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The University of Zambia

School of Humanities and Social Sciences

Student Name: Kelvin Kauluka




Apply Harvard system of referencing, for the following ten (10) sources:

1. Brem, S.K., Russell, J. and Weems, L. (2020). Science on the Web: Student evaluation of
scientific arguments. Journal of Discourse Processes, 32 (1/2), 191-213.
2. Jacobson, T. E., and Mark, B. L. (2000). Separating wheat from chaff: Helping first-year
students become information savvy. Journal of General Education., 49, 256-278.
3. Milner Library, (2004). Information literacy competencies/standards. Available at: (Links to an external site.) (Accessed on 12th
May, 2019).
4. Bressler, L. (2010). My girl, Kylie. In Matheson L. (Ed.), The Dogs That We Love (pp.
78-92) Boston-Chicago: Jacobson Publishers.  
5. Robin, J. (2014). A handbook for professional learning: Research, Resources, and
strategies for implementation, Department of Education, New York, Available at: (Links to an external site.). (Accessed on 14th April, 2018).
6. Akakandelwa, A., M., (2016). Proceedings of the 22nd Standing Conference for Eastern,
Central and Southern African Library and Information Association (SCECSAL), In Health
Information Seeking Behavior of Women in a Web-Based Environment: A Survey of
Literature. Swaziland, 25th to 29th April, 2016. eZulwini: Royal Swazi Sun. 293 – 307.

7. Shaver, W., (2013). Effects of Remediation on High-Stakes Standardized Testing. PHD.

Yeshiva University.
8. ZICAT. (2012). A survey of household Internet users in Zambia. Department of
Communication and Transport, Zambia.
9. Wiseman, P., (2020). Success in business. Zambia Daily Mail, 17 April 2020. p.p.9.
10. Gazani, M., (2020). The Church helping the poor. Daily Nation, 4 April 2020. p.p.11.

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