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by direct provision of law, or by election or

--------------------------------------------------------- by competent authority, is charged with
the maintenance of public order and the
Article 13. Mitigating circumstances. - The following are
mitigating circumstances; protection and security of life and property
and any person who comes to the aid of
7. That the offender had voluntarily surrendered himself to a person persons in authority. [Art. 152]
in authority or his agents, or that he had voluntarily confessed his c. The surrender was voluntary
guilt before the court prior to the presentation of the evidence for
the prosecution; [VOLUNTARY AND SPONTANEOUS]] - If the only reason for the supposed surrender is to
ensure the safety of the accused whose arrest is
inevitable, the surrender is not spontaneous and
hence not voluntary. [People v. Pinca, G.R. No.

129256 (1999)]
The surrender must be unconditional
• Lesser perversity of the offender — - Merely requesting a policeman to accompany the
o Act of repentance and respect of the law accused to the police headquarters is not voluntary
surrender. [People v. Flores, G.R. No. 137497 (1994)]
o Indicates a moral disposition favorable to the ---------------------------------------------------------
accused’s reform
--------------------------------------------------------- - Surrender is voluntary if spontaneous showing the
RULES interest of the accused to surrender unconditionally to
- Two mitigating circumstance in the paragraph the authorities, either because
- 1 voluntarily surrendered himself to a person in authority or - (1) he acknowledges his guilt or
his agents, - (2) wishes to save them the trouble and
- 2 voluntarily confessed his guilt before the court prior to the expenses that would be necessarily incurred
presentation of the evidence for the prosecution;
in his search and capture. [Andrada v.
- they should have an effect as two independent
People, G.R. No. 135222 (2005)].
- If none of these two reasons impelled the
- When they mitigate the penalty, when both are
accused to surrender, the surrender is not
present, they should produce this effect to a greater
spontaneous and therefore not voluntary.
[People v. Laurel, G.R. No. 120353 (1998)].
- Spontaneous - idea of an inner impulse, acting without
external stimulus.
- RULE: The accused must actually surrender his own person to
- There is spontaneity even if the surrender is induced by
the authorities, admitting complicity of the crime.
fear of retaliation by the victim’s relatives
- When the offender imposed a condition or acted with
Requisites external stimulus, his surrender is not voluntary.
- A surrender is not voluntary when forced by
a. Offender has not been actually arrested circumstances.
- EXCEPTION: Where a person, after committing the
offense and having opportunity to escape, - RULE: Whether or not a warrant of arrest had been issued is
voluntarily waited for the agents of the authorities immaterial and irrelevant. The RPC does not distinguish among
and voluntarily gave up, he is entitled to the benefit the various moments when the surrender may occur. [Reyes].
of the circumstance, even if he was placed under - The fact that a warrant of arrest had already been
arrest by a policeman then and there. [People v. issued is no bar to the consideration of that
Parana, G.R. No. L-45373 (1937)] circumstance because the law does not require that
- EXCEPTION: Where the arrest of the offender was the surrender be prior the arrest. [People v. Yecla, G.R.
after his voluntary surrender or after his doing an act Nos. 46526-27(1939)]. What is important is that the
amounting to a voluntary surrender to the agent of surrender be spontaneous.
a person in authority. [People v. Babiera, G.R. No.
28871 (1928); People v. Parana, supra.] - RULE: Even if accused did not go into hiding and even
accompanied the police to the scene of the crime, such act is
b. Offender surrendered himself to a person in authority or to not voluntary surrender if he did not submit himself or admit
the latter’s agent complicity to the crime.

- PERSON IN AUTHORITY - RULE: The surrender must be by reason of the commission of the
- Person in authority – one directly vested crime for which defendant is prosecuted
with jurisdiction. [Art. 152] - Thus, if the defendant surrendered as a Huk to take
- Agent of person in authority – person, who, advantage of the amnesty, but the crime for which he
was prosecuted was distinct and separate from


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