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LABORATORY Assignment NO.2

Due Date: 02-7-2020

Answer the following questions Briefly

Q. 1 Why air is consider as an ideal gas. Explain with reason?

Q. 2 What is reversible process and how it differs from irreversible process? Give at least one
example of both process occurring in our daily life?
Q. 3 Why specific heat at constant pressure is always greater than specific heat at constant
volume. Explain with reason and example?
Q. 4 How heat, internal energy, thermal energy relate to each other?
Q. 5 What is a quasi-equilibrium process? What is its importance in engineering?
Q. 6 Why engineers are interested in reversible process? Give reasons?
Q. 7 What is the difference between NORMAL EXPANSION of a gas and UNRESTRAINED
Q. 8 What are the factors that cause a process to be irreversible? Name any four
Q.9 Why a can of cold soda left in a room eventually heats up?
Q.10 Why a cup of hot coffee/tea left in a room eventually cools down?

1. All questions carry equal marks
2. Write your assignment in a proper and neat format. Students that submit assignment in an
improper format, their assignments will not be accepted.
3. If you need any assistance or have any confusion regarding assignment, do not hesitate to
contact me.

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