Thermodynamics-II Practical Final Exam & VIVA: Section A

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Thermodynamics-II Practical

Final Exam & VIVA

There are three sections is this paper i.e Section A, B and C
Time allowed: 02:00 hours Max Marks: 50

Section A

This paper contains only questions. Use separate sheet to answer all mcq’s.
This section includes MCQ’S only. Attempt all mcq’s. This section contains 15 marks
No marks will be awarded for cutting, overwriting and multiple colors shading

Section B

This paper contains only questions. Use separate sheet to answer all questions
This section includes short questions only. Attempt all short questions. This section contains
10 marks. Each question carries 2 marks.
Answer to the point
Q. 1 Why specific heat at constant pressure is always greater than specific heat at constant
volume. Explain with reason and example?
Q. 2 What are the factors that cause a process to be irreversible? Name any four
Q. 3 What is single stage compressor and single acting compressor. How they differ from each
Q. 4 Why clearance is necessary and what is its effect on the performance of reciprocating
Q. 5 Indicate the application of reciprocating compressors in industry (at least four)

Section C

This paper contains only questions. Use separate sheet to answer all questions
This section includes Numerical problems. It is necessary to solve all numerical. This section
contains 20 marks. Each question carries 10 marks
Q. 1 A container made of aluminum holds 2785 L of butane, C 4 H10, at 110 kpa. What is the
volume of the butane at standard atmospheric pressure?

Q. 2 A two stage air compressor with intercooling is compressing air steadily. It has an orifice
plate manometer pressure reading 60.1 mm Wg and air inlet temperature is 273.15 K and
inlet pressure is 101 x 103 N/m2. Similarly, first stage outlet pressure is 371 x 103 N/m2
and 2nd stage outlet pressure is 601 x 10 3 N/m2. The measured compressor speed is 1370
rpm. It is running on 5.8 Amps current and 420 volts (three phase motor) and power
factor is 0.9. Find the following parameters.
1. Overall pressure ratio
2. Density of air
3. Mass flow rate of air (kg/s)
4. Volumetric efficiency
5. Find the active power of air compressor motor
Note: Active power can be determined by √ 3 V I Cosθ

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