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One Message from the chief executive January 2011

Committed to change and improvement

Dear colleague,

The months between December and March we have fallen behind schedule against our
are typically the busiest for the NHS and, CRPs and our collective focus must be on
so far, this winter period has proved no the final two months of this financial year.
exception. Seasonal `flu and Norovirus
have combined with the severe weather For the trust our New Year’s resolution for
conditions to put the NHS across the 2011 must be: Deliver our CRPs, become
country under intense pressure. a FT and provide improved facilities for
patients . I appreciate that there are still
I am proud of the way in which our staff some staff who question the value of FT
have risen to the challenges of winter status but the fact is that by 2013 all NHS
sickness, bed shortages, severe snowfall trusts in England must become FTs.
and high levels of emergency activity.
The likelihood is that these pressures will If St George’s Healthcare does not become
continue for the next few weeks and it a FT then our ability to remain in control
is important that we remain resolute. I of our own affairs will be in doubt. Such a
thank you for your continued support and scenario will have a significant impact on
commitment. the range of specialist services we provide
to patients and could result in the trust
The pressures currently being felt by the being taken over by an existing FT.
NHS are not just as a result of the winter
weather. The government has set out its The planning for the 2011/12 CRP’s is
plans to reform the NHS in the Health and well underway and will be overseen by a
Social Care Bill which was published on 19th monitoring group which I will chair. Eight
January. GPs in England will be given more workstreams will be lead by directors who
responsibility for spending the NHS budget are accountable to the trust board for the
while hospitals are to be set free from effective delivery of these projects. Each of
central control with an independent board the workstreams is made up of many costs
overseeing services. reduction projects.

These reforms are some of the most Workstream Lead(Director)

radical in the history of the NHS and,
1. Managing clinical Mike Bailey, medical
have provided fuel for lively debate and variance director
2. Community inte- Di Caulfield-Stoker,
gration divisional chair of
Our values For St George’s Healthcare our aim of community services
becoming a foundation trust (FT) is Wandsworth
absolutely crucial in terms of securing our 3. Corporate services Peter Jenkinson, trust
long-term future. Attached to November secretary
pay slips was a letter outlining the progress
4. Partnerships and Trudi Kemp, director
made during 2010 and our plans to recruit Alliances of strategy
staff as FT members during February 2011.
5. iClip Patrick Mitchell, chief
If you missed the letter it can still be viewed operating officer
via the intranet.
6. Procurement Neal Deans, director
of estates and facili-
Managing cost, driving quality ties
Becoming a FT means meeting our cost
7. Directorates Patrick Mitchell, chief
reduction programme (CRP) for 2010/11 operating officer
while continuing to drive up quality. FT
8. Workforce Annette Gately,
status will also be crucial as we look to fund interim director of hu-
our building programme. As things stand man resources
Part of the work to address the financial to dictate it for us. 2010 has seen the trust
challenges faced by the trust will involve continue to work towards improving the
changes to established ways of working. care it provides to patients. Integration with
Flexibility will be key and I would like to CSW, which took place in October, is just
express my thanks to staff from theatres, one example of our ongoing commitment
radiography and portering who have all to change and improvement.
recently signed-up to change. The roll-out
of electronic staff rostering and review of Towards the end of 2010 I toured CSW to
corporate services, post integration with see for myself the many services that are
community services Wandsworth (CSW), provided from key sites, including Queen
will also bring about changes which in turn Mary’s Hospital, the Sure Start centre in
will help to drive down costs. Roehampton and St John’s Therapy Centre
in Battersea. I was impressed by what I
From April 2011 our cost reduction target saw and the expertise and dedication of
will be at least £40 million which represents staff was clear. Patients were also keen to
about seven per cent of turnover. We have talk about the high standard of care they
never before delivered that amount in cost receive. In terms of integration, the real
reductions. In the past we have been able work has just begun and we must look to
to rely on increasing our income in order to drive through the changes that will deliver
cover the shortfall in cost savings. However, improved patient care pathways.
the levels of additional income that we
have benefited from are no longer available. The trust values of excellent, kind,
responsible and respectful, launched in
The effort required to achieve these new the summer, are further evidence of our
levels of savings will have an impact on commitment to change. I am aware that
every member of staff and mean changing many staff already embrace the values
the way that we work. There will certainly but we must work to ensure that they are
be an impact on jobs which we will seek reflected throughout the organisation and
to minimise by managing the recruitment become part of what we do each and every
of new staff and reducing our agency day.
spend. However, I cannot make any
guarantees and there may well be a need With this in mind, I am delighted to
for compulsory job losses but everything announce that in 2011 we will be
possible will be done to keep these to a launching staff ‘values’ awards sponsored
minimum. I will be in a position to share by St George’s Hospital Charity. These
more information with staff in April when new awards will help us celebrate the
we have finalised our negotiations with work of colleagues across the trust and
commissioners. demonstrate how the organisations values
help us to deliver better patient care. Look
Clearly by meeting our targets and out for more information in eG and the
improving quality then we can reduce the February issue of the gazette.
level of risk but we all need to be on top
of our game or face significant financial
penalties. For instance, the failure of some
Our values
Our values clinical areas to produce timely discharge
summaries means we have lost £100,000
worth of income in 2010/11.

Committed to change
The publication of the Health and Social David Astley
Care Bill brings the demands that the NHS Chief executive
will face over the coming years sharply in
to focus. For St George’s Healthcare the
challenge remains to maintain and improve
quality, keep strong financial control and
improve outcomes for our patients.

I am extremely proud of all that we achieve

as a trust, which makes it all the more
important that we maintain control of
our own future and do not allow others

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