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Fire Safety Journal, 13 (1988) 9 - 15 9

Strength and Deformation Properties of Steel at Elevated Temperatures:

Some Practical Implications

Technical Centre for Fire Prevention, TNO Institute for Building Materials and Structures, P.O. Box 49,
NL-2600 AA Delft (The Netherlands)


By way o f illustration, the following At temperatures above about 450 °C, steel
features o f strength and deformation prop- displays creep phenomena. This means that
erties o f steel at elevated temperatures are under these circumstances, the deformation
dealt with in this paper: high temperature of a steel member under constant loading
creep, 'effective' yield stress, thermal elon- will increase with time, even if the tem-
gation and relaxation behaviour. The prac- peratures and stresses remain unchanged.
tical significance o f these phenomena is The process proceeds more rapidly as the
discussed on basis o f their effect on the stress and/or the temperature in the member
behaviour o f structural components ex- is increased. The occurrence of creep means
posed to fire. that the deformation and collapse behaviour
of a steel structure in a fire depends strictly
on the heating-up program to which it is
1. INTRODUCTION subjected.
The models by which the mechanical
Investigations into the mechanical prop- properties of steel at elevated temperatures
erties of materials at elevated temperatures are described, can basically be distinguished
normally focus on the modelling of strength in sophisticated models, in which creep is
and deformation characteristics under certain included explicitly [ 1 , 3 , 7 ] and pragmatic
loading conditions, accounting for parameters models in which the strength and deformation
such as temperature and time. Developed properties are presented by a set of tem-
models are verified [1 - 3], or even established perature-dependent stress-strain relationships
[4- 6] by pilot tests on simple structural [2, 4 - 6, 8]. In the latter approach, creep
systems. Comparing the outcomes of the is included in an implicit way. On the basis
various models, nevertheless, quite large dis- of the first-mentioned models, graphs can
crepancies appear to exist. So far, only minor be constructed which give the critical steel
attention has been paid to the practical temperature as a function of the load param-
implications of these discrepancies. This is eter ~ [9]. See, as an example, Fig. 1.
amazing, since only on the basis of such an The different curves in this Figure are
analysis can the practical significance of the related to different heating conditions of
various models be evaluated. the steel. The upper curve corresponds to
In this paper, some basic features of the a severe fire/non-insulated member; the
various models for the mechanical properties lower curve to a non-severe fire/heavily
of steel are briefly revealed, and the practical insulated member. The middle curve stands
consequences of these are discussed. The for average conditions. It is seen that, com-
discussion is focused on steel elements, al- pared to the average curve, the m a x i m u m
though some attention will be paid to the deviation of the critical temperature due to
effect of the various assumptions made on creep is approximately 20 °C. If now a situa-
the structural behaviour of composite steel- tion is considered in which the steel member
concrete elements. is exposed to standard fire conditions, then

0379-7112/88/$3.50 © Elsevier Sequoia/Printed in The Netherlands


L_LA I I I I I I ] I q
o 05

q ctP~3 L2 J ~ % ~

200 4{ GO0
--~D-~ steel t e m p e r a t u r e ( ° C )
Fig. 1. The critical steel temperature as a function of the load parameter/3 for various heating conditions [9 ].

Effect of the rate of heating on the critical steel temperature of fire-exposed small-scale steel frames (P/Pp2o =
0.20; ~eff = 76) [10]

Heating rate Critical temp. (°C) ~ ~L H

(°C/min) Experimental Theoretical

5 535 t 4OOmm t

10 530 505 ~H

50 535 L_ 400mm_1

the heating rate of the steel will, under prac- such as loading and effective slenderness
tical circumstances, vary between 50 °C/min of the columns are identical in the various
(non-insulated member) and 5 °C/min {heavily tests. Also the critical t em perat ure calculated
insulated member). In terms of fire resistance on the basis of the material law described
time, this would mean t hat -- due to c r e e p - in ref. 2 is given. The agreement with the
differences are f ound of only a few minutes. experimental values is reasonable.
In view of the ot her uncertainties involved, It is concluded therefore, that, at least
such an accuracy is meaningless. under standard fire conditions, it is not
Also the results of research described in, necessary to use a complicated creep model,
for example, refs. 10 and 11, lead to the but t h a t relatively simple models based on
conclusion that the d e f o r m a t i o n behaviour time-independent stress-strain diagrams will
and thus the collapse t e m per a t ur e of beams suffice. This conclusion is i m p o r t a n t from
and columns is n o t significantly influenced the practical point of view, since the vast
by the heating program, subject to the proviso majority of the fire engineering designs is
that the rate of heating varies between the still based at present on standard fire ex-
above-mentioned values and the final steel posure.
t e m per atu r e does n o t exceed, say, 600 °C. The above conclusion obviously does n o t
This is illustrated in Table 1 where the critical mean that the development of creep models
temperature of small-scale, unbraced portal was in vain. Such models can be used for
frames subjected to both vertical and hori- special analysis, where an unusual fire ex-
zontal loads under various heating conditions, posure is expected. Another application
is presented [10]. All ot he r parameters, could be to carry out systematic calculations

in order to trace more generally the condi- truncation is at a strain (=ey) of 0.5%. The
tions (e.g., natural fire exposure, loading, corresponding effective yield stress as func-
heating rate) under which creep effects may tion of the steel temperature is presented
be taken into account implicitly. in Fig. 4. If the elementary plastic theory
may be applied and if the steel temperature
is uniformly distributed, this relationship
3. ' E F F E C T I V E ' Y I E L D S T R E S S O F S T E E L A T is the only material law that is needed to
ELEVATED TEMPERATURES calculate the steel temperature at which
collapse will occur, the so-called critical
The concept of 'effective' yield stress is temperature. In literature, many design
introduced in the ECCS Recommendations assumptions for the relation between effec-
on the Fire Safety of Steel Structures [12, tive yield stress and steel temperature are
13] and elsewhere, cf. e.g., ref. 14, in order presented, which normally differ substan-
to be able to apply elementary plastic theory. tially. One of the reasons for these differ-
Elementary plastic theory renders extremely ences is that the strain for which the effective
simple solutions for the critical temperature yield stress is derived is arbitrary chosen
of members, such as beams, which is advan- and will, therefore, generally be different in
tageous from the practical point of view. the various approaches. This, however, is
The idea of the effective yield stress is, that not the only reason, as is illustrated in Fig. 5
the stress-strain relations are truncated at in which the ECCS proposal is compared
a relatively high strain level, so as to define with data suggested by BSC [8]. It is seen
a yield plateau: see Fig. 2. This is necessary that, also on basis of the same ey values,
since the stress-strain relationships of steel quite large differences exist, especially in the
at elevated temperatures do not show an temperature range of 4 0 0 - 6 0 0 ° C . These
explicit yield traject, b u t strain hardening are due to different shapes of the stress-
will occur all the way in the plastic range. strain relationships according to ECCS and
In a plastic design for room temperature
conditions, and if steel is used which has 250-
no yield traject, normally the 0.2% p r o o f E ~ zo -c
Z~ ~/I ~ effective yield
stress is taken as the 'effective' stress level. c: 200- / f ~, ..200 250
stress levels
To use the 0.2% p r o o f stress in a fire engi- /
L~ 300 350
neering design as effective yield stress seems, T400
however, less appropriate, since under fire ~- 450
conditions the deformations are less critical u~ - 500
than at room temperature.
The way that the effective yield stress is 1°t
I 5so
600 *c
derived from proposed stress-strain relations, effective yield
strain for
for steel grade Fe 360 in refs. 13 and 14, z,O0 a;e ~ 600 "C
is illustrated in Fig. 3. Note that for a (prac- '
0.1 oL.2 ,
0.3 o.t~ I
0.5 o!6
tical) temperature range of 4 0 0 - 6 0 0 ° C , - - ~ s t r a i n E: in %
Fig. 3. Stress-strain diagrams for Fe 360 according
t~ to ref. 12, showing the effective yield stress levels.
actual behaviour

pted in Gy__~0
/ ~'el-c°mmendations Oy20
~1 ~ I effective 0.5
V L effective yield-i yield stress G'y.~,
strain ~y J
I 500 1000

strain --Im.- temperature ('C)

Fig. 2. Simplification of the stress-strain diagrams Fig. 4. Effective yield stress o f structural steel as a
of steel at elevated temperatures. f u n c t i o n o f t e m p e r a t u r e according to ref. 12.

l0 "\ TABLE 2
Oye \\\ BSC:~.y:10% Critical steel temperatures according to various ma-
Oy2o \\~ BSC:~:y:0.5% terial laws as functions of the load level P/Pp2o
j~ 0.5
~x~ECCS (~y:05%) Studies P/Pp2o
0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2
500 1000
temperature(°C) ECCS
(~y : 0.5%)
360 430 490 540 585 630

Fig. 5. Effective yield stress as function of tempera- BSC 460 515 535 585 625 690
ture: ECCS [12] vs. BSC [8]. (~y = 0.5%)
BSC 515 550 575 615 660 715
(~y = 1.0%)
BSC. It is of interest t o investigate t h e prac-
tical c o n s e q u e n c e s o f the i d e n t i f i e d differ-
50 50
With this a i m it is n e c e s s a r y , as a first step,
to find o u t w h a t t h e various m a t e r i a l laws tI[mi
~ n]25 ~ t~[m25in]~I ~\\
m e a n in t e r m s o f critical steel t e m p e r a t u r e .
If t h e e l e m e n t a r y plastic t h e o r y m a y be
a p p l i e d a n d if t h e r e is a u n i f o r m t e m p e r a t u r e
o o!s ,b o o!5 ~'o
d i s t r i b u t i o n in t h e steel m e m b e r , it can be
s h o w n t h a t t h e following e q u a t i o n h o l d s (a) -- P/P"'° (b) ~'- P/P"'°
[13]: Fig. 6. Fire resistance tf of unproteeted beams as a
function of the load level P/Pp2o, ealeulated on the
P /Pp2o -
oy0 (I) basis of the effeetive yield stresses aeeording to ECCS
0y20 [12] and BSC [8]. (a) BSC: ~y =0.5%. (b) BSC:
where ~y = 1.0%.

P = actual load
In t h e case of p r o t e c t e d steel m e m b e r s ,
Pp:0 = collapse load at r o o m t e m p e r a t u r e
it is i m p o r t a n t to w h a t e x t e n t t h e i n s u l a t i o n
ay0 = e f f e c t i v e yield stress at t e m p e r a t u r e 0
t h i c k n e s s , necessary to m e e t a certain fire
oy20 = yield stress at r o o m t e m p e r a t u r e .
resistance, is i n f l u e n c e d b y the c h o s e n m a t e -
F o r a given value o f P/Pp2o, t h e critical rial law. T h e n e c e s s a r y i n s u l a t i o n thickness,
steel t e m p e r a t u r e f o l l o w s via Fig. 5 d i r e c t l y d (m), m a y be a p p r o x i m a t e d b y t h e fol-
f r o m the given m a t e r i a l law. T a b l e 2 sum- lowing e q u a t i o n [ 1 3 ] :
marizes critical steel t e m p e r a t u r e s f o r a
t ]1.3
(practical) range of PIPp2o (= 0.7 - 0.2), t a k i n g F ;k (2)
d = 0.0083 e ---140/
i n t o a c c o u n t t h e ECCS and t h e BSC data.
F o r a certain l o a d level, d i f f e r e n c e s o f 100 °C
and m o r e a p p e a r t o b e possible. where
As a n e x t step, t h e e f f e c t in t e r m s o f fire F
resistance m u s t be e x a m i n e d . First c o n s i d e r - section value, m -1
u n p r o t e c t e d steel m e m b e r s . F o r a practical
range o f t h e section f a c t o r (F/V = 50 and X = t h e r m a l c o n d u c t i v i t y o f t h e insulation,
200 m -~) t h e fire resistance is calculated m2C/W
as a f u n c t i o n o f t h e ratio P/P,2o, t a k i n g into 0s = critical steel t e m p e r a t u r e , °C
a c c o u n t critical steel t e m p e r a t u r e s a c c o r d i n g t = r e q u i r e d fire resistance, min.
to T a b l e 2. F o r s o m e results, b a s e d o n a Thus, f o r a given s i t u a t i o n c h a r a c t e r i z e d
t h e r m a l m o d e l as d e s c r i b e d in refs. 13 a n d 14, b y F/V, X, t, t h e relative e f f e c t o f t w o se-
r e f e r t o Fig. 6. It f o l l o w s f r o m t h e s e Figures lected m a t e r i a l laws can be w r i t t e n as:
t h a t t h e t w o m a t e r i a l laws lead o n l y to m i n o r
d i f f e r e n c e s in fire resistance, i.e., a p p r o x .
5 min. T h e c h o i c e o f ey is n o t v e r y critical. d: \0s~ - - 1 4 0 (3)

3.0 truncated, in order to find realistic values

2.0 f
d l : acc. to ECCS;Eyl,0.5%

for the effective yield stress.

"~2 ~y2 =1.0% i" d2: ace. to BSC ; ~y2=0.5,1.0%
~y2 =0.5%
I I 4. T H E R M A L A N D R E S I D U A L S T R E S S E S
0 0.5 1.0

Thermal stresses will occur due to a non-
Fig. 7. The ratio dl/d2 b e t w e e n the necessary insula- uniform temperature distribution over the
tion thickness for p r o t e c t e d steel beams as f u n c t i o n
of the load level P/Pp2o, calculated on basis o f t h e
cross section of a member, e.g., a column.
effective yield stress according to ECCS [12] and The magnitude of the thermal stresses de-
BSC [8]. pends on the thermal elongation and the
relaxation behaviour of the materials in-
volved, in combination with:
where - temperature gradient;

--rigidity of the materials involved, which

O,l, d l = critical steel temperature and the in turn will be a function of the tempera-
necessary insulation thickness ac- ture;
cording to material law 1. -- restraint conditions of the structural
element under consideration.
Os2, d2 = critical steel temperature and the
For a statically determinated column with
necessary insulation thickness ac-
a uniform temperature distribution and a
cording to material law 2.
homogeneous cross section, the thermal
Note that eqn. (3) is of a very general nature, stresses will obviously n o t exist, irrespective
i.e., it is independent of the required fire of the thermal elongation of the structural
resistance, section factor, etc. material involved. This will be the case for
Taking the ECCS data as reference (= ma- simply supported steel columns exposed to
terial law 1) the relative effect of the BSC fire on all sides, since, due to the relatively
data, when compared to the ECCS sugges- high thermal conductivity of steel, a uniform
tions, can easily be calculated. For some temperature distribution will occur. However
results, refer to Fig. 7. Regarding the BSC in, for example, fire-exposed concrete-filled
data, it is differentiated between ~y2 = 0.5 HSS columns under similar conditions, a
and 1.0%. It is seen that the optimal benefit significant non-uniform temperature distribu-
of the BSC data is achieved for relatively tion must be expected, since concrete is a
high load levels (P/Pp = 0.6 to 0.7). For bad thermal conductor. Consequently, in the
lower loads, the effect is, again, rather un- core of such a column, the temperature is
important. lower than at the edges, leading to additional
It is concluded that the discrepancies compression stresses at the edges and addi-
between the ECCS suggestion for the effec- tional tensile stresses in the core. Especially
tive yield stress and the BSC data are rather for higher buckling lengths, this may result
large: up to 50%. However, in terms of fire in a significant decrease of the buckling load
resistance or necessary insulation thickness, at elevated temperatures, compared with
these differences are, for practical situations, the situation in which the effect of the ther-
not very significant. Of course this conclu- mal stresses is n o t taken into account. As
sion is validated here only for the comparison an example refer to Fig. 8 [16], where two
between the ECCS and BSC data. In the buckling curves are presented, calculated
scope of a European research project, a more for HSS columns ([~ 3 0 0 X 3 0 0 X 7 m m 3)
general study into the effect of the various filled with reinforced concrete, after 90 min
material laws at elevated temperatures on standard fire exposure. The drawn line is
the resistance to fire of steel and composite based on a model, in which the effect of
steel-concrete building elements [15] is thermal stresses is accounted for; the dashed
presently under way. A problem in this line is calculated with the same model, but
respect is to find objective criteria for the ignoring the effect of the thermal stresses.
stress level ~y at which the stress-strain rela- It is seen that, in the given situation, the
tion at elevated temperatures should be effect of the thermal stresses for a buckling

~ . ~ ~ 2000I ~ - - : t h .... [st . . . . . . assumed that the residual stresses are n o t af-
"C ~'~ included
----- : thermat stresses fected by the steel t em perat ure increase.
1000I - ~"~.~. neglected
Compared to the results of recent tests

k carried out in West Germany, Belgium and

Denmark, this approach leads to solutions
(a) (b) - - - m - buckling length (m } which are on the safe side. Systematic analy-
ses into the actual influence of residual
Fig. 8. Illustration of the effect of thermal stresses
in a fire-exposed HSS column, filled with concrete. stresses, based on experimental evidence,
(a) Distribution of temperature and thermal stresses are n o t available so far.
(schematic); (b) buckling curves at elevated tempera- It follows from the above discussion t h a t
tures. the stress-strain relations at elevated tem-
peratures are not the only material properties
length of, say 3 m, is almost negligible. For which may affect the mechanical response
higher buckling lengths this effect becomes of a structural element, when exposed to
dominant. It is w or t h noting in this respect fire. Occasionally, residual and/ or thermal
that some of the presently used calculation stresses may have a significant effect. The
models for composite columns do ignore the size of this effect will depend on the material
effect o f thermal stresses. Therefore, such properties involved (i.e., thermal elongation/
models, which normally have a semi-experi- relaxation) and it is also very much influenced
mental basis, should be used with e x t r e m e by system properties such as composition
caution when extrapolating outside the and shape of the cross section and the static
range o f experimental evidence. system.
The effect o f residual stresses is quite
similar to th at o f thermal stresses. However,
the circumstances under which t h e y play a 5. CONCLUSIONS
role on the buckling load at elevated tem-
peratures are different. In hot-rolled steel This paper describes some features o f the
sections {both I or ~ shape), i m p o r t a n t strength and d e f o r m a t i o n properties of steel
residual stresses may occur due to the manu- at elevated temperatures. It is not aimed
facturing process. These residual stresses m a y at an in-depth discussion o f the various
affect the structural behaviour of fire ex- p h e n o m e n a involved, but focuses on some
posed steel columns. practical implications of different material
Fo r concrete-filled SHS-columns, the situa- laws described in the literature.
tion is opposite. Where the thermal stresses In this way it can be shown t hat under
are i m p o r t a n t due to the non-uniform tem- practical circumstances --i.e., fire engineering
perature distributions, the residual stresses design based on standard fire exposure --
are, f r o m a practical poi nt of view, not im- high t em perat ure creep may be dealt with
p o r t a n t since after, say, 30 min standard in an implicit way. A practical way to do
fire exposure, the t e m per a t ur e in the steel this is to incorporate creep effects in tem-
tube is so high that it does n o t significantly perature-dependent stress-strain relations.
contribute to the load-bearing capacity of F r o m such relations the so-called 'effective
the column. yield stress' can be derived, the concept of
How i m p o r t a n t the residual stresses in the which is explained. It is shown that rather
case o f traditional steelwork are, is n o t well large differences in the design assumptions
known. In setting up theoretical models, regarding this quantity do result only in
some workers assume t ha t the residual stresses minor differences in terms of fire resistance
vary as a function of the yield stress [17], a n d / o r required insulation thickness.
others assume that the residual stresses Finally, the possible effects o f thermal
simply vanish at elevated t em pe r at ur e [18]. and residual stresses are briefly discussed.
In the European R e c o m m e n d a t i o n s [12], It follows t hat these factors, which sometimes
it has been assumed t hat the buckling curves are overlooked in calculations, may have a
at elevated temperatures can be described by significant influence on the structural behav-
equations similar to those derived for r o o m iour of fire-exposed structural steel and
t e m per atu r e conditions. It is thus implicitly st eel -concret e elements.

The given examples show that, in a rela- 5 J. B. Schleich, Practical Design Tools for Com-
tively simple way, insight into the signifi- posite Steel Concrete Construction Elements
cance of the various proposed material laws Submitted to ISO Fire, Considering the Inter-
action between Axial Load N and Bending Mo-
can be obtained by evaluating their practical ment M, Technical Report no. 3, ARBED Re-
implications. It is felt therefore, that such cherches, CEC Agreement no. 7210-SA/504,
an analysis is an indispensable addition to 1986.
more in-depth studies of the various features 6 A. Rubert and P. Schaumann, Temperaturab-
of material behaviour at elevated tempera- h~'ngige Werkstoffeigenschaften von Baustahl bei
Brandbeanspruchung, Stahlbau, 54 (1985).
tures. 7 T. Z. Harrnathy, A comprehensive creep model,
J. Navy Eng., 89 (1967).
8 Draft British Standard 5950: The Structural Use
o f Steelwork in Building: Part 8: Code o f Practice
LIST O F S Y M B O L S for the Fire Protection o f Structural Steelwork,
British Standard Institution, October 1985.
9 S. E. Magnusson, O. Pettersson and J. Thor, Fire
F = fire-exposed surface per unit length of
Engineering Design o f Steel Structures, Publica-
a steel member tion 50, Swedish Institute of Steel Construction,
V = volume of the steel member Stockholm, 1976.
P = actual load 10 J. Witteveen, L. Twilt and F. S. K. Bijlaard, The
Pp20 = collapse load at room temperature stability of braced and unbraced steel frames at
elevated temperatures, Proc. Second International
d = thickness of insulation material
Colloquim on the Stability o f Steel Structures,
t = required time of fire duration Liege, April, 1977, IABSE/ECCS (European
O ' y 2 0 ---- effective yield stress at room tem- Convention for Constructional Steelwork).
perature 11 D. C. Knight, Predicting the performance of steel
yield stress at elevated temperature members during fire conditions, IABSE Sym-
posium on Steel Composite Structures for Users
0 s = critical steel temperature
Needs, Dresden, 1975, IABSE.
load parameter 12 European Recommendation for the Fire Safety
effective yield strain o f Steel S t r u c t u r e s - Level 1: Calculation o f the
thermal conductivity Fire Resistance o f Load-Bearing Elements and
Structural Assemblies Exposed to the Standard
Fire, Technical Committee 3, ECCS (European
Convention for Constructional Steelwork), 1983.
13 Design Manual on the European Recommenda-
REFERENCES tions for the Fire Safety o f Steel Structures,
Technical Committee 3, ECCS (European Con-
1 J. Thor, Deformation and Critical Loads o f Steel vention for Constructional Steelwork), 1984.
Beams under Fire Exposure Conditions, Docu- 14 L. Twilt and J. Witteveen, Brandveiligheid Staal-
ment D 16, National Swedish Building Research constructies, (Fire Safety of Steel S t r u c t u r e s -
Council, 1973. in Dutch), Staalcentrum Nederland en Staal-
2 J. Witteveen, L. Twilt and F. S. K. Bijlaard, bouwkundig Genootschap, 2nd edition, 1985.
Theoretical and experimental analysis of steel 15 Investigations on Realistic Behaviour and Design
structures at elevated temperatures, Proc. I A B S E o f Complete Structures in Fire Case, Proposal for
lOth congress, Tokyo, 1976, International Asso- research project 7210-SA/112, ECCS, 1985.
ciation for Bridge and Structural Engineering 16 L. Twilt and P. W. v.d. Haar, Harmonization o f
(IABSE), Final report. the Calculation Methods for the Fire Resistance
3 Y. Anderberg, Behaviour o f Steel at High Tem- o f Concrete-filled HSS Columns, Report no.
peratures, Report 44-PHT, Reunion Internatio- B-86-461, TNO, August, 1986.
nale des Laboratoires d'Essais et de Recherches 17 P. Setti, Buckling o f Axially Loaded Steel Col-
sur les Materiaux de Construction (RILEM), umns with Imperfections at Elevated Tempera-
February, 1983. ture, Preliminary Report -- Stability o f Metal
4 F. Hoffend, Das Brandverhalten yon Stahlstiitzen Structures, Paris, November, 1983.
-- Versuche und Berechnung, Sonderforschungs- 18 E. M. Wolfstieg and E. Mackerauch, Zum ther-
bereich 148, Arbeitsberichte 1 9 7 5 - 1 9 7 7 , 1978- mischen Abbau yon Eigenspannungen, Eigen-
1980, 1981 - 1983; TU-Braunschweig, 1977, spannungen -- Deutsche Gesellschaft fiir Metal-
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