NRes1 Course Unit 5

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Developing Research Question, Hypothesis and Study Framework

Read course and unit objectives

Read study guide prior to class attendance
Read required learning resources; refer to unit
terminologies for jargons
Proactively participate in classroom discussions
Participate in weekly discussion board (Canvas)
Answer and submit course unit tasks Photo credit to WYCAS

At the end of this unit, the students are expected to:

1. Differentiate the types of research question
2. Understand the importance of research framework
3. Explain confidently the different types of hypothesis
4. Develop a good research framework

1. Listen attentively to the discussions and opinions in the class
2. Initiate asking questions that challenge class thinking
3. Express freely the personal opinion with respect to others opinion
1. Participate actively during class discussions
2. Confidently express personal opinion and thoughts in front of the class

• Research Questions and Hypotheses, website:

• Is there a Conceptual Difference between Theoretical and Conceptual Framework?


Research Question
- This are the specific queries of the researcher want to answer in addressing the research
- It also guides the type of data to be collected in a study.

• Research Question and Quantitative Study

o In quantitative study it involves 2 types of question
Descriptive – this are question statement related to the identified variables of
the study. Usually ask the question “what is”
Inferential – this are question statement showing relationship among
identified variables.
• Research Question and Quantitative Study
o It involves a grandeur question or a central question that is broad in nature and
open-ended. This may follow a sub-question to explore further the phenomena under

- This is the theoretical explanations of a phenomenon
- An intellectual proposition
- Speculations of how variables in the study will work out
- Qualitative research does not usually include hypothesis because too little is known about
the topic to justify a hypothesis and to avoid the researcher being bias.

• Purpose of Hypothesis
o Unifies theory and reality
o Gives direction to research
o Enhances knowledge
• Types of Hypothesis
o Simple (Univariate)
States an expected relationship between 1 independent and 1 dependent
o Complex (Multivariate)
Predicts the relationship between 2 or more independent variable and 2 or
more dependent variables
o Directional
Specifies clearly the characteristics or qualities of the variables being
investigated, the nature and extent of relationship between or among them and
the expected outcome of such relationship between variable
Example: “Infants of Heroin-addicted Mothers have a lower birth weights Than
Infants of Non-Heroin Addicted Mothers.”
o Non-directional
Predicts the type of relationship but does not predict the nature and extent of
relationship or the specific qualities or characteristics of the variable being
Example: “Hospital nurses are less likely to express approval of their
expanding role than nurses who serve in the community.”
o Research (Alternative)
Statement of relationships between variables
Example: “There is a significant relationship between maternal heroin
addiction and birth weight of infants.”
o Statistical (Null)
Is stated in NULL Form that there exist no significant relationship or difference
between the dependent and independent variables
Example: “Infants born to heroin-addicted mothers do not have the same birth
weight as infants born to non-heroin addicted mothers.”
• Scientifically objective
• Reflects the impartiality of the researcher
• Minimized research bias

- Not every study is based on a theory or conceptual model, but every study has a
framework. This is the blueprint of the research study.

• Theoretical Framework
o Is the collection of interrelated concepts that exist in the literature
o Guide the researcher in determining the variables to be measure
o Consist of propositions, concepts, conceptual maps or conceptual model
o Purpose:
It helps the research see clearly the variables of the study
It can provide the researcher with a general framework for data analysis
o Writing Theoretical framework (use the SEC format as prescribe by the university)
State – state the theory and author you will use in the study.
Explain – explain what is theory all about
Conceptualize – state how the theory is applicable or beneficial in the research
of interest

• Conceptual Framework/Research Paradigm

o Refers to the explanation of variables of the study based on literature and research
o A study based on a specified conceptual model
o Presenting your conceptual framework
Remember that the number of boxes is equal to the number of descriptive
questions. Also, the number of lines is equal to the number of inferential
questions and hypothesis.

• Conceptual Model – are ideas formulated in the mind, picture of something that actually
exist which consist of patterns and standards

• Conceptual Paradigm – visually presents and interprets the underlying theory, principles
and concepts of a research

• Propositions - statement or assertion of relationship between concepts derived from theories

or generalizations

• Theory – are constructed in order to explain, predict and master phenomena

• Purpose statement – the researcher’s summary of overall goal

• Write Research Questions and Hypotheses, website:


• Top 3 types of Research Questions, website:

1. Using the same research topic from your previous course unit task do the following:
A. Develop your own statement of the problem.
B. State your hypothesis
C. Present and discuss the suitable theoretical framework using the SEC format. You
may choose among the different nursing theories or borrow from other field that may
be useful to your research study.
D. Present and discuss your own research paradigm or conceptual framework.

• Barrientos, Crestita. (2011). A Research guide in nursing

education: building an evidence-based practice: textbook and
workbook: part 1: 4th Ed. Pasay City: Visprint
• Cronin, P., Coughlan M., & Smith, V (2015) Understanding
Nursing and Healthcare Research. Sage Publications Ltd.
• Polit, D. and Beck, C. (2010) Essentials of Nursing Research:
Appraising Evidence for Nursing Practice, 7th edition, Wolters
Kluwer Health | Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.

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