Analog and RF Interference Mitigation For Integrated MIMO Receiver Arrays

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Analog and RF Interference

Mitigation for Integrated
MIMO Receiver Arrays
This paper describes how directional and spectral interference mitigations
in the analog and RF domain are achieved through innovative
beamforming architectures.
By Harish Krishnaswamy, Member IEEE, and Linxiao Zhang, Student Member IEEE

ABSTRACT | Over the past decade, we have witnessed the I. INTRODUCTION

maturation of silicon-based phased array technology, which
Phased array transmission was perhaps first shown in
has started to make an impact on commercial and military 1905 by the Nobel-Prize-winning scientist Karl Ferdinand
wireless applications. Over the next decade, driven by the Braun, who shared the 1909 Nobel Prize in Physics with
development of next-generation wireless communication Guglielmo Marconi for “contributions to the development
networks, we will see the maturation and impact of large- of wireless telegraphy.” Subsequently, during World War
scale multiple-input–multiple-output (MIMO) technology. II, the Nobel laureate Luis Alvarez used phased arrays to
MIMO receiver arrays exploit digital array signal processing, develop electronically steerable radars for aircraft landing
and consequently are exposed to interference in the analog
assistance. Phased arrays were later applied to radio as-
and radio-frequency (RF) front ends. The absence of analog/
tronomy for aperture synthesis by Nobel laureates Antony
RF interference mitigation in traditional digital MIMO receiver Hewish and Martin Ryle, leading to the discovery of pul-
arrays results in designs with high-dynamic-range and power- sars in 1967.
hungry analog and RF receiver front ends and analog-to- The past decade has seen the maturation of silicon-
digital converters. This paper describes recently developed based phased array transceivers and systems [1]–[25].
techniques for spatio–spectral interference mitigation in Research efforts on silicon-based phased arrays were mo-
the analog and RF domain for digital MIMO receivers. The tivated by the interest in silicon-based millimeter-wave
techniques proposed are flexible; tunable across operating
systems targeting commercial wireless communication
frequency; scalable; present low cost, size, and power con-
and vehicular radar applications at 24, 60, and 77 GHz
sumption overheads; and are experimentally validated [1]–[11]. In these efforts, phased array technology was
through a 0.1–1.7-GHz four-element receiver front-end array primarily leveraged for overcoming the high path losses
integrated circuit (IC) prototype in 65-nm complementary at millimeter-wave frequencies through the spatial-
metal–oxide–semiconductor (CMOS) technology. power-combining benefits offered to transmitters, and
signal-to-noise ratio benefits offered to receivers. Inter-
KEYWORDS | Antenna arrays; complementary metal–oxide– ference mitigation was not a significant motivating factor
semiconductor (CMOS) integrated circuits; integrated circuits
due to the relatively quiet nature of the millimeter-wave
(ICs); interference cancellation; interference suppression;
multiple-input–multiple-output (MIMO); phased arrays; radio The promise of silicon-based high-speed circuits led
frequency (RF); receivers; receiving antennas to active research on radio-frequency (RF) and millimeter-
wave phased arrays in silicon for military communica-
Manuscript received December 29, 2015; revised January 18, 2016; accepted
January 18, 2016. Date of current version February 17, 2016. This work was
tions and radar applications [12]–[15]. The ability to
supported by the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) under the integrate the entire phased array beamformer into a single
Arrays at Commercial Timescales (ACT) program.
The authors are with the Department of Electrical Engineering, Columbia University,
integrated circuit (IC), potentially with the frequency con-
New York, NY 10027 USA (e-mail: verters, analog and digital baseband circuitry, analog-to-
Digital Object Identifier: 10.1109/JPROC.2016.2519885 digital converters, and analog biasing and digital control
0018-9219 Ó 2016 IEEE. Translations and content mining are permitted for academic research only. Personal use is also permitted, but republication/
redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.
Vol. 104, No. 3, March 2016 | Proceedings of the IEEE 561
Krishnaswamy et al.: Analog and RF Interference Mitigation for Integrated MIMO Receiver Arrays

power-efficient nature, given the fact that a single-

frequency conversion and analog baseband path is re-
quired for the entire array. RF phase shifting also sup-
presses spatial interference prior to the frequency
conversion and analog and digital baseband, easing their
dynamic range requirements and power consumption.
However, phased arrays are multiple-input–single-
output (MISO) systems that merely scratch the surface
of the potential of multiple antenna systems. While the
simple phased array forms a single beam, multiple simul-
taneous beams enable tracking of multiple targets in ra-
dar, and multifunctional apertures that can be used for
communications and radar. Multiple-input–multiple-
Fig. 1. Integrated silicon-based phased arrays reported at the output (MIMO) communication systems exploit multiple
IEEE International Solid-State Circuits Conference over antennas to extract spatial diversity gain [26], [27] or
2004–2015, including recent wideband and reconfigurable spatial multiplexing gain [28] to establish reliable com-
phased arrays.
munication links or increase data rate, respectively, in
the presence of heavy multipath. While MIMO has been
exploited in WiFi and third-generation (3G) and fourth-
circuitry, leads to significant reductions in cost, size and generation long–term evolution (4G-LTE) cellular since
weight of military wireless systems. Power consumption is 2006, there has been significant recent interest in mas-
also reduced due to the reduction of chip-to-chip and mod- sive MIMO for future fifth-generation (5G) communica-
ule-to-module interfaces that typically require controlled tion networks, where an extremely large number of
impedance levels that are power hungry to drive. Silicon- antennas is employed at the base station to realize enor-
based technologies also allow the integration of built-in mous increases in spectral efficiency [29], [30]. In this
self-test (BIST) and calibration functionalities for phased context, the interested reader is directed to another pa-
arrays [16], further reducing size, weight, and cost. per in this special issue of the PROCEEDINGS OF THE IEEE
Recently, there has been extensive research on com- [31]. Inspired by MIMO communication systems, such
plementary metal–oxide–semiconductor (CMOS) phased techniques are also under exploration for MIMO radars
arrays operating in the low-RF range that utilize wide- to reduce false alarms, enable extraction of more infor-
band and reconfigurable design principles enabled by mation from the scene being imaged, and in certain situ-
CMOS technology scaling, allowing operation in a ations, enable radar imaging with fewer array elements
tunable fashion across wide frequency ranges and com- [32]–[34].
pact implementations that avoid inductors and other MIMO systems require space-time array signal pro-
frequency-limiting passive elements [17]–[19]. These cessing that can practically only be implemented in the
works represent the evolution of recent research on wide- digital domain. Therefore, conventional MIMO systems
band and reconfigurable software-defined single-element use digital array processing architectures [Fig. 2(d)] that
radios. Fig. 1 captures this trend by depicting integrated eschew analog/RF spatial filtering. Digital array process-
silicon-based phased arrays reported at the IEEE Interna- ing also offers new opportunities for digital array calibra-
tional Solid-State Circuits Conference over 2004–2015, tion [35], [36]. For additional details, the reader is
including recent wideband and reconfigurable phased ar- directed to another paper in this special issue of the PRO-
rays. There has also been significant work on integrated CEEDINGS OF THE IEEE [37]. However, such architectures
true-time-delay-based arrays for instantaneously ultrawi- typically sacrifice analog/RF spatial interference mitiga-
deband systems [20]–[24]. tion capabilities, and consequently require high-dynamic-
Through these research efforts, several candidate range receiver front ends and analog-to-digital (A/D)
phased array architectures were explored, including RF converters that can tolerate the interference before it
phase shifting [Fig. 2(a)], local-oscillator (LO) phase may be suppressed through digital signal processing.
shifting [Fig. 2(b)], and analog baseband phase shifting While some compensation of weak nonlinearities in-
[Fig. 2(c)]. While LO and analog baseband phase shifting duced in the analog and RF circuits by the interference
were explored as a means to overcome the cost, noise is possible in the digital domain, the front ends must
and linearity limitations of RF phase shifters and com- have sufficient dynamic range (and consequently, power
biners operating at high frequencies, the improved per- consumption) to prevent strong nonlinearity or satura-
formance of silicon transistors with technology scaling tion under interference. Despite these challenges, research
has eliminated the RF phase shifter as the performance efforts to recover analog/RF interference mitigation in digi-
bottleneck. Consequently, the RF phase shifting ap- tal receiver arrays have been scant, particularly in inte-
proach has emerged as the popular choice due to its grated settings [38].

562 Proceedings of the IEEE | Vol. 104, No. 3, March 2016

Krishnaswamy et al.: Analog and RF Interference Mitigation for Integrated MIMO Receiver Arrays

Fig. 2. Conventional MISO phased array architectures: (a) RF-path phase shifting; (b) LO-path phase shifting; and (c) baseband phase
shifting, along with MIMO receiver array architectures: (d) digital array processing; (e) RF multibeam matrices (the Butler matrix is
shown here); (f) multiple parallel RF phased arrays; and (g) a digital MIMO receiver array with analog/RF spatio–spectral
interference mitigation.

There has been exciting research progress on fully in- spatio–spectral interference mitigation and power-
tegrated widely tunable sharp spectral bandpass filters in efficient digital array processing. The architecture is
silicon [39]–[41] through the revival of the so-called scalable—multiple array ICs may be tiled on a printed
N-path RF switched-capacitor commutated filter [42], circuit board (PCB) to exploit the benefits of spatial fil-
[43]. This paper describes recent research on a fully inte- tering across the larger array without the need for RF in-
grated widely tunable CMOS-based receiver front-end terconnections. The use of wideband and reconfigurable
MIMO array architecture that combines these recent ad- design approaches enables a compact IC implementation
vances in tunable spectral bandpass filtering with novel that avoids inductors and transmission lines. Experimen-
techniques for spatial notch filtering, thus enabling tal results from a 0.1–1.7-GHz four-element MIMO

Vol. 104, No. 3, March 2016 | Proceedings of the IEEE 563

Krishnaswamy et al.: Analog and RF Interference Mitigation for Integrated MIMO Receiver Arrays

receiver array implemented in 65-nm CMOS technology antenna signal for more advanced space-time array signal
are presented. processing. Despite these features, there are several chal-
The rest of the paper is organized as follows. Section II lenges associated with RF multibeam matrices. They typi-
reviews the state of the art in analog and RF spatial filter- cally employ bulky passive components such as hybrids
ing for MIMO receivers. Section III describes the pro- that do not lend themselves to silicon CMOS implemen-
posed analog/RF spatio–spectral interference mitigation tations, do not improve in performance with CMOS
architecture. Measurement results from the 65-nm technology scaling, and are challenging to reconfigure
CMOS 0.1–1.7-GHz four-element MIMO receiver array and tune across frequency. Furthermore, the beam orien-
prototype mentioned earlier are described in Section IV. tations that are formed are typically fixed, limiting the
Finally, Section V concludes the paper with a discussion flexibility of the analog/RF spatial filtering, and there are
of open topics for future research. theoretical limitations on the nature of the beams that
can be formed [46], [47]. Despite these challenges, RF
multibeam structures have been explored in CMOS in
II. ARCHITECTURES FOR ANALOG/RF [48] and [49], and in [50], where the authors have ex-
SPATIAL FILTERI NG IN MIMO plored a spatio–temporal RAKE MIMO radar architec-
RE CEI VERS ture based on a Butler matrix.
As discussed earlier, digital receiver arrays are fully ex- The most flexible approach to analog/RF spatial filter-
posed to interference in the receiver front end and A/D. ing is to employ multiple parallel phased arrays, each
The goal of analog/RF spatial filtering for digital receiver performing a distinct linear combination of the antenna
arrays is to suppress interference and ease the transition inputs [Fig. 2(f)]. The main challenge with this approach
into the digital domain where more advanced array sig- is the severe increase in cost, size, and power consump-
nal processing will be performed. Such analog/RF spatial tion, due to the need for N  M RF variable-gain ampli-
filters must be flexible in order to adapt to a changing in- fiers and phase shifters and M power combiners, where
terference profile. They should also result in no informa- N is the number of antenna elements and M is the num-
tion loss (i.e., no reduction of the available spatial ber of beams being formed. In order to keep cost, size,
degrees of freedom), meaning that it should be possible and power consumption in check, the number of beams
to reconstruct the signal corresponding to each antenna being formed must be kept much smaller than the num-
in the digital domain for advanced space-time array sig- ber of antennas, or analog/RF beamforming must be
nal processing. In these contexts, prior efforts toward in- performed on a subarray level, with each subarray’s
corporating analog/RF spatial filtering in MIMO receiver beamformed output being digitized for digital space-time
arrays are fraught with challenges. array signal processing. Both approaches significantly
RF multibeam matrices have been investigated that sacrifice the spatial diversity or multiplexing gains avail-
typically employ passive networks to form multiple si- able, as the number of outputs is significantly lower than
multaneous beams from multiple antennas [Fig. 2(e)]. the number of inputs.
Examples of RF multibeam matrices include the Butler In reviewing the state of the art, there is a clear need
matrix [44] and the Blass matrix [45]. The separation of for receiver front-end array architectures that perform
interferers and desired signals across the different beams spatial interference mitigation in a manner that is flexi-
(or outputs) relaxes the dynamic range requirements on ble and tunable across frequency; benefits from CMOS
the subsequent receiver front-end circuitry and A/D used integration and technology scaling; has low cost, size,
on each beam relative to the overall dynamic range seen and power consumption overhead; and does not sacrifice
at each antenna. In other words, each antenna sees a dy- the spatial degrees of freedom available in the array.
namic range that is governed by the most powerful inter- Section III describes research in this direction.
ferer and the weakest desired signal across all angles of
incidence, but each beam output sees a dynamic range
only limited by the interferer and desired signal along I II . A S CALABLE FOUR-ELEMENT MIMO
the particular beam direction. Consequently, lower reso- RECEIVER ARRAY W ITH S PATIO–
lution A/Ds can be used on each beam relative to the SPECTRAL INTE RFERENCE
A/Ds that would be used in the digital array processing MITIGATION
architecture of Fig. 2(d), and variable gain can be used Since blockers that are outside the frequency band of in-
in the various receiver front ends to scale the beam sig- terest can be eliminated at analog/RF to some degree
nals accordingly. Furthermore, if there are as many through spectral bandpass filtering, the goal of spatial in-
beams as there are antenna elements, and the different terference mitigation is to address blockers that are
beams compute linearly independent combinations of within the receive band by rejecting them based on their
the various antenna inputs, then no information is lost angle of arrival, or in other words, performing spatial
across the beam outputs. The different beam outputs can notch filtering. Therefore, the desired receiver front-end
be recombined in the digital domain to recover each array depicted in Fig. 2(g) preserves all antenna inputs

564 Proceedings of the IEEE | Vol. 104, No. 3, March 2016

Krishnaswamy et al.: Analog and RF Interference Mitigation for Integrated MIMO Receiver Arrays

Fig. 3. SNF concept that performs impedance-domain beamforming at baseband to create spatial notches in input impedance. A
simulation of the incident-angle-dependent input impedance synthesized by the SNF in the prototype described in this paper is
also shown assuming a four-element uniform linear array with =2 antenna spacing.

at the output while imparting spectral bandpass filtering Since spatial notch filtering is desired, baseband
and spatial notch filtering to them. gyrators1 based on active circuitry may be employed to
At the core of the proposed architecture is a spatial invert the impedance to have a notch-like or “angle-stop”
notch filter (SNF) at baseband (Fig. 3). The SNF produces profile (ZIN1 in Fig. 3). In other words, in the broadside
an incident-angle-dependent input impedance that is rela- direction, a relatively low impedance will be seen in
tively low along a notch direction, and relatively high each antenna signal path looking into the SNF, while in
along other directions. As will be described later in this other directions, a relatively high impedance will be
section, this input impedance of the SNF is translated to seen. Fig. 3 depicts a simulation of the SNF employed in
the RF antenna interface, so that blockers along the notch the prototype receiver front-end array described later in
direction are reflected by a low input impedance, while this paper, with 510  presented to the first antenna at
signals from other directions are absorbed by the array. baseband in the broadside (notch) direction and 3500 
The operation of the SNF will now be described for a presented at endfire.
notch at broadside incidence, but as will be described While such an angle-stop impedance is synthesized at
later, the notch can be steered to any angle of incidence. baseband, it is desirable to be able to present such an im-
In the SNF (Fig. 3), in order to create a spatial notch, pedance at RF at the antenna interface so that spatial
the signals arriving from all antennas are tied to a single blockers may be suppressed early in the receiver chain.
node. When signals from all antennas arrive in-phase In the recent past, there has been exciting progress on
with equal magnitude (broadside incidence or  ¼ 0 ), CMOS passive-mixer-based receivers that exhibit imped-
then in each path, a high impedance is seen, equal to N ance transparency, namely, an RF input impedance that
times the resistive load at the common node, where N is is dependent on and a translated version of the baseband
the number of antennas. However, when signals arrive impedance [40], [51]. Since the translation is controlled
from other directions, for instance, endfire incidence by the local oscillator (LO) frequency, the RF impedance
( ¼ 90 ), the signals from the different antennas will is tunable across frequency. Furthermore, a low-pass
be equal in magnitude but successively 180 out of baseband impedance with a low corner frequency effec-
phase (assuming =2 spacing in a uniform linear array). tively translates to a high-Q spectral bandpass filter at
As a result, the common node will become a virtual RF, enabling spectral blocker suppression at small fre-
ground, and zero impedance is seen in each antenna quency offsets from the desired receiver band.
signal path. In other words, the impedance seen in each
antenna path (ZLi , i ¼ 1; . . . ; N) is incident-angle- 1
The gyrator is a circuit element whose input impedance is in-
dependent and has a beam-like or “angle-pass” profile. versely proportional to its load impedance.

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Krishnaswamy et al.: Analog and RF Interference Mitigation for Integrated MIMO Receiver Arrays

Fig. 4. GBMF receiver front-end block diagram along with simulations from the prototype described in this paper of the dependence
of input impedance and conversion gain on the baseband load resistance RBin . As RBin is reduced, due to the impedance transparency of
the passive mixer, the in-band input impedance presented to the antenna ( jZIN j at fLO ) reduces as well. The conversion gain of the front
end also reduces due to multiple factors—reduction of baseband load impedance, reduction of input impedance resulting in reflection
of the incident signal, and reduction of the RF amplifier gain ðAV;RF Þ due to the loading down of the amplifier through feedback.

Consequently, widely tunable receivers with impressive impedance transparency. The receiver bandwidth is set
resiliency to out-of-band spectral blockers have been by the baseband capacitor Cs ; outside the receiver band-
demonstrated by eliminating the front-end low-noise am- width, the low impedance of these capacitors translates
plifier, and placing such a transparent passive mixer as to a low input impedance at the antenna input, signifying
the first block in the receiver chain [40], with the im- the high-Q input spectral filtering achieved through
pedance transparency providing the input matching. transparency. Simulations of the spectral filtering are not
Noise-canceling architectures have been investigated shown here, as these concepts are well established [40],
that lower the noise figure (NF) of such mixer-first re- [51], [52]. In addition, conversion gain is also dependent
ceivers to sub-2-dB levels at RF [51]. Such widely tunable on the baseband resistance RBin . While conversion gain is
receivers with integrated high-Q spectral filtering expected to be a function of the baseband load resistance
potentially eliminate the fixed-frequency surface-acoustic- in a mixer, a low RBin also suppresses the input imped-
wave (SAW) filters that are employed in conventional ance through the transparency discussed earlier, reflect-
commercial mobile wireless receivers. Recently, a gain- ing the incident signal, and also loads down the RF
boosted passive-mixer-first (GBMF) receiver front end amplifier through feedback, reducing the voltage gain
was proposed that places the passive mixer in feedback across the amplifier AV;RF .
around an RF amplifier [52]. The RF amplifier imparts In the proposed MIMO receiver array architecture
higher conversion gain to the otherwise completely (Fig. 5), each antenna path uses a GBMF receiver front
passive mixer, suppressing the noise of the subsequent end loaded with the baseband SNF. The GBMF front
analog baseband circuitry. It also provides a Miller- ends accomplish tunable high-Q spectral filtering, and
multiplication effect that reduces the required capaci- the incident-angle-dependent input impedance synthe-
tance in the baseband low-pass load impedance for a sized in the SNF is translated to the antenna input by
given RF filter Q as well as the size of the passive mixer the GBMF receiver front ends, accomplishing spatial
switches and the associated LO-path power consumption. notch filtering right at the antenna inputs. Using the
Fig. 4 depicts the block diagram of the GBMF re- notch-direction and outside-notch-direction input imped-
ceiver front end used in the prototype described in this ance levels of 510  and 3500  from Fig. 3, Fig. 4 indi-
paper, along with simulations of its performance. The in- cates that through careful design of the GBMF receiver
band input impedance ( ZIN at fLO , the LO frequency) is front ends and the SNF, an absorptive in-band input im-
a function of the baseband resistance RBin , indicating the pedance of 50  can be provided outside the notch

566 Proceedings of the IEEE | Vol. 104, No. 3, March 2016

Krishnaswamy et al.: Analog and RF Interference Mitigation for Integrated MIMO Receiver Arrays

Fig. 5. Block diagram of the fully integrated MIMO receiver front-end array with analog/RF spatio–spectral interference mitigation.

direction, while a (partially) reflective in-band input im- lower switch resistance in the passive mixers for the
pedance of 16.7  is provided in the notch direction. same LO-path power consumption. It should also be
This corresponds to approximately 6 dB of voltage sup- noted that this spatial notch suppression is mainly effec-
pression at the antenna input. However, overall, the tive within the receiver bandwidth, as outside the re-
conversion gain of the GBMF front end in Fig. 4 shows ceiver bandwidth, the baseband capacitors Cs (i.e.,
> 10-dB suppression in the notch direction. spectral filtering) dominate the input impedance and
The active gyrator in the SNF is implemented using a the conversion gain.
baseband operational transconductance amplifier (OTA) What is unique about the approach described here is
with a feedback resistor ðRFB Þ. The extent of conversion that spatial filtering is being achieved in the impedance
gain suppression is limited by feedback loop gain domain. This is distinct from conventional microwave
considerations in this active gyrator, which limits the dif- beamformers that are designed with isolation between
ference between the notch-direction and outside-notch- the different antenna signal paths (for instance, variable
direction input impedance levels. The finite switch re- gain amplifiers and phase shifters driving an isolating
sistance and RF amplifier gain in the GBMF receiver Wilkinson combiner). While isolation is desirable to pre-
front ends also limit the effectiveness of the impedance vent interactions between the paths, it prevents the input
translation. The > 10-dB suppression, while already impedance looking into the beamformer from depending
substantial, can be increased further by using more ad- on the angle of incidence of the wave. The incident-angle-
vanced CMOS technology nodes that allow greater loop dependent input impedance achieved in our approach
gain in the gyrators within stability constraints and allows the benefits of spatial filtering to be passed on to

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Krishnaswamy et al.: Analog and RF Interference Mitigation for Integrated MIMO Receiver Arrays

preceding blocks. While spatial notch filtering is common output node of the SNF across chips (on a PCB,
achieved at baseband, the resultant suppression is also for instance), spatial notch filtering would be effectively
translated to the antenna input and the output of the RF achieved across the entire larger array. Since the com-
amplifier in the GBMF receiver front end through im- mon output node is at baseband, it can inherently toler-
pedance transparency. Therefore, all nodes in the re- ate more parasitics in the board-level interconnects than
ceiver front end are protected. an RF node. Therefore, scalability is achieved without RF
The discussion above has focused on a spatial notch interconnections.
at broadside; however, the notch may be steered by
phase shifting the LOs of the different GBMF receiver
front ends relative to each other (Fig. 5). As described I V. MEASUREMENTS
earlier, after impedance inversion by the baseband gyra- A scalable 0.1–1.7-GHz four-element direct-conversion
tors, the SNF presents a low impedance to create a notch MIMO receiver array with spatio–spectral interference
if all the signals arrive at its inputs perfectly in phase. By mitigation has been implemented in TSMC 65-nm CMOS
shifting the phases of the LO signals, phase shifts are im- technology [53]. The block diagram of the chip is shown
posed on the received signals before they reach the SNF, in Fig. 5, and a microphotograph of the IC is shown in
thus steering the notch. The phase shifting of the LO sig- Fig. 6. The receiver array occupies 1.3 mm  1.3 mm of
nals is carried out through on-chip vector-modulator die area. The compact nature of the implemented IC is
phase shifters in the LO paths. Furthermore, while we enabled by the aforementioned design principles that
have focused the discussion on uniform linear arrays, the enable tunable operation over 0.1–1.7-GHz and spatio–
concept is equally applicable to nonuniform 2-D arrays spectral interference mitigation without the use of induc-
as well, as arbitrary phase shifts can be applied in each tors and transmission lines that are traditionally seen in
LO path. conventional microwave beamforming approaches. For
Since the objective is to provide spatial notch filter- all measurements described below, the chip is packaged
ing to interferers that are within the receiver band and in a commercial 64-pin QFN package and mounted on a
see gain throughout the receiver chain, additional sup- custom-designed printed circuit board (PCB).
pression beyond the > 10 dB that is achieved through The incident-angle-dependent input reflection coeffi-
the SNF is desired. To this end, we note that the com- cient of the four-element array is first characterized to
mon output node of the SNF is a node where a beam evaluate the effectiveness of the SNF in reflecting inter-
has been formed that points in the notch direction. In ference at the antenna interface. This input reflection
other words, this node contains the interference signal coefficient is obtained by measuring the two-port
but not the desired signal(s), and can be used to cancel
the interference residue left behind by the SNF. A
feedforward spatial notch canceller (FF SNC) (Fig. 5)
senses the voltage at the common node, scales it with
a tunable attenuator, and cancels the interference resi-
due in a feedforward fashion in each antenna’s base-
band analog signal path. Since the SNF has an
inverting gain to the common node, the phase condi-
tion for cancellation is automatically satisfied. Using
identical cells in the main and cancellation paths that
handle equal residue and replica interference signals
also ensures cancellation of distortion induced by the
residual interference in the cells. Since the FF SNC is
a feedforward canceller, the amount of suppression it
can impart is only limited by the resolution of the tun-
able attenuator and the phase matching condition
across the receiver bandwidth. Based on the required
amount of suppression and the rate at which conditions
such as supply voltage and temperature change, the at-
tenuator setting would need to be calibrated one time
or periodically.
Finally, a unique characteristic of the proposed archi-
tecture is its inherent scalability. Large arrays require
the tiling of multiple array RFICs. It is desirable to Fig. 6. Chip microphotograph of the 0.1–1.7-GHz scalable
achieve spatial filtering benefits across the larger array, four-element MIMO receiver array with spatio–spectral
rather than at a subarray level. By connecting the interference mitigation.

568 Proceedings of the IEEE | Vol. 104, No. 3, March 2016

Krishnaswamy et al.: Analog and RF Interference Mitigation for Integrated MIMO Receiver Arrays

Fig. 7. (a) Incident-angle-dependent input reflection coefficient of the four-element receiver array at 0.602 GHz, assuming a uniform
linear array geometry with =2 spacing at 0.6 GHz and an LO frequency of 0.6 GHz. The SNF is enabled and tuned to broadside.
(b) Input reflection coefficient for broadside and endfire incidence as the LO is tuned across frequency (0.4, 0.6, and 0.8 GHz). The
assumed antenna spacing is also correspondingly changed.

network parameters of the four inputs pairwise, and input frequency. The measured in-band spatial response
then mathematically computing the input reflection co- shows a maximum of 32-dB rejection in a steerable notch
efficient for plane waves arriving at the array at differ- direction with both the SNF and FF SNC enabled, of
ent angles of incidence. The four elements are assumed which 8 dB comes from the feedback-based SNF (close
to be excited by a uniform linear array with =2 antenna to the simulated 10 dB). The measured spectral response
spacing at 0.6 GHz. The input signal is at 0.602 GHz, in the notch direction shows that the spectral filtering,
within the bandwidth of the receiver, the LO signal is at SNF, and FF SNC together enable blocker rejection of
0.6 GHz, and the notch is tuned to broadside. Fig. 7(a) more than 19 dB at all frequencies in the notch
shows that incident signal power is (partially) reflected direction.
when the wave is incident from broadside, but is In order to demonstrate scalability, two packaged
absorbed for other angles of incidence. As described RFICs are tiled on a PCB with their baseband beam-
earlier, the receiver array reflects spatial blockers by formed nodes tied together as described earlier. The
presenting low impedance to the antenna array, result- measured spatial notch suppression at in-band frequen-
ing in smaller voltage swings at the input nodes and cies exhibits the expected improved spatial selectivity of
therefore higher linearity in the notch direction. It an eight-element uniform linear array (Fig. 9), clearly
should also be mentioned that omnidirectional anten- demonstrating the scalability feature.
nas are assumed here, as well as in the other measure- Fig. 10(a) depicts the measured input-referred third-
ments presented in this section, except for the wireless order intercept point (IIP3) as a function of the offset of
imaging demonstration in Fig. 12, where real radiators the first of the two RF tones from the LO frequency. As
are employed. Fig. 7(b) shows the input reflection coeffi- before, the four elements are assumed to be excited by a
cient as the LO is tuned across frequency (the assumed uniform linear array with =2 spacing at 0.5 GHz. IIP3
antenna spacing is also correspondingly changed) for measurements are depicted for both signals incident
broadside and endfire incidence, verifying tunable opera- from broadside and endfire. Both SNF and FF SNC are
tion across frequency. enabled with the notch tuned to broadside. In the notch
Fig. 8 shows the measured spatio–spectral conversion direction, at in-band frequencies, it can be seen that IIP3
gain of the second element in the four-element receiver is significantly enhanced by as much as 34 dB. As the
array, with the LO frequency set to 0.5 GHz and the two tone signals migrate to out-of-band frequencies, the
four elements assumed to be excited by a uniform linear improvement in IIP3 is less substantial as discussed ear-
array with =2 spacing at 0.5 GHz. In order to synthe- lier, but is still as high as 7 dB for a first-tone offset of
size signals at the four inputs representative of an inci- 100 MHz (out-of-band IIP3 improves from þ11 to
dent wavefront, a calibrated beamformer implemented þ18 dBm). Fig. 10(b) depicts the linearity as a function
using discrete components on a PCB is used. While of incidence angle for in-band and out-of-band frequen-
Fig. 8(a) shows the 2-D conversion gain with both SNF cies. For in-band frequencies, since signals experience
and FF SNC enabled and the notch tuned to broadside, gain throughout the receiver chain, input-referred linear-
Fig. 8(b) shows a cross section versus angle of incidence ity metrics such as IIP3 depend heavily on the receiver
for in-band frequencies, and with the notch steered to gain. Therefore, output-referred IP3 (OIP3) is a better
45 as well. Fig. 8(c) shows a cross section versus RF metric that enables comparisons across designs featuring

Vol. 104, No. 3, March 2016 | Proceedings of the IEEE 569

Krishnaswamy et al.: Analog and RF Interference Mitigation for Integrated MIMO Receiver Arrays

Fig. 8. (a) Measured spatio–spectral conversion gain of the second element of the four-element receiver array. Both SNF and FF-SNC
are enabled and the notch is steered to broadside. (b) Cross section versus angle of incidence for in-band frequencies. The individual
contribution of the SNF is also shown, as are measurements when the notch is steered to 45 . (c) Cross section versus RF frequency
for broadside and endfire incidence.

different gains. The combination of the SNF and FF SNC In a traditional digital receiver array, the noise signals
improves the in-band OIP3 from þ0 dBm outside the at the outputs of the different receiver front-end ele-
notch angle to þ34 dBm at the notch angle. ments are uncorrelated (assuming that the input noise

Fig. 9. Conversion gain of the second element versus angle of incidence at in-band frequencies for a two-chip tile with (a) SNF enabled,
and (b) FF SNC additionally enabled. The notch is steered to broadside, and the eight elements are assumed to be excited by a uniform
linear array with =2 spacing at 500 MHz. The response of a single chip from Fig. 8 is also shown for comparison purposes.

570 Proceedings of the IEEE | Vol. 104, No. 3, March 2016

Krishnaswamy et al.: Analog and RF Interference Mitigation for Integrated MIMO Receiver Arrays

Fig. 10. Measured two-tone linearity across frequency and angle of incidence, with the four elements assumed to be excited by a
uniform linear array with =2 spacing at 0.5 GHz: (a) measured IIP3 as a function of the offset frequency of the first tone for broadside
and endfire incidence, and (b) measured in-band OIP3 and out-of-band IIP3 as a function of incidence angle. For these measurements,
both SNF and FF SNC are enabled with the notch tuned to broadside.

signals are uncorrelated as well and ignoring the effects 5 dB over the operating frequency range with both SNF
of phase noise from a common LO) as there is no inter- and FF SNC disabled. Enabling the SNF leads to 2–2.7-
action between the different receiver front ends. There- dB NF DSB;eq , while enabling the FF SNC mildly in-
fore, single-element receiver noise figure (NF) can be creases the noise figure to 2.2–4.6 dB. It is noteworthy
easily defined and measured. However, in this four-ele- that aside from the low area and power overhead associ-
ment receiver, it is more tricky to evaluate the noise per- ated with the spatial notch filtering proposed in this
formance, since the noise signals at the multiple outputs paper, the noise penalty is also minimal.
are partially correlated due to the formation of a spatial In order to demonstrate the benefits of analog/RF
notch across the different elements. Therefore, in order spatio–spectral interference mitigation in a MIMO re-
to define an equivalent single-element receiver NF, we ceiver array, a wireless imaging demonstration at
form a beam in the analog domain using the four array 920 MHz is performed (Fig. 12). The receiver array is in-
outputs (away from the notch direction, along the end- terfaced with a 2  2 antenna array, and its analog base-
fire direction), and measure NF at the beam output with band outputs are digitized using an Agilent InfiniiVision
respect to one of the array inputs with the other inputs MSO7054A mixed-signal oscilloscope. The digitized out-
terminated with reference-impedance terminations. Sub- puts are streamed to a laptop computer so that digital
tracting 10 log10 N (¼ 6 dB for N ¼ 4) from this mea- multibeamforming may be performed in MatLab. The an-
sured array NF yields the equivalent single-element tenna array is irradiated with a weak desired signal in the
receiver NF (Fig. 11). The equivalent single-element dou- presence of a spatially distinct in-band 20 dB stronger
ble-sideband noise figure (NFDSB;eq ) ranges from 1.7 to 4. blocker. Twenty five simultaneous beams in a 5  5 array
are formed digitally in MatLab, with 30 coverage in each
direction. Note that the large number of beams results in
spatial overlap between them. An image is constructed
using the received signal strength on each beam for pixel
brightness. Without analog spatial rejection (SNF and FF
SNC), the receiver array outputs show clipping due to the
strong blocker. The desired signal cannot be detected on
the image. By enabling the SNF, the saturation of the re-
ceiver is prevented, but the blocker suppression is not suf-
ficient to discern the desired signal in the image.
Further enabling the FF SNC leads to higher blocker sup-
pression. Consequently, the blocker is no longer visible in
the image, and the desired weaker signal is clearly
Fig. 13 summarizes the performance of the prototype
Fig. 11. Measured equivalent single-element double-sideband and compares it to state-of-the-art RF CMOS (single-
noise figure NFDSB;eq across the operating frequency range. output) phased array receivers. In addition to the new

Vol. 104, No. 3, March 2016 | Proceedings of the IEEE 571

Krishnaswamy et al.: Analog and RF Interference Mitigation for Integrated MIMO Receiver Arrays

Fig. 12. Wireless imaging demonstration exploiting digital multibeamforming with analog/RF spatial interference suppression.

functionality of preserving all receiver array outputs for scalable; present low cost, size, and power consumption
digital array processing while providing spatio–spectral overheads; and do not sacrifice the spatial degrees of
interference mitigation, this work demonstrates very freedom available in the array. Experimental results
high in-band OIP3 after spatial suppression through the have been presented from a 0.1–1.7-GHz four-element
successive SNF and FF SNC. The area and power over- receiver front-end array IC prototype in 65-nm CMOS
head associated with interference mitigation are low, technology. Further research on analog and RF interfer-
when the prototype is compared with the other single- ence mitigation techniques is critical for the deployment
output phased arrays. The NF degradation associated of cost-effective, power-efficient, large-scale MIMO
with spatial notch suppression is also notably minimal. technology.
Several topics have been opened for future research.
The architecture presented in this paper is capable of
V. CONCLUSION AND T OPICS FOR suppressing signals that arrive at the various antenna
FUT URE RE SE ARCH elements with arbitrary phase shifts but equal magni-
This paper has described techniques for analog and tude. Such a signal distribution, specifically equal magni-
RF spatio–spectral interference mitigation in integrated tudes with progressive phase difference, is seen for a
digital MIMO receiver arrays. The techniques proposed plane interference wave impinging on an antenna array;
are flexible, tunable across operating frequency, and however, in the presence of multipath, interference may

572 Proceedings of the IEEE | Vol. 104, No. 3, March 2016

Krishnaswamy et al.: Analog and RF Interference Mitigation for Integrated MIMO Receiver Arrays

Fig. 13. Performance summary and comparison to state-of-the-art CMOS RF phased array receivers.

appear at the various antenna elements with arbitrary to around 5 GHz are of interest, as higher frequencies
magnitude. Mutual coupling between antenna elements are likely to be exploited for massive MIMO deploy-
may also produce a similar effect. It is therefore desir- ments given the associated reductions in antenna aper-
able to be able to suppress signals with arbitrary phase ture sizes.
and magnitude profiles across the different antennas. It is also interesting to consider integrated techniques
Such a capability would also enable the formation of for self-interference cancellation (i.e., cancellation of
multiple simultaneous notches for the suppression of interference arising from the transmitter array of the
multiple interferers. same system or platform) in MIMO receiver arrays for
The passive-mixer-based approaches described in this coexistence and emerging full-duplex or simultaneous-
paper that translate the incident-angle-dependent imped- transmit-and-receive (STAR) applications [54]–[60]. h
ance synthesized by the baseband SNF to RF typically
have an upper limit of operating frequency governed by
the CMOS technology employed. The upper limit is a Acknowledgment
fraction of the MOSFET switch speed in the CMOS The authors would like to thank DARPA Program
technology, and is typically around 2 GHz for 65-nm Manager Dr. T. Olsson for valuable discussions and
CMOS. Techniques that extend operating frequency feedback.

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Harish Krishnaswamy (Member, IEEE) received Linxiao Zhang (Student Member, IEEE) received
the B.Tech. degree from the Indian Institute of the B.S. degree in electrical and electronics engi-
Technology, Madras, India, in 2001 and the M.S. neering from Nanyang Technological University,
and Ph.D. degrees from the University of South- Singapore, in 2011. He is currently working toward
ern California (USC), Los Angeles, CA, USA, in the Ph.D. degree in the Electrical Engineering De-
2003 and 2009, respectively, all in electrical partment, Columbia University, New York, NY, USA.
engineering. He interned at the Institute of Microelectron-
In 2009, he joined the Department of Electri- ics, Singapore, for five months in 2009. In sum-
cal Engineering, Columbia University, New York, mer 2013, he interned at Mediatek. His research
NY, USA, where he is currently an Associate Pro- interests include wideband/software-defined ra-
fessor. His research interests include integrated devices, circuits, and dio with an emphasis on multiple-antenna systems.
systems for a variety of RF, millimeter-wave, and submillimeter-wave Mr. Zhang received the EE MS Award of Excellence from the
applications. Columbia University Electrical Engineering Department in May 2013.
Dr. Krishnaswamy serves as a member of the Technical Program
Committee (TPC) of several conferences, including the IEEE Interna-
tional Solid-State Circuits Conference (2015/2016–present) and the IEEE
RFIC Symposium (2013–present). He was the recipient of the IEEE Inter-
national Solid-State Circuits Conference (ISSCC) Lewis Winner Award
for Outstanding Paper in 2007, the Best Thesis in Experimental Re-
search Award from the USC Viterbi School of Engineering in 2009, the
Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) Young Faculty
Award in 2011, a 2014 IBM Faculty Award, and the 2015 IEEE RFIC Sym-
posium Best Student Paper Award—First Place.

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