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To what extent have changes in society affected family life ? (250-300 mots)

The family of Today varies from house to house, it is very complicated to define a family
of today, it has different biological parents, children and sometimes both parents don’t
have any biological connections with the children but still are formed as family with
adoptions systems. There fore it is not needed to be blood related to be part of a family
or belong to one, a family is formed with individuals not necessarily blood related and live
within the same roof, care and love for each other. If the current society has to be
compared with its previous, a lot of changes can be seen but the main ones are the
changes in the family structure. There are different types of family, a single parent, gay
parents, lesbian parents, adoptions, different biological parents and siblings all living
within the same roof. Previously mothers or fathers would only be considered as single
parents after a death of the partner and then the society slowly was getting several cases
where single parent would occur due to divorce; it then lost the obligation of being
married in order to form a family. The current new family types are gay parents and
lesbians parents, gay and lesbian people are having an option to adopt a child and form
a family of their own. The society was against gay and lesbian people but as the
population and family of gay and lesbian people increased the society has changed its
view and its manners over them. The changes in the family and society might have
improved and benefited individuals according to their living circumstances but there are
also many negative outcomes due to these changes in family structure.

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