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Fall 2020-21

MAT3003 Complex Variables and Partial Differential Equations

Digital Assignment - 1

Name-Udit Vedant Mishra

Reg. No.-18BME0967

Topic: Joukowsky transformation

In applied mathematics, the Joukowsky transform, named
after Nikolai Zhukovsky (who published it in 1910), is
a conformal map historically used to understand some
principles of airfoil design.
The transform is

In aerodynamics, the transform is used to solve for the two-

dimensional potential flow around a class of airfoils known as
Joukowsky airfoils.
The Joukowsky transformation, or Joukowsky map, is a
simple function that comes up in aerospace and electrical
engineering calculations.

(Here z is a complex variable.) Despite its simplicity,

it’s interesting to look at in detail.
A Joukowsky airfoil is generated in the complex plane (Z-
Plane) by applying the Joukowsky transform to a circle in
the -plane. The coordinates of the centre of the circle
are variables, and varying them modifies the shape of the
resulting airfoil. The circle encloses the point (where
the derivative is zero).

This can be achieved for any allowable centre

position by varying the radius of the circle.

General Joukowsky transform

The Joukowsky transform of any complex number to z is as

So the real (x) and imaginary (y) components are:

Sample Joukowsky airfoil

The transformation of all complex numbers on the unit circle is
a special case.

So the real component becomes

and the imaginary component becomes

Thus the complex unit circle maps to a flat plate on the real-
number line from −2 to +2.
Transformation from other circles make a wide range of airfoil
Let z = r exp(iθ) and let w = u + iv be its image. Writing
the Joukowsky transformation in terms of its real and complex
parts makes it easier to understand how it transforms lines
and circles.

We can see how circles are mapped by holding r constant

and letting θ vary. The unit circle gets crushed to the interval
[-1, 1] on the real axis, traversed twice. Circles of radius ρ ≠ 1
get mapped to ellipses


Next we hold θ constant and let r vary. If sin θ = 0 and cos θ

> 0 then the image is [1, ∞). If sin θ = 0 and cos θ < 0 then
the image is (-∞, -1]. In both cases the image is traced out
twice. The image of the line with cos θ = 0 is the vertical
axis. Otherwise lines through the origin are mapped to
hyperbolas with equation

Inverse functions
If (z + 1/z)/2 = w then z2 -2wz + 1 = 0. The discriminant of this
equation is 4(w2 – 1) and so the Joukowsky transformation is 2-
to-1 unless w = ± 1, in which case z = ± 1. The product of two
roots of a quadratic equation equals the constant term divided
by the leading coefficient. In this case, the product is 1. This says
the Joukowski transformation is 1-to-1 in any region that doesn’t
contain both z and 1/z. This is the case for the interior or exterior
of the unit circle, or of the upper or lower half planes. In any of
those four regions, one can invert the Joukowski transformation
by solving a quadratic equation and choosing the correct root.

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