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- Section 6 of Rule 122 of the Revised Rules of Criminal Procedure

- 🡪 an appeal must be taken within 15 days from REASON
promulgation or notice of the judgment or order • Same as that of recidivism, i.e, the greater perversity of the
appealed from. offender
--------------------------------------------------------- - as shown by his inclination to crimes. —

"The Present Crime And The Previous Crime Must Be
“Embraced In The Same Title Of This Code.” 1. Accused is on trial for an offense.
- When one offense is punishable by an ordinance or special law
2. He previously served sentence for another
and the other by the Revised Penal Code, the two offenses are
offense to which the law attaches an equal or
not embraced in the same title of the Code.
- EXCEPTION: Article 10 – (me: WHEN?) Revised Penal greater penalty, or for two or more crimes to
Code as supplementing special laws of a penal which it attaches lighter penalty than that for
character. the new offense.
- But recidivism was considered aggravating in 3. He is convicted of the new offense.
a usury case where the accused was
previously convicted of the same offense.
- Robbery and theft are embraced in TITLE TEN, referring - DEFINITION
to crime against property - In reiteracion or habituality, i
- Homicide and physical injuries are embraced in TITLE - It is essential that the offender be previously punished,
EIGHT, referring to crimes against persons. that is,
- Felonies defined and penalized in Book II of the RPC - he has served sentence, for an offense in
are grouped in different titles. which the law attached, or provides
- for an equal or greater penalty than that
attached by law to the second offense,
--------------------------------------------------------- - EQUAL: A served sentence for forcible
OTHER RULES abduction punishable by reclusion
temporal then committed homicide
- Recidivism must be taken into account as an aggravating
after being released, which is also
circumstance no matter how many years have intervened
punishable by reclusion temporal.
between the first and second felonies.
- GREATER: A served sentence for
- “There is recidivism even if the lapse of time between
homicide punishable by reclusion
two felonies is more than 10 years”
temporal then committed
falsification after punishable by a
- “Pardon/absolute pardon Does Not Obliterate The Fact That
penalty ranging from 6 years and 1
The Accused Was A Recidivist;
day to 12 years. (Suppose its
- Pardon does not prevent a former conviction form
falsification first then homicide after?
being considered as an aggravating circumstance.
No habituality, because the penalty
for the first offense is less than that
- But Amnesty Extinguished The Penalty And Its Effects”
for the second offense. The penalty
- US V SOTELO: amnesty extinguishes the penalty and all
for the first offense must at least be
its effects. There is no such provision with respect to
equal to that for the second
- or for two or more offenses, in which the law
--------------------------------------------------------- attaches a lighter penalty.
- RULE: Even if the accused served the penalty of prision
mayor in its minimum period and is not convicted of an
offense for which the penalty of prision mayor
--------------------------------------------------------- maximum is imposed, there is still habituality.
- RULE: If penalty is death and the offenses for which the
Article 14. Aggravating circumstances. - The following are offender has been previously convicted are against
aggravating circumstances: property and not directly against persons, courts should
10. That the offender has been previously punished by an offense exercise its discretion in favor of the accused by not
to which the law attaches an equal or greater penalty or for two taking this circumstance into account.
or more crimes to which it attaches a lighter penalty.
- “Has been previously punished”
- Means that the accused previously served sentence
for another offense or sentences for other offenses


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