Performance Management - FDD

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A member firm of

1 OVERVIEW............................................................................................................................................... 3
1.1 INTEGRATION DIAGRAM................................................................................................................................4
2 MASTER DATA......................................................................................................................................... 5
2.1 COMPETENCY REQUIREMENT..........................................................................................................................5
2.2 APPRAISAL TEMPLATE...................................................................................................................................6
2.3 COMPETENCE TEMPLATE...............................................................................................................................6
2.4 OBJECTIVE TEMPLATE....................................................................................................................................6
2.5 OBJECTIVE LIBRARY.......................................................................................................................................6
2.6 OBJECTIVE ELIGIBILITY PROFILE.......................................................................................................................7
3 HIGH LEVEL PROCESS OVERVIEW............................................................................................................. 8
4 PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT CYCLE..................................................................................................... 9
4.1 OVERVIEW..................................................................................................................................................9
4.2 PRE PMP PROCESS CONTROL CHECK.............................................................................................................10
4.3 DEFINE AND PUBLISH PMP..........................................................................................................................11
4.4 AMENDMENTS IN PUBLISH PMP...................................................................................................................12
4.5 OBJECTIVE SETTING AND TRACKING...............................................................................................................13
4.6 TENTATIVE RATINGS AND BELL CURVE MAPPING.............................................................................................15
4.7 APPRAISAL MANAGEMENT...........................................................................................................................16
5 GAPS..................................................................................................................................................... 17
6 AUTHORIZATION MATRIX...................................................................................................................... 18
7 REPORTS................................................................................................................................................ 20
7.1 STANDARD REPORTS...................................................................................................................................20
7.2 CUSTOM REPORTS......................................................................................................................................20
7.3 BUSINESS INTELLIGENCE REPORTS..................................................................................................................20

1 Overview
Oracle Performance Management (OPM) provides an integrated set of Performance Management functions that
encompass objective setting and management (known as Workforce Performance Management) appraisals, and
questionnaire administration

Following benefits well be derived by CLIENT after implementing Performance Management module

 Define objectives and track them throughout the year

 Allocate objectives to individuals based on their role
 Evaluate an individual's competencies and progress on objectives at a point in time
 Enable feedback on an individual's performance by multiple participants
 Monitor the progress of performance evaluation within the Client domain

Oracle Performance Management Automates following four major areas;

 Publish Performance Management Plan (PMP) Scorecard

 Amendments in Published PMP
 Objective Setting & Tracking
 Appraisal Management

Publish PMP Scorecard

Performance Management Plan function incorporate the setting, tracking and assessment of objectives throughout a
performance management period. When performance management plan is published, it automatically generates a
personal Scorecard of objectives of each appraise. Notification will be sent to every member of a plan that annual
objective setting period has started.

Amendments in Published PMP

Amendments can be done in Published PMP regarding different scenarios i.e. new joiners, transfer cases, terminated
employees or change in Objective eligibility. After amendments individual’s scorecard will be refreshed with required

Objective Setting & Tracking

Administrator will manage the reusable objective library which will be used by the managers to cascade objectives
within the hierarchy. Eligibility criteria will be attached for the automatic allocation of objectives to every manager
which can be change on annual bases depends on the CLIENT needs and requirements
At any time during the performance management period, employees can record progress against the objectives in
their personal scorecards. Managers of CLIENT can review the progress of their subordinates' objectives at any time
online in the system using "View and track objective progress" functionality

Appraisal Management
Annual Appraisal will automatically be initiated on a defined date in performance management plan and notification
to every Appraise will be sent automatically which will inform them about the annual appraisal activity. Once the
Appraisal activity starts managers evaluate their subordinates on their defined objectives which were cascaded along
the hierarchy to achieve CLIENT goals. Final ratings will be given by the managers on objectives on behalf of that
automatic scores will be calculated by the system.


1.1 Integration Diagram

Oracle Performance Management Integration Overview

Succession Planning & Talent Management

Identification of TNA Courses
Oracle Learning Management

Oracle Performance

HR Analytics
HR Structure
(Position, Jobs, Competencies) Supervisors & Appraise

Oracle Core HRMS


2 Master Data


Competence Objective
Template Template

Eligibility Profile

Performance Management Plan (PMP)


Employee Scorecard
Eligibility Profile


2.1 Competency Requirement

In Oracle HRMS, a competence requirement links the competencies to appropriate level of work structures to
achieve the business objectives of an organization. Competencies can be attached to the following:

 Business Group;
 Organization;
 Job;
 Position

Though CLIENT is not managing competencies currently, competency requirement will be helpful for CLIENT
in the following scenarios

 Annual Appraisal
 In OLM, competencies will be mapped with courses to identify the need of training requirements
 Identify training requirements and create training that delivers new or more advanced competencies
 For Talent Management & Succession Planning, competencies will be required to find a suitable successor


2.2 Appraisal Template

Appraisal templates will be used to link the Competence template, Objective template & Questionnaire
template to the appraisal for assessing the competencies, calculating objective scores through formula &
questionnaire for adding questions for manager or employee to be asked during appraisal. PM administrator
will select the following information for creating appraisal template in the system:
 Name and description for the appraisal template
 Start and End dates for the appraisal template
 Instructions to be displayed to the assessor or approver
 The questionnaire which the assessor or approver are required to be filled for the employee
 Performance rating scale, to assign score to the competencies of the employees being assessed
 Objective template to be include as part of the appraisal and
 Competence template to include as part of the appraisal

After defining the appraisal templates, the PM administrator will be able to appraise employee online in the

2.3 Competence Template

Competence template will be used for the purpose of employee assessment using competencies; the
competence template will be defined and maintained in the system. Through this template CLIENT will then
be able to use competences during appraisal. PM administrator will enter the following information
 Name and description for the competence template
 Instructions to be displayed to the assessor or approver
 Start and End dates for the competence template
 Type of rating scales to be used in competence template, i.e. Performance

2.4 Objective Template

In Performance Management process objective template will be used for the purpose of determining
calculating formula of overall weightages score for an employee appraisal. Once define objective template is
attached with the appraisal template which is then linked to the Performance Management Plan (PMP). PM
administrator will define following information while creating objective template
 Name and description for the objective template
 Instructions to be displayed to the assessor or approver
 Start and End dates for the objective template
 Type of rating scales to be used in objective template, i.e. Performance
 The method for calculating the total score i.e. by sum or average total

2.5 Objective Library

PM Administrator can create a library of objectives for these targets are to be decided by CLIENT. This
approach will help the managers and employees to search this library for objectives and copy them to their
personal scorecards.


2.6 Objective Eligibility Profile

Eligibility Profile functioning will be used for automatic allocation of objectives on a define criteria. This
functionality will ensure that some or all objectives are automatically allocated to certain group (Position,
Department, and Job) of employee.


3 High Level Process Overview

Manual process Control

Module Performance Management System process Decision

Process Overview Link Manual Control

Documentation Level 3
Manual Document System
Process owner(s) Human Resource and Learning Group Document

Process Flow
Flow Process
Process Narrative
This process flow describes actual activity of Performance Appraisal perform in BALF on annual
Start bases. This process reflects the system integration and how data will flow throughout the hierarchy

3.1 Define & Publish PMP

Plan is define to identify the audience (employee) that will be part of the Performance Manager
PM Administrator process and various parameters that will govern this process. At Client, a separate PMP will be
define by the administrator on annual bases. Once the Plan is publish, automatic scorecards will be
generated in the system for each employee that is part of plan population.
Define & Publish PMP

3.2 Objective Setting & Tracking

3.1 During Objective Setting, manager update the employees personal scorecard by adding, updating or
removing objectives. The process of objective setting will continue until the finalization of employee
objectives on periodic bases, employee will have the option to record progress against each
objective. Supervisor will have the option to view the progress of employee objectives.
3.3 Tentative Rating & Bell Curve Mapping
This process will remain manual outside Performance Management System. In this process Group
Objective setting &
Heads receive tentative rating from Business. Sr. Manager Performance Team will do challenge
process with Group Heads and adjust the tentative ratings according to Bell Curve. If rating revise
Group Heads will inform Business who will then share these with the relevant Manager/Supervisors.

3.4 Appraisal Management

After finalization of performance rating based on bell curve, manager/supervisor will conduct
employee appraisal and update that rating after scoring employee objectives. This rating will be
Head HR Finance & Sr.
shared with the employee for his feed back and will automatically be available for finalization of
increments and bonuses.
Tentative Rating & Bell
Curve Mapping



Appraisal Management



4 Performance Management Cycle
4.1 Overview
Module Performance Management
Process Performance Managment Overiew
Documentation Level 4 Manual process Decision

Process owner(s) Human Resource & Learning Group System process

Departments Process Flow – Performance Management Process Overview

PM Administrator will manage

Competency, Objective & PM Administrator will create
Appraisal Templates & will attach Objective Library
Administrator them to PMP Plan

Management PM Administrator will define the
Plan (PMP) PMP Plan for specific time period Administrator will publish PMP Auto-allocation of Objectives
and will define the objective Plan through eligibility criteria from
setting, Appraisal timelines objective library

Appraise personal Manager cascades Automatic appraisal will be

Final Ratings will be given Manager will review & update
scorecard will be created objectives throughout Not Agree initiated on the date given in
by Manager objectives progress
for all eligible employees the hierarchy update requested PMP Plan
Appraise will update his
Objectives in scorecard will be
Transfer Scorecard to progress of objectives time to
Agree finalized
appraise time

Learning & HR
Bell Curve Mapping & Receive tentative ratings
Performance Revise rating on Bell Curve
Change in ratings from business

Challenge Process between

Compile final ratings of Business Group Heads & HR Tentative rating received from
Business Group Employee to Manager Performance Management Manager

4.2 Pre PMP Process Control Check
Manual process Control
Module Performance Management
System process Decision
Process Process Flow
Documentation Level 4 Link Manual Control

Process owner(s) Human Resource and Learning Group Manual Document System

Process Flow
Flow Process
Process Narrative
Performance Management team and Talent & OD team can review and update the
Talent & OD competencies and eligibility criteria according to their changing requirements before
initiating Annual Performance Process
Competence Review Manual Review
Review Competencies &
of existing 4.1 Review Competencies
Competence Requirement
competence Talent & OD department will review the competencies through a system generated report,
before initiation of Annual Performance Management Cycle. There competence will be
approved during Annual Appraisal Cycle and will be used as input for Talent Management
and Succession Planning process.

PM Administrator 4.2 Update Competencies

After review from talent department, PM Administrator will update competencies
Update competence Competency requirements based on
Competence requirement in oracle
Competence · Position;
· Job;
· Organization

4.3 Review Objective Library & Eligibility Profile

PM Administrator PM Administrator will run this report to check the objectives in objective library & eligibility
Manual review profile on which objectives are automatically added on appraise scorecard.
Review Objective Library & of objective
Eligibility Profile library & 4.4. Update Objective Library & Eligibility Profile
Eligibility Profile eligibility
PM Administrator will update Objectives in Objective Library and will define Eligibility
4.3 criteria through which objectives can be added automatically in appraise scorecard and
they can also be added manually by the Manager.

PM Administrator

Update objective library & Objective

Eligibility Profile
Eligibility Profile


4.3 Define and Publish PMP
Performance Management Legend:
Manual process Control
Process Define & Publish PMP
System process Decision
Documentation Level 4.1
Link Manual Control
Process owner(s) Human Resource and Learning Group
Manual Document System

Process Flow
Flow Process
Process Narrative
This process flow describes administration of Performance Management Plan (PMP) which will be
performed by the Performance Management administrator at BALF on Periodic bases.
Eligibility Profile
4.1.1 Define PMP Header
Performance Management Plan (PMP) will be define at Client on annual bases. During the creation of
PM Administrator PM Administrator plan, Administrator enter following information on PMP header
Start Define PMP header on Attach Eligibility Profile for · Plan Name
annual bases PMP members · Plan Start Date
4.1.1 4.1.2 · Plan End Date

4.1.2 Eligibility Profile

Under eligibility profile administrator will define eligibility criteria which is required at Client. Eligibility
profile will be define to include on those employees/contingent workers that have join Client on or
Appraisal Template
before 15th July of previous year.

PM Administrator PM Administrator PM Administrator 4.1.3 Objective Setting Review

In the objective setting region, Plan Administrator will enter following information
Administrator views
summary of task to be
Define appraisal template Will specify objective · Objective Setting time period allowed (Start Date / End Date)
parameters setting parameters
done against PMP Plan · Option to objective setting beyond the objective setting time period
4.1.5 4.1.4 4.1.3 · Allow cascading of objectives by manager

4.1.4 Appraisal Template Parameters

System will not allow While setting up the plan, administrator will attach Appraisal template which contains competency
objectives setting template & objective template to be used for appraisal purpose. Administrator will also define the
PMP Scorecard
beyond this duration
timelines for the appraisal on which appraisal will automatically be initiated for employees.

4.1.5 Summary of PMP Plan

PM Administrator PM Administrator PM Administrator
At the end, before publishing the PMP Plan, system will provide the summary of the plan which shows
Publish PMP
Automatic creation of Automatic appraisal the task list of managers and employees.
scorecard for employee created

4.1.6 4.1.7 4.1.8

4.1.6 Publishing PMP
Administrator will Publish PMP and auto generates the notifications to Plan Members that their
scorecards are generated

4.1.7 Automatic Creation of Scorecards

Notification will be send Scorecard only for Notification will be send
employees who are
System will generate scorecards of each employee who is member of the Plan & will attach objectives
to all plan members to all plan members
eligibile automatically to their scorecard.

4.1.8 Automatic Appraisal

Appraisal will be automatically initiated on the given date which administrator have defined while
defining PMP

4.4 Amendments in Publish PMP

Module Performance Management Legend:

Manual process Control
Process Amendments in Published PMP Plan
Documentation Level 4.2.2 System process Decision

Process owner(s) Human Resource and Learning Group Link Manual Control

Manual Document System


Process Flow
Flow Narratives

4.2.1 Employee Transfer

PM Administrator will Rebuild Supervisory Hierarchy and re-
publish the PMP Plan so that system will automatically update
the Supervisor changed during transfer of employees
Change in Objective
Employee Transfer Terminated Employees
Eligibility 4.2.2 Re-open Scorecard
PM Administrator will reopen the scorecard so the manager of
an employee will be able to change objectives accordingly.

4.2.3 Terminated Employees

PM Administrator will remove scorecard of Terminated
Employees who were the part of already Published PMP Plan

Administrator Administrator Administrator 4.2.4 Change in Objectives

Administrator will Will run process
PM Administrator will refresh scorecard so that system will
Administrator will automatically update the objective eligibility criteria.
Rebuild Supervisory automatically refresh
remove scorecard for
Hierarchy and republish scorecards based on
Terminated Employees
the plan Eligibility

4.2.1 4.2.3 4.2.4


Administrator will
reopen scorecard of an


Refer to objective section

4.5 Objective Setting and Tracking
Module Performance Management Legend:
Manual process Control
Process Objective Setting & Tracking
Documentation Level 4.2 System process Decision

Process owner(s) Human Resource and Learning Group Link Manual Control

Manual Document System


Process Flow
Flow Process
Process Narrative
Managers & Employee can do objective setting and can track employees progress on objectives.
4.2.1 Employee Auto-created Scorecard
After publishing of Performance Management Plan by the administrator, automatic created
scorecards will be generated for all employees that are part of Plan population. Employee will have
Employee the option to review his/her scorecard.
Employee will review the 4.2.2 Automatic Allocation of Objectives
through Self-
automatic created
Service Through eligibility profile automatic allocation of objectives will be done for those employees in
scorecard through SSHR
Scorecard respect of which objectives will be predefined based on eligibility profile.
4.2.3 Employee Scorecard Objective Cascading
Managers will have the option to cascade objectives to employees from their own objectives. He can
cascade one or more objectives to a single or multiple subordinates in the system.

Is employee 4.2.4 Employee add objectives from objective library

eligible for Every employee who is part of PMP Plan can add more objectives other then cascaded objectives to
mandatory No
his or her scorecard for review by Manager

4.2.5 Employee cascade objectives to one or more employees

Employee can cascade his objectives to his sub-ordinates. Scorecard of every subordinate will be
updated accordingly
4.2.6 Employee will complete his objective setting
Automatic allocation of Have objective Employee will complete his objective setting to be reviewed by the manager. Notification will
required objective from been cascaded automatically send to manager intimating him regarding the completion of employee objectives.
objective eligibility profile by Manager
Eligibility Profile



Employee cannot Automatic cascading of Yes

delete cascaded manager objective on
objectives employee scorecard




Employee will add

additional objectives if
Scorecard required


Is objective
required for
empolyees at
lower level?



Employee cascade No
objective to one or more
sub ordinates


Employee cannot
amend scorecard once
Notification will be ownership is
Employee will complete his
sent to Manager transferred to
objective setting


Module Performance Management Legend:
Manual process Control
Process Objective Setting & Tracking
Documentation Level 4.2 System process Decision

Process owner(s) Human Resource and Learning Group Link Manual Control

Manual Document System


Process Flow
Flow Process
Process Narrative
4.2.7. Manager Self-Service Option
A Manager can view or update the scorecard sub-ordinate. Employees cannot change their scorecard
during the review of their scorecard by the manager.

4.2.8. Manager will update the employee scorecard as per requirement

Manager Managers can update or override the scorecard of their subordinates as fellow
Employee cannot Manager will review · Add Objective
make change to his scorecard of his/her · Change Target
score card during subordinates through self -
managers review service functionality · Delete Objective
· Change Objective weightage

4.2.9 Employee will have a right to change his scorecard

Employees can add or update their scorecard accordingly.
Is employee
scorecard need 4.2.10 Employee can view his scorecard
to be updated?
Time to time employee can view his/her scorecard

Yes 4.2.11 Employee will update the progress

Manager Employee will update the progress of his objectives on periodic basis

Manager will update the No 4.2.12 Manager will review employee progress
employee scorecard as per Manager will review employee progress of each employee on periodic basis
Scorecard update

Resubmit 4.2.8

Will manager allow

further changes in the No
scorecard by employee

Employee Employee

Employee will have the Employee will have the

right to change his/her option to view his
scorecard scorecard

4.2.9 4.2.10


Employee will update the

progress of his objectives
Objectives on periodic basis



Manager will review

employee progress of each
employee on periodic basis Scorecard


4.6 Tentative Ratings and Bell Curve Mapping
Module Performance Management Legend:
Manual process Control
Process Tentative Ratings
Documentation Level 4.5 System process Decision

Process owner(s) Human Resource and Learning Group Link Manual Control

Manual Document System


Process Flow
Flow Process
Process Narrative
4.1 Supervisor will give tentative ratings
Managers Branch Manager Area Manager Before starting of Appraisal process supervisor will give tentative ratings to employees
Managers will give outside system
Branch Manager will share Area Manager will share
tentative ratings to
tentative ratings to Area tentative ratings to
Employees on bases of his
Manager Regional Manager
4.2 Branch Managers
Annual Performance Supervisor will share tentative ratings with their Branch Managers
4.1 4.2 4.3
4.3 Area Manager
Branch Managers of every branch will share tentative ratings with their Area Managers

4.4 Regional Manager

Regional Manager will compile rating to different area’s & share with Business Group Heads
HR Department PM Team Business Group Heads Regional Manager

Group Heads will share Regional Manager will 4.5 Business Group Heads
Performance team will do tentative ratings with HR share tentative ratings to
Mapping on Bell Curve Department Performance Group Head Business
Group Heads will share ratings with HR Department Performance Team
Team Division
4.6 HR Department Performance Team
4.6 4.5 4.4
HR Department Performance Team will conduct Bell Curve analysis on tentative ratings for
all employees

4.7 Challenge Process

PM Team & Group Heads PM Team Challenge Process between the Performance Management Team & Group Heads will be
done if tentative ratings are not inline with Bell Curve will be revised in order to maintain a
Challenge Process
skewness of Bell Curve
between Performance Revise ratings will be If tentative rating
Team & Business Group mapped on Bell Curve revise
Heads 4.8 Revise Ratings
4.7 4.8
Revise ratings will be mapped on Bell Curve by PM Team and shared with Group Head as
Final Ratings
4.9 Share revise ratings will Managers
Business Group Relevant Group will share the Final ratings with Branch Managers

Business Group Head will

share ratings with Branch



4.7 Appraisal Management
Module Performance Management Legend:
Manual process Control
Process Appraisal Management
Documentation Level 4.3 System process Decision

Process owner(s) Human Resource and Learning Group Link Manual Control

Manual Document System


Process Flow
Flow Process
Process Narrative
Performance Management
4.3.1 Appraisal Management
Appraisal Plan will be After receiving revised rating relevant supervisor in each department will initiate
Start Initiated as per PMP appraisal of respective employee in Oracle SSHR based on appraisal templates
process Performance Rating defined in the system
4.3.2 Manager will Appraisal of their sub-ordinates
Manager will appraise their subordinates on behalf of objectives assigned to them
in the scorecard

Manager will start 4.3.3 Manager will give ratings against Objectives
Appraisal of their Manager will give ratings against each objectives based on the completion
subordinates Appraisal percentage. System will automatically calculate the scores on the basis of rating
and weightage
4.3.4 Training Need
Managers will identify training needs on he bases of employees performance. If
Manager training is required they will enroll the appraise in the required course. Training
Needs identified will be used for Training Need Analysis by Learning &
Manager will give ratings Development department
against objectives
4.3.5 Manager will give potential/readiness level
4.3.3 Before giving final ratings managers will also give the potential or readiness level of
an appraise that will be used in Talent & Succession Planning

4.3.6 Final Ratings given by Manager

Manager will give final ratings on overall performance of an employee and will
If training needs send for approval. This rating will be same as was communicated by Group after
identified HR Challenge Process

4.3.7 Final Rating share with Employee

Yes Supervisor will approve the final rating shared with employee

Manager 4.3.8 Employee will review his Appraisal

After final ratings given by Manager, employee will review his appraisal
Manager will enroll Learning need
employee in the respective analysis
Learning Course program 4.3.9 Disagreement
If appraise disagrees with his/her revise ratings he/she has a right to go the
4.3.4 supervisor directly for scrutiny of his ratings

4.3.10 Supervisor will give final ratings
Supervisor will give appraise final ratings which will be stored in the system

Manager will give Potential/

Readiness Level



Final ratings will be given

Performance Rating



Final rating share with

Employee Employees ratings will
be updated in the


Employee will review his If Appraise

appraisal disagree


Manager Employee

Supervisor will give the final If Appraise disagree he/she

End can go to supervisor

4.3.10 4.3.9


5 Gaps
Gaps Mapping

1 While making objectives in objective library No standard solution available
percentage of objectives is exceeding from 100
2 System cannot automatically calculate the No standard solution available
score on the bases of Completion percentage
and Achieve value in quantitative objectives

6 Authorization Matrix

ManagerTalent & OD Sr.

Regional Manager etc.

Business Group Heads

HR Administrator

Sr. Manager/PM

Area Manager


PM Team
Pre PMP Control Check
Review Competencies         
Competencies     
Update Objective     
Review & Update competencies and Eligibility Profile 
Publish PMP Plan     

Define & Publish PMP Plan

Define PMP       
Define Eligibility Profile       
Objective Setting Parameters       
Publishing PMP Plan      

Amendments in Publish PMP

Rebuild Supervisory Hierarchy 

Reopen Scorecard 

Remove Scorecard   
Refresh Scorecard   

Objective Setting and Tracking

Employee review scorecard      
Cascading of Objectives     
Employee add objectives from Objective Library     
Manager will review employee scorecard   
Manager will update employee scorecard 
Employee will update progress 
Manager will review employees progress periodically 

Tentative Rating & Bell Curve Mapping

Managers will sent tentative ratings to Branch Manager 

Branch Manager will sent tentative ratings to Area Manager 
Area Manager will sent tentative ratings to Regional Manager 
Regional Manager will share rating to Business Group Heads 
Bell Curve Mapping  
Challenge Process  
Manager will share revise ratings with employee  

Appraisal Management

Appraisal Initiated 
Manager will give ratings against objectives 
Training Needs Identification   
Appraisal Review 

ManagerTalent & OD Sr.

HR Administrator

Sr. Manager/PM

Div. Head/DGM

Unit Head/SM


Dep. Head

PM Team
Pre PMP Control Check
Review Competencies         
Competencies     
Update Objective     
Review & Update competencies and Eligibility Profile 
Publish PMP Plan     

Define & Publish PMP Plan

Define PMP       
Define Eligibility Profile       
Objective Setting Parameters       
Publishing PMP Plan      

Amendments in Publish PMP

Rebuild Supervisory Hierarchy 

Reopen Scorecard 
Remove Scorecard   
Refresh Scorecard   

Objective Setting and Tracking
Employee review scorecard      
Cascading of Objectives     
Employee add objectives from Objective Library     
Manager will review employee scorecard   
Manager will update employee scorecard 
Employee will update progress 
Manager will review employees progress periodically 

Tentative Rating & Bell Curve Mapping

Managers will sent tentative ratings to Branch Manager 

Branch Manager will sent tentative ratings to Area Manager 
Area Manager will sent tentative ratings to Regional Manager 
Regional Manager will share rating to Business Group Heads 
Bell Curve Mapping  
Challenge Process  
Manager will share revise ratings with employee  

Appraisal Management

Appraisal Initiated 
Manager will give ratings against objectives 
Training Needs Identification   
Appraisal Review 

7 Reports

7.1 Standard Reports

Report Name Description
1 Appraisal Summary Will give the summary of all appraisals

7.2 Custom Reports

Report Name Description
1 Review of existing competences It will fetch the existing competences from system
2 Manual review of Objective It will fetch objectives and eligibility criteria
Library & Eligibility

7.3 Business Intelligence Reports

Report Name Description
1 Employee Performance Review It will give the overall performance review of an employee
2 Employee Last 3-Year Trends It will give the last 3 years ratings of an individual employee
Employee Performance by
3 How supervisor rates the employee in last 3 years
Employee performance by It will provide the performance distribution by job, location, and length
4 organization of service
Show Supervisors performance
5 Supervisor Performance Trend


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