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SAP Industries White Paper | Industrial Machinery and Components


Helping create superior customer

experiences through tailor-made
solutions delivered at scale and as
a service
SAP Industries White Paper | Industrial Machinery and Components
© 2019 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.
Dear Customers, By 2025 we expect that more than half of
IM&C companies’ revenue will come from
Gone are the days when the manufacturing services. These services will be delivered
value proposition was relatively simple: anywhere in the world and will be based
manufacturers made products and delivered on highly customized, digitalized products.
them. Now the manufacturer’s job does not They will cover everything from simple
“In the experience end with delivery. Driven by ever-more- break-fix services to the more complex
demanding customers and supported by the outcome-as-a-service models and the
economy, IM&C widespread uptake of the Internet of Things monetization of data assets.
companies that are (IoT) and the emerging power of machine
intelligent enterprises learning and artificial intelligence, manufac- The companies that fully embrace the
consistently deliver on turers are developing new capabilities to concept of the intelligent enterprise –
track huge volumes of data generated by meaning those that can weave together
their promises and thousands of devices and are adjusting their formerly siloed processes, intelligent
provide a delightful service depending on the circumstances. technologies, and real-world data threads
customer experience.” from customers and the environment – will
They must be responsive in real time, always lead the way.
on, and adaptable. In short, just making an
Georg Kube excellent product is no longer good enough. These companies will run integrated,
Global Vice President Industrial machinery and components (IM&C) automated processes that are transparent
companies must be able to collaborate with and connected to the real world. They will
Industrial Machinery
their customers from discovery through talk to machines in the factory, chat with
and Components
design, service, and well beyond. the products they make, interact with
SAP SE people, and be aware of traffic, weather,
To take its place in the new economy, the and customer opinions and feedback.
IM&C industry must embrace dramatic This connection to the real world enables
business transformation driven by the business processes to make smart
adaptation of technical, cultural, and decisions autonomously. They will
organizational change. anticipate and creatively solve problems
Why? Because customers demand service as – before anybody notices. Automation
they undergo their own transformation into of these decisions will relieve people of
fully digital service providers. Their customers repetitive work and enable them to focus
are demanding the same of them. The result on high-impact tasks.
is a wholesale change in how IM&C companies In short, the winners will be the most
should approach and interact with customers customer-centric companies. They will
to ensure an optimal experience through be the companies that are committed to
Watch the video about
every customer interaction point. their own digital transformation to enable
the Intelligent Enterprise
for IM&C by Georg Kube. The path forward is clear – and complex. It the transformation of their customers.
requires a keen awareness of external forces These companies will champion a radical
as well as a sharp focus on internal strategic change in the business model by thinking
priorities. about lifespan, performance, and use – just
like their customers.
Externally, the world is facing huge social,
economic, and environmental challenges that This paper takes a deep dive into the trends
promise to reshape the industrial landscape. shaping our industry over the next five
Simultaneously, customer expectations are years and the path to innovation. In it we
rising, digital transformation continues to propose a set of priorities that will drive
present organizational challenges, competi- transformation and the tools that will make
tion is coming from unexpected quarters, it possible.
and the globalization of markets and talent The world is changing at an unprecedented
requires new levels of flexibility. speed, and our industry is positioned to be
We see successful companies focusing a driver of progress. Together, we can lead
on five strategic priorities: the way.
 Be customer centric Sincerely yours,
 Serve the segment of one
 Embrace digital smart products
 Implement the digital supply chain and
smart factory
Feedback or comments?
 Develop service-based business models Georg Kube
I would like to hear your
perspective. Contact me Global Vice President
at Industrial Machinery and Components

SAP Industries White Paper | Industrial Machinery and Components

© 2019 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.
3 Welcome
5 Our Place in the New World
Paving the Way for Business Model
7 Five Priorities for Success
8 Be Customer Centric
10 Serve the Segment of One
12 Embrace Digital Smart Products
Implement the Digital Supply Chain
and Smart Factory
16 Develop Service-Based Business Models
18 Key Technologies
19 Getting There: A Phased Approach
20 Early Digital Adopters Lead the Way

21 SAP’s Framework for the Intelligent Enterprise

How to Plan Your Path to the Intelligent


24 SAP Is Committed to Innovation

25 Resources

SAP Industries White Paper | Industrial Machinery and Components

© 2019 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.

The business environment and, in fact, the Mini Cases: Data in Action
world at large are undergoing a significant
Vestas Wind Systems A/S is planning to
shift – one that is creating both upheaval use a digital solution to deliver faster,
and opportunity. The transformation from more efficient, and more cost-effective
a linear economy to a circular economy wind turbine installations, providing
and the move toward sustainable energy, clean energy to the world more quickly.
It wants to provide workers in the field,
integrated mobility and livable cities construction managers, technicians,
underscores the need for trusted products. subcontractors, customers, and
suppliers with accurate, real-time
The industry itself is being reshaped by information 24 hours a day, wherever
rising customer expectations, the need to they are, connected or offline. Vestas is
using data for comprehensive project
develop new digital skills and processes,
analysis and continuing improvement.
competition from unexpected challengers,
and the need for the flexibility to shift HOERBIGER Holding f AG monitors
customers’ remote wellhead
resources, production, and capital around
compression units. Service technicians
the world. need to travel to the asset only when
maintenance is required, based on live
Forward-looking IM&C companies insights into the assets’ operational
recognize this as an opportunity to rethink status. Service tickets are being
the fundamentals of their business – generated automatically, and operating
hours are transferred for pay-per-use
to build new capabilities rather than be
left behind.

Our Place in the New World

© 2019 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.
PAVING THE At a Glance
BUSINESS Of manufacturers are predicted to use
innovation marketplaces by 2022 for

on-demand services and software that
raise margins by up to five percentage

Of manufacturing organizations will have
created new ecosystems by implementing
AI- and blockchain-centric platforms, thus
automating 50% of processes by 20222
We believe IM&C companies it is essential to focus on the
that are relentlessly focused changing – and growing –
on their customers will
innovate their business
needs of the customer to
inform strategic priorities 90%
models to deliver personalized and technologies to build Of manufacturers will leverage real-time
solutions at scale and as a competitive differentiation and equipment and asset performance data to
service in 2025. More than deliver winning products and self-diagnose issues in advance and trigger
half of the revenue of IM&C services. They will also need a service intervention to avoid unplanned
companies will come from to demonstrate true customer downtime by 20213
services delivered around and empathy by integrating

based on highly customized, customer sentiments and
digitalized products. feedback through the entire
value cycle.
Of manufacturers are predicted to
These services will span from
network related product and asset digital
simple break-fix services and Successful business model twins into digital twin ecosystems for a
value-add services to complex innovation, process systems-level view of their business and a
outcome or equipment-as-a- optimization, and workforce 5% reduction in cost of quality by 20244
service models. They will also productivity are directly linked

include new business models to deliver great customer
based on the monetization of and employee experiences.
data assets. Increasingly, In fact, research indicates
Of large enterprises will generate revenue
IM&C companies will be able that the best-performing from data as a service by 2020 – from the
to more effectively use the companies are pulling away sale of raw data, derived metrics, insights,
data assets that are already from the rest, widening the and recommendations – up from nearly
being generated based on the performance gap. They are 50% in 20175
business they conduct. doing this by delivering great

experiences, and are the most
At this time, when opportunity profitable because they adopt
is huge but new market new technologies and deliver
Of innovative industrial manufacturing
entrants are threatening winning products and services companies have started or have
traditional IM&C companies, more efficiently. completed their digital transformation,
compared to 54% of other companies6

Paving the Way for Business Model Innovation

© 2019 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.
We have identified five strategic priorities
necessary for IM&C companies to
transform their business:

 Be customer centric
 Serve the segment of one
 Embrace digital smart products
 Implement the digital supply chain and smart

 Develop service-based business models

Five Priorities for Success

© 2019 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.
In 2025, IM&C companies will be able to maintain Industrial manufacturers will start toward this
customer-for-life relationships with shared risk goal by evolving their current routes to customers
and a focus on long-term value based on a 360- into an omnichannel model. This means their
degree understanding of their customers, starting customers can be served seamlessly, even
with a holistic view of their customers' business with disruption to the ways they interact with
processes and ending with the knowledge of how manufacturers. This situation will then be
those customers use the products in their daily extended to include a real-time view of the
operations. Truly customer-centric companies customer and their interactions as well as a view
will interact seamlessly with their customers on a of all products they bought, how the products are
constant basis through multiple channels, from performing, and what condition they are in. These
Web to direct and including IoT connectivity. two perspectives will transform the collaboration,
(See Figure 1.) from sensing demand to delivering value through
products and services.

Figure 1: The Vision of Customer Centricity

Integrated omnichannel B2B sales solution for digital businesses
Covering the
entire portfolio

 Simplified business
Self-services automation
 Consumer-grade user
Parts and
emergency parts
Web  Web channel as a one-stop
Products and
equipment  Unified configuration, pricing,
Call and more
and services

As customer and buying behaviors are changing on the consumer side, this will also have impact on
business-to-business (B2B) businesses.

Krones AG wanted to create a personalized, responsive shopping experience. It launched a fully mobile-
enabled online store based on the SAP Commerce solution, delivering a personalized, B2B shopping
experience from its buyers’ mobile devices.

Five Priorities for Success

© 2019 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.
From Transactional Relationship
to Ongoing Partnership

Customer rents Fatigue, overheating, Customer complains Customer returns Sales and market share
concrete breaker high vibrations lead to to customer service equipment and rents of equipment company
and has problems low efficiency. Customer department, and due from a competitor. decline. Company has
using equipment. loses time and money to lack of insight and Equipment company no idea why or how to
because the equipment context receives doesn’t capture user fix the problem.
doesn’t perform as dissatisfactory service. feedback or reason
F for return.


IoT-enabled concrete Equipment company Operational data is Churn scores and Data is used to design
breaker captures monitors equipment merged with experience operational data are equipment that prevents
equipment and in real time and sends data and draws insights used in real time to overheating. Equipment
contextual information. customer survey that are used to design make retention offer company has satisfied
immediately. even better equipment. to customer. customers and gets
positive feedback, and
increases sales and
market share.

10%–20% 10%–20%
Increase in revenue from new products Increase in customer satisfaction

Source: SAP Performance Benchmarking

Since short and reliable delivery times are critical, IM&C companies should
prioritize the production of their products based on the individual importance
of each customer.

Five Priorities for Success

© 2019 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.
In 2025, IM&C companies will be able to deliver They will then extend these models by adding
completely customized products, services, requirements, engineering, and functional
and solutions that precisely fit the needs of an modeling to establish a more formal view of the
individual customer based on sophisticated links between customer needs and how they
platform, configuration, and mass-customization are implemented in the products. Once these
strategies. (See Figure 2.) relationships are clear, they will expose the
functional models directly to end customers
Industrial manufacturers will start toward this goal through configurators and, thereby, let
by rationalizing existing product options using customers define their own products on the fly.
machine learning to understand what really sells
and what doesn’t. They will use this understanding
to evolve into platform and configuration models
to cover the majority of customer requirements.

Figure 2: The Vision of Serving a Segment of One

Individual and customized 5 1 Individual product

services development
 Deliver personalized  Extend the configured-to-
service and support order and made-to-order
 Offer tailor-made and portfolio
equipment-specific  Manage modular product
services concepts
 Use Internet-of-Things  Integrate digital capabilities
data for service
optimization Contextual omnichannel
 Segment customers
 Run targeted campaigns
Lot-size-of-one production 4  Engage in a personalized way
 Produce individual
products in a cost-
3 Personalized selling
effective way  Convert individual needs into
 Run a smart, integrated,
opportunities and orders
and flexible factory Sales  Configure products and
 Manage an adaptive and
solutions flexibly
responsive supply chain  Use all sales channels

91% of innovative discrete manufacturers say that machine learning is very important for them to
achieve their digital initiative goals and make processes more automated and intelligent, compared to
71% of other discrete manufacturers.7

MAN Diesel and Turbo has increased the transparency and information on every customer to offer
tailored products and services through one common solution where this individual information is
managed. Product configuration enables the company to configure the individual product based
on the customer’s needs. And this configuration is seamlessly handed over to manufacturing for
execution of the individual production order.

Five Priorities for Success

© 2019 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.
From Bulk Manufacturing to
Mass Customization

Manage ideas and Set up and maintain Hand over customer Move order through the View all process-related
requirements and manufacturing master specifications to manufacturing process issues and check multiple
created designs. data, including variants in manufacturing (a using multiple systems reports created through
Create design results the separate ERP system decoupled process). and transactions ‒ no batch processing.
and bills of materials and shop-floor systems. Ensure reliability of delivery integration of information
(BOMs) in a product Make sure engineering and dates, which requires or consistent UIs.
lifecycle management
manufacturing information
is in sync. F
consulting multiple systems
or waiting for material
requirements planning
(MRP) batch runs.

Management of a supplier- and Handover of BOMs to manufacturing Live MRP, enabling insight to action Profitability reporting and
customer-integrated product and creation of work instructions in in real time in one consistent UI analysis done on actual data
design process from early-idea one integrated process, including Role-specific screens to speed at full detail in real time to
phase to released design and closed-loop change management up the management and execution understand all profitability
product-variant definitions of orders from order management aspects of the customer order
to manufacturing and delivery in an
integrated process


10%–12% 10%–20% Up to 10%

Reduction in total logistics costs Increase in on-time deliveries Reduction in total manufacturing costs

Source: SAP Performance Benchmarking

Manufacturers must be able to capture all customer requirements effectively and

drive mass customization to give every customer exactly what they want. The
ability to manage the specifics of each order in every aspect of the industrial value
chain in a consistent way – and similar to the cost of a standard order – is critical.
To do this, all product and process information must be kept in a single place, and
all business processes – from initial engineering through after-sales service –
must be effectively executed and closely monitored.

Five Priorities for Success

© 2019 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.
In 2025, IM&C products will shift from being and monitoring. Manufacturers will be able to
largely mechanical to having more and more extend the original (physical) product with
digital functionality, allowing even more flexible completely digital services that will augment
configuration of products throughout a product’s and extend product functionality, extending the
lifecycle. As a consequence, the value contribution lifecycle of the product and increasing lifetime
of software will grow significantly. revenue. As the feedback loop from the product
back to the manufacturer is established and
Industrial manufacturers will start toward this developed, product enhancements and future
goal by continuing to equip their products with developments will be based on the actual usage
software-based features for increased flexibility of the product, from first interaction to product
and with connectivity to enable remote access retirement. (See Figure 3.)

Figure 3: A Digital Twin to Support the Entire Design-to-Operate Cycle

... Profitability
Cost Cost
Stress simulations ... Issues
Geometries Quality fingerprint ... Performance
Designs Production data Ramp-up Output ...

The digital world

Engineering Production Installation Operation Decommission

The physical world

As designed As built As delivered As maintained

95% of innovative discrete manufacturers say that the digital priority of connected products is very
important to them, compared to 67% of other manufacturers.8

Erich NETZSCH GmbH & Co. Holding KG (NETZCH) deployed SAP® Asset Intelligence Network. By
digitalizing physical assets and documentation, the pumps and systems unit is increasing visibility
into asset and component details and improving collaboration between employees and with partners.
The result is even better service and continued customer satisfaction, helping ensure that NETZSCH
machinery and devices will be at the heart of innovation for a long time to come.

Five Priorities for Success

© 2019 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.
From Siloed Product Lifecyle
to End-to-End Product Lifecycle

Isolated creation and Isolated change record Project- and customer-based Constraints management
maintenance of product creation and maintenance integration of software of hardware and software
structures and BOMs view – leading to fragmented executables – no out-of-the- versioning dependencies that
navigation box capabilities to support is typically spreadsheet driven,
end-to-end product lifecycle leading to a lack of transparency
of where and which kind of

software version is installed


Single, integrated view of change Embedded software management Handover of BOM spare-parts
timeline and BOMs capabilities enhanced by constraints positions and software items,
Future support of configuration of management of hardware and including software installation
BOMs, including software item as software components instruction to a network
a category


20%–30% Up to 10% 10%–20%

Reduction in R&D costs Reduction in total manufacturing Reduction in manual rework through
costs better product configurations
Source: SAP Performance Benchmarking

Unlike the past, when mechanical design was the main engineering step, today’s
products and solutions contain a vast array of electronics and many different
pieces of software.

Five Priorities for Success

© 2019 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.
In 2025, supply chains and manufacturing Subsequent steps will increase machine-to-
networks in IM&C companies will be completely machine connectivity and collaboration, allowing
modular and flexible to allow the seamless autonomous decisions based on sensor data and
execution of different manufacturing strategies. machine learning algorithms. Intelligently
(See Figure 4.) connecting manufacturing, logistics, and supply
chains enables companies to quickly address
Industrial manufacturers will start toward this goal
short-term demand impulses, supply fluctuations,
by optimizing supply chain transparency across
and changes to customer orders; and it allows
the enterprise as well as implementing “shop-floor-
truly modular production processes.
to-top-floor” connectivity for real-time visibility.

Figure 4: Five Levels of Connectedness for the Digital Supply Chain and
Smart Factories

1. Shop floor to top floor 4

Intracompany vertical integration 5
Quality Supplier
2. Machine to machine 4
Machine cloud 3
Autonomous machines 5

3. E-commerce integration Consumer

Direct integration of online configurators

provider ERP
4. Manufacturing collaboration 5
 Visibility Manufacturing
execution system
 Genealogy
 Quality 1
The picture can't be displayed. Supervisory
The picture can't be displayed.

 Kanban or direct replenishment control and data


5. Machine cloud
 Predictive maintenance Machine
 Predictive quality

60% of manufacturers will have empowered shop-floor workers with augmented reality and virtual
reality, intelligent apps, and cobots by 2021, thus achieving productivity gains of up to 7% and more-
attractive work environments.9

GEBHARDT Fördertechnik GmbH wanted to go much further for its customers in the future –
with smart manufacturing. It developed its own platform, Galileo IoT, which allows customers to
evaluate data on all components in a facility. In this way, customers are able to avoid failures, plan
maintenance better, and save costs. GEBHARDT can even use the platform to develop a new
business model, moving away from being a simple supplier and toward being a comprehensive
service provider for intralogistics.

Five Priorities for Success

© 2019 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.
From an Opaque Supply Chain to
the Connected Supply Chain

Receive Create Access

asset data master data master data

Receive Create Access

asset data master data master data

Receive Create Access

asset data master data master data


Manufacturer 1 Asset operator

Asset Documents
information and drawings

Manufacturer 2
Cloud solution for collaboration

Maintenance Spare parts

strategies recommen-
Manufacturer 3 Service provider
and tasks dations


Reduction in asset service Reduction in asset master-data

and maintenance costs creation and maintenance effort

Source: SAP Performance Benchmarking

Companies need a virtual, real-time representation of their assets – a digital twin.

This allows all partners to collaborate in real time and provides remote monitoring
and diagnostics with access to benchmarking behaviour. This will result in
optimization of production and reduced downtime.

Five Priorities for Success

© 2019 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.
In 2025, the majority of IM&C companies’ revenue increasing amounts of data from their own
will stem from services that are based on and built business operations and the use of their
around smart products, the value they deliver, equipment by their customers, they will be able to
and the data they create. Companies will offer offer new digital services through an IoT platform,
products as a service based on the value delivered thereby monetizing the data by deriving insights of
to the end customer. (See Figure 5.) value for customers, partners, or end consumers.
As they begin to understand their customers,
Industrial manufacturers will start toward this they can offer pay-for-outcome models due to
goal by using remote condition monitoring of their ability to assess which customers qualify for
assets to identify and provide additional value- which type of business model based on the risk
added services. As they continue to collect and long-term value of each customer.

Figure 5: Servitization and New Business Models Increase Manufacturers Share of

Equipment Lifecycle Spend
Equipment as
OEM’s responsibility a service
for operational Financial
equipment services
Outcome- and
based services
service Service efficiency
contracts fuels profitability

Cost of service

Product sales
OEM’s share of equipment lifecycle costs

30% of manufacturers – driven by dynamic demand and empowered by data – will use innovation
marketplaces by 2022 for on-demand services and software that raise margins by up to five
percentage points.10

Hilti AG is using the SAP Leonardo IoT portfolio to connect equipment on customer sites. Based on
that, Hilti offers new services to its customers, enabling them to manage this equipment more

Five Priorities for Success

© 2019 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.
From Products to Services


Sell Produce Deliver Invoice Service


Due diligence Close and manage Produce Deliver Manage and service Invoice
Analysis of the risk based contract Manufacture physical Track product Manage assets on-site
on customer information Set up and maintain PfO components delivery
Use the IoT to help ensure
Automated pricing customer contracts for Coordinate with to coordinate
asset availability and
product use and outcome service monitoring management
and delivery of assets
Retrieve and use outcome data
for billing and field service
Rate the outcome per contract
conditions and automatically
generate accurate invoices

3%–10% 25%–30%
Improvement in service profit Improvement in subscription
margin invoice processing time

Source: SAP Performance Benchmarking

Innovative IM&C companies provide the machines and equipment bundled with
services and consumables and charge for the outcome. With that transformation,
they generate new business, increase market share, accelerate new technologies
and products, deliver more product-use insights, and create a more sustainable
revenue stream. Pay for outcome (PfO) is attractive for customers who intend to
shift CAPEX to OPEX, share business risk, or try new technologies with lower risks,
adjust production capacity flexibly, and have a more attractive balance sheet.

Five Priorities for Success

© 2019 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.
KEY At a Glance
Of new mobile apps use voice as a
primary interface, and 50% of the
Each of these priorities will be enabled by emerging intelligent technologies.
consumer-facing G2000 use biometric
sensors to personalize experiences by
Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning 202011
Machine learning enables algorithms to “learn” from existing data. Once the
algorithm is trained, it can then predict future outcomes based on new data.

The Internet of Things

Of manufacturers will use blockchain
Although manufacturers have been using the Internet of Things for some time,
services as a foundation for digital trust
now the entire value chain can be connected from design to production to
at scale12
supply chain. Data-driven insights of customer preferences can drive better
designs, lower material costs, and reduce risk.

Data Platform to Manage Experience 57%

Leaders are interlocking the operational performance data from companies’ Increase, on average, of the contribution
business systems (what is happening) with the experience data coming of machines and algorithms to specific
from customers and employees (why it is happening). tasks will occur by 202213

US$1.2 trillion
Advanced Analytics
Empowered users can get real-time visibility into their changing environment,
simulate the impact of business decisions, mitigate risk, and achieve better Will be the amount of IoT spending in
customer outcomes. 202214

The blockchain model of trust, through massively distributed digital consensus,
could reshape supply chains and commerce across the digital economy.
Of manufacturers will provide their
service teams access to searchable
Virtual and Augmented Reality video content through mobility and
Already in use to help workers with difficult or infrequent maintenance wearables by 202115
activities, this will become even more critical to attract and retain new talent.

Conversational AI
Voice interfaces will be the go-to technology for the next generation of 40%
applications, allowing for greater simplicity, mobility, and efficiency while Of digital transformation initiatives will
increasing worker productivity and reducing the need for training. use AI services by 201916

Robotic Process Automation

Robotic process automation streamlines repetitive, rule-based processes
and tasks in an enterprise and reduces cost through the use of software robots
by replicating specific tasks or keystrokes.

Key Technologies
© 2019 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.
Companies will become intelligent enterprises on three distinct tracks
as they evolve their strategic priorities to match their company’s vision.
They will:

 Optimize what they already do by implementing a stable and scalable

digital core to make processes more transparent and integrated

 Extend their current processes by connecting them to the real world

using IoT technologies

 Transform their business using a constant stream of data, enabling

new service-driven business models (See Figure 6.)

Figure 6: Strategic Priorities Across the Maturity Framework

Optimize Extend Transform Create superior customer experiences

through tailor-made solutions
delivered at scale and as a service

Move from disparate Connect to products Offer true 360-

Customer  Customer-for-life relationships
channels to true in use by customers degree customer
Shared risk and reward

omnichannel for insight into collaboration from  Seamless omnichannel interactions
interactions performance demand to value

Rationalize current Implement formal Connect functional  Completely customized solutions

Serving the variants to a platform requirements for models to customers  Solutions tailored to individual
segment of one and configuration engineering and via configure, price, customer needs
model functional models and quote  Platforms and mass customization

Introduce a direct
Incorporate software- Extend physical Self-aware and connected products
Digital smart feedback loop 
based features for product functionality  Flexible configuration during
from product
products increased flexibility with digital-only operation
enhancements based Increased value from software
and connectivity services 
on actual usage

Optimize supply  Modular supply chain and

Digital supply chain chain transparency
Increase machine-to- Enable a true manufacturing
and smart factory machine connectivity modular production  Direct connection to demand signals
and enterprise Automated shop floor – cobots and
and collaboration process 
connectivity drones

Servitization and Pay for outcome

Offer new digital  Services based on value and data
Monitor condition of services based on
new business models assets remotely
services with the
assessed risk and
 Multibrand services
IoT platform  Products as a service
long-term value

Getting There: A Phased Approach

© 2019 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.
How do you achieve these strategic priorities?

Start with reimagining your business together with your customers.

Then build a path for even more optimization and intelligent automation
to simplify your business and free up resources to invest in even more
digital transformation programs and find new business models and
revenue streams.

According to a July 2018 study by Forrester Consulting that was

commissioned by SAP, innovative companies focus on digital priorities
to help them achieve digital transformation more than other manufacturing
companies. (See Figure 7.)

Figure 7: Innovators Focus More on Digital Priorities than Others17

Smart Innovators 97%

Others 63%

New business Innovators 97%

models and
Others 76%

Digital supply
Innovators 96%
networks Others 70%

Connected Innovators 95%

products Others 67%

Customer Innovators 92%

experience Others 70%

Getting There: A Phased Approach

© 2019 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.
The Intelligent Enterprise framework
is a suite of intelligent business
applications that use intelligent
technologies and can be extended
on a digital platform. (See Figure 8.)
This enables next-generation
business processes to deliver
breakthrough business value on
our customers’ journey to becoming
intelligent enterprises.

SAP’s Framework for the Intelligent Enterprise

© 2019 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.
Figure 8: The Intelligent Enterprise Framework

Manufacturing Core People
& Supply Chain Engagement

Customer Network & Spend

Experience Management


Intelligent Technologies

AI/ML | IoT | Analytics


Data Cloud
Management Platform

SAP’s Framework for the Intelligent Enterprise

© 2019 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.
In the digital economy, intelligent technologies and integrated business
processes are now driving digital transformation.
To do this effectively requires an end-to-end plan for becoming an intelligent enterprise. (See Figure 9.)
This includes creating an intelligent enterprise road map and implementation plan with proven best practices
and deployment options that optimize for continuous innovation with a focus on intelligent outcomes.

Figure 9: The End-to-End Journey to Becoming an Intelligent Enterprise

Plan Build and launch Run Optimize

well to manage with proven best all deployment for continuous
expectations practices models innovation

Simplify and innovate Standardize and innovate Run with one global Optimize to realize value
 Reimagined business  Model-company support Continuously captured and
models, business approach to accelerate  One global, consistent realized benefits of digital
processes, and work adoption with model experience transformation
industry solutions
 SAP Digital  End-to-end support –
Transformation  Design thinking and on premise, in the
Framework rapid, tangible prototypes cloud, or with a hybrid
methodology as approach
 Coengineered industry
a guide for digital
innovations delivered
with agility
 Value-based innovation
road maps

To move forward with speed and agility, it helps to focus on live digital data and combine solution know-how
and industry-specific process expertise with data analytics so that the right digital reference architecture is
defined and delivered. In that context, a model-company approach is aimed at simplifying and increasing the
speed of the digital transformation journey. Model companies represent the ideal form of standardization
for a specific line of business or industry. They are built on preconfigured SAP solutions and based on best
practices supported by SAP, along with the business content that encompasses our experience and
expertise relevant for the industry. They provide a comprehensive baseline and come with the accelerators
to jump-start digital transformation projects.

How to Plan Your Path to the Intelligent Enterprise

© 2019 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.

10-Year Innovation Vision Comprehensive Industry Proven Services Offering

SAP delivers fully intelligent Coverage By bringing together world-
business solutions and networks SAP enables comprehensive class innovators, industry
that span across company coverage of the complete and emerging technology
boundaries and promote purpose- IM&C value chain across the expertise, proven use cases,
driven businesses. These solutions enterprise. With its clear and design thinking
will be the most empathic symbiosis industry road map, SAP is methods, we help IM&C
between machine intelligence and the partner of choice for the companies develop
human ingenuity. IM&C industry. innovations that deliver
impact at scale.

 Self-running enterprise  More than 12,200 IM&C  Proven methodologies

systems manufacturers in 97 to drive innovation, from
 Self-organizing business countries innovating with reimagining customer
ecosystems SAP solutions experiences to enhancing
 New markets and business  99% of IM&C companies operations
models in the Forbes Global 2000  Innovation that is fuelled
as SAP customers through a managed
 Support for all lines of innovation ecosystem
business on a single from SAP
platform  Ability to build your own
innovation capability and

SAP supports IM&C companies in becoming intelligent enterprises –

providing integrated business applications that use intelligent
technologies and can be extended on SAP Cloud Platform to deliver
breakthrough business value.

Learn more

 SAP for IM&C solutions  SAP Digital Business Services

 SAP Leonardo  SAP Design Thinking

SAP is Commited to Innovaton

© 2019 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.

Outlined below is external research that was used as supporting material for this paper.

1. IDC, “IDC FutureScape: Worldwide 11., 12. IDC, “IDC FutureScape: Worldwide IT
Manufacturing Product and Service Innovation Industry 2018 Predictions,” Doc. #US43171317,
2019 Predictions,” Doc. #US43135918, October 2017.
October 2018.
13. “The Future of Jobs Report 2018,” World
2., 3. IDC, “IDC FutureScape: Worldwide Economic Forum, September 2018.
Manufacturing 2019 Predictions,” Doc
14. IDC, “IDC Forecasts Worldwide Technology
#US44467118, November 2018.
Spending on the Internet of Things to Reach
4. IDC, “IDC FutureScape: Worldwide $1.2 Trillion in 2022,” June 2018.
Manufacturing Product and Service Innovation
15. IDC, “IDC FutureScape: Worldwide
2019 Predictions,” Doc. #US43135918,
Manufacturing Product and Service Innovation
October 2018.
2019 Predictions,” Doc. #US43135918,
October 2018.
5. IDC, “IDC FutureScape: Worldwide IT
Industry 2018 Predictions,” Doc. #US43171317, 16 IDC, “Worldwide Spending on Cognitive and
October 2017. Artificial Intelligence Systems Will Grow to
$19.1 Billion in 2018, According to New IDC
6.–8. “Emerging Opportunities For Discrete
Spending Guide,” March 22, 2018.
Manufacturers To Deploy Industry Processes In
The Cloud,” a Forrester Consulting thought 17. “Emerging Opportunities For Discrete
leadership paper commissioned by SAP, July 2018. Manufacturers To Deploy Industry Processes In
The Cloud,” a Forrester Consulting thought
9. IDC, “IDC FutureScape: Worldwide
leadership paper commissioned by SAP, July 2018.
Manufacturing 2019 Predictions,” Doc
#US44467118, November 2018.
10. IDC, “IDC FutureScape: Worldwide Note: All sources cited as “SAP” or “SAP
Manufacturing Product and Service Innovation Performance Benchmarking” are based on
2019 Predictions,” Doc. #US43135918, our research with customers through our
October 2018. benchmarking program and other direct
interactions with customers.

© 2019 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.
© 2019 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.
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