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Biology Investigation: Life in the Pond

Name: _____________________ Date: ____________

Science Inquiry Skills Limited Satisfactory Good Outstanding

Investigation question Posed a simple Posed a basic question Posed an investigation Poses an investigation
and predictions question without linked to pond context question linked to pond question linked to pond
considering (e.g. What kinds of context and data context, considers data
investigation context animals live at the local collection (e.g. How many collection and animal
(e.g. What animals will pond?) different animals live at classification (e.g.
I find?) the local pond?) Which animal
classification is the
most common at the
local pond?)
Equipment and steps Lists only basic Lists most of the Lists all equipment Lists all equipment
equipment and steps equipment needed and needed and writes steps needed and writes
are brief/one-worded states main steps in full sentences, stepe in full sentences,
considering most considering all
elements of the elements of the
investigation investigation

Collecting data Unable to use tallying Uses tallying to Uses tallying to Uses tallying to record
to accurately record accurately record one accurately record three or three or more living
number of living things or two living things more living things things sorted by their
Working Unable to work Works with group Works with group Works well with group
collaboratively effectively with team members to complete members to complete the members to complete
members the task task and each group the task efficiently (e.g.
member has a role one member counts
insects, another counts
mammals etc.)
Graph is inaccurate or Graph is accurate. Graph is accurate and Graph is accurate and
Graph results and incomplete Basic title and axis well-organised. Title and well-organised, animals
findings labels are included axis labels are clear are graphed based on
classification. Title and
axis labels are clear
and explicit

General Comments

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