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Python Course Contents


o Understanding the Open source
o Understanding Interpreters
o Introduction to Scripting languages
o Evolution of python
o Installation of python

Getting started with Python

o Creating the first python program.
o Understanding the .py extension.
o How to run the PYTHON PROGRAM

Python Scripts execution

o Using the python command line
o Using IDLE
o Using IDEs
o Using a regular command prompt

Various ways of printing
General data types in python
Boolean functions

o Arithmetic
o Relational
o Logical
o Assignment
o Membership
o Identity
o Unary

Type casting
Strings and its types
o Single line
o Multi line
o Doc strings

Accepting inputs.
o Raw inputs and normal inputs

Control Statements:
 Sequence control
 Decision control
o if(pure if)
o if-else
o if-elif
o nesting
 Loop control
o for
o while
o for-else
o while-else

break, continue and pass keywords

Indexing and slicing
Special data types
 Lists
o What are lists?
o Mutable lists.
o In operator.
o Traversing a list.
o List operations.
o Converting a list to string.
o Converting a string to list.
o Aliasing in lists.
o Functions in lists.
o Range function
 Sets
o Properties
o Various operations
o Casting
o Mathematical operations

 Tuples
o What is tuples?
o Indexing in tuples.
o Slicing in tuples.
o Immutable tuples.
o Lists and tuples.
o Functions in tuples.

 Dictionaries
o Keys and values.
o In operator.
o Looping in dictionaries.
o Lookups in dictionaries.
o Dictionaries and tuples.
o Functions in dictionaries.
o Single key with multiple values
o Dictionaries vs. sets.

o Without arguments
o With normal arguments
o With positional arguments
o With named or keyword arguments
o With default arguments
o With variable length arguments
o With dictionary arguments
o Functions returning single and multiple values
o Pass by reference
o Pass by value
o Anonymous functions
o Understanding the doc strings
o Lambda, map, filters
o Understanding the return keyword
o Global scope.
o Local scope.

o What are modules?
o Understanding the namespaces
o Various ways of importing.
o Various ways of accessing
o Aliasing
o dir () function.
o Installation of a module.
o Properties of a module
o Understanding the virtualenv.

o Packaging a module
o Understanding init file
o Establishing the relation between the modules and Packages
o Sub packages

o Reading and writing files
o Methods of File Objects
o Modes
o Reading
o Writing
o Modify
o Executing database queries using python scripts
o File creation in the default and specific locations
o read(),readline() and readlines()
o Merging
o Files similar schema
o Files different Schema
o Flip Kart Example
o Buffering in files.

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