Cmpstg) + fbn Anat eX: ‘echet crm wre done og He gar ON HAE piston 2 gyvtn by ws {tnitpns) ax =P Cte Apat + mpatg + ex ]dx 5 x 26 = [Batt e myst g Ix +8 J; = [WotZ (rene) + Compenn)|iagaya|] Oot) + qe ese) = [ FBON+ Wl N] (0.6m) + lerNem = a.8gNem = 8. Ww 68.89 $________— (2) The enaray balance foe the system Consisting of Hy gar reduces to DAU=Q=W! Then, With SU Mga (Ur 4.) Qe wigalti-l,) + Wo Ap Ge 2(0.89)(885-210) + 68.eag = (3.34T-——_@ 2-10 progcem 2:71* ere A system undergoes @ cycle consishing of four pocesses tu Finn + (a) Conplete the tuble of energy values for the cycle, aud Cb) ledeermine wheiker the eyele is a power cycle or a refrigeration oycle. SCHEMATIC a GIVEN DATA: Q Ww 00 ¢ _-&0O O. d -1300 -100 °° e b 500 100 ASsUMeTIONS : (a) The system i losed system.Cb) Kinetic ofenhial energy effects can ve meg teen STE tactic amd polenta AUMYSISS (A) Begining ith re Process Y~{ b. AU=A-W4 BU = S00 -100=-200 =» b=-200 Now, forthe cycle, Z(AU)=0. Thus A. A+ (00 +(-100)+(-20)=O =P A=300 OU=Q-W c. 00 = C-(-Go0) = C=O d. 300 = d~(-!300) =p A= -[000 e. -loo= O-e 37 ©7100 b) For the eyele Weyele = Wie * Wes t Mey + Wa = (-00) 4(-13 00) + (100) + (oo) =-S500 Stace Weyele CO, the cycle so relergembion cxele. lL. For the cycle , nofe that Qeyele = Qir + Ars + Ary t Qu, = (0) + (-l000) + (0) + (Soo) = —SO0 Thus Qeyete=Wevele as expected. PRoBLEM 2.72* Kwown: Asystom undergoes a thermodynamic cycle consisting of our Processes in Serves. END! Complete Pre table of energy values provided forthe cycle and debermine whether tre cycle is a power cycle or a refrigeration cycle, SCHEMATIC + GIVEN CATAL Process AU AKE APE AE Q Ww 1-2 2-5-6 a) 2-3 64 0 ce 9 Ok 34 -97 b 0 € A 92 41 a 0 3 AWALYSIS: For a cycle, Hae overall change in every Property value a. ElOv)+0: TR+b4-A1e a =o ATA 3d b. £(aked= -stoeb+o+0. => b= c. E (ORE)H0O: -U FO HOFBHO =P CFS DE = OU+ OkKE +OPE + dg. d= ta-s-& » 4=Cl e. e= WYtOte = e=bT £ € = -W+b+O | F=-92 => Q=- 36 OE =QA-Ws he £eh-% = h=O0 Xd q= 4-0 => A= -36 a d= On-y B y= “Gl kw. © =490-k = k= 2B For the overall cycle, Weyele > @eyele Wegele = “Ol423+4ALO = SH) Checks tre above as calculations. Mse, Qeyete = CFV FO-BG = SH | notetnot Z(ae)=o Gince Weyele 2 O, Hee cycle is a Power cycle. PROBLEM 2.13 Kwown: A gas undergoes o thermodynamic cycle consisting of Hhree processes. Envp: Determine Vhe heat transter amd worl for procecs 2-3 and whether the cycle is a power cycle ora. refrigeration cycle. SCHEMATIC # GIVEN Dara: The following dats ave given foreach pracess: Process 1-2: compression With pV = const, pel bar, V, 210m? to V,=0.2m3 Ur U, 20 Process 2-3: Constant pressure to V2V, Process 3-l: Constant volume, U;-U,=-3549 kT +) The gas is aclosed syctem (2) Neglect laietic an: AssUmeTiDWs : (1) The gas is aclosed sycte eg a Ipteatial energy changes C3) The compression-fom Stale’ | t0.2i5 & poly ~ AMALYSIS: To Feind sha work for Process 2-3, use &. 2.17, with constout ress ure ’s I p Was = trav = p(Vz-V2) Using the p-V relation for process (-2; pu=(t)p, = Bbare, Thus, with an Vk 10? N- 105 Mine t bar The energy balance for process 2-3 reduces to Qaa= UU. Was To get UrUi, note thet for the cycte, AO] 4.20. hus (GEG) 4 (Ws V.) + (B,D) =o H(O-0)2 - (0-0) = 35097 Finally , for process 2-3 Qy, = (8547 ET}4(1120 3) = 4664 LT. Qss Next, for process CED $0 @a*Wia- Using Be. 2.17 QarWra= Lpav = Ry, Mae #0014) fale) And, for process 3-: Ws,70, and 3,5 U,-U, various résults ° Weyete WratWegt hy = 332.7¢(1120) = 4767.3 ET Siice. Wegele 20, He cycle so ower ayele. Was = @ bare) (he ~0.2)m? 1120 kTg___Was 2-3327 kT tof 103) 3544 kT, Collecting 3-73 PROBLEM 234 grown: A gas undergoes a thermotynause cycle consisting of three procesee? ERD! Sketch tu cyete on a p-V diagram, Calenlots Weyets, Qa, sr, and dedernans whitrer He cyde es © power on refrigeration Cycle scHematic LewEw DATA! 2 IF 7 e gz i 3 henna! pV = constant 2, Ve 0028, U-Ups 2.4 2-3: pV= conttant, UZ=Ua Bu pea bar, Wars 10. SLT ' 3 v ASSUMOTONS: 1. The gas ete Cleled tychem. 2. Fie the yttem, ORE =OPE ©. 3. Volume change Uta only Work made. ‘a " Amavirsis: (b) Waele = Wir +Wrr + Wt Volume change a the only work wads, Wits My Ns Simex Volume oo constant and Te find Wa Vs or 3 vba [Lie Nm = 0.028m = (-10-5T) | 1 ae 4 wer) | erm | eo Then ble 3) pn (9193 fet - & PI) (9. 1oa¥e 9108 waar Creo | TE] e (Se) oe Weyde Finatt aa Yes O + 18TE + (-0:s)= ¥.U8"T* oe power Loe sai = Qu- Wr D@asWi2 aes () An eneegy balance for 2-4 gives Gra: fo spe ass emphen? (4) To eustoate Gar begin with an energy lalance together a = Gn We Qa = -Vy) 4 Yn U.-Us fr te cyde, TOU) =0 Sine thice G ne ovivall Change ni mbinat energy (ey tT) 4 (TL) + CU) 20 > Quite -te = Co) FBO FET Qs The ee eg gS ® Qarz (20.4) + (oF) = - 30.9 KT [As « GRE, woke hed Geycie = Waydle, Geyeles Gat Out Ogi, Avene Dolanee fora Gwe! Ons 204g. 60 Seyler DIBA HeIeM) > BB ET, wometin cee EF part cw) 2-14 PROBLEM 2.75 KNOWN: A closed system undergoes a cycle consisting of three Processes. EIND: Sketch the eyde o -Vdiagram and calculate the net work forthe cycle and we ent Hansfer’ for process 23. SCHEMATIC ¢ GIVEN Data; The following data are given for eck process: Process 1-2: Ochiabatie compression with pV ''L const: From 9, =So lbfliat Vi=3 HF to V2 1 HF Process 2-3: constant volume Process 3-1: Constant pressuve ,U,-U,= 46.1 Bre 2G) The system is closed. (2) Kinetic and potential energy effects ave neqgligible.(3) Process I-2 is poly tropic. ANALYSIS : @) Sthce process 1-2 is a polytropic compression the pV diagram for the cycle is 2 v Gy Use Bg, 2.171 to evaluate the york for process |-z, (** * ay wy tiye) Watt, pav = const. f via * py Me = Mf f A CH ~ eyes wy") Ger cer] a = - 38.3 Bue For process 2-3» W23%° Finally for process 3-1 use Eq. 2.17 » Wat Ypav = 7 (V-Vs) Wy, = GO FEY 3-1) 1? jes | eke | 2 yes) Bh Thus Weyele * Went Was tWo, 2 7t4714 Oka q___Wayle. Ce) For the overall encle Qerete * Weycle LE Qis* Qs. FWaydle Qas = Wade Qrr For process 3-l + AKEtAPE + (U,-U3) = Q3,.- Wa, > Qa, 2 U-Vyt Wy, Qs. [AT 418.51 =F +O5.20 Bee Finally Qap*Weaple - Qay = 714-14 -65.21 > - 65 Bln g Qus 2-75 PROBLEM 2.76% Wayele = Qin Gout = So -35 =ISkT< Wegele Ne “es &- 3 (30%). re Waycle 2 Qin ~Qout - Beat Qin Qin Qin Solving for Qn Qout Yo Qin® ST = GLSYMTy in Wegele =U Qin = 35M OESY c = QLSY MT, Wale PROBLEM 278% Weyerss 4000 Bru ot = OOO BH i lowe | [oe Evecy Batons: Weyerss Devedt Gms Wey t Mout = 4000 + Zoo = (2,000 Bru ys Vans - M000 BE 43, (33%) +——% Gin ~ (2,000 Bla 2-16 PROBLEM 2.749 Fuevgy balauce : Weyele = Qin- Qout Wyle = 800 Diu Qin = Wuple + Gout = 800 +1800 = 2600 BL ‘Qout = [B00 BL ne nee = ge0 in = 0,308 (30.8%), PeoRLEM 2.80 knowns. Operatng deta are Provided for a power cyte EMD: DVelynune the mat rate power It developed, tha net work cukouk annually) and the Velen d tee net work uc W/year, Seummanic_& GivEW DATA: i fet aa @,,2 300MW Ws 333% Wey ek Asmprant :|, The system underseer pousr cycle. 2. Th tycle operates steadily for Bove h ammally.3,The vane of the Net werk ob #0.08 [KW-h (4) To determine Weyete =" Aware Coaar (room) = 14.4 MW nS Weyete ay Wey: WLAm = Bin () With acrmphort FW | Goo h rr xio® WH a __Wede Woyere = 44-4 mw)] =m | Geseh) = 799 wt ey year @) With ascumphm 3 : of 0.08 4 co << gr @a4. 2 x10 se 42.08) 63.94 Ki0° /4ur aan Prowlem 2.6! ENGWN: Operakng dam are provided for « power cycle FIND! Detrmana, i H/year, tre value of tha power generatid Ona the cast] Qin, Sets MAC 8G EN DATA: i 238% Weyele = 1ooMaw Wea ASsumetiows: |: The sydem Undergoes < thermedgnauac cycle . 2 The pout cyte operates Shende a for B000h par B. Eleciiahy 6 valued at BOB [ EW and Qi at 241m Fas Awacrsis: (a) Using assemphee 23 . kW 8 6 Selec : Cee mw) sy \(een) (Age HOAX aca et aly (we) Lae . & ye Wat a) Ome Wey , (20 MW. 285.7MIV Gin 1 O85 4, = @es# mw) lem] | oe Corm.h (#42) - 2439 1008 lyse <2 «ta | This 15 an operating Cost. AddiKonal ae costs include Hoe cost for the plant , a copitel cost oO PROBLEM 2.82 Window air condchoner. «@ environment inside cold. woody gre burlding served Wet body : outside environment (i) Nuclear power plant. het body coolant circulated thrush the Mactor wove cid boy? Sea water ©) Grovnd source heat pump. hat body ¢ enuronment inside tee building terved God bvdy ; ground PROBLEM 2.83 r . Fuel in 2 Engine operates ot i steady state. eet Automobile Engine d Sart ell wasout | An engine operating at Steady state has continuous flows of tuel and Gir in’as well as exhaustgas dut. |talso develops a Steady power output. Although the operation ofan engine does wot conform 4a tune. strict definition of a. thermodynamic cycle , there are Similarities between anengine and a power cycle ag ilustrated schematically in Fig.2.'SC). SpeciFically, we can think of the hot gases formed during combuchon as playing the role of the hot body, and the Surroundings, which interact With the engine through heat Hansfer and ‘the discharge of hot exhaust ges, can’ be viewed as the cold body. PROBLEM z,84 * a = Gin Q out * 2400 Be ¢ Weyde Weyle? BOOB —- Weyjcle = Raut” Din 2-19 PROBLEM 2.85% _ Oe *Wege Solwing for Bin Qin > Qout (Se) = (500)(13=) = 300 kTe—O8 = Om _ 300 Wale e us = 200 kT, eel Stince the cycle operates continuously pg Ware Waptle = n/p = 12,000/2.6 = HOS Blu Meacle Wapde? Alors Bil ea ou 2545 Bhi, . = 1,813 p< ___viuire |. Ghcles operating continuously ave commonly used for space cooling. 2-80 PROBLEM 2.8% Operating data are Provided far a hut pump. Deternuns the net power Asguired te operate the Ait pump and its monthly cost ASEUMOTUNED | Tha SYSkim Undergoes a haat pump cycle. 2. Tht cycle Operates Sfeadily for ooh mentth, 3. Elect, 4 valued ¥0-08/KU-h, Gr) Worty assumptions 2,3 B= Grw)( eek) ( 1228) H126/month — PROBLEM 2.88 ENOWN: Opacakng datr are provided fr a heat pomp. Fim: Deternwne #4 coefficient 4 performance Ond the Monthly cort fo opens, the heat prep. scustoane 2 Givew DATA: Woyaas 7 Gout = 600008m/h ASSOMPTIONE! | The system endergoes a heat pomp cycty. 2 The ey eta eperaks Steadtly fy 2ooh monthly .% Electiih 4 Valued at #0.08/ Ke Wh ANALYSIS @) The cottticient Of performante for a haat pump G 2 Got . o,o0Belh _ 3.02 4 x Berets Gene |) (o) Using artumphas 2,3 , ew petty, $ 1H ooh) (40.08) = ¥ 73 a care | mal ee) Ae / PROBLEW 2.89 Known: Operating data ave gwen fora household refrigerator. Find: Determine the cost of operating the refrigerator for 360 h per month. SCHEMATIC $ GIVEN) DATA: hot bi deve) Qout aie Corin cle’) Assumenows: (1) the refvigeratum unit as a refrigeratim cycle, 2) The cycle operates steadily for 300 h monthly. ca) elecPricty is valued at $0,08/kwh. Awarysis: To determine the electric power input, begin with the Sxpression for cwefficieut of performance : * Bin Wegcle Solving for the power, A e W. = Qin /; eyele 6 Hew = [202 Bu/h) : - rr ) | sas Brarh| * O-0752kW the monthly cost vate, f, is 3 =(0.0732 LW) (360 h/month) ($2.08 /Lw-h), : ® = $2.1 /month s |. The actual electric cost 40 operate a vefrigerator is likely fo deviate Significantly from phic value due tosuch Ws as the electric rate, door epenithgs , inserting room-temperature foods, etc. CHAPTER THREE EVALUATING PROPERTIES PROBLEM 3.) ” ie > P T a v a 31207°F 7 80 WoFlin® TF two-phase liguid- ; aepor mixture “o>, uo Le wv “ 3 = o 3 P g peso beelin® foorr «T= 400°F 0 IbPlin® BIZ07°F sperhentad vepor % eS vO av * i Tr is T=400°F 7 P #300 lot lin® 360 Ibe ia eee . ett Hebi subcooled Compressed; e liquid Seq o a “ 2 ¥ 3 Fs P T a a T= 320°F 84.6 lb¢lin® 320% p= 70 Ibflin® 10 Wbttin® superheated vapor No, a v x ¢ Pr T ine T 10°F 23 pele (belia® 7 sold 14.7 Woedva® 10°F 10309 fe oop EE PROGLEM 3.2 w Cb) (ce) (a) (e) e 5 (= p=Sbar T=IS19 % 1819% two-phase liguid- vapor mixture & v 4 p25 bar 200% = T2200% 1SI9°C superheated vapor tT 100 fa. -20Te ke uv xe P 22.5MP, +25 bar Te 200% subcoolect Ccompresed) liquid Teleore p48 bar "0% — superheated vapor Te-1e¢ Pel ber 2100 k& solid PROBLEM 3.3 1000 = 100 3 2 e 10 1 - 40. 0 40 80 120 160 200 240 280 Temperature ("F) oe Riggs = ammonia Re PROBLEM 3.4 1000 Cita pont 5 100 + a 1.2 374.1890 2: = 220.9 bar 10 7 é os 01 , ore 00611 bar 0001 - 0 60 100 180 200 280 200 380 400 Temperature (°C) 3-3 PRogLEM 3.5 100 gee Critical point wd 1 & 2 of é S T=3D0% all AO re 100% SE sat. bite, 0.001 0.0001 ; : 0.001 001 04 1 10 400 ‘000 Specitie volume (m*%kg) PROBLEM 3.6 10000 i 2 = 100-4 10 - ey te ee ee ts Temperature (°C) “= RIS4a = Ammonia 5 RR PROBLEM 3.1% () W.0; T=20%C , V=to wr /keg Table An2! Mj (0008 £10 m'/keg , Be STL meg x= MEME ~ 20~ 1.0018 x10? a> S7TUW = (0018 "(07> (b) Propane; p= 18.00 bar, 4 =0,02497 wi/kg Table A-'7: vg = 0.02997 w/e, = x=1 (100 %)—e—__* (©) Rebriqgerant BHA; T= wo'e , = 0.001 wW/keg Table An10} Vz =0.a4R@ v1 wi /leg , vy = 0.014 we /eg = 0.001 — 0.9488 x (a~3 X= Song —OqUseKio7F = 00044 (0.49%) <——_* (A\Ammonia ; P=IMPa=lobar, ws ol m/ kg Table AH: Ups Lus et 410 wi/kg, ye 0.(aes m*/kg ye MEME 2 Ot bused ¥ 10> SE 0.1285 ~LUse4 X10 = 0,34 (34, 0%) <-—* 0.1715 (11.8%) —_———_ " PROBLEM 3.8 4<— Ciitical point 1000 100 SNe T = 1000°F T= 30°F pressure (lbtfin2) Oc IN sat line 001 ot 1 10 100 1000 10000, specific volume (feb) 3-5 PROBLEM ai (0) HO; PEM Ibe fmt, Has fF / Ib . Table A-3E+ = 0.0161R SP/Ib , Vy =2QaGosH/lb = MeMe L 2S-00WIR x ¥ NQ=wE * 20. F0 - 0.01072 0.433 (93.3%) (b) Propane; T= ~80°F , 50,0283 (tb Table AILE: v= %=0.0R6T3 HP /Ib C—O %)<—_—* (e)Rebrigerart (BHA; p=HSO lbp fir, =a. Ob Table AWE: “P= O.01252 CF/Ib , vQ=O44a2 OP/ a Move 2 05-0.0\25S2 _ G x PaUae So aS 70-524 (SAM 7) (dN Ammenta; T=-4O°E , W=20 OO /lb TableA=SE! wy = o,0asr OP /Ik , Vg = 24. GT HP /Ib Mee Ug _ ZO ~ 0.073 TU 5 9 x YS rgrary ~ 24, O12 0.077 0.804 ( COM *) ba PROBLEM 3.10% a Fitst, fisd the specific volume T="40K V _ 00S m2 . meat we Bas = o0asmVkg C¢0,| V.=00sm3 somes) . vs omuxc? m3 Now, the quality is 7 aesBenteo? SP 4. MEV _ 005 - 084x107? < a” 9 Vg - Ue © 3.824 ¥10* ~084E KIO? = OWNS (W4S%) 4 PROBLEM 3.11% ~ > pz4bar , T=100% ss Table A-'% : superheated vopor 7 sl00ec ws 0.07327 mivleg e Toop = % aN = Lotw) at > B.%3 % mad tet eve Tay oF = 13Gkg <——_____ PROBLEM 3.12" ¥, 24,2 10 Ab Table A-(36: % = 0.02419 1b, %= loo FP e UO / [Ib D> v-u m fa x* T= (00°F Via> Vee z = 1.0 = 0.02419 uv - Q.1100 -0.02419 On On Oa), Xs PROBLEM 3.13 = 3 V=0.018 mw’ Vv. 6.018 wm? mi Ue Tats = prto bar = 0.015 w/ keg TableA-1: % two-phase at lobar ; Tap * 23.40% g _T ) PROBLEM 3.14 (a) T=600°F => superheated Vapor : « : Table A-4E? = 0.514 47/16 is 1000 Ibeiu® Sy, Vimy =@ Ib) (0.514 #1 1b) ie = 1.028 #4 v 29 a (b) X= 0.8 > two-phase liquid: vypor mixture Table 4-36: Y, 0.02154 Hilo Vy = OAH 7716 Heo a Up t XC -Ve) = 0.3612 Hb " Vz Q@ b)(0. 3012 43/1b) can vena ee ———_ ts ©) T=200°F => subcoled Compressed )liquid Table ASE: w= 0.016580 4/1b V = @)(0.00582)> 0.0332 #E_V PROGLEM 3.15* Velwd Using data from Table A-@ : Rag | Pebber vs yd xcm-vy) due =0.1093¥10° (0.75) (0.21S2-0,10%3¥10>) SOIL m9 / keg -¥- oe) _ wa ne = (On wIU wm /q) m= 6.1BQ keg —_——_____ PROBLEM 3.1le ve2st? First determine the absolute La mest pressure p R13 Foege = 11-39 Wblint P* Poaset Pato ; Prue MH efi? = 739 14.4 = 85,79 bf {n> ae Now, w= Vim =(2 #3 Ib) : 20.4 $43/Ib From Table A-\ok at p> 85.79 | YL Ve Ug % fo phase liquid Vapor wnixtuy Thus, T> Tag % 70°F, PROBLEM 3.17 * sat.vapor, Wg 42. ky P For the two-phase. liguid-vapor in ced mixture, the Secitic Vantume ie _ Set. liquidyme = 3.8 kg oF 2 On (38442) 2 00aS m*/kgg uv PROBLEM 3.18 Ammonia | Using data. from Table eee PE he aoeg * 16386 x10" m/kg Saturated liquid 2M 2021 ™ OF Teseexo 78 kjx—— at T220%; ps eee we 5 Rag * 85762 bar (eee) — = 857.62 kfag 2 3-8 PROBLEM 3.19 Vr0.006m? Fist, using data from Table A-1 at p=1.8 bar; P=18OkPa the Specific volume varies with X as follows: R134q, alebar 04X41 Ue Up + KC -Ve) 3 0.1485 «107+ x (0,(09B- O.198SKI07), Thus v 0.006 » me £ 2 —— 2.000 “= ™ O.THBS MOS + XC 0.10F0S) Now o mg=xm 5 mp = m-mg Na. 4m . Vy : vr apts Fe 8 Volume fractions Sample calculation : x 20.9; m = 0.0607 kg, Vg/v = 0.9992 ,Ve/v = 0,0007 The following (T code is used fo develop the plots below: 80 // kPa Results for sample calculation 006 //m* x 09 /sat_Px("R134A", p, x) m 0.06065 kg vg = vsat_Px("R134A", p, 1) vitacf 0,0007566 virac_g 0.9992 These results compare well with the results of the hand calculation above. mm=mf+mg To develop data for the following plots, sweep x from 0 40 | insheps of DOL. e 8 7 6 Bs a4 3 2 1 ° 1 09 08 07 |) 06 05 04 03 4} 02 on ° oO Of 02 03 04 05 06 07 aa og 4 0 01 020304 05 08 07 0809 + * the dained in Hoe tunle decrenses rapidly with snorensing quality. The Corresponding volume fackins of Tui ai vapor awe t ong Ms on of quality 0 well. Volume fraction 2 liquid fraction ‘vapor fraction 3-4 PROBLEM 3.20 From the definition of guality T= 300° = - roe won aC )mg~ (458) (ats) =0.51h we cc The total mass m is ee m= Metyng = OS+2= 2.5 Ib Sebliquidsm, sing dale from Table A-26 at 300 °F: Vs (Vy-U) 2O.0I1US +(-8)(G4T2-0.01745 ) = SA VIL Vem = (2S (b)(SA8U 47716) v 21295 44 PROBLEM 3.21" KNOWN: A two-phase. liquid- vapor mixture of water, tuitally at a given pressure and quality, 1s heated in a closed rigid Tank until only saharated water vapor remains. The volume is known, Eup: Determine the moss of te woker inthetank and MWe fmol pressure. ScHEmaTic # GWEN) DATA: L VEO2Q we ons :(1) The water is a closed system.C2) The volume and mass Ore Conshan ANALNSIS: Using data from Table 4-3, the initial specific volume is U,= UG + &, CVG, Ue, ) = (09x 1077 + (5) (0.3144 = (,0F2o x107F) = OkIO. w3/ keg Thus, the moss is ~ vw . loam) 7 m me, = Toreom egy + HOM kg <——— By assum pons) and (2), Viet, Thus B® Brau, *(0Sber ~ B 3-10 PROBLEM 3.22 : A specitied ameuut of water is heated in a closed, cigid tank from a known initial chute 4o a specified final hemperature. EIND: Determine Hee mass of vapor initially present and the final pressure. Stole 1: T,= 200°F, X= 0.6 Statez: T= 320°F ASSUMPTIONS: (1) The water is the closed system. (2) the volume is constant: ANALYSIS: The initial mass of vapor in He tank is found using fe lenoww total mass and the quel ity X, at the initial state ™g,= X,M =(0.6)(5 Ib) = 31b, Mg, Now, siuce the volume and total muss ave constaut daring the vocess, the Specific volumes at sates | and 2 awe equel: AR EU, Ferom Talole A-2€ af 200°F, Vz,2 0.01108 H/o amd U5 = 11.77 F/I. Vp = Vet %C¥g.- UE) 0.017 08 + (0.6) (1.11 - 0.01708) = 7,0688 1°/Ib Now, from Table A-2& ot 3.20 °F, vy = 4.919 H5/lb, Sikce UL> Ve 21 state 2 is in tue superheated veipo® region. Thus, interpolating tn Table A-4 at 320 °F,7.0688 4b Fo 64.27 lbf/in?, i PROBLEM 3.23 KNowry: A specified amount of water is heated in a Closed figid dank from a Knoum inthe Stade to a fine! pressure, Eine: Sketch the process on Tv and p-v diagrams. De termint the volume of the Tank andre temperature atthe final ciate, ScutmMatic & Givens DATA: 150°C, BR P T om © aster 4.158ber © Stele: Sab. leq, ot 150% siz: g=25HR | 150% fs iter 2 v ASSUMETIONS:: The water is The Closed Systm. 2. Volume remains conctant AMALYS: Since volume ond total mass remain Constant during the process ) ths speafic volume at states 1)2 are eguat: Ve2V > From Teta A-2 at 150°C = Yp Cis) =f ogos Kio? m8 lieg As shewn by te T-V and p-v Leagrauns , state Le wthe ligurd teqion. Tnterpelahim x Table AS ‘gives | Te= /50. |S ————— Thi teh volvo Pe mars eee Kg) ( odor ) = 2.181 WS ag 73 3 PROBLEM 3.24" 3 Steam is woled in a closed rigid container froma known initial State fo a known final pressure, FinD: eeeeT theterpeatueat which condensation first occurs, te frachin OF the, ass Hat condenses, and the volume occupied by saturated liquid at the thal state. SCHEMATIC £ GIVEN) DATA: R27 bar Heo T,=S00°C os Velw3 ASSUMPTIONS: (1) The steam is a closed system. (2) The Volume is constant. ANALYSIS: 8 iy eesumekiascn aul (2), the specific vata is constaut . Thus, using data Harn Table A-4 we Vary 20.5010 w*Skg Then Crom Table A-2 Te ee ———C——_=st—“(# Next, the fraction of the total mass that condenses is Fractin . Mee Conduied a mene a 7 Ui- Ven 0.S010 -(.0300 x10 = 0.480 aD Ge ee Z420-l.0300¥(03 Thus foam frac et * I= NGO =0,85205 of = (iw The tolal moss of the system ig me Stary = Lata kg Then the volume of tne liquid at state Q is Vea = Spa = (972 kg) (1.0300 K10F WP / leg) Veg = 0.00203 i B-13 PLOBLEM 3,25 KNOWN: Water vapors heated in a closed ,rigid tawle from scbured vapor at a known tenaperature jo a lenoum “frinal temperature. Ei: Determine the initial and final pressures and sketch the process on, Trad pw diagrams. : T= leore ASSUMETIONS:(1) The Water vapor is a sak. vopor Closed system. (2) The volume is consteut. State 2: T= 400% ANALYSIS: Using data from Table A-2, p 26,178 berg With assumphions (1) ond (2), Us Uj 20.3071 my. ied cea eee eee in aa) t eryy nl egegeeee SECeCCCeCRSCrrrrcEErEEEE a 77 Heore So, foe, PROGLEM 3.26 KNDIN: Ammonia undergoes an isothermal process from a known initial State to the saturated vaper state. Find: — Determive the mitial anc final prescures aud sketch the process on Ev amd p-v diagrams. ASSUMPTIONS: G) The ammonia is a y, Stade t+ ™ 80°F closed ie (2) The process is 310 F7/Ib ae Sble 2: Ta27, Sak oper ANALYSIS + Inter polating in Table ASE , Pp» 33.86 Ibflinry fi Using data from Table A-1ZE, p,=153.13 Welty Thus 3-14 PROBLEM 3.237 EMowny: A dwo-phase, liquid-Vepor mixture is heated at fired Volume frown on inital pressure tothe crit cat point. Emp: Determine tee quality ab tha inthea state. scmmatec & GIVEN DATA: v ASSUMPTIONS: 1. Tha quant of water Under conrideraton us the closed system. 2 Votoms pammains Constant, ANALYSIS! Since volume Gud wats Anan coustiut )VieV,. From Treble A-B at ter crifvrot pomt, stei2 , Vyas Z.1stKio? milky. Tt, Wit very,» we Lave witr date fron Tebtsia-3 ot Bo lone Y= Ve 4%) OVg-E) Ap ao wie WOME g GIST L2usDI0 L oorgd (4%) Vg- VE Geer Heer) oF PROBLEM 3.28 rmowal: A teo-phace liguid-vapor mixture ‘s heated at fixed Volome fron an inital presture tothe critv cat point En; Determine +Hhe quality at the inihal state SCHEMATIC. 2 GIVEN DATA Pp CS) 450 lok fin? v AssuMeTIWNG: |. The quankty of Water Under Consideration is he closed Syskem 2 Volume Pemaiat Constant, Aroaertst Since Volome ancl mart remain constant) VarV,. From Tete AVE at th criveat point) shite?) Ves 0.0508. fH8/lb. Tuas, Worth Vs v, , ue hae wrth data fron Toth A-36 at 4B lof link Nia Vee, (¥4- VE) > ays MONE _ (oss = 2018sT) Wa ve ~ 083— 0.01985 = 0.0805 (3.05%) NX, 1 3-15 PROBLEM 3,29 KNOWN: A specified amount of water is heated sir a closed rigit tanle. The volume is known, aud date are given for the initial aud five states, FIND: Determine the pressures at the iuvitialand final states. SCHEMATIC 2 GIVEN Data: ASSUMPTIONS: (1) The water is the closed system. (2) The volume is Conspant. v3.34 stale I: Sat. vap. Stade 2: T= YOO Anatysis: The Tv diagram is shown to the right. To delermine the pressures, first fix’ state 2. Since the volume ancl mass ave constant, U,=Uz, Thus UW, = V/m = (13.3 4° )/G Ib) = 4.4333) b a Now, interpolating tin Table A-4e at 4OO°F, 4.4333 f9/Ib3 p= MNT Ibs liu? ‘hen, from Table A-3E , at Vy * 4.4333 H3/Ib s R= Bap = (00 lof ina. F PROGLEM 3.30% sy Known: Ammonia. undergoes a constant Pressure process . The initial and Stal states are Fixed. EID: Determine the work for the process, per unit mass of ammonia. SCHEMATIC ¢ GWEN Dara: r 1 2Sbar ASSUMPTIONS: (1) The refrigerant is the closed T3355 system. (z) The pressure Yemaiis constant. c AMAYSIS: the work is determined using 4.2.17 with assunphon 2 2 We Spav = m[pdu = mplui-v> @® From Table A-1S at 2S bar,30°% 3 v;=0.S71US m?/kg . From Table A-\4, V2= V@asbar 70482) m3/kg. Thus, from C#) wa? [LoS u/me|] 1 kT w = p(V-¥,) =@5 bar)(O4821 0.57145) 9 | bar | a= => 23,84 kT/kg ae 3-16 PRrostem 33* Knowl Water fs. Com, ed at a 6 Krsow AL pusied a onstunt prsssure behveen two specs fred States. EUsd: Determine the temperatures ot the inital and finak Save and the werte for the process. “ pS cHem AT CHSC IVES EEDNEE e (. 2 1 e all oo uatlt . 7 + Sok. Te * VaR. = Assomotiows: ' The given quantity of water uth cloud rystton. Volume change tha only Unerk | huge, 3. Thaprouatt ocourt at Lenttan? _ AWMYSIS! The mitral sgecetic volume ts wate ORE 2 O87 Fron Table AYE, with vi=BHX PV and pp=2so Ibe Mah T,= 000° F The final specific volume is Vg at aSo Ibe (nm, Evom Table A-2& Me~ Va@asoes = beuS eh /1b Thus Tz = 40.04 °F TR The Cinal volume is Vet are = (2 ODL gus #) = 3,64 oF To evaluate tre work 2 w= Grea = p(4-u) = (aso lee )| Ms 4 (Bia (aso Bs )| a] [38 ott] Set w = eel Cen — Th Water is compressed, Haus fre worle is negative. PROBLEM 3,32 2 Wader is heated in a piston-cylinder assembly at constant temperture KNOWA from saturated vapor to a given final pressure, EIND: Determine the work per unit mass by (a) numerical integration using steamtable data and Cb) using IT: Scuemanc 4 Gives Dara: Ta 00°F | State |: sed. vapor Stale 2! p= 100 Teel (0) The water is the clesed systems. ASSUMPTIONS: (2) The process occurs ot constant temperature. ANALYSIS: (4) To determine the wore use. a7 wef ® me Spee r ne 4 2. psi00 et n SM is a @) A numerical scheme is Employed with data from Table A-4E at T= 400%. pllbghins) ar (F%/ Ib) 247 1. Bub (sat ve Fable A~ aS ee /apor, Table A-26) 180 2. 6B 160 3.007 140 B46 i 120 4.074 100 4.934 Whin = B (fetPie)(15,.-07) 1 Mg 4% Vise Ame i ty 7 = [ee 220) BE Ca. se heue) + (220482) 2 6u8- 2.361) + (2Pet#2\(3.007- 2.04B) + (BEEM2)¢ 3.ure~2.007)+(NOE29\ 4.074~3.48) + (#2829) (4asu-uor] | (B) The following code uses the integration capability of IT Yo tntegrate Cr) above: T=400 11°F v=v_PT(’Water’,p,T) // ft/lb Weconv*integral(p,v) conv = 144/778 r Using the Explore button, sweep v from 1.864 (sat. vapor) to 4.934 in steps of 0.01 Result: Wim = 86.48 Btu/lb 4 : —_____— Note that the results of parts (a) aud Cb) are in agreement. 3-18 Wim, Cpart by PROBLEM 3.33“ Kuown: Ammonia & spacified mitial state to a givew fu Fuvp; Determine thre worl. r Scwematic $ GIVEN DATA + ressueve. process From undergoes o constant pee a quality, m= Sib R=R 2100 lbti® ASSUMPTIONS :(1) The refrigerant is a closed system.c2) The process occurs at constant pressure, (3) Volume change is the only work mode, ANMNSIS: Stale | is a superheated vapor, Referring to Table A-ISE VU; + 5.088% 47/lb Using the given quality at state Z and data from Th A-E Va= Vpax(Vq-Ve) = 0.02584 + (0.88) (2.9497 - 0.02584] 2 2.5 LA 7lb Using Fq.2.17 to determi e the work We Jf pav = ple-Vi)= mpl) fi Taserting values . - 2 W =(S1b) (too tbe fie) a.sit~s.owee) 4 | @ 7238.6 Bh Sera “1 The weFrigevat (s compressed, thus the work is negative, 3-14 PROBLEM 3.34% KNOWN: Water vapor undergoes e.constant volume cooling process Followed by isothermal condensation to satrrated liquid: EIND: Evaluate the work por unit mass. € ic 1 : Te 2150 °C . Stecte 3: Sot. liquid at (S0 ASSUMPTIONS: (1) The water is the Closed system.(2) For process (-2, the volume is cons}wut. (3) For process 2-3, temperature és constaut. (4) Volume change is the only Work mode. Aulatysis: By assumptions Z) andG), only process 2-3 involves work. To evaluate Fhe work , begin with EG 27 Ys wef pay > We Lb Next, we fix each stde aud obfain relevant data. Since the mass and volume are constaut to process 1-2, Uz=U;. Feom Table A-4; 7, = 0.3060 mkq. With Va=U, > 0.3000, we see in Table A-2 at 150% that Wp < UL < Vg. Thus, stode 2 is im He 4wo-phase, liquid-vapor region. Since the tomporature is constant for process 2-3) So is the pressure. that is P27 fe * Teat@isooc = 4158 bar Finally, from Table 4-2, V3 =e icone (090 5x15? m/e. Thus Wa, Ww = if pau = PalVs-Ve) = 3 110° N/m>| eT = (488 bar)( Loves x10" ~ 0066) jz ime war ® 2-454 k/kg Wn 1. The negative sign denotes ei teomsfer Yo the system by work during process ae ens enna : Py wor 3-20 PROBLEM 3.35 kaipwal! Refrigerant 22 undergoes a process with a knounpressure - volume relation from a given initial state to a qwen final pressure. END: Calculate the worl for the process. saturation hie <— to bar ae PU const tog oa ANALYSIS, The work is obbutned by using E%.2.17. First, determine the Specific volimes. From Table A-9, vy = 0.11520 mMV/kg, and ASSUMPTIONS! (1) The refrigeraut is a closed system. (2) The process is polytropic,with n=1.0S a a 2\Fas VF & ue (4) (0,US20) = 0.024875 m7/k5 The worle is ie vy, Me =f paves dus const: a. w vy, mf, P of apts Ae = WH (RM- RU) ~ Ci-les) = ks) [Cobar (0.024 615 meg) - (2)(0.u520)] | 10° Ime] | eT ~ C= hos) Vbar || tO7N-m @ 5773.4 kTg 1. The negative value for work indicates that the process is A compression process PROBLEM 3.36 kwown: Refrigeraut 1340 undergoes a polytropic process from a specified initial state * & gwen Final Perwpera tare, ao i Eup: Determine the final pressuve and the work per unt mass SCHEMATIC € GIVEN. Dara: P| |e satvapor PF, = 200kra = 2 bar _ reas ae Te -lo% ql ht T= 50% °e p's = constant. 7 7,22 bar 2) The vefrigerant is the closed “oy aire The process is’ polytropic , with a ANALYSIS: State | is fixed by T,=-10%, p,=2 bar. From Table 4-12 ; U;, = 0.09938 fF3/lb, Thus, with the polytropic process expression. hos Un = (Pp) a Tn Table A-12 at %2 50%, there is a unique a associated with each pressure, that is Vhable © The following table of data and plot are oblained using Chand Cx¥). Where the lines intersect, both expressions are satisfied Simultaneously. = U Cp, Te250%) oH) T=s0% (4 *) Pebar) = #) OR) To PSs constant CF) z 0.02654 0.02846 q 0.02372 0.02472 10 0.02146 0.02171 Zo 1] 0.01960 === cs 12 0.01804 0.01712 “4 z ° 0.015, 0.02 0.025 0.03 ur (m/kg) From the plot: Fe* 10.4 bar «——___& 1, = 0.0205 mV/kq PROBLEM 3,36 ( Cont'd) The expressions CK) and CK ¥) can be Solved much more easily using the following IT code : Mar 40 °C 0 °C vt = v_PT("R134A", pt, 11) / mi/kg p2*v24n = pt *vi*n 7 n= 1,05 v2 = v_PT("R134A", p2, 2) cee) The results from the uter solutre = . ?/ ccc ler clei are, fo. 20 bers we ooze wh Now, the worle ts determined usin ZIT and He ediwe of Example 2.1 for the poly fropic prcies Ub meee We [yay = enh) m © vay, P a Using the values from the computer soluhion W , (0.38 bar)( 0.0207 m/kq) ~ (2)(0.09938)} 105Wm2| eT m Ges) | 1 bar || lo? Nm = -32.21 ET gl 3-23 PROBLEM 3.37 KNOWN: Refrigerant 1344 is compressed in a piston- cylinder-assembl from a knovon initial state to a kndwn final reasuere. Td Pressure ~ specific volume relationship for the process is given. Eup: Determine the work. SCHEMATIC $ GWEN DATA: r 1 saturation line a eo Wotd ie 7m =0,04 Ib : R= 10 lbfin® acne i ee T,=20°F 10 Ibe hue P= 160 Ibehin* - pu *const. By ASSUMPTIONS: G) The refrigerant is a closed system. (2) The process is Poytropic uy pos const ‘4 ANALYSIS: The work is obbuined by ucil 2.11. First; determine the Spacific Volumes. From scene’ vu, Mg Shay #/Iby and usE)a = (7S) 4aa07) 20.3081 f7/Ib The work is SN barn hae ma a : wap.) fan ) =m (pv) Sa (EL) = (0.04 1b)(10 Ibplin®) (4.9297 #4, (42) a] eG ® 2-02 Btyg 1. The work is negatve-for the compression, as expected. PROBLEM 3,30 Water is Hie Substance (@ pasbar, T=240% Table A-4 v= 0-161 9/ 227131 Teg IT Results v= 0.7805 mi/kg u= 2713 kulkg (b) p= aber, veo.s ml/kg Table A-3 5 T= 133.6°C ; ( v0.5 m/s 20.825 oe We Mgt Klug Ug) [T Results = S115 +6.B25)(2543.6- 561.5) x= 0,825 = 2196.7 UT/kg 2196 kJ/kg P T Bor | ______ L___ T ed @) T+400%, p=10 bar Table 4-4 V2 0.066 m/s hh = 3263.9 kT/keg (T Results v= 0.3066 mi/kg h = 3263 kJikg Gl 7 =320% , 720.03 m*/kg Table A-2 3 U> Ug at 320% Table A-4; At 320° the slate, Falls between 60 and 80 bur, Uaterpolating, P=74.67 bar = 7.407 MPa h= 2018.0 KI keg JT Results; p = 7.356 MPa, u = 2682 ki/kg (@) p=28mp,*280 bar, T2s20°C Table A-2 V=0,01070 ml/kg h=31942.3 ki/leg [T Results .0102 me/kg 192 kJ/kg im (00 veos™” woke foot. ve ag.ova 9 % 7) szo%, 4 x “4 ‘so 320% 5 lobar Y we + ¥y=.01549 3 3-25 State 520°C T zBober, fw PROGEM 3.38 (Contd.) G) T=t00% , x= 0.60 Table A-2 p21014 bar URUEtKX (Vg-Ue) Pp T tow bar L014 ba a sot er _ 043.5 x0 3+ (.60)(4G73- 1.0935 XS?) x06 Noor ae = 1.0042 m¥/leq + m2 IT Results; p = 1.013 bar, v = 1.004 m*/kg (9) T210% , = 100 m/keg Table A-2; Up 0.01228 bar = 1.228 eRe P Tv xe ZeVE. 00 =e * pe VG-VE 106.399=1,0004mo 1.228 ef, = 0.94 toe = A eee veto’ v=toomey 7 = 42.014 (.44)(2477.1) #237 kTlleg IT Results; x = 0.94, h = 2371 kJlkg (iy p24 MPa = dobar, T=1e0% Table 4-3 at 40bur 5 Tsp = 250.4% 250.4% Ge > liquid stede (1 @) Lae + 0-F96( (082-6418) = 401.29 Stylo Te 900°F ) P2170 leFlint Table AE , interpolate at G00°F ve qcay Ft hz 1¥78.08 Bhy/b IT Results v= 4.718 feb h = 1478 Btu/lb T= 600%, V0.6. f45//b TableA-26, V>Vg ot 00°F, Table A-4E 4 At Coock , tee State fails behveen Boo and oo wef lin Taterpalating , P= G85. Ioflin® ws 1163-34 Bh/ lo Water is the tubstance . ; ct [- aN - IT Results; T = 228 °F, x = 0.7962, u = 901.3 Btu/lb 17o1bfliy® 400%F e Tree “3008F Oo IT Results; p = 884.3 Ibfiin., 163 Btu/lb P= FooleHint T= oso Jooltlie ToL A-4E , interpolation T a4 Foo ef lin? Pe = a ve 0.asft3 lle int emer hs 1912.3 Bry/b IT Results; v = 0.852 fi"b, h = 1313 Btullb v a 3-21 PROBLEM 13.37 Contd.) G) Ts 400° , x= 90% Table A-2€ Pp proves lef lint 400°F Vevpe x Mig eda 2 0.01864 91.866 - 0.01804 2 6813 PUG [TResults; p= 247.1 Ibflin2, 681 fb v (9) T=40°F, ve 19g Tavie A-2€ ev oVg at 40°F. eeuee ontie thls [°F 7 yo Yee 2 195020.0!6 Ve-VE apr 001 20. 798 he hg ax We 282+ ofae(1o%9) vevasd Pell vase 2 Bez. Shy lb i [T Results, p = 0.1217 lbfiin’, x = 0.7975, h = 661.9 Btullb < (hk) pe Goo Wet linds T2320°F Table A-3E ot 600 [bf ligt That = 486 -33°F > liqvid state Tale A-5E -douvle interieole ton 4g .33°F = S00 ttl booth OF Ile 0.017379 = 26%, 42 268. a4 Ts 400 V2 0.018 608 © 018550 2) = 393-65 372.55 [2 SOF Then, oF Goolbflint, 320°F v2 0-017 46 PY le JT Results we 284.1) Bib v = 0.01766 fi'/lb u = 288.3 Btullb 3-28 PROBLEM 3.40 ©) Retri eraut 134a; T= b0%, Us 0.072 m/k from Fable A-10 at bots 3 20.0114 leg) U> Uy =D superheated Or Taterpolating in Table A-125 p* 3.63 bur oe hoa ba/kg “Bed bt 3.03 4 3) Ammonia; peBber , 1 = 0.005 m%/keg v trom Table A= 14 ot @ bar ; 152 0.1596 Wilks Uy < US Uy & hwo-phase, liguid-vupor mixhare e T* Toop = (284% U-Vz _ 0.005 - 1.6302 x5" GME 0.1596 = 1.630200? Ut Uy + XUy-Uy) X28, GA.6 4 +(0.02133)(1330.64-262.64) Ww : = 28 IeT/leg 30.02/33 ce) Refrigerant 22; T=- 10°C, U=200 KT/eg From Tet AF at -10°C, Ucueus Sp r-phate Lquid-veper muntare P= Pret = 3.6485 bar Xe UnUg ~ poor 332F Us-ug — 223.02-39.27 10% = 0.899 - us Lows fos Vg ax C¥g- VE) ey : #34 (0-0682.~ 0.7606 v > O-2e96 + 0.84 su 768) = OOS MFlis PROBLEM 3.41 @) Refrigeraut 134a3, pido ible, h= 100 Bhu/lb from Table A-ue; bych two-phase, liguid-vepor mix hure h-h. S en 9 70.52 Us Upt x (VB-Ve) * 0,01386 4 (.7881(0.33 58-0.0138¢) = Q.2675 HI T Tap © 100.56 °F @ Ammonia ; T20°F, 21S fP/Ib from Table A-13E 3 Vy = 4.1100 #43/Ib > vy > Superheated Vapor Trterpolading im Table A-1SE+ 22!8.85 let (ig he 615.2 Bluth XS) Refrigerant 22, T=30°F, 022 7Ib from Table A- FE) ¥%=0.7804 #7/Ib Udy > superheated Vapor Tntevpolakig in Table A-FE, Rs47.Co lbtli~ A+ 108,80 Blu/lle + N ° Wea 100.56°F PROGLEM 3.42 @) HzO at p15 MPa =1S0 bar, T= 100% from Table A-5 5 121.0361 x10" F m/l keg ,h = 430.28 kT/kq (b) Using Saturated liguid data from Table 4-2; 1.0435 x10 mille, ° Now, using Eg. 3.13 to estimate specific ewthalpy ay Peace eto {P~ Peat @ wore ) = 414.04 Ee 104 35m? 150-1014) ee |reFwle | kT 7 thar 10° Nem! @ = 419.04 +/5,55 = 434.54 kT/kq 1. Note thet hg eroore, is & plausible estimate for h in some applications (within about 2.6% of fia value from Table 4-5), PRogiem 3.43 - Bo0e Woelin® H.O at T= 4OO"F, p> 3000 lbelin® a from Table A-5E: are 0.018334 H7/Ib hh = 379,50 Bhu/Ib |} The specific volume and enthalpy values cam also be estimated using saturation data from ¥ Table A-2€ and 45. 3,11 and 3-4 , respectively. r= U;(400 PF) = OILY F43/1b hm hy C400 °F) + vp (400°) [ P- Peake yar] . bu. 3 wi 1 Bh = 31S. AE + 0.0184 H°[ S000 Wet au7.t ee Je | | = B84 BY bb PROBLEM 3.44 H,0 at T=20°%C, RL. < p< B00ber $ e r e from Table A-2: Paay = 0.02339 bar ise 5) Up = 1.0018 xto* meg a Up = 83.95 kT/kg hg = 8396 kT leg 20%. from Table 4-5: P= bar (T=20%). ad as 50 /7s 100 | 1Se | 200 | 250 | 200 axio? — | 1.0000] .9945) 4984] 9472] .2950|.9928| 9907 |.9586 “uw 83.80| 83.05 | 83.50] 87.30] 83.00| 82.77 | 82.47| 82.17 h 86.30| 68.05| 90.99 |93.33| 9799 [102.02] 10724] 14.84 | 25 | 50 7S | 100} [Se| 200)250} 300 4v (%)| 0.12 [0.23 | 0.34| o.46[ 0.68] 070 [1.01 | 1.32 Au (%) | 6.18 | 0.36] 054] 0.70| 1.06 | 141 | L760 | az c Ah (%) | 2.74 | 5.59 8.37] M12] 16.69] 22.22] 2273] 33.21 20 “ i é F 2 a g +——+ © 50 100 150 206 250 300 © S0 100 150 200 252 300 P- ber pm bar COMMENTS: The changes in and u are Small over the pressure range in this problem. thus, Up aud ug are reasonable approximations, respectively. However, h devittel by orér go % from by sand Whe agproniuctinn he is not reasonable. Note tee 3.14 provides a plausible eshimate of for compcessed liquids. when tdbular date. are not available. 3-32

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