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2 Transferencia de energia
2021 [58 marks]
1. What is meant by the statement that the average albedo of the Moon is [1 mark]
A. 10% of the radiation incident on the Moon is absorbed by its surface
B. 10% of the radiation emitted by the Moon is absorbed by its atmosphere
C. 10% of the radiation incident on the Moon is reflected by its surface
D. 10% of the radiation emitted by the Moon is at infrared wavelengths

2. A nuclear particle has an energy of 108 eV. A grain of sand has a mass of [1 mark]
32 mg. What speed must the grain of sand have for its kinetic energy to
equal the energy of the nuclear particle?
A. 1 mm s–1
B. 3 mm s–1
C. 10 mm s–1
D. 16 mm s–1
Wind is incident on the blades of a wind turbine. The radius of the blades is 12 m.
The following data are available for the air immediately before and after impact
with the blades.

3a. Determine the maximum power that can be extracted from the wind by [3 marks]
this turbine.

3b. Suggest why the answer in (a) is a maximum. [1 mark]

4. Most power stations rely on a turbine and a generator to produce [1 mark]
electrical energy. Which power station works on a different principle?
A. Nuclear
B. Solar
C. Fossil fuel
D. Wind

5. The orbital radius of the Earth around the Sun is 1.5 times that of Venus. [1 mark]
What is the intensity of solar radiation at the orbital radius of Venus?
A. 0.6 kW m-2
B. 0.9 kW m-2
C. 2 kW m-2
D. 3 kW m-2
The Moon has no atmosphere and orbits the Earth. The diagram shows the Moon
with rays of light from the Sun that are incident at 90° to the axis of rotation of the

6a. A black body is on the Moon’s surface at point A. Show that the [2 marks]
maximum temperature that this body can reach is 400 K. Assume that the Earth
and the Moon are the same distance from the Sun.
6b. Another black body is on the Moon’s surface at point B. [2 marks]
Outline, without calculation, why the aximum temperature of the black body at
point B is less than at point A.

6c. The albedo of the Earth’s atmosphere is 0.28. Outline why the maximum [1 mark]
temperature of a black body on the Earth when the Sun is overhead is
less than that at point A on the Moon.

6d. Outline why this force does no work on the Moon. [1 mark]
The average temperature of ocean surface water is 289 K. Oceans behave as
black bodies.

7a. Show that the intensity radiated by the oceans is about 400 W m-2. [1 mark]

7b. Explain why some of this radiation is returned to the oceans from the [3 marks]

8. The diagram shows a simple climate model for the Earth. [1 mark]

What does this model predict for the average albedo of the Earth?
A. 0.30
B. 0.51
C. 0.70
D. 0.81
9. A wind turbine has a power output p when the wind speed is v. The [1 mark]
efficiency of the wind turbine does not change. What is the wind speed at
which the power output is 2 ?

A. v
B. v
C. v
D. 3

10. Mars and Earth act as black bodies. The power radiated by Mars
power radiated by the Earth
= p and [1 mark]
absolute mean temperature of the surface of Mars
absolute mean temperature of the surface of the Earth
= t.

What is the value of radius

radius of Mars ?
of the Earth
C. p
In a pumped storage hydroelectric system, water is stored in a dam of depth 34

The water leaving the upper lake descends a vertical distance of 110 m and turns
the turbine of a generator before exiting into the lower lake.

Water flows out of the upper lake at a rate of 1.2 × 105 m3 per minute. The
density of water is 1.0 × 103 kg m–3.

11a. Estimate the specific energy of water in this storage system, giving [2 marks]
an appropriate unit for your answer.
11b. Show that the average rate at which the gravitational potential energy [3 marks]
of the water decreases is 2.5 GW.

11c. The storage system produces 1.8 GW of electrical power. Determine the [1 mark]
overall efficiency of the storage system.

11d. After the upper lake is emptied it must be refilled with water from the [1 mark]
lower lake and this requires energy. Suggest how the operators of this
storage system can still make a profit.
12. Planet X and planet Y both emit radiation as black bodies. Planet X has a [1 mark]
surface temperature that is less than the surface temperature of planet Y.
What is the graph of the variation of intensity I with wavelength λ for the radiation
emitted by planet Y? The graph for planet X is shown dotted.

13. The average surface temperature of Mars is approximately 200 K and the [1 mark]
average surface temperature of Earth is approximately 300 K. Mars has a
radius half that of Earth. Assume that both Mars and Earth act as black bodies.
power radiated by Mars
What is ?
power radiated by Earth
A. 20
B. 5
C. 0.2
D. 0.05

14. The average albedo of glacier ice is 0.25. [1 mark]

power absorbed by glacier ice
What is ?
power reflected by glacier ice
A. 0.25
B. 0.33
C. 2.5
D. 3.0
15a. Outline, with reference to energy changes, the operation of a pumped [2 marks]
storage hydroelectric system.

15b. The hydroelectric system has four 250 MW generators. The specific [2 marks]
energy available from the water is 2.7 kJ kg . Determine the maximum
time for which the hydroelectric system can maintain full output when a mass of
1.5 x 1010 kg of water passes through the turbines.

15c. Not all the stored energy can be retrieved because of energy losses in [1 mark]
the system. Explain one such loss.
15d. At the location of the hydroelectric system, an average intensity of 180 [2 marks]
W m–2 arrives at the Earth’s surface from the Sun. Solar photovoltaic
(PV) cells convert this solar energy with an efficiency of 22 %. The solar cells are
to be arranged in a square array. Determine the length of one side of the array
that would be required to replace the
hydroelectric system.

16. The solar constant is the intensity of the Sun’s radiation at [1 mark]
A. the surface of the Earth.
B. the mean distance from the Sun of the Earth’s orbit around the Sun.
C. the surface of the Sun.
D. 10km above the surface of the Earth.

17. A solar panel has surface area 0.40m2 and efficiency 50%. The average [1 mark]
intensity of radiation reaching the surface of the panel is 0.25kWm–2.
What is the average power output from an array of 10 of these solar panels?
A. 0.5 W
B. 5 W
C. 50 W
D. 500 W

18. A black body of surface 1.0m2 emits electromagnetic radiation of peak [1 mark]
wavelength 2.90×10–6m. Which of the following statements about the
body are correct?
I. The temperature of the body is 1000 K.
II. The energy radiated by the body in one second is 5.7×10 4 J.
III. The body is a perfect absorber of electromagnetic radiation.
A. I and II only
B. I and III only
C. II and III only
D. I, II and III
19. Changes in the climate are leading to a reduction in ice cover on Earth. [1 mark]
Which of the following describes, for Earth, the change in albedo and the
change in the rate of energy absorption?

20. A black body has kelvin temperature T and surface area A. The total [1 mark]
power radiated by the body is P. What is the new power radiated when T
is doubled and A is halved?
A. 4P
B. 8P
C. 16P
D. 32P

The surface temperature of the star Epsilon Indi is 4600 K.

21a. Determine the peak wavelength of the radiation emitted by Epsilon Indi. [1 mark]
21b. Using the axis, draw the variation with wavelength of the intensity of [2 marks]
the radiation emitted by Epsilon Indi.

Aldebaran is a red giant star with a peak wavelength of 740 nm and a mass of 1.7
solar masses.

22. Show that the surface temperature of Aldebaran is about 4000 K. [2 marks]
A student investigates how the period T of a simple pendulum varies with the
maximum speed v of the pendulum’s bob by releasing the pendulum from rest
from different initial angles. A graph of the variation of T with v is plotted.

23a. Suggest, by reference to the graph, why it is unlikely that the [1 mark]
relationship between T and v is linear.

23b. Determine the fractional uncertainty in v when T = 2.115 s, correct to [2 marks]

one significant figure.
23c. The student hypothesizes that the relationship between T and v is T = a [3 marks]
+ bv2, where a and b are constants. To verify this hypothesis a graph
showing the variation of T with v2 is plotted. The graph shows the data and the
line of best fit.

Determine b, giving an appropriate unit for b.

23d. The lines of the minimum and maximum gradient are shown. [2 marks]

Estimate the absolute uncertainty in a.

24. A student wants to determine the angular speed ω of a rotating object. [1 mark]
The period T is 0.50 s ±5 %. The angular speed ω is


What is the percentage uncertainty of ω?

A. 0.2 %
B. 2.5 %
C. 5 %
D. 10 %
25. A student models the relationship between the pressure p of a gas and its [1 mark]
temperature T as p = x + yT.
The units of p are pascal and the units of T are kelvin. What are the fundamental
SI units of x and y?

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