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Seguritan v. People 4. A heated discussion ensued between Seguritan and Lucrecio.

G.R. No. 172896 punched Lucrecio twice as the latter was about to stand up. His punches
19 April 2010 | Del Castillo, J. | Criminal liability – Wrongful act different from landed on Lucrecio’s right and left temple, causing him to fall face-up to
that intended; proximate cause the ground and hit a hollow block (improvised stove).
5. Lucrecio lost consciousness but Baltazar revived him. Lucrecio went
PETITIONER: Rono Seguritan y Jara home. Upon arrival, his wife noticed blood on his forehead to which he
RESPONDENTS: People of the Philippines (Lucrecio) explained that he was stoned. He went directly to his room and slept.
SUMMARY: Seguritan was having a drinking session with his uncles. An 6. 9:00 pm – Wife and daughter noticed his darkened complexion and a
argument ensued between him and Lucrecio. Seguritan punched Lucrecio. His foamy substance which came out from his mouth. They tried to revive
punches caused him to fall and hit an improvised stove. He went home and fell him but failed. He died the same night.
asleep and was later on seen by his wife and daughter with a darkened 7. Dec. 4, 1995 – Wife learned of Seguritan’s involvement in Lucrecio’s
complexion and a frothing mouth. He died that night. Dr. Vertido declared that death. She then asked the assistance of NBI Medico-Legal Office Dr.
his cause of death was due to a traumatic head injury. MHO Cabebe however Vertido to exhume his body and perform an autopsy.
found that it was because of a heart attack. RTC and CA convicted him of 8. Dr. Vertido concluded that the cause of Lucrecio’s death was traumatic
murder to which SC affirmed, holding that Seguritan punching Lucrecio was the injury:
proximate cause of the latter’s death. a. Hematomas in the scalp located in the right parietal and left
DOCTRINE: Art. 4, par. 1 of the RPC: Criminal liability — Criminal liability occipital areas
shall be incurred: b. A linear fracture in the right middle fossa, and
(1) By any person committing a felony (delito) although the wrongful act done c. A subdural hemorrhage in the right and left cerebral hemisphere
be different from that which he intended. 9. Seguritan denied hitting Lucrecio and alleged that the latter died of
cardiac arrest. He claimed that:
He who is the cause of the cause is the cause of the evil caused. a. He suddenly stood up while they were having and that he
intended to punch Lucrecio.
b. However, since Lucrecio was seated at the opposite end of the
FACTS: bench, Lucrecio lost his balance and fell before he could be hit.
Lucrecio's head hit the improvised stove as a result of which he
1. Oct. 1, 1996 – Seguritan was charged with homicide (pleaded not guilty). lost consciousness.
2. Nov. 25, 1995 - Seguritan was having a drinking session with his uncles: 10. Seguritan presented MHO Joel Cabebe to prove that Lucrecio died of a
a. Lucrecio heart attack.
b. Melchor; and 11. RTC convicted Seguritan guilty of homicide to which CA affirmed with
c. Baltazar modification.
3. Seguritan who was seated beside Lucrecio, claimed that Lucrecio's 12. Seguritan filed an MR but CA denied. Thus this petition for review
carabao entered his farm and destroyed his crops. Seguritan filed before the SC.
1. WON Seguritan should only be held liable for reckless imprudence
resulting in homicide due to the absence of intent to kill Lucrecio. -
1. When death resulted, even if there was no intent to kill, the crime is
homicide, not just physical injuries. With respect to crimes of personal
violence, the penal law looks particularly to the material results
following the unlawful act and holds the aggressor responsible for all the
consequences thereof.
2. In view of Art. 4, par. 1 of the RPC, Seguritan committed an unlawful act
by punching Lucrecio, his uncle who was much older than him, and even
if he did not intend to cause the death of Lucrecio, he must be held guilty
beyond reasonable doubt for killing him pursuant to the said provision.
He who is the cause of the cause is the cause of the evil caused.

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