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5E’s- ENGAGE (1-2 lessons)

TERM / WEEKS:  To capture student interest and find out what they know about XXXXX TOPIC – Biological Science – Life Cycles of a flowering

3/1 To elicit students’ questions/ prior knowledge about XXXXX
Diagnostic assessment used- in this lesson you will find out what the students already know about plant.
XXXXX. This will allow you to take account of students’ existing ideas when planning learning

Literacy Numeracy ICT Capability Critical and Creative Ethical Understanding Personal and Social Ethical Understanding
(ACELY1687) (ACTDIP011) Thinking Capability
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander histories and cultures Asia and Australia’s engagement with Asia Sustainability


ON (Year 1 &
2 only)
Science Science as a Science Inquiry OUTCOMES
Understanding Human Skills
(ACSSU072) (ACSIS064) Introduction – 10 Minutes Seed to Sunflower by Dr. Gerald Legg.
 The teacher will read the text From Seed to Sunflower
by Dr. Gerald Legg. Literacy Who can tell me the stages in the lifecycle?
LESSON OBJECTIVES o Pose key questions and have a class discussion.
As a result of this lesson, students will be able to: → Predict what can affect the growth of a sunflower.
o Introduce the STEM design brief ‘Chicken
 Make three predictions about what may affect the growth Inn’. Students will need to research, plan and What are the key stages of a frog’s lifecycle?
of a sunflower. design a chicken coop for their school.
 Observe, record and report on the growth of plants and  Students will complete the first two sections of a TWLH iPads/child
animals in the garden and what environmental impacts chart explaining what they know about lifecycles in
they might have. their science journals and discuss with the class these TWLH chart on Padlet
sections. Literacy
ASSESSMENT (DIAGNOSTIC)  As a class brainstorm the key terminology, students will Mystery box – seed, root, stem, branch, leaves,
copy this down into their science journals. flower.
 The teacher will give each student a ‘Self-Assessment’.
They will be required to reflect on the lesson by writing a Science journals
plus, minus and interesting aspect of the lesson. Students Body – 40 Minutes
will be encouraged to write about their predictions, what  As a class, discuss the items in the ‘mystery box’ which
contains the life cycle of a sunflower’s lifecycle and a Children’s Literature
they saw and the impacts on the environment may have.
 The teacher will take into account those students who have bee. Students will come to the board and place the items
in the order they think they go. Videos:
been extended and enabled while they are completing the

assessment.  Discuss with your partner the key questions provided.

Personal and Social Capability.
 In small groups of 3 students will use their iPads and
science journals to go and observe the flowering plants
and bees, birds or insects in the gardens around the
 Students will then research the flowering plants and Answer Garden
animals they saw in the garden and observe/record their
findings on the template below. Literacy QR Code

Conclusion – 10 Minutes
 The teacher will conclude the lesson by getting students Self-Assessment exit slip
to access an answer garden using the QR code on the
board to answer the exit question. ICT
 Students will complete a self-assessment about the

 To extended students academically the teacher will get
them to draw and explain what they saw using scientific
 The teacher will assist students who need it by
providing prompts and explicit questioning.
SCIENCE FORWARD PLANNING DOCUMENT – Explore (*Please note students will be watering plants over few weeks)
5E’s- EXPLORE (2-3 lessons)
TERM / WEEKS:  To provide hands on, shared experiences of XXXXX TOPIC - Biological Science – Life Cycles of a flowering

3/2 Formative assessment
To support students to investigate and explore ideas about XXXXX
Literacy Numeracy ICT Capability Critical and Creative Ethical Understanding Personal and Social Ethical Understanding
(ACELA1498) Thinking Capability
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander histories and cultures Asia and Australia’s engagement with Asia Sustainability


2 only)
Science Understanding Science as a Science Inquiry OUTCOMES
Human Skills
(ACSSU072) (ACSHE061) ACSIS065) Introduction – 10 Minutes Word wall:
 Students will participate in a word wall. Literacy, Personal and social Seed, Germination, Seedling,
LESSON OBJECTIVES capability Soil, Flower, Life Cycle and
 The teacher will pose the following questions and have a class Observing.
As a result of this lesson, students will be able to:
discussion. →
 Students will work in groups of three to identify the key stages in the Questions:
 Label and order the six stages in the lifecycle of a sunflower. What are the names of some
life cycle of a sunflower by participating in a matching game.
 Plant two sunflower seeds in a sandwich bag and observe the flowering plants you know?
growth every two days.  What are the different parts of
Body – 40 Minutes
 Make at least three predictions on the growth of the seed, in their  The teacher will run through the health and safety that is required for the plant?
science journals.  this lesson. What are the different stages in
 Students will work in groups of 3. They will allocate a team manager, a plant’s life?
ASSESSMENT (FORMATIVE) speaker and director to divide the work.
 The team manager will go to the back of the class and collect Matching Game – resource
 The teacher will conduct a teacher/student’s conference where
everyone’s equipment. below
they will discuss what the students had to do during the
experiment. Students will be encouraged to discuss the lesson  Students will follow the procedure that is inside the bag with all their
Procedure attached below
objectives that were identified at the beginning of the lesson. equipment.
This will give the teacher an indication of what the student has  Individually students will plant 2 sunflower seeds in a sandwich bag.
Equipment per student
learnt from the lesson.   Students are encouraged to write at least 3 predictions in their science
1x Sandwich bag
 For enabling student’s, the teacher will provide them with more journals on the growth of their seeds. Literacy
2x Sunflower seeds
specific prompting questions and images for them to explain.   Once students have identified their predictions the teacher will write 4x Cotton wool
 For students who were extended during the lesson, they will be them on the whiteboard and refer back to them at the end of the unit. 1x Spray bottle
required to discuss their predictions and the effects of different *Pose questions →
environments.   They are required to observe the growth of their seeds every 2 days.
Students will use their iPads and take photos and write a sentence in Questions:
their science journals elaborating what they see. ICT, Literacy, Personal How many days will it take?
and Social Capability.
How much water will it need
Conclusion -10 Minutes and when will it need watered?
 Students will be required to clear their tables and pack up. Where is the best spot to keep
 Students will use the QR code on the board and access a ‘2 Star and a the plants?
Wish’ on the app padlet.
iPads 1x per student
 The teacher will then ask a few students to give a star and a wish before
they leave. ICT, Literacy
Padlet - 2 Stars a wish
QR code
 The teacher will assist students who need extra assistance by providing
basic instructions which contain images to guide students to complete
this task.
 The teacher will extend the students who need to be pushed
academically by getting them to complete an after activity in their
science journals where they will write out at least 3 predictions of what
they think may happen in two different climates.
SCIENCE FORWARD PLANNING DOCUMENT – Explain (*Please not students will be doing daily observations leading up to the
5E’s- EXPLAIN (1 lesson)
TERM / WEEKS:  To support students to develop explanations for experiences and make TOPIC - Biological Science – Life Cycles of a flowering
3/3 Formative assessment
representations of developing conceptual understandings
Literacy Numeracy ICT Capability Critical and Creative Ethical Understanding Personal and Social Ethical Understanding
Thinking Capability
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander histories and cultures Asia and Australia’s engagement with Asia Sustainability


2 only)
Science Understanding Science as a Science Inquiry OUTCOMES
Human Skills
(ACSSU072) Introduction – 10 Minutes Kahoot quiz
 Using iPads students will participate in a Kahoot quiz on Biological
LESSON OBJECTIVES Sciences – life cycles on plants and animals. ICT
 Have a class discussion and create a brainstorm on the interactions Questions
As a result of this lesson, students will be able to: between flowering plants and animals.  What do you know
o Key questions → about this stage?
 Explain three interactions between flowering plants and animals.  What are the names of
 Compare the life cycle of a plant and an animal, explore their Body – 40 Minutes the different parts of
similarities and differences.  Using pictures that were taken during the seedling’s growth students the plant?
 Create and label the lifecycle of a flowering plant and animal, will label and analyse what they see.  What are the different
indicating the stages involved. o (*note* every 2 days students to pictures of their seed and stages in a life cycle?
record observations)  What is similar and
ASSESSMENT (FORMATIVE)  Using iPad’s students will research an animal and make comparisons different between
between its life cycle and that of a plant. plants and animals?
 The teacher will collect and assess the student’s posters using a
checklist. This will show what students have learnt so far and the  The teacher will give the students a list of animals to choose from that
were looked at in lesson 1 e.g. frog, bee, insects, chickens and birds. Think about
areas that still need to be developed. Using the lesson objectives
above the teacher will take these into account ensuring students Students will be encouraged to look at the lifecycle of a chicken also for  The changes you can
understood what was required. their STEM project. see.
 The teacher will take into account those students who have been  Students will gather their information and create a poster to represent  The order things
extended and enabled while they are completing the assessment. their findings. happened.
ICT, Personal and Social Capability, Literacy, Numeracy  Where does the
 Students will present their findings to the class. seedling get nutrients

Conclusion – 10 Minutes
iPads – Canva, Photos, SeeSaw
 Students will complete the third and fourth columns of the TWLH chart
in their science journals. TWLH Chart – attached below
 Once this is completed students will submit it via SeeSaw.
Science Journals
 The teacher will ensure students who need to be extended academically
are provided with a variety of opportunities throughout the lesson to be
 The teacher will also ensure that students who need extra assistance are
provided with prompts and explicit instruction.
SCIENCE FORWARD PLANNING DOCUMENT – Elaborate (*please note this will take 2 lessons)
5E’s- ELABORATE (1-2 lessons)
TERM / WEEKS:  To challenge and extend students’ understandings in a new context or make TOPIC - Biological Science – Life Cycles of a flowering
connections to additional concepts through a student planned investigation
 To use investigative/ inquiry skills plant.
Summative assessment of science inquiry skills

Literacy Numeracy ICT Capability Critical and Creative Ethical Understanding Personal and Social Ethical Understanding
(ACMSP096) (ACTDIP009) Thinking Capability
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander histories and cultures Asia and Australia’s engagement with Asia Sustainability


2 only)
Science Understanding Science as a Science Inquiry OUTCOMES
Human Endeavour Skills
(ACSSU072) (ACSHE062) (ACSIS068) Introduction – 10 Minutes Questions:
 As a class, discuss and create a list of different factors that can affect  What is a variable?
the growth of plants and animals alike.  Can someone provide
 The teacher will introduce and explain the term variables. an example?
 As a class look at the structure of a flowering plant and discuss some  What variables may
key information impact the growth of a
o The teacher will pose key questions to the students. → sunflower?
Body – 40 Minutes  Why do flowers
 Using the template provided students will complete a self-led have coloured
 They will be required to use the observations that have recorded, and
the photos that were taken over time since lesson 2. Literacy, ICT
Variables Worksheet attached
 Students will discuss with a partner the variables that they have
 Using iPad’s students will choose one way to represent their
flowering plant’s growth through either a column graph or table.
ICT, Numeracy, Personal and social capability
Graph paper
 Use pictures that were taken to assist in the explanation of data.
 Students will also explain the different conditions that can affect its
growth e.g. weather.

Conclusion – 10 Minutes
 The teacher will ask students to write on a post-it note 1 thing they
learnt and 1 thing they are still finding challenging.
 Students will put their post-it note on the whiteboard when they have
finished. The teacher will go through a few that were placed on the
board and have a class discussion splitting the post-it notes into Post-it notes.
similar categories.

 For students who need extended academically, they will be required
to write a paragraph outlining what they have observed, and why they
think their predictions are valid.
 Students who need assistance will be provided with teacher
assistance. For their self-led investigation, there will be prompts
(images and keywords) to assist these students to complete their
As a result of this lesson, students will be able to:

 Make at least three predictions about the effect variables can have
on the growth of a flowering plant.
 Represent the collection of data through a graph or table.
 Use scientific language and visual representations to support your

ASSESSMENT (SUMMATIVE – Science Inquiry Skills)

 The teacher will complete a checklist to assess the student’s
knowledge and understanding. Using the lesson objectives above
the teacher will assess and evaluate students content knowledge.
 For students who have been enabled and extended during this
lesson, the teacher will provide modifications to the assessment
piece where possible.
5E’s- EVALUATE (1 lesson)
TERM / WEEKS:  To provide opportunities to review and reflect on their learning about XXXXX and TOPIC - Biological Science – Life Cycles of a flowering
represent what they know about XXXXX
Summative assessment of science understanding e account of students’ existing ideas when planning plant.
learning experiences

Literacy Numeracy ICT Capability Critical and Creative Ethical Understanding Personal and Social Ethical Understanding
Thinking Capability
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander histories and cultures Asia and Australia’s engagement with Asia Sustainability


2 only)
Science Understanding Science as a Science Inquiry OUTCOMES
Human Skills
(ACSSU072) (ACSIS071) Introduction – 10 Minutes Science Journal
 Revisit the previous lessons by completing the last two sections of the
TWLH chart and word wall. TWLH Chart from previous
 Have a class discussion about the what the students wrote down re- lesson.
visiting the word wall. The teacher will write any new information or
concerns on the board. Word Wall

Body – 40 Minutes
 The teacher will split the class into groups of 3 where students will PowerPoint
work collaboratively together to plan, research and deliver a 5-minute
oral presentation on everything they have learnt about life cycles. iPads
Students are to keep in mind how their research and information may
assist in their design brief. ICT, Literacy, Personal and Social
Capability Children’s Literature
 Students will need to consider the following:
o Discuss the stages of the lifecycle, use images to assist you.
o Present factual information to support your presentation.
o Discuss the environmental impacts that may affect growth.
o Discuss the important factors of the structure.
o Incorporate ideas about your design brief ‘The Chicken Inn’
 Students will be assessed on their oral presentation.

Conclusion – 10 Minutes
 The teacher will ask the students to complete an exit slip/reflection in
their science journals. Literacy
o How have your ideas changed throughout the unit?
o What is something new you have learnt?
o What activity did you enjoy and learn the most from?
o What activity was most challenging?
o What is something you still have questions about?

 Students who need to be extended academically will be required to
show their understanding of the content knowledge, through presenting
higher quality information which contains graphs, tables and images.
They will be encouraged to use children’s literature.
 Students who need assistance and to be enabled academically will be
required to present a 3-minute presentation that contains important
information. They will have teacher assistance.
As a result of this lesson, students will be able to:

 Plan, research and deliver a 5-minute oral presentation on life

 Describe at least 3 patterns and relationships between plants and
 Use correct scientific terms and vocabulary.

ASSESSMENT (SUMMATIVE – Science Understanding)

 Students will be required to give an oral presentation. The teacher
will use a marking rubric to assess the students’ knowledge and
 The teacher will take into account those students who were
extended and enabled throughout the lesson, assessing them
accordingly using the lesson objectives above.

Curriculum and Standards Authority. (2016). Science (Version 8.1).


Primary Connections: Linking Science with Literacy, & Australian Academy of Science. (2006). Friends or foes? (Rev.ed.). Canberra: Australian Academy of

Primary Connections: Linking Science with Literacy, & Australian Academy of Science. (2006). Plants in action (Rev. ed.). Canberra: Australian Academy of

Skamp, K., & Preston, C. M. (2017). Teaching primary science constructively (6th ed.). South Melbourne, Vic; South Melbourne;: Cengage Learning Australia.

TWLH Chart – (Lesson 1 and 3)

Life Cycles

NAME: __________________________

What we think we know. What we want to learn. What we learned How we know
(What are our claims?) (What is our evidence?)
Mystery Box/Matching Game – (Lesson 1 and 2)

 Sunflower
Seed Germinated Seed Sprout Bud Flowering Plant Adult Plant
Sunflower seeds have The seed detects the After 1 week a shoot A seedling will The plant stem will This stage is where the
black and white pill of gravity and will sprout out of the continue to grow until grow taller and wider. sunflower is in bloom.
stripes. When the responds by sending soil, reaching towards a bud will appear. The bud will begin to
seeds are planted in its root down (with the sun. Once the open, and the plant
the ground or they fall gravity) and its shoot shoots appear the becomes more mature.
from the head and up (against gravity). leaves will slowly
settle they can begin to After a open and continue to
grow. grow.

 Bee
Egg Larva (day 6) Larva (day10) Puppa (day 14) Puppa (day 18) Adult

One egg is laid into the cell After 4 days the egg The larva will grow, and it Inside the sealed egg cell, This phase is where the The young adult bee will
of honeycomb. hatches into larva. It looks will moult (shred skin) the larva begins to spin a larva develops into a bee, emerge from the egg cell by
like a small white grub with several times. After 6 days cocoon. with wings, legs, head, chewing its way through
no legs. the egg cell is covered in thorax and abdomen. the wax.
wax by worker bees.
Word Wall- Sunflower (Lesson 2)

Images Stages
Seed – Warmth, air and moisture start the process of seed germination.

Germinated Seed – The seed detects the pill of gravity and responds by
sending its root down (with gravity) and its shoot up (against gravity).

Seed with first root and first shoot – After it has leaves and roots, the
plant can make its own food and is no longer dependent on the food
supply from the seed.


Flowering Plant – The plant matures and forms flowers which can
contain its reproductive organs – stamens producing pollen and pistils
producing ovules.

Fruiting Plant – Pollination is the transfer of pollen from an anther to a

stigma. Insects, birds and wind can carry pollen from plant to plant. After
pollination, flowers transform into fruits with seeds inside.
Observation Work Sheet – (Lesson 3)
Garden Walk Observation Work Sheet
Name: ___________________________ Date: _____________________

Photos of Plant: Pressed Plant Sample: Drawing/Labelling of parts:

Common Name: Indigenous Name if applicable: Environment best suited:

Scientific Name: Common Use: Description:

Procedure for Planting a Sunflower Seed (Lesson 2)
Investigation Template – (Lesson 4)

Graph Paper for recording data

Observation Recording Sheet for Sunflower Seeds
(Used every 2 days after the seed has been planted)

Name: _____________________ Date: ______________________

Dry Bean Day - 1 Day – 3 Day - 5 Day 7







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