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Assessment Diagnosis Planning Intervention Evaluation

Subjective: Acute pain Short term Asked the patient Short term
related to After 15 mins of about pain.
“masakit dito invasion of nursing Determined pain After 15 mins of
pag humihinga” tumor in pleura, intervention the characteristics: nursing
chest wall. Patient will continuous, aching, intervention the
Objective: report pain relief. stabbing, burning. Patient was able
Had patient rate to report relieved
Hand gesture intensity on a 0–10 pain.
pointing to his Long term: scale.
rib cage After 8hrs of
nursing Assessed patient’s Long term:
BP: 130/90 intervention the verbal and
Patient will nonverbal pain cuesAfter 8hrs of
RR: 32 report controlled nursing
pain. Noted possible intervention the
Pain scale: pathophysiological Patient was able
7/10 and psychological to report
causes of pain. controlled pain

Provided comfort
measures: frequent
changes of position,
back rubs, supported
with pillows.
Encouraged use of
visualization, guided
imagery, and
diversional activities.

Assisted with self-

care activities,
breathing and/or
arm exercises,

Scheduled rest
periods, provided
quiet environment

effectiveness of pain
control. Encouraged
sufficient medication
to manage pain;
changed medication
or time span as

analgesics routinely
as indicated,
especially 45–60 min
before respiratory
treatments, deep-
breathing or
coughing exercises.

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