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Symmetrical Components

IEEE PES Boston Chapter

Technical Meeting

September, 19 2017
National Grid, Waltham, MA
Symmetrical Components
Discussion Topics

• History and Description

• The General Method of Symmetrical Components

– N-Phase Systems
– 3-Phase Systems

• Circuit Element Sequence Representations

• Fault Analysis Using Symmetrical Components

1J. Lewis Blackburn and Thomas J. Domin, Protective Relaying Principles and Applications, 3rd Ed., CRC Press, 2007

2John, A Horak, Derivation of Symmetrical Component Theory and Symmetrical Component Networks, Georgia Tech

protective Relaying Conference, Atlanta, GA, April 2005,

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Symmetrical Components – History and Description

• The method of symmetrical components provides a tool to study systems

with unbalanced phasors.

• Developed by Charles Fortescue in 1913, who presented a paper entitled’

“Method of Symmetrical Co-ordinates Applied to the Solution of Polyphase

• In mathematics terms, a linear transformation4 is a mapping of quantities

between two vector spaces, in this case a physical domain (ABC) and a
sequence domain (012).

• The method simplifies circuit analysis of a three-phase mutually coupled

circuit by transforming it into 3 single phase circuits with no mutual

3Fortescue’s paper is available from the University of Waterloo from
4Rowland,Todd and Weisstein, Eric W. "Linear Transformation." From MathWorld—A Wolfram Web

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A Tool for Simplifying Fault Analysis

• A balanced system is
easily analyzed because
only one phase needs to
be considered.

• Unbalanced systems
require a full circuit
analysis of all three
phases, neutral and
ground elements.

• Therefore transforming an
unbalanced system into
balanced systems
promises to simplify our

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The General Method of Symmetrical Components

• Method for 3-phase power system is a subset of the more general transformation
method. The general method resolves N unbalanced phasors which share the
same reference plane into N sets of balanced phasors, with each set having N

• Within each set, each of the phasors has the same magnitude and successive
phases have the same phase angle separation between them.

• Let α be the angle shift between successive phases in an N-phase system. Then
let’s define a useful operator dubbed the “a” operator. The “a” operator is a unit
phasor (magnitude = 1) with an angle equal to α. Multiplying a phasor by a simply
rotates that phasor by α degrees in the counterclockwise direction.

 a 1 Rotation operator

• Within each sequence network, the angular displacement of successive phasors is

-α∙n where n is the phase sequence network number and where n = 0, 1, 2, …N-1.

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3-Phase System Example
Physical System Seq #0 System (Zero Seq)

α a b0,

Seq #1 System (Pos Seq)
n = 0, 1, 2, …N-1
α = 120 deg c1


Note: All system rotation,
even “negative-sequence”
Seq #2 System (Neg Seq)
phasors, is counterclockwise!



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4-Phase System Example
Physical System Seq #0 System Seq #3 System
d b3

c a c3 a3
α c0,

b d3

Seq #1 System
n = 0, 1, 2, …N-1
α = 90 deg d1

c1 a1


Seq #2 System

b2, a2,
d2 c2

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5-Phase System Example
Physical System Seq #0 System Seq #3 System
e d3
α a c0, a3
c e3
b c3

Seq #1 System Seq #4 System
n = 0, 1, 2, …N-1
α = 72 deg e1 b4
d1 c4

a1 a4

c1 d4
b1 e4

Seq #2 System



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6-Phase System Example
Physical System Seq #0 System Seq #3 System
e f

b3, a3,
d a d3, c3,
f3 e3

c b

Seq #1 System Seq #4 System
n = 0, 1, 2, …N-1
α = 60 deg e1 f1 b4,
A more detailed development of 6-phase sequence network
applications can be found in the following paper: a4,
d1 a1
5Bhatt, Navin B., Six-Phase (Multi-Phase) Power Transmission
Systems: Fault Analysis, IEEE Transactions on Power c4,
c1 b1 f4
Apparatus and Systems, Vol. PAS-96, No. 3, May/June 1977,
Seq #2 System Seq #5 System
c5 b5
Trivia Factoid:
When N is prime, each set where n>0 will form a regular N-
sided polygon. Consider n=0 as being a 1-sided polygon. a2,
d5 a5
For N=6, prime factors are 1, 2, 3 and 6. Can you find a 1- d2

sided, 2-sided, 3-sided and 6-sided polygon among these

sets? Try this for any value of N. b2,
e5 f5

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Back to the 3-Phase System Example
Physical System Seq #0 System (Zero Seq)
We can relate physical domain quantities to
sequence domain quantities by superposition. a0,
α a b0,
Va  Va 0  Va1  Va 2
Vb  Vb 0  Vb1  Vb 2 b

Vc  Vc 0  Vc1  Vc 2
Seq #1 System (Pos Seq)
n = 0, 1, 2, …N-1
α = 120 deg c1

This transforms 3 quantities into a total of 9 quantities. Simplified?


Let’s define quantities V0, V1 and V2 in the sequence domain using

a-phase (or specifically Va) as a reference and along with the “a” b1

operator substitute the new “sequence” quantities into b and c-

Seq #2 System (Neg Seq)

V0  Va 0 Va  V0  V1  V2
V1  Va1 Vb  V0  a 2V1  aV2

V2  Va 2 Vc  V0  aV1  a 2V2 c2

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3-Phase System Example Using Matrix Notation

Expressing the transformation in matrix notation makes the transformation format easier
to remember.

Va  V0  V1  V2 Va  1 1 1  V0 
V   1 a 2 a   V 
Vb  V0  a 2V1  aV2  b    1 Vabc   A V012
Vc  V0  aV1  a 2V2 Vc  1 a a 2  V2 

Matrix notation also lets us easily derive an inverse transform.

V0  1 1 1  Va 
V012  A1  Vabc V   1 1 a a 2   Vb 
 1 3 
V2  1 a 2 a  Vc 

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3-Phase System Example Using Matrix Notation

Naturally, other phasor quantities such as current or flux have the same transformation
form as voltage phasors.

I a  I 0  I1  I 2  I a  1 1 1   I 0 
I b  I 0  a 2 I1  aI 2  I   1 a 2 a    I 
 b    1 I abc   A I 012
I c  I 0  aI1  a I 22
 I c  1 a a 2   I 2 

I0  1 1 1  I a 
I 012  A  I abc 
 I   1 1 a a 2    I b 
 1 3 
 I 2  1 a 2 a   I c 

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Symmetrical Component Transformation
Worked Example

6This example is from Washington State University’s March 2011 Hands-On Relay School

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Symmetrical Component Transformation
Worked Example (Continued)

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Symmetrical Component Transformation
Worked Example (Continued)

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Symmetrical Component Transformation
Worked Example (Continued)

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Symmetrical Component Transformation
Worked Example (Continued)

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Symmetrical Component Transformation – Visualization
• 7Steven Blair at the University of Strathclyde has a good interactive
tool for visualizing symmetrical components:

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Circuit Element Sequence Representations

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Circuit Element Sequence Representations
Sequence Networks
• Elements of a power system are represented by impedances in
each of sequence networks. For a 3-phase power system:

– Zero sequence represents impedances of the system to equal

(in-phase) currents in all three phases.

– Positive sequence represents impedances of the system to

normal (balanced) currents in all three phases.

– Negative sequence represents impedances of the system to

currents with reversed phase sequence.

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Circuit Element Sequence Representations
Sequence Network Independence
• Each of the sequence networks is independent of the others.

• For a balanced network:

– Sequence currents produce only like sequence network voltage drops.
• Thus the sequence networks are not connected to each other.
• Unbalanced sources resolve to zero, positive and negative sequence

• For unbalanced network:

– Sequence currents can produce voltage drops in any or all three
sequence networks.
• Thus, we model unbalances by setting up independent sequence networks
and interconnecting them at the point of the unbalance (i.e. the fault
• For these studies we assume the rest of the system and all the sources are
balanced (i.e. no sources in the zero and negative sequence networks).

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Circuit Element Sequence Representations
3-Phase System with Sending and Receiving End Voltages








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Circuit Element Sequence Representations
Self Impedances
• The voltage drop equations in matrix form for our system are

VAS  VAR   Z AA Z AB Z AC   I A 
V   V    Z Z BB Z BC    I B 
 BS   BR   BA
VCS  VCR   Z CA Z CB Z CC   I C 

• Starting with KVL around the loop, the self impedance of loop A (i.e. the voltage drop
in loop A resulting from the current in loop A) is
 RA  RG I A  j  X AA  X AG I A

Z AA  A
 RA  RG   j  X AA  X AG 

• ZBB and ZCC in the impedance matrix are similarly defined.

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Circuit Element Sequence Representations
Mutual Impedances
• Again, our voltage drop equations in matrix form are

VAS  VAR   Z AA Z AB Z AC   I A 
V   V    Z Z BB Z BC    I B 
 BS   BR   BA
VCS  VCR   Z CA Z CB Z CC   I C 

• The mutual impedance from Loop A to Loop B (i.e. the voltage drop in loop A resulting
from the current in Loop B) is

(VAS  VAR ) I B
Z AB   RG  j  X AB  X AG 
• The XAG term might look like a typo but recall the following for flux linkage in Phase A:

 A (t )  LAAi A (t )  LAB iB (t )  LAC iC (t )  LAG iG (t )

where iG (t )  i A (t )  iB (t )  iC (t )

 A (t )  LAA  LAG i A (t )  LAB  LAG iB (t )  LAC  LAG iC (t )

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Circuit Element Sequence Representations
ABC-to-012 Conversion Using Voltage Drop Expressions
• Start with our voltage drop equations in matrix form
VAS  VAR   Z AA Z AB Z AC   I A 
V   V    Z Z BB Z BC    I B 
 BS   BR   BA
VCS  VCR   Z CA Z CB Z CC   I C 

• Multiply both sides of the expression by [A-1] which preserves the equality and multiply
[ZABC] by [A-1]·[A] which is the same as multiplying it by the identity matrix [I].
VAS  VAR   Z AA Z AB Z AC  I A 
A1 VBS   A1 VBR   A1  Z BA Z BB Z BC A A  I B 

VCS  VCR   Z CA Z CB Z CC   I C 

• This leaves us with the voltage drop expressions in the sequence domain.

V0 S  V0 R   Z 00 Z 01 Z 02   I 0 
V   V    Z Z11 Z12    I1 
 1S   1R   10
V2 S  V2 R   Z 20 Z 21 Z 22   I 2 

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Circuit Element Sequence Representations
Sequence Independence and Sequence Coupling
• Let’s examine each of the impedance terms of Z012.
V0 S  V0 R   Z 00 Z 01 Z 02   I 0 
V   V    Z Z11 Z12    I1 
 1S   1R   10
V2 S  V2 R   Z 20 Z 21 Z 22   I 2 

• See how the diagonal terms indicate impedances with no coupling between
the sequence networks whereas the off-diagonal terms indicate impedances
with coupling between the sequence networks.

(V0 S  V0 R ) I 0 (V0 S  V0 R ) I1 (V0 S  V0 R ) I 2

Z 00  Z 01  Z 02 
I0 I1 I2
(V1S  V1R ) I 0 (V1S  V1R ) I1 (V1S  V1R ) I 2
Z10  Z11  Z12 
I0 I1 I2
(V2 S  V2 R ) I 0 (V2 S  V2 R ) I1 (V2 S  V2 R ) I 2
Z 20  Z 21  Z 22 
I0 I1 I2
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Cases of Impedance Matrices with High Symmetry
Case 1 – Symmetrical Passive Elements
• In the case of transmission lines, common assumptions include symmetrically spaced
phase conductors with regular conductor transposition. This yields the following

RP  RA  RB  RC
X S  X AA  X BB  X CC
X M  X AB  X BC  X CA  X BA  X CB  X AC
X G  X AG  X BG  X CG

• This in turn enables the introduction of new

variables representing self and mutual
Z S  Z AA  Z BB  Z CC
 RP  RG  j ( X S  X G )

Z M  Z AB  Z BC  Z CA  Z BA  Z CB  Z AC
 RG  j ( X M  X G )

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Cases of Impedance Matrices with High Symmetry
Case 1 – Symmetrical Passive Elements
• Now we substitute ZS for the self impedance and ZM for the mutual impedances in the
ZABC impedance matrix.

 Z AA Z AB Z AC   Z S ZM ZM 
Z ABC   Z BA Z BB Z BC    Z M ZS Z M 
 Z CA Z CB Z CC   Z M ZM Z S 

• And convert to Z012.

 ZS ZM ZM  Z S  2Z M 0 0 
Z 012  
 A1   Z M ZS Z M   A   0 ZS  ZM 0 
 Z M ZM Z S   0 0 Z S  Z M 

• Notice that Z012 contains only diagonal elements (i.e. no coupling between sequence
networks) and that Z11 = Z22. The more common form of expression is that Z1 = Z2.

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Cases of Impedance Matrices with High Symmetry
Case 2 – Rotating Machines
• In the case of rotating machines (motors and generators), mutual coupling between
phases includes rotation as well as physical geometry. This differs from non-rotating
circuit elements because now ZAB ≠ ZBA, ZBC ≠ ZCB and ZCA ≠ ZAC.
RP  RA  RB  RC
X S  X AA  X BB  X CC
X M   X AB  X BC  X CA
X M   X BA  X CB  X AC
X G  X AG  X BG  X CG
• This in turn enables the introduction of new variables
representing self and mutual impedances.
Z S  Z AA  Z BB  Z CC
 RP  RG  j ( X S  X G )

Z M   Z AB  Z BC  Z CA Z M   Z BA  Z CB  Z AC
 RG  j ( X M   X G )  RG  j ( X M   X G )
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Cases of Impedance Matrices with High Symmetry
Case 2 – Rotating Machines
• Now we substitute ZS for the self impedance and ZM for the mutual impedances in the
ZABC impedance matrix.

 Z AA Z AB Z AC   Z S ZM  ZM  
Z ABC   Z BA Z BB Z BC    Z M  ZS Z M  
 Z CA Z CB Z CC   Z M  ZM  Z S 

• And convert to Z012.

 ZS ZM  ZM   Z S  Z M   Z M  0 0 
Z 012  
 A1   Z M  ZS Z M    A   0 Z S  a 2 Z M   aZ M  0 

 Z M  ZM  Z S   0 0 Z S  aZ M   a Z M  

• Notice that Z012 still contains only diagonal elements (i.e. no coupling between
sequence networks) but this time Z11 ≠ Z22 or more commonly Z1 ≠ Z2.

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Circuit Element Sequence Representations
System Equivalent Sources

• You can often get Thevenin impedances (Z0 and Z1) directly from
short circuit programs like CAPE or Aspen. An equivalent source is
nonrotating so Z2 = Z1.

• Otherwise, you can calculate Z0 and Z1 from fault duties, expressed

in MVA or kVA based on the system base voltage and the available
fault current. You need both 3-phase and SLG fault duties to
calculate Z0 (see next slide). With this method assume impedances
to be all reactive.

• For hand calculations you can often assume an ideal voltage

source, a.k.a. an infinite bus, (i.e. Z0 = Z1 = Z2 = 0).

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Circuit Element Sequence Representations
System Equivalent Sources

Following is a calculation method for Z0, Z1 and Z2 from given 3ph (S3ph) and
SLG (S1ph) fault duties in MVA. Resulting impedances are in per unit.

S Base 3S Base
Z1  Z 2  Zg   Z 0  Z1  Z 2
S3 ph S1 ph

Z 0  Z g  Z1  Z 2
 3S Base   S Base 
   2 
 S  S 
 1 ph   3 ph 
See Blackburn Appendix 4.1 for a detailed derivation.

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Circuit Element Sequence Representations
Synchronous Generators
For a sustained fault on the terminals of an unloaded generator, the
armature current has a decrement as shown below. A piece-wise
linear approximation of this nonlinear response is achieved using
separate positive sequence reactances: Xd”, Xd’ and Xd.

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Circuit Element Sequence Representations
Synchronous Generators

• Reactance increases with time after a short circuit because of the

demagnetizing effect of the fault current on the air-gap flux. For round
rotor machines, typical positive sequence reactances are as follows:

0.95  Xd 1.45 
0.12  Xd’ 0.28  pu on generator base
0.07  Xd’’ 0.17 

• Negative-sequence reactance is often approximated by equating it to

the subtransient reactance.

X2 = Xd’’

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Circuit Element Sequence Representations
Generators – Induction Machines
• Induction machines (motors or generators) are often ignored as
fault current sources for relaying purposes.

• The fault current contribution from an induction machine typically

decays in a few cycles.

• Induction machine contribution to fault current (subtransient

reactance) may be considered when performing maximum
instantaneous fault current studies for bus and switchgear rating

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Circuit Element Sequence Representations
Balanced 3-Phase Sources
Zero-sequence impedance depends on the manner in which the
generator is grounded. Any impedance in the neutral circuit (Zn) is
represented as three times this value (3Zn) in the zero-sequence
model since 3I0 flows through the neutral.

Z1 External neutral
Z2 impedance.
E Z0 Z0
For solidly
REF REF REF grounded neutral REF
3Zn= 0.
Pos. Seq. Neg. Seq. Zero Seq. Zero Seq.
(Wye-Connected) (Delta-Connected)
For ungrounded
neutral 3Zn = ∞

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Circuit Element Sequence Representations
Load Impedances
• Positive and negative sequence impedances of lumped loads are generally
equal. These are shown on a reference phase basis in sequence networks.

 ZS ZM ZM  Z S  2Z M 0 0 
Z 012  
 A1  Z M ZS Z M   A   0 ZS  ZM 0 
Z M ZM Z S   0 0 Z S  Z M 

• For synchronous motors, particularly those that are designed with salient
poles, the negative sequence impedance generally lies between Xd’ and Xd’’.

 ZS ZM  ZM   Z S  Z M   Z M  0 0 
Z 012  
 A1   Z M  Z S Z M    A   0 Z S  a 2 Z M   aZ M  0 

Z M  Z M  Z S   0 0 Z S  aZ M   a Z M  

• Zero sequence impedance of loads depends on the manner in which they are
connected and grounded as shown on the following page.

IEEE-PES-Boston-2017-Fall Symmetrical Components 39

Circuit Element Sequence Representations
Zero Sequence Models for Different Load Connections
Ia0 = I0
Ib0 = I0 Z Z
Z 3I0
Ic0 = I0

Ia0 = I0
Ib0 = I0 Z 3Zn
Zn Z
Ic0 = I0
Connection REF
Zero Sequence
Arrangement Equivalent Circuits




IEEE-PES-Boston-2017-Fall Symmetrical Components 40
Circuit Element Sequence Representations
Transmission Lines and Cables
• In sequence network calculations, the per-phase values of line
resistance, reactance and shunt capacitive susceptance are used.
– These values can be found from conductor tables or calculated by hand
using Carson’s equations.
– There are also several software apps available for deriving the per-
phase line constants from physical dimensions of the line or cable.

• Recall from earlier expressions that for lines and cables, ZL1 = ZL2
while ZL0 > ZL1.

 ZS ZM ZM  Z S  2Z M 0 0 
Z 012  
 A1  Z M Z S Z M   A   0 ZS  ZM 0 
Z M Z M Z S   0 0 Z S  Z M 

IEEE-PES-Boston-2017-Fall Symmetrical Components 41

Circuit Element Sequence Representations
ZL0 for Overhead Transmission Lines

• The zero sequence impedance, ZL0, of an overhead line depends on

several factors which can result in wide variation.

– The use of overhead shield wires and the type of tower grounding and

– Ground resistivity.

– Zero-sequence impedance is usually 2 to 3.5 times the

positive-sequence impedance.
Check out the Z0,
Z1 and Z2 values in
the sample EMTP
line model data.

IEEE-PES-Boston-2017-Fall Symmetrical Components 42

Circuit Element Sequence Representations
Sample ATP-EMTP Output for OH Transmission Lines
Calculated impedances are for a typical flat profile 345kV transmission line (left-most
tower configuration) with two bundled conductors per phase and no transposition.
Impedance matrix, in units of [ohms/mile ] for the system of equivalent phase conductors.
Rows and columns proceed in the same order as the sorted input.
1 2.780137E-01
1.099286E+00 Notice that ZAA = ZCC ≠ ZBB
2 2.305740E-01 2.910487E-01
5.180598E-01 1.085324E+00
3 2.230820E-01 2.305750E-01 2.780138E-01
4.412611E-01 5.181495E-01 1.099286E+00

Impedance matrix, in units of [ohms/mile ] for symmetrical components of the equivalent phase conductor
Rows proceed in the sequence (0, 1, 2), (0, 1, 2), etc.;
Columns proceed in the sequence (0, 2, 1), (0, 2, 1), etc. Z AA  RA  RG   j  X AA  X AG 
0 7.385127E-01 Z AB  RG  j  X AB  X AG 
Z10 Z12
1 -2.156088E-02 -4.804473E-02  Z S  2Z M 0 0 

Z 012   ZS  ZM 
-4.577000E-03 2.854904E-02 0 0 
Z20 Z22 Z21  0 0 Z S  Z M 
2 1.471788E-02 5.428174E-02 4.869572E-02
-1.642828E-02 6.021421E-01 2.742369E-02
IEEE-PES-Boston-2017-Fall Symmetrical Components 43
Circuit Element Sequence Representations
ZL0 for Transmission Line Cables

• For cables, the type of sheath or pipe used in the construction is a

major factor in the zero-sequence impedance.

• In addition, the placement of the phase conductors relative to each

other affects the amount of current flow in the cable sheaths or pipe
and thus has a significant impact on the zero-sequence impedance.

IEEE-PES-Boston-2017-Fall Symmetrical Components 44

Circuit Element Sequence Representations
Pipe-type Cables – R0 and X0
• R0 and X0 in pipe type cables vary with current loading.

• Most fault studies will choose a current level at which to study the
cable, usually a level corresponding with the available fault current.

30 6
25 5


5 2

0 1
10 100 1000 10000 100000 10 100 1000 10000 100000
Total Pipe Current - Amperes Total Pipe Current - Amperes

IEEE-PES-Boston-2017-Fall Symmetrical Components 45

Circuit Element Sequence Representations
Transformers – Core Type vs Shell Type

Single Phase Units

3-Phase Units

(3-legged) Shell-type

IEEE-PES-Boston-2017-Fall Symmetrical Components 46

Circuit Element Sequence Representations
Transformers – Positive and Negative Sequence
Regardless of whether the transformer is a bank of three (3) single-
phase units or a 3-phase transformer having either a shell-form or a
core-form core:

• Z1 and Z2 are equal and are the leakage impedance of the


• Positive-sequence voltages and currents shift by  30 when

passing through a Delta - Wye transformer bank. The sign of the
phase shift angle is determined by the transformer connections and
is equal to that of the physical voltage and current phase shift angle.

• The sign of the negative sequence voltage and current phase shift
angle is opposite that of the positive sequence phase shift angle.

• No phase shift occurs in the zero sequence network.

IEEE-PES-Boston-2017-Fall Symmetrical Components 47
Circuit Element Sequence Representations
Transformers – Zero Sequence
• Where a 3-phase transformer bank is arranged
without interlinking magnetic flux (three-phase shell
type, or three single-phase units) and provided there
is a path for zero sequence currents, then Z0 = Z1.

• With 3-phase core type units, the zero sequence

fluxes produced by zero sequence currents can find a
high reluctance path through the tank, the effect being
to reduce Z0 to about 85-90% of Z1. With a grounded
wye-wye configuration, this appears as a phantom or Shell-type
“tank” tertiary winding in the zero sequence network.

• With hand calculations, it’s not uncommon to ignore

this variation and consider the positive and zero
sequence impedances to be equal.

• When using short circuit software, it’s common to

assume a zero-sequence impedance as indicated
above, if manufacturer provided zero sequence
values are not available. Core-type
Source: 8Areva Network Protection and Automation Guide, Chapter 5, page 57.
IEEE-PES-Boston-2017-Fall Symmetrical Components 48
Circuit Element Sequence Representations
2-Winding Transformers – Zero Sequence

This represents a solidly grounded

The connection from internal neutral (i.e. 3Zn = 0).
impedance to the reference
and the open connection to the Replace with 3Zn for an impedance
external terminal represents a grounded neutral.
delta connection.
Replace with an open (i.e. 3Zn = ∞) for
an ungrounded neutral.
IEEE-PES-Boston-2017-Fall Symmetrical Components 49
Circuit Element Sequence Representations
3-Winding and Autotransformers
A 3-winding transformer can be represented with a T-model.

Recall that impedances derived from measurements (i.e test reports) are
those between pairs of windings with the third winding being an open circuit.
Thus we can relate the values ZPS, ZPT and ZST to effective individual winding
impedances ZP, ZS and ZT as follows:

With some algebraic manipulation we can arrive at the following:

IEEE-PES-Boston-2017-Fall Symmetrical Components 50

Circuit Element Sequence Representations
3-Winding and Autotransformers – Positive and Negative Sequence

The positive and negative sequence representations are the same and simply
include solid connections from the internal impedances ZP, ZS and ZT to the
external terminals P, S and T as shown below right.


IEEE-PES-Boston-2017-Fall Symmetrical Components 51

Circuit Element Sequence Representations
3-Winding and Autotransformers – Zero Sequence
Zero sequence representations use the same internal connection rules for
each winding configuration as seen in the 2-winding example.

Note for N-Winding Transformers:

Representation of transformers with
more than 3 windings (i.e. N-winding
transformers) follow the same process
and connection rules as 3-winding

IEEE-PES-Boston-2017-Fall Symmetrical Components 52

Now For a Word About Textbook Lookup Tables …
• Textbook diagrams often present transformer zero sequence
diagrams in a misleading way.

• They often put neutral connections

where delta connections go.

• They often depict that which is

physically outside the transformer
as being inside the transformer.

• This can make representing

You can also refer to Figures A4.2-1 and A4.2-3 in
shared neutrals (or neutral buses) Blackburn (Reference #1).
seem harder than it really is.

IEEE-PES-Boston-2017-Fall Symmetrical Components 53

Now For a Word About Textbook Lookup Tables …
A Common but Incorrect Mapping of I0 to IN
Current across shunt elements in the zero sequence representation corresponds with
neutral current.

This is just


If the zero sequence is open, as for a delta-delta transformer or ungrounded wye

winding, clearly there is no neutral current. When there is only a series path there is
zero sequence current flow but not through the neutral.

This is just

3I0 ??!

IEEE-PES-Boston-2017-Fall Symmetrical Components 54

Now For a Word About Textbook Lookup Tables …
The Correct Mapping of I0 to IN
The connection to reference, making Zt0 a shunt element, models the delta connection.
I0 flowing through the shunt connection models I0 inside the delta while I0 leaving Zt0
models I0 in the wye winding.


Consider a similar mapping for wye-wye windings. Notice that when there is only a
series path there is zero sequence current flow through the windings but the net zero
sequence current through the neutrals is zero.

IEEE-PES-Boston-2017-Fall Symmetrical Components 55

Now For a Word About Textbook Lookup Tables …
Shared Neutral Bus Example
• If remember these simple connection rules for wye grounding and
delta arrangements, you may never need a lookup table again.

• Always draw what’s physically outside the transformer as being

outside the transformer in your sequence representations.


H0 T0 X0


H0 T0 X0


See the problem?
IEEE-PES-Boston-2017-Fall Symmetrical Components 56
Now For a Word About Textbook Lookup Tables …
Shared Neutral Bus Example
Station A Station A Station B Station B
115kV Bus T1-A 23kV Bus 1 23kV Bus 1 T1-B 115kV Bus

Line 1


Station A Station B
T2-A 23kV Bus 2 23kV Bus 2 T2-B
Line 2


Zero Sequence Reference

Station A
Station A Station A Station B
Neutral Bus Station B
115kV Bus 23kV Bus 1 23kV Bus 1
Line 1 3RG1B T1-B 115kV Bus



Station A Station B
23kV Bus 2 23kV Bus 2
Line 2 3RG2B T2-B


IEEE-PES-Boston-2017-Fall Symmetrical Components 57

Zero Sequence

Station A
Station A Station A Station B Station B
Neutral Bus
115kV Bus 23kV Bus 1 Line 1 23kV Bus 1 3RG1B T1-B 115kV Bus


Station A Station B
23kV Bus 2
Line 2 23kV Bus 2 3RG2B T2-B


Positive Sequence

Station A Station A Station B Station B

115kV Bus 23kV Bus 1 Line 1 23kV Bus 1 T1-B 115kV Bus


Station A Station B
23kV Bus 2 Line 2 23kV Bus 2 T2-B


Negative Sequence

Station A Station A Station B Station B

115kV Bus 23kV Bus 1 Line 1 23kV Bus 1 T1-B 115kV Bus



Station A Station B
23kV Bus 2 Line 2 23kV Bus 2 T2-B


IEEE-PES-Boston-2017-Fall Symmetrical Components 58

Fault Analysis Using Symmetrical Components

IEEE-PES-Boston-2017-Fall Symmetrical Components 59

Fault Analysis Using Symmetrical Components
Example System (Fault at Bus C)

IEEE-PES-Boston-2017-Fall Symmetrical Components 60

Fault Analysis Using Symmetrical Components
3-Phase (3PH) Fault
At the fault point Va = Vb = Vc = 0 and Ia = Ib = Ic

Since Va = Vb = Vc = 0 b
From the definitions: V0 = V1 = V2 = 0
Since Ia = Ib = Ic
From the definitions: I0 = 0 and I2 = 0
As expected, these relationships
suggest only the positive sequence
network to be connected at the
fault point.


V0 
Va  Vb  Vc  I0 
I a  I b  I c 
3 3 Va  V0  V1  V2 I a  I 0  I1  I 2
V1  Va  aVb  a 2Vc  I1  I a  aI b  a 2 I c 
1 1
3 Vb  V0  a 2V1  aV2 I b  I 0  a 2 I1  aI 2
V2  Va  a 2Vb  aVc  Vc  V0  aV1  a 2V2 I c  I 0  aI1  a 2 I 2
I 2  I a  a 2 I b  aI c 
1 1
3 3

IEEE-PES-Boston-2017-Fall Symmetrical Components 61

Fault Analysis Using Symmetrical Components
3-Phase (3PH) Fault

a Va  Vb  Vc  0
Ia  Ib  Ic

I a1 

IEEE-PES-Boston-2017-Fall Symmetrical Components 62

Fault Analysis Using Symmetrical Components
3-Phase (3PH) Fault


Ia  Ib  Ic
Va  Vb  Vc  0 V POS V1


V1  0
V0  V2  0 NEG V2

I0  I2  0

Notice we observe an extra
component of V1 and I1
because of load current and
source impedance. ZERO V0

The above fault record is from Washington State University’s March 2011 Hands-On Relay School

IEEE-PES-Boston-2017-Fall Symmetrical Components 63

Fault Analysis Using Symmetrical Components
Single-Line-to-Ground (SLG) Fault

At the fault point Va = 0 and Ib = Ic = 0
Since Va = 0 V0 + V1 + V2 = 0
Since Ib = Ic = 0 I0 + a2I1 + aI2 = 0 and
I0 + aI1 + a2I2 = 0 These relationships suggest that
all three sequence networks are
Which simplifies to I0 = I1 = I 2 connected in series at the fault


V0 
Va  Vb  Vc  I0 
I a  I b  I c 
3 3 Va  V0  V1  V2 I a  I 0  I1  I 2
V1  Va  aVb  a 2Vc  I1  I a  aI b  a 2 I c 
1 1
3 Vb  V0  a 2V1  aV2 I b  I 0  a 2 I1  aI 2
V2  Va  a 2Vb  aVc  Vc  V0  aV1  a 2V2 I c  I 0  aI1  a 2 I 2
I 2  I a  a 2 I b  aI c 
1 1
3 3

IEEE-PES-Boston-2017-Fall Symmetrical Components 64

Fault Analysis Using Symmetrical Components
Single-Line-to-Ground (SLG) Fault

Va  0
Ib  Ic  0

I a1  I a 2  I a 0 
Z1  Z 2  Z 0
I a  I a1  I a 2  I a 0  3I a 0 
Z1  Z 2  Z 0

IEEE-PES-Boston-2017-Fall Symmetrical Components 65

Fault Analysis Using Symmetrical Components
Single-Line-to-Ground (SLG) Fault


Va  0 V V1

Ib  Ic  0


V0  V1  V2  0 V2

I 0  I1  I 2
Notice we observe an
extra component of V1 ZERO
and I1 because of load
current and source V0

The above fault record is from Washington State University’s March 2011 Hands-On Relay School
IEEE-PES-Boston-2017-Fall Symmetrical Components 66
Fault Analysis Using Symmetrical Components
Line-to-Line (LL) Fault

At the fault point Ia = 0 and Ib = -Ic and Vb = Vc a

Since Vb = Vc V0 + a2V1 + aV2 = V0 + aV1 + a2V2 b

Which simplifies to V1 = V2
Since Ib = -Ic I0 + a2I1 + aI2 = -(I0 + aI1 + a2I2)
Which simplifies to I1 = -I2
These relationships suggest the
Since Ia = 0 I0 + I1 + I2 = 0 where I1 = -I2 positive and negative sequence
Which simplifies to I0 = 0 networks are connected in
parallel at the fault point.


V0 
Va  Vb  Vc  I0 
I a  I b  I c 
3 3 Va  V0  V1  V2 I a  I 0  I1  I 2
V1  Va  aVb  a 2Vc  I1  I a  aI b  a 2 I c 
1 1
3 Vb  V0  a 2V1  aV2 I b  I 0  a 2 I1  aI 2
V2  Va  a 2Vb  aVc  Vc  V0  aV1  a 2V2 I c  I 0  aI1  a 2 I 2
I 2  I a  a 2 I b  aI c 
1 1
3 3

IEEE-PES-Boston-2017-Fall Symmetrical Components 67

Fault Analysis Using Symmetrical Components
Line-to-Line (LL) Fault
Ia  0
Ib  Ic
Vb  Vc

I a1   I a 2 
Z1  Z 2
Va1  Va 2

IEEE-PES-Boston-2017-Fall Symmetrical Components 68

Fault Analysis Using Symmetrical Components
Line-to-Line (LL) Fault
Ia  0
Ib  Ic POS V V1
Vb  Vc
Notice we observe an
extra component of V1
and I1 because of load NEG
current and source V2

V1  V2 Z0

I0  0
I1   I 2 ZERO V0

The above fault record is from Washington State University’s March 2011 Hands-On Relay School
IEEE-PES-Boston-2017-Fall Symmetrical Components 69
Fault Analysis Using Symmetrical Components
Double Line-to-Ground (DLG) Fault
At the fault point Ia = 0 and Vb = Vc = 0

Since Vb = Vc = 0 V0 + a2V1 + aV2 = 0 and b

V0 + aV1 + a2V2 = 0
Which simplifies to V0 = V1 = V2 c

Since Ia = 0 I0 + I1 + I 2 = 0
Or rewritten as I1 = -(I0 + I2) These relationships suggest the
zero, positive and negative
sequence networks are all
connected in parallel at the fault


V0 
Va  Vb  Vc  I0 
I a  I b  I c 
3 3 Va  V0  V1  V2 I a  I 0  I1  I 2
V1  Va  aVb  a 2Vc  I1  I a  aI b  a 2 I c 
1 1
3 Vb  V0  a 2V1  aV2 I b  I 0  a 2 I1  aI 2
V2  Va  a 2Vb  aVc  Vc  V0  aV1  a 2V2 I c  I 0  aI1  a 2 I 2
I 2  I a  a 2 I b  aI c 
1 1
3 3

IEEE-PES-Boston-2017-Fall Symmetrical Components 70

Fault Analysis Using Symmetrical Components
Double Line-to-Ground (DLG) Fault

Ia  0
Vb  Vc  0

Ia  0
Ib  Ic
Vb  Vc

I a1   I a 2 
Z1  Z 2 Va1  Va 2  Va 0
Va1  Va 2
I a1 
 Z Z 
Z1   2 0 
 Z2  Z0 

IEEE-PES-Boston-2017-Fall Symmetrical Components 71

Fault Analysis Using Symmetrical Components
Double Line-to-Ground (DLG) Fault


Ia  0
Vb  Vc  0


V0  V1  V2 NEG V2

I1    I 0  I 2 
Notice we observe an
extra component of V1
and I1 because of load
current and source ZERO V0

The above fault record is from Washington State University’s March 2011 Hands-On Relay School
IEEE-PES-Boston-2017-Fall Symmetrical Components 72
Fault Analysis Using Symmetrical Components
Phase Shifting Across Delta-Wye Transformers

IEEE-PES-Boston-2017-Fall Symmetrical Components 73

Fault Analysis Using Symmetrical Components
Phase Shifting Across Delta-Wye Transformers
For this example HV leads LV by 30°. Let the system
voltage ratio (N) equal 1. Consequently, the turns
ratio (n) must be 1/3. We know that

Because the sequence networks are independent, we

can apply them individually adding the results by
Starting with positive sequence values we get the
following for voltage and current.

Pictures and equations are from Appendix 4.3 in Blackburn.

IEEE-PES-Boston-2017-Fall Symmetrical Components 74
Fault Analysis Using Symmetrical Components
Phase Shifting Across Delta-Wye Transformers
Recall from before that

Next applying negative sequence values we get the

following for voltage and current.

2 2

Pictures and equations are from Appendix 4.3 in Blackburn.

IEEE-PES-Boston-2017-Fall Symmetrical Components 75
Fault Analysis Using Symmetrical Components
Phase Shifting Across Delta-Wye Transformers

• Blackburn Appendix 4.3 provides a second transformer,

Example (b), which has a high side delta, low side wye with
the HV side similarly leading the low side by 30°.

• The process for determining the positive and negative

sequence shift angles is the same as Example (a) as are the
actual shift angles.

IEEE-PES-Boston-2017-Fall Symmetrical Components 76

Fault Analysis Using Symmetrical Components
Example System (Fault at Bus C)

1. Interconnect the sequence networks

to model the particular fault type and
solve the network to determine the
total fault current components I012
and convert to IABC.

2. Next, determine other internal values

for particular elements – say the
current through Generator GB and
the voltage behind its reactance – by
simply determining the current
through GB in each network (IGB0,
IGB1 and IGB2) as well as the 3
voltages across GB (VGB0, VGB1 and

3. Now convert IGB_012 and VGB_012 to


IEEE-PES-Boston-2017-Fall Symmetrical Components 77

Sequence Networks for a UG System With an SLG Fault

• X0C is generally assumed equal

to X1C and X2C.

• X0C, X1C and X2C are very large

compared to the series
reactances of the system so X1C
and X2C are shorted by the
XFMR and GEN X1 and X2.

• Note that the location of the fault

has little effect on the magnitude
of the capacitive fault current
since the capacitance is
distributed throughout the
system and the values of the
series reactances are small.

IEEE-PES-Boston-2017-Fall Symmetrical Components 78

IEEE-PES-Boston-2017-Fall Symmetrical Components 79
Common Question From Projects Regarding
Open Delta VTs versus Wye-Wye VTs

Why do I have to reject proposals to use two (2) VTs in an open delta configuration instead
of three (3) VTs in a wye-wye configuration?

This is simply not

suitable on 3PH-4W
(grounded) systems

9Refer to IEEE Std. C37.230-2007, Guide for Protective Relay Applications to Distribution Lines, Figure 6-5.

IEEE-PES-Boston-2017-Fall Symmetrical Components 80


IEEE-PES-Boston-2017-Fall Symmetrical Components 81


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