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Quiz – 2
1) Ethnic associations are based on __________ ties.

i) Ethic
ii) social
iii) cultural
iv) None of the above

2) Associations with a common purpose of economic or socio-political

empowerment are often __________ ethnic.

i) Socio
ii) Multi
iii) Tri
iv) None of the above

3) For many people, ethnic categorization implies a connection between

biological inheritance and __________.
i) Groups
ii) People
iii) Culture
iv) None of the above

4) A __________ is a biological subspecies, or variety of species,

consisting of more or less distinct population with anatomical traits that
distinguish it clearly from other races.
i) Race
ii) Culture
iii) Species
iv) None of the above

5) When two or more groups are living in harmony while retaining their
own heritage and identity, it is called__________ .
i) Assimilation
ii) Pluralism
iii) Population transfer
iv) None of the above

6) Mass annihilation of groups of people in Nazi Germany or in Serbia

for example is called __________.

i) Homicide
ii) Suicide
iii) Genocide
iv) None of the above

7) The anthropological study of __________ systems does not attempt to

determine which one is right or wrong.
i) Belief
ii) Cognitive
iii) Social
iv) None of the above

8) Belief systems fulfill ________ needs.

i) Psychological
ii) Social
iii) Moral
iv) None of the above

9) Decentralization should correspond with building __________

i) Foreign
ii) Interrelate
iii) Local
iv) None of the above

10) There are normally various types of __________ knowledge.

i) Public
ii) Social
iii) Cultural
iv) None of the above

**********Good Luck**********

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