Intermediate - Future Plans: Visit The - C 2007 Praxis Language LTD

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Intermediate - Future Plans (C0066)

A: 李小姐,你大学毕业了吗?
Lı̌ Xiǎojie, nı̌ dàxué bı̀yè le ma?
Have you graduated from university Miss Li?

B: 我刚毕业。我是从上海大学毕业的。我的专业
Wǒ gāng bı̀yè. Wǒ shı̀ cóng Shànghǎi Dàxué bı̀yè de.
Wǒ de zhuānyè shı̀ shāngwù guǎnlı̌.
I just graduated. I graduated from Shanghai University.
My major is business administration.

A: 好极了。你有什么打算?继续学习还是找工
Hǎo jı́le. Nı̌ yǒu shénme dǎsuàn? Jı̀xù xuéxı́ hái shı̀ zhǎo
Fantastic! What are your plans? Do you want to continue
studying or find a job?

B: 我不想继续学习。我打算在一家国际公司工
Wǒ bù xiǎng jı̀xù xuéxı́. Wǒ dǎsuàn zài yı̄ jiā guójı̀ gōngsı̄
I don’t want to continue studying. My plan is to work in an
international company.

Visit the Online Review and Discussion (text version). 2007

c Praxis Language Ltd.

A: 这样的打算不错。上海工作的机会很多。
Zhèyàngde dǎsuàn bùcuò. Shànghǎi gōngzuò de jı̄huı̀
hěn duō.
That’s a pretty good plan. There are a lot of job opportu-
nities in Shanghai.

Key Vocabulary

毕业 bı̀yè graduate

专业 zhuānyè major

商务 shāngwù commercial

管理 guǎnlı̌ management

打算 dǎsuàn plan

继续 jı̀xù to continue

Supplementary Vocabulary

考研 kǎoyán take the master degree en-

trance exam

面试 miànshı̀ interview

Visit the Online Review and Discussion (text version). 2007

c Praxis Language Ltd.

公务员 gōngwùyuán government employee

研究生 yánjiūshēng (post-) graduate student

会计 kuàijı̀ accounting

外资 wàizı̄ foreign capital

Visit the Online Review and Discussion (text version). 2007

c Praxis Language Ltd.

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